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Questions and answers based on the introduction to English Grammar,Lecture 1 Sentence Structure ( p.p.1321),I. Clause elements Subject (p.13) Predication (p.13) Predicate verb Object (direct object, indirect object, complex object) Complement (subject complement, object complement) Predicative Adverbial Attributive/ Attribute Appositive e.g. S1: Henry is the most studious in the class. S4: Jennies paintings were judged inferior to Wandas. The experts judged Jennies paintings inferior to Wandas.,Note 1: Single subject/predicate S V and Compound subject/predicate (p.14) S1: The boys and the girls are planning a dance. S V S S4: Leah jumped on her bike and rode around the block. V S V S7: Her brother and her sister were very shy and were really hard persons to get know. S V S V,Note 2: Double Predicate S9:He left home a mere child and returned quite a different man. S10: He was a mere child when he left home, and he became quite a different man when he returned. S2: A bird fell dead to the ground. S1: He died beloved, revered, and mourned by millions of the working people. S4: -Everyone stood listening intently. S3: -The doctor sat reading a newspaper in the shade.,II. Sentence analysis Subject (p.13) Predication (p.13) Predicate verb Object (direct object, indirect object, complex object) Complement (subject complement, object complement) Predicative Adverbial Attributive Appositive Do Ex.1A 1.2,5,9, and 14 (p.15) Key to the rest of Ex. 1A,Do Ex.1 A: 1, 2, 5, 9, 14 Key to Ex. 1 A 1. A. his home work B. quickly, to play 2. A. The huge black horse B. the race 3. A. have thought about B. going into space 4. A. warms up and crawls B. out of the bag 5. A. one of the most beautiful planets to look at through a telescope B. because of the many rings that surround it 6. A. 165 years B. to complete its path, or orbit, around the sun 7. A. you and your brother B. How many pairs of shorts 8. A. the most expensive meal listed on the menu B. What 9. A. an “Outdoor Code” B. their members 10. A. can blow B. as fast as 180 miles (290 kilometers) an hour 11. A. The spiral of heated air and moist air B. to twist and grow and spin 12. A. The direction a hurricanes spiral moves B. counterclockwise 13. A. does not shine B. At the north pole, for half of the year 14. A. The cold winds that blow off of the Arctic Ocean B. a very cold place 15. A. might have been B. guilty of murder,Lecture 2-3 Subject-verb Concord,I. Grammatical meaning: Subject-verb concord is meant agreement between subject and predicate verb in person and number as well. II. Guiding principles (Refer to p.22 ) Principle 1: Grammatical concord S1: Both boys have their own merits. S4: Either answer is correct. S8: Much effort is wasted. Principle 2: Notional S1: The government have asked the country to decide by a vote. S2: Fifteen miles seems like a long walk to me. Principle 3: Proximity S1: Either my brothers or my father is coming. S2: Only one out of five were present. S3: Neither Julia nor I am going.,3. 1Problems of concord with a coordinate subject (p.29) 1) Coordination with “and” or “bothand” p.29 A. 主语的意义为复数时,谓语动词用复数。例如: S1: The fishing and the hunting in Arizona were good that year. S3: Rain, hail and wind have caused an estimated $22,000,000 damage to crops and livestock. S6: Good and bad taste are inculcated by example. 14 B. 主语的意义为单数(不是指两个或以上的人/物)时, 谓语动词用单数。例如: S4: Ham and eggs is a good breakfast. S5: The secretary and treasurer is absent. 6, 10, 12, 16,C. 当and 连接的并列主语带有 each, every 或者 many a 等 限定词语时,其后的谓语动词用单数。例如: S8: Every boy and every girl in this room is entitled to a copy. S1, p30 : Many a man and woman in this community finds himself of herself in need. 18, 30 注 当 and 连接的并列主语的单、复数意义不很明确时, 需根据上下文来判定。