牛津译林版九上Unit 1 Star signs复习课件

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Unit 1 Revisionthe 12 animals signsratOxtigerrabbitdragonsnakehorsegoatmonkey roosterdogpigEddie and Hobo One morning,Eddie was havinghis _when he asked Hoboto bring him the_.Hobo told Eddie to read his stars in the newspaper because it was very _.Eddie got a piece of good news from the newspaper.It was that he could have _to eat and drink.But Hobo brought him a piece of _ news.It was his breakfast had been eaten by_.breakfastnewspaperinterestinglotsHobobad根据所给的首字母或汉语提示完成句子根据所给的首字母或汉语提示完成句子1.The story is very_(有趣)(有趣).2.We wont be h_ because there is lots of food for us to eat today.3.All of us are i_ in English in our school.4.He said he was already familiar with the 12 a_ signs of the Chinese horoscope.5.The boy was born in a western c_,so he cant speak Chinese.6.It is nice of you to bring me the_(报纸)(报纸).7.Kate wants to know her _(同(同班同学)班同学)star signs.8.Some of the star s_ are represented by creatures.interestingungrynterestednimalountrynewspaperclassmatesignsFill in the blanks with the right verbs.1.Its nice of you_(help)me with my English.2.We _(buy)a new computer next week,arent we?3.I found it interesting _(hike)into the mountains.4.We are worrying about _(have)no food to eat.5.He said he had a lot of work _(do)this Sunday.6.Millie wants _(know)what the other six star signs are represented by.7.Remember _(bring)your homework next time.8.Our schools Ss Union _(need)a new chairperson.to helpare going to buyto hikehavingto doto knowto bringneedsChoose the best answer.1.Its clever_ you to work this maths problem out.A.for B.with C.about D.of2.He _his pen everywhere and _ it at last.A.looking for,found B.found,looked forC.found,found D.looked for,found3.We found_ hard to get on well with her.A.that B.it C.this D./4.It is important _ us to learn English well.A.to B.of C.for D.withDDBC5.We will have an evening party this week.Would you like to_ us?A.take part in B.join C.join in D.attend6.What are the teachers _ about the exam?A.speaking B.talking C.saying D.telling7.Dont _his health.A.worry B.be worried C.be worry about D.worry about8.Would you please bring the book _me?A.give B.with C.about D.toBCDDChange the sentences:1.Betty is so imaginative that she can come up with a new idea.Betty is _ _ _ come up with a new idea.2.You are clever to help me work out the maths problem._ clever _ you _ help me work out the problem.3.We must speak to the old men politely.The old men must_ _ _ politely.4.”The moon circles the earth.”the teacher said to the boy.The teacher told the boy_ the moon_ the earth.imaginative enough toItsoftobe spoken tothatcircles1.energetic2.confident3.easy-going4.outgoing5.curious a.feels sure about his/her own abilityb.want to know about everythingc.have lots of energyd.do not easily get angry6.fair7.patient8.selfishe.care only about himself/herselff.can wait without getting angryg.treat everyone equallyh.is friendly and loves to meet people1.divide sth.into 将某物分成将某物分成.sth.be divided into 某物被分成某物被分成 e.g.我们把蛋糕分成四份我们把蛋糕分成四份。Lets _ the cake _ four.老师把全班分成了四个组老师把全班分成了四个组。(主主)The teacher _ the whole class _ four groups.(被被)The whole class _ _ _ four groups.divide intodividedintowas divided into2.worry v.worry about sb./sth.e.g.那个老师总是担心学生们的功课那个老师总是担心学生们的功课。