牛津译林版九上Unit 1 Star signs课件

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Unit 1 Vocabulary Describing friends characteristics positive negative21st Jan19th Feb20th Feb20th Mar21st Mar20th Apr21st Apr21st May22nd May21st Jun22nd Jun22nd JulAquariusstar signbirthdayPiscesAriesTaurusGeminiCancerKind and wisehave many friendslike to be differentgenerous,kind,gentle,easy-going,creative imaginativeenergetic,activelike to be the leaderhard-working,patientdont give up easilycurious,clever,outgoing,love to talkKind,love your home and family,take care of others,like saving money and cookingimpatientselfishstubborndont like change characteristics positive negative23rd Jul22nd Aug23rd Aug 22nd Sept23rdSept22nd Oct23rd Oct21st Nov22nd Nov20th Dec21st Dec20th Janbirthdaystar signLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornstrong,confident,generous,modest,practicalpay attention to detailspolite,fair,elegant,love beautiful things,love peace,dont like to argue with otherspowerful,have lots of energy,like to keep secretsenjoy life,have a good sense of humour,lucky,love travelling to different placassuccessful,good at making or planning things,patientworry too muchdont forgive others for their faultsWhen were you born?What s your star sign?What does your star sign say?What kind of people do you want to make friends with?Why?Which star signs are suitable for the following jobs?Why?teacheractor/actresssingerwaiternurse I was born on _.My star sign is _.It says that I _.In fact,I _.I want to make friends with Virgo because This is my friend.He has lots of energy.She is friendly and loves to meet people.He feels sure about his own ability.She cares only about herself.He does not get angry easily.She treats everyone equally.He can wait without getting angry.She wants to know about everything.energeticoutgoingconfidentselfisheasy-goingfairpatientcuriousIm very generous.I dislike selfish people.I like sports a lot,and I look very strong.I am weak in History and think it is very difficult.My favorite subject is English.I have a good memory,so it is easy for me to remember the English words quickly.However,when it comes to history I seem to have a bad memory and it is hard for me to remember those facts.Im very generous.I dislike selfish people.I like sports a lot,and I look very strong.I am weak in History and I think it is very difficult.My favorite subject is English.I have a good memory,so it is easy for me to remember the English words quickly.However,when it comes to history I seem to have a bad memory and it is hard for me to remember those facts.activeoutgoingselfishimpatientmodestunfairshyinactivegenerousproudcleversillystrongweakpatientfairhard-workinglazyPositiveNegativeCan you help them find their opposites?Can you finish Exercises A,B now?Positive Negative 1._ inactive2.generous _ 3.modest _4._ weak5.shy _6.patient _7._ lazy8.fair _activeselfishproudstrongoutgoingimpatienthard-workingunfairimaginativeactivepatientgenerousmodest Test your memory?Positive(褒义词褒义词)Negative(贬义词)(贬义词)energetic 精力充沛的精力充沛的lazy 无精打采的无精打采的,懒惰的懒惰的The adjectives describing peopleDo you remember?correct friendly polite honest regular un im ir in disCan you say more adjectives like these?Who has the best memory?1.Shes an a_ girl who is good at speaking,singing and dancing.Her brother isnt the same as her.He is _.2.Top students are always h_ones.They are not l_ at all.3.Teachers should be p_.If they are _,their students will be unhappy.4.Mary has many friends and she likes going to the parties and chatting with others.She is very o_.Her brother is just the opposite,he is _.ctiveinactiveard-workingazyatientimpatientutgoingshy5.Lily is the top student in her grade,her teachers and parents are p_ of her.But she is very _ herself.6.Doing more practice can make you s_ while unhealthy lifestyle makes you _.7.All the local businesses are _ except a _ one.We got many donations for the UNICEF.8.Its _ that you criticize(批评批评)your students without asking for the details.Youd better be _ to them.roudmodesttrongweakgenerousselfishunfairfair1.She never makes mistakes.She is a _(care)girl.2.The _ boy thinks vegetables have less _ than meat.(energy)3.Susan is a(n)_ girl and you can find her in many school _.(act)4.Beckham is a good football player because he has many _(person)qualities.5.My brother is a _(practice)boy.6.Rocket is a _(power)basketball team,but they cant enter the final games.carefulenergeticenergyactiveactivitiespersonalpracticalpowerful7.She felt very _(pleasure)when she heard from her son.8.The inventor was very _(imagine)when he was young.9.If you want to do better in your study,you mustnt be _(patient)10.If some sportsmen use drugs,it is _(fair)to the others.11.Dont look _(anger)at her.She is only a child.pleasedimaginativeimpatientunfairangrilyOne student chooses one of the adjectives to make one sentence,and your desk-mate uses the opposite to make a sentence.One pair by one pair.Which group can do the best?Homework1.Remember the adjectives and the opposites.2.Write a short passage to talk about one of your classmates.Tell why you like him or her with the adjectives and the opposites.


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