例如: S2: His younger brother and the subsequent editor of his collected papers was/ were with him at his death-bed. S3: Your fairness and impartiality has/ have been much appreciated.,2) Coordination with “or”/ “nor”/ “eitheror”/ “neithernor”/“not onlybut also” p.30 其后的谓语动词通常按“就近原则”处理。例如: S4: My sisters or my brother is likely to be at home. S6: Either my father or my brothers are coming. S7: Neither the Kansas players nor the coach was overconfident. S8: Neither the Kansas coach nor the players were overconfident. 3) Subject + as much as/ rather than/ more than/ no less than, 其后的谓语动词形式依主语本身的单复数而定。例如: S7: Some of the workers as much as the manager were responsible for the loss. S6: His brother rather than his parents is to blame. 28,4) Subject + as well as, in addition to, with, along with, together with, except 其后的谓语动词形式取决于主语本身的单复数而定。例如: S3: The manager with some workers was working during the holidays. S3, p.31: No one except two girls was late for dinner. Do Ex. 3A 14, 6, 10, 12, 18, 16, 28, 20 (p.31) Key to the rest of Ex. 2A 1. is 2. was 3. is 4. has 5. were 6. means 7. is 8. is 9. is 10. is 11. were 12. sells 13. is 14. are 15. are 16. are 17. is 18. is 19. was 20.provides 21. are 22. was 23. stops 24. is 25. is 26. does 27. produces 28. is 29. is 30. was,3.2. Problems of concord with expressions of quantity as subject p. 32 1) Concord with expression of definite quantity as subject A. 若数量概念被看着一个整体,谓语动词用单数;若强调 其中的个体,则用复数。例如: S1: The treasurer thought that sixty-five dollars was not too much to ask. S2: Six months is too short a time, General Westmoreland warned. S3: Three miles was too long a distance for Freedman to run. S5: There were six silver dollars in each of the stockings. 1, 2, 21,B. 由“分数(或百分数)+ of- 词组” 构成时,谓语动词依 of- 词组中名词的类别而定。例如: S1: Two-thirds of the swampland has been reclaimed for farming. S3: Thirty-five per cent of the doctors were women. C. 两数相减或相除时,谓语动词用单数;两数相加或相乘 时,谓语动词用单数,也可以用复数。例如: S1: Forty minus fifteen (40 - 15) leaves twenty-five. S3: Seven plus/ and five (7 + 5) makes/ make twelve. D. 若主语由 “one in/ one out of + 复数名词”构成,在正式语 体中, 谓语动词用单数;在非正式语体中,也可以按“就近原则”用复 数。 例如: S1: One in ten students has failed the exam. S2: One out of twenty was badly damaged. S3: One in ten students have failed the exam. S4: One out of twenty were badly damaged.,2) Concord with expression of indefinite quantity as subject p.32 A. 若主语是 all of, some of, none of half of, most of 等表示非确定数量的名词词组,其后的谓语动词形式依 of- 词组中的名词类别而定。例如:a) 中的 S1: Most of the money was recovered by Deputy Player. S2: Most of the members were there. S7: None but the best coffee is good enough. S8: None of my friends ever come(s) to see me. 42 B. 若主语由“lots of, heaps of, loads of, scads of, plenty of + 名词” 构成,表示“许许多多”等概念时,其后的谓语动词的单、复数形式也依 of- 词组中名词类别而定。例如: b) 中的 S1: Lots of food is going to waste. S2: Lots of people are waiting outside. 28,C. 若主语由“a portion of, a series of, a pile of, a panel of + 名词”构成,无论名词的类别如何,谓语动词通常用单数。例如:c) 中的 S1: A substantial portion of the reports is missing. S2: A series of accidents has been reported. S3: A pile of logs was set beside the hearth. D. 若主语由“限定词 + kind/ type/ sort of + 名词” 构成,其后的谓语动词形式按以下规则: a) 在 a kind/ sort/ type of, this kind/ sort/ type of 之后跟单数或不可数 名词,谓语动词用单数。例如: -There is a kind of rose, which fills the air with fragrance when May comes. -This kind of man annoys me. 注 在这样的结构中,通常不用复数名词,如 *this kind of roses, *that type of cars。若要用复数名词,就得说: -Roses of this kind are very sweet. -Cars of that type are old-fashioned. 3,E. 若主语由 “many a + 名词” 或“more than one + 名词” 构成, 其意义虽属复数,但其后的谓语动词要遵循“语法一致”的原则,用单 数。例如: S1: Many a man has done his duty. S2: More than one game was lost. 7 F. 若主语由 “a average of 或 a majority of + 复数名词”构成,表示多数 个体概念时,其后的谓语动词用复数;不表示多数个体概念时, 则 用单数。例如: S1: An average of 25 persons apply each month. S2: A majority of the towns younger men are moving to the city. 16, 17 Do Ex. 3B 1, 2, 21, 12, 13, 33, 42, 28, 3, 7, 16, 17 (p.34) Key to the rest of Ex. 2B,


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