The teacher always _ _ his _ lessons.不要为我担心不要为我担心。Dont _ _ me.sth.worry sb.“使烦恼使烦恼,使担忧使担忧”e.g.我不知道什么使她烦恼我不知道什么使她烦恼。I dont know what is _ _?worries aboutstudentsworry aboutworrying her 他祖母的病令他担心他祖母的病令他担心。His grandmothers _ _ him.worried adj.(修饰人修饰人),担心的,担忧的,担心的,担忧的,e.g.那位男子看起来神色不安那位男子看起来神色不安。That man _ _.be worried about sb./sth.e.g.他母亲在为他的健康担心他母亲在为他的健康担心。His mother _ _ _ his health.illness worrieslooks worriedis worried about have a worry about sb./sth.3.believe 相信相信;认为认为 a.believe+(that)句子句子 e.g.过去人们认为地球是宇宙的中心过去人们认为地球是宇宙的中心。People _ _ _ that the earth _ the _ of the universe.used to believeis centerb.believe sb.相信某人相信某人e.g.我们老师总是最信任班长我们老师总是最信任班长。Our teacher always _our_.believesmonitor c.当当believe,think,等动词的宾语从句用于等动词的宾语从句用于否定句时,否定句时,否定前移否定前移e.g.我想她不会在家,不过我要去看一看我想她不会在家,不过我要去看一看.I _ believe she _ at home,but Ill go and see.我们认为他不会来参加会议的我们认为他不会来参加会议的We _ think he _ _ _ _ _.dont isdont willcome to the meeting但但hope 就不能否定前移就不能否定前移.我希望她不会来我希望她不会来。I hope she_ _.我希望你不会在犯这样粗心的错误我希望你不会在犯这样粗心的错误.I hope you _ _ _ a careless mistake again.wont come wont make such 注意这些词的回答注意这些词的回答:I believe so./I dont believe so.,I believe not.I think so./I dont think so.但但 I hope so./I hope not.Im afraid so./Im afraid not.4.energetic adj.精神饱满的精神饱满的,充满活力的充满活力的 energy n.能量能量 e.g.他是一个精力充沛的教师他是一个精力充沛的教师,他每天努力工作他每天努力工作。He is _ _ teacher.He _ _ every day.健康的食物能给我们能量健康的食物能给我们能量。_ food can give us _.an energetic works hardHealthyenergyThe child is so energetic.He never stops running around.5.patient adj.耐心的耐心的 impatient adj.不耐心的不耐心的 e.g.约翰很有耐心约翰很有耐心.他总是先听别人说,然后他总是先听别人说,然后再说出自己的想法再说出自己的想法。John is very _.He always _ _ others first,then shows his own _.patientlistens toideas She became very impatient while waiting in the queue.6.at times=sometimes 有时有时e.g.那个人通常呆在家里,但偶尔出去溜狗那个人通常呆在家里,但偶尔出去溜狗。The man usually _ at home,but _ his dog _ a walk _ _.staystakes forat times 8.confident adj.自信的,确信的自信的,确信的,有信心的有信心的 be confident of sth./doing sth.e.g.我们有信心成功我们有信心成功.We are _ _ _.他自信能考及格他自信能考及格.He feels _ _ _ the exam.be confident that 从句从句e.g.我们相信我们能提高我们的英语水平我们相信我们能提高我们的英语水平。We _ _ that we can _ our English.confident of successconfident of passingare confidentimproveShe answered the questions in a confident way.confidence n.信心信心,自信自信 that 从句从句 in sth.在某一个方面有信心在某一个方面有信心e.g.我们完全相信我们能取得成功我们完全相信我们能取得成功。We have _ _ that we shall _ _.我不相信那些说得多做得少的人我不相信那些说得多做得少的人。I have _ _ _ those who talk _ but _ little.full confidencebe successfulno confidence in much do have/lose confidence9.pay attention to sth./doing sth.注意注意,关心,留心关心,留心 e.g.你应该注意听老师讲课你应该注意听老师讲课。You should _ _ _ _ to the teacher.请注意我说的话请注意我说的话。Please _ _ _ what I am _.pay more attention to 更多注意更多注意/关注关注 pay much attention to 重视重视 pay close attention to 密切注意密切注意/关注关注 pay no attention to 不注意不注意/不重视不重视pay attention tolisteningpay attention tosaying11.forgive v.forgave,forgivenforgive sb.for sth./doing sth.原谅某人做了某事原谅某人做了某事 e.g.她已经原谅了他做的轻率的行动她已经原谅了他做的轻率的行动。She _ _ him _ his thoughtless _.她原谅了他的违背诺言她原谅了他的违背诺言。She _ him _ _ his words.has forgiven foractionforgave for breaking 12.have a good sense of humour =be humorous have a high sense of duty have no sense of time have a good sense of music a man of sense 没有时间观念没有时间观念一个通情达理的人一个通情达理的人angrily adv.那个妇女很生气地走出了商店。那个妇女很生气地走出了商店。The woman walked out of the shop _.angrilyHis father looked a_ at him.His father looked a_ at that time.ngrilyngry 15.v.dream of/about sth or doing sth.dreamed/dreamt e.g.