牛津译林版九上Unit 2 Colour(Grammar)课件1

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Unit 2 ColourGrammarWhich one would you like to buy?I would like to buy A.=I would rather buy A than buy B.A.Would rather than ABWhich one would she like to wear?She would like to wear=She would rather wearthan Which one would you like to keep as a pet?I would like to keep as a pet.=I would rather keep than Where would you like to go?I would like to go=I would rather go than goSummer PalaceSun Yat-sen MausoleumWe can express preference using“would ratherthan”.And we use an adverb after“would rather”.I,You,She,He,It,they would rather+V+.than+n./V.SummaryExercises1.我宁愿步行去那我宁愿步行去那,也不愿意坐车去也不愿意坐车去.I would rather go there on foot than go there by bus.2.他宁愿学英语他宁愿学英语,也不愿意学数学也不愿意学数学.He would rather learn English than learn Maths.3.他宁愿自己死也不愿失去孩子他宁愿自己死也不愿失去孩子.He would rather die than lose the child.B.prefertoWhich one does he like better?He likes black dress better.=He prefers the black dress to the red dress.Which one does she like better?She likes A better.=She prefers A to B.Which one does she like better?She likes B better.=She prefers B to A.He prefers to What would Eddie like to do?Prefer to 宁愿宁愿,更喜欢更喜欢=like better后跟名词或动名词后跟名词或动名词e.g.:我喜欢城镇而不喜欢农村我喜欢城镇而不喜欢农村.I prefer the town to the country.prefer doing sth.to doing sth.=would ratherthan 1.他喜欢红色而不喜欢黄色他喜欢红色而不喜欢黄色.He prefers red to yellow.2.星期天我喜欢出去玩星期天我喜欢出去玩,不喜欢呆在家里不喜欢呆在家里.I prefer to going out to staying at home on Sundays.=I would rather go out than stay at home on Sundays.3.Jim喜欢打篮球而不喜欢踢足球喜欢打篮球而不喜欢踢足球.Jim prefers to playing basketball to playing football.=Jim would rather play basketball than play football.Exercises1.I _(would/could)rather go swimming than _(to go/go)shopping.2.Id rather _(eat/to eat)Chinese food _(to/than)Japanese food.3.Many men prefer blue _(than/to)red.would go eat than to4.I prefer _(listening/to listen)to music to playing computer games.5.Bob prefers _(to send/sending)e-mails to _(write/writing)letters.listening sending writingC.someone/somebody,anyone/anybody and no one/nobodyThere is someone in classroom.(改为否定句改为否定句)Three isnt anyone in the classroom.=There is no one in the classroom.Where should we use“someone”,“anyone”or“no one?”1.We use someone/somebody in positive sentences to refer to people.2.We use anyone/anybody in negative sentence to refer to people.Its the negative form of someone/somebody.Summary3.When we use anyone/anybody in positive sentences,it means“any person”.e.g.:Anyone can took part in this competition.D.something,anything,nothing and none1.Millie has something in her hands.(否定句否定句)Millie doesnt have anything in her hands.=Millie has nothing in her hands.=Millie has none.1.Something,anything,nothing and none are used to refer things.2.Something is used in positive sentence while anything is used in negative sentence.Summary3.When we are offering something or when we expect the answer to be“yes”we can use“something”in questions.e.g.Would you like something to eat?(You want the person say“yes”.)Exercises1.-What a big box!Can I help you?-No,thanks.Theres _ in it.Its empty.2.-Did the doctor live alone in his home?-He has two sons and a daughter.But _ of them live with him.nothing none3.-Theres _ wrong with my clock.It doesnt work.-Dont worry.Let me have a look.4.-_ is in the classroom.Where are they?-They are all on the playground.5.-How easy the Maths exam was!-Yes.But I dont think _ could pass it.somethingNo one everyone6.-Listen!_ is knocking at the door.7.-What do you think of Kitty?-She is my true friend.She never tells my secrets to _.8.-Helen,what did you talk with Bob?-He asked me to tell him _ I knew.Someone anyonesomething


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