他们常梦到自己的故乡他们常梦到自己的故乡。They often _ _ their _.我做梦也不会想要做这样的事我做梦也不会想要做这样的事。I wouldnt _ _ _ such a thing.dream that 从句从句 e.g.我连做梦也没想到会在这里遇到你我连做梦也没想到会在这里遇到你。I never _ that I should _ you here.n.dream e.g.我昨晚做了一个怪梦我昨晚做了一个怪梦。I had a _ _ last night.dream of hometowndream of doing dreamed see/meetstrange dream16.show vt.showed shown show sb.sth.=show sth.to sb.show sb.around sp.show great interest in show sb.how to do sth.show sb the way to sp.show off 炫耀炫耀 那个孩子满屋子跳舞那个孩子满屋子跳舞,向大家炫耀向大家炫耀。The child danced around the room,_ _ to everyone.show n.showing off给某人看某物给某人看某物带领某人参观某地带领某人参观某地显示某方面兴趣显示某方面兴趣给某人看怎样做某事给某人看怎样做某事给某人指去某地的路给某人指去某地的路a fashion showa TV showtalk show 13.successful adj.be successful a successful charity show success n.I wish you a great success.successfully adv.do sth.successfully succeed v.succeeded succeeded succeed in sth./doing sth.e.g.我希望你学习取得成功我希望你学习取得成功。I hope you _ _ _ your study.她父亲书教得很好吗她父亲书教得很好吗?_ her father _ _ _?will succeed inDoes succeed inteaching14.angry adj.angrier,angriest an angry silencee.g.我很生气因为他没告诉我他的计划我很生气因为他没告诉我他的计划。I _ _because he didnt told me his plans.get/become angry 他开始生气了他开始生气了。He was beginning to_ _.be angry with 她说她说,”请别对我生气请别对我生气.”“Please dont _ _ _me,”she said.David 很生自己的气因为让别人看见了他的真实感受很生自己的气因为让别人看见了他的真实感受.David _ _ _himself for lettingthe others see his_ _.was angryget/becomebe angry withwas angry withtrue feelingsangrytooforseemtolistentoinclassoftobringa lot tonot havingfimilar withstar signs语法一、It is 形容词形容词of sb(not)to do sth.该句型常用描述人物特征的形容词,good kind nicecleverrightcarefulrudewise foolishstupidselfish carelesswrong silly thoughtful honest generous难点:It is 形容词形容词of sb to do sth.It is 形容词形容词for sb to do sth.如何区别?如何区别?首先,两者首先,两者使用的形容词不同使用的形容词不同,for sb.的句型通常的句型通常使用表示客观使用表示客观情况的形容词,情况的形容词,of sb.的句型一般的句型一般用表示主观感用表示主观感情、人物性格的形容词情、人物性格的形容词。如:。如:It was hard for him to mend the car.It was careless of the girl to leave her bag on the taxi.其次,其次,of sb.of sb.句型一般都可以转换成带一个不句型一般都可以转换成带一个不定式作状语的句子,定式作状语的句子,for sb.for sb.的句型则不可以这样转换。如:的句型则不可以这样转换。如:It was very kind of you to help me.=You were very kind to help me.后面能够接后面能够接for sb.的常见形容词有:的常见形容词有:hard/difficult 难的难的 easy 容易的容易的i n t e r e s t i n g 有 趣 的有 趣 的important 重要的重要的necessary 必要的必要的 u n i n t e r e s t i n g 无 聊 的无 聊 的impossible 不可能的不可能的possible 可能的可能的语法二、主语主语be形容词形容词enough to do sth.这个句型用来描述主语的人品和能力这个句型用来描述主语的人品和能力.表示表示“某人或某物在某方面已经能够某人或某物在某方面已经能够达到做某事的程度达到做某事的程度”。e.g.Andy is outgoing enough to make friends easily.注意:注意:1、enough是副词,修饰前面的形容词。是副词,修饰前面的形容词。enough用作副词时,位置用作副词时,位置在被修饰词的后在被修饰词的后面。面。He is old enough to go to school.Andy is strong enough to be a player.Exercises:1.He is kind.He helps me with my English.=Its _ _ _ _ help me with my English.=He _ _ _ _ help me with my English.2.The boy is so strong that he can lift the box.=The boy is _ _ _ _the box 3.The problem is so difficult that he cant wok it out.=The problem is _ _ _him _ work out.=The problem isnt _ _ _him _ work out.kind of him to is kind enough to strong enough to carry too difficult for toeasy enough for to注意:注意:2 2、在使用本句型的时候,要注意主语和、在使用本句型的时候,要注意主语和be动词的一致性。形容词前没有任何诸如动词的一致性。形容词前没有任何诸如very,quite等之类的修饰词。等之类的修饰词。The room is big enough to live in.5.Oxfam Trailwalker每年每年11月份举行。月份举行。6.18岁以上的人可以自行组成岁以上的人可以自行组成4人一组参加人一组参加这个慈善步行活动。这个慈善步行活动。7.你必须在你必须在48小时之内走完小时之内走完100米的路程。米的路程。8.这就意味着你必须得不睡觉走上两天两这就意味着你必须得不睡觉走上两天两夜夜 9.对于人们了解团队精神来说,这是一个对于人们了解团队精神来说,这是一个极好的机会。极好的机会。10.你们必须一起走来完成这个远足活动,你们必须一起走来完成这个远足活动,因为只有团队的结束时间才会被记录。因为只有团队的结束时间才会被记录。11.对于你们来说,活动前和活动中互相支对于你们来说,活动前和活动中互相支持互相帮助是必要的。持互相帮助是必要的。12.你不可能把所有东西都随身带你不可能把所有东西都随身带着,所以拥有支持队给你们带来食着,所以拥有支持队给你们带来食物和水是有用的。物和水是有用的。13.这些钱被用来帮助穷人们和支这些钱被用来帮助穷人们和支持发展项目。持发展项目。14.在步行之前几个月就开始训练在步行之前几个月就开始训练是必要的是必要的。15.为什么不尽你最大的努力去为什么不尽你最大的努力去帮助那些需要帮助的人呢?帮助那些需要帮助的人呢?16.这将会是一段你永远也不会这将会是一段你永远也不会忘记的经历。忘记的经历。23.它在阳光大街以南它在阳光大街以南5公里处。公里处。24.文通中学是唯一一个靠近我家的学校。文通中学是唯一一个靠近我家的学校。25.在路上,我们可以欣赏乡村的美景。在路上,我们可以欣赏乡村的美景。16.因为拥有空地和新鲜的空气,南山是因为拥有空地和新鲜的空气,南山是一个适合于慈善步行的好地方。一个适合于慈善步行的好地方。P103 27.如果我们一大早去那儿,我们可以听如果我们一大早去那儿,我们可以听到鸟叫声。到鸟叫声。28.我希望你能觉得这信息是有用的。我希望你能觉得这信息是有用的。29.如果我想参加慈善步行活动,我需要如果我想参加慈善步行活动,我需要注意什么呢?注意什么呢?30.带上地图和手机是明智的,尤其是在带上地图和手机是明智的,尤其是在你迷路的时候。你迷路的时候。31.这个活动的目的是为一个叫这个活动的目的是为一个叫UNICEF的慈善组织筹款。的慈善组织筹款。32.你的捐赠可以给穷孩子们提供食物和你的捐赠可以给穷孩子们提供食物和衣服以及学习的机会。衣服以及学习的机会。33.途中我们可以欣赏乡村美丽的景色。途中我们可以欣赏乡村美丽的景色。34.如果你对远足感兴趣,别错过这个机如果你对远足感兴趣,别错过这个机会会。35.记得在五月记得在五月15日或之前把申请日或之前把申请表通过电子邮件返回来。表通过电子邮件返回来。36.完成步行的前完成步行的前10人每人将得到人每人将得到一份纪念品一份纪念品.37.要想得到更多的信息,请与要想得到更多的信息,请与Amy用号码用号码5579966联系。联系。38.你想看看我校的美丽风景吗?你想看看我校的美丽风景吗?39.带上地图和手机是明智的。带上地图和手机是明智的。40.这个事件发生在这个事件发生在1919年。年。41.不要错过这个帮助贫困孩子的机不要错过这个帮助贫困孩子的机会会 42.记住明天下午三点钟之前把汽车记住明天下午三点钟之前把汽车还给我。还给我。Millie is reading the school newsletter.Milliesubjectis reading the school newsletterpredicatethe school newsletterdirect objectschoolattributive You are selfish at times.Yousubjectare selfishpredicateselfishpredicativeat timesadverbialThank you!Aries21st Mar20th Apr You are energetic and active,but sometimes too impatient.You like to be the leader.Some people think that you are selfish at times.Taurus21st Apr21st May You are stubborn and do not like change.You are a hard-working person.You are patient and do not give up easily.Gemini22nd May21st Jun You are a curious and clever person.You are outgoing but your feelings change easily.You love to talk.Cancer22nd Jun22nd Jul You are kind.You love your home and family and like to take care of others.You like saving money and cooking.Leo23rd Jul22nd Aug You are a strong and confident person.You are generous.You like to buy your friends nice gifts.Virgo23rd Aug22nd Sept You are a modest person.You worry too much at times.You are practical and you always pay attention to details.Libra23rd Sept22nd Oct You are a polite and fair person.You are elegant and love beautiful things.You love peace and do not like to argue with others.Scorpio23rd Oct21st Nov You are a powerful person and have lots of energy.You like to keep secrets.However,sometimes it is silly of you not to forgive others for their faults.(mistakes)Sagittarius22nd Nov20th Dec You enjoy life and have a good sense of humour.You are often lucky.You love travelling to different places.Capricorn21st Dec20th Jan You are work hard and are often successful.You are good at making or planning things.You are patient enough to wait without getting angry.Aquarius21st Jan19th Feb You are kind and wise.You have many friends.However,some people think that you are strange beacuse you hate to be like others.You try to do everything differently.Pisces20th Feb20th Mar You are generous,kind,gentle and easy-going.You are also creative and imaginative.You like to dream about everything.


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