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牛津英语高一词汇、短语复习-必修3一、重点单词1.感觉;感官;感觉到sense n. 2.触觉;接触 touch n.&vt. 3.可能性;机率;机会chance n 4.事实;真理 truth n. 5.忽略;忽视ignore vt. 6.溺死;淹死drown vi.&vt. 7.观察;注意到observe vt. 8.目的地destination n. 9.(两者中)后者的 latter vi.&vt. 10.其余,其他 rest n. 11.出汗;流汗sweat n. 12.致命的deadly adj. 13.空无一人的;被离弃的 deserted14.肌肉 muscle n. 15.伤口;创伤wound n. vt. 16.移植 transplant n.vt. 17.距离 distance n. 18.凝视;盯着看stare vt. 19.临时地;暂时地 temporarily adv. 20.避开;避免 avoid vt. 21.使僵住,呆freeze vt.&vi 22.治疗;处理;对待treatment n. 23.惊慌;恐慌panic vi.&n. 24.自信地confidently adv. 25.有希望地 hopefully adv. 26.将插入 stick vt. 27.减少;减轻 reduce vt. 28.接受;接纳accept vt. 29.迷惑confuse vt. 30.误用;滥用misuse vt. 31.相关的;有联系的related adj. 32.方法 method n. 33.影响affect vt. 34.紧张的;感到有压力的 stressed adj. 35.低声说;耳语whisper vt.vi. 36.凶猛的fierce adj. 37.一扫;一瞥 glance vi. 38.珠宝 jewellery n. 39.志愿者volunteer n. 40.脚步footstep n. 41.害怕fear n. vt. 42.贯穿throughout 43.令人疑惑的confusing 44.词汇vocabulary45.部落tribe46.欧洲人European47.创造create 48.现在如今nowadays 49.官方的official50.构成consist51.因素factor52.贡献contribute53.发展development 54.征服conquer55.代替replace56.侍者servant57.举起,喂养raise58.羊肉mutton 59.上层upper60.阶级class61.采用,采纳adopt62.包括include63.风格style64.过程process65.记录,唱片record 66.承诺promise67.标准standard68.禁止ban69.传播 spread70.机会可能性access71.种族的racial72.性格,人物character73.代表represent74.混合,组成combine75.使简洁,简单simplify76.复杂的complex77.最初地,原始地 originally78.最终地eventually79.反应反射,reflect80.囚犯 prisoner81.相反的opposite82.n.文明civilization 83.n.罗马(人)(的) Roman 84.n.火山 volcano 85.vi.(火山等)爆发 erupt 86.adv.不幸地 unfortunately 87.vt.埋葬;安葬bury 88.n.考古学家archaeologist 89.n.主管,负责人,主任director 90.n.烂泥,泥浆 mud 91.adj.考古(学)的archaeological 92.vt.毁坏,摧毁 destroy 93.vt.收藏,储藏 house 94.adj. 富有的,富裕的wealthy 95.adj.商业的,贸易的commercial 96.adv.渐渐地,逐渐地gradually 97.n.沙尘暴,风沙sandstorm 98.adj.文化的cultural 99.adj.瑞典人(的),瑞典语(的) Swedish 100.n.废墟;遗址残留物;遗迹 ruin(常作ruins)remains n. 101.n. 材料,物质material 102.文献;文件document n. 103.adj.巨大的;庞大的enormous 104.尸体 body n. 105.迫使(某人生气,发疯等)drive vt n.106.通道,过道passage 107.n.埋葬burial 108.骨头 bone n. 109.木制的wooden adj. 110.状态,状况;条件,情形 condition n. 111.发现,揭开(盖子)uncover vt. 112.为提供食物,养活 feed vt 113.n 解决办法 solution 114.忠实的;忠诚的faithful adj. 115.主要的major adj. 116.担心的,有关的 concerned adj. 117.军事的;武装的 military adj. 118.爆炸explode vt. 119.(使)下沉,(使) 沉没sink vi.vt. 120.总统president n. 121.宣告,宣布,宣称declare 122.纪念馆,纪念的 memorial n.adj. 123.战舰 battleship n. 124.共和国;共和政体republic n. 125.帝国empire n. 126.迷惑,混乱,混淆 confusion n. 127.战斗;战争;打斗fighting 128.影响 n. influence n.vt. 129.联合 ,统一,团结unite vt.vi. 130.推翻;颠覆overthrow vt. 131.诗歌 poetry n. 132.哲学philosophy n. 133.相似点;相似;类似similarity n. 134.同样地 likewise adv. 135.路线 route n. 136.货物;商品goods n. 137.n.形成formation 138.重新统一,再联合reunite vt 二、重点短语1.看得到;在视野范围之内 in sight 2.初看起来,一见(钟情)at first sight 3.一看见at the sight of 4.看到catch sight of 5.看不见,失去联系lose sight of 6.看不见out of sight 7.按照正确的顺序in correct order 8.命令某人做某事order sb to do sth 9.盼望;企盼wish for 10.依照某人的建议follow ones advice 11.(手)伸出;伸出(手)reach out 12.(某人)够不着 out of one s reach =out of the reach of sb =beyond ones reach 13.抬头凝视 stare up at 14.怒目而视 glare at 15.(迅速)一扫,一瞥glimpse at 16.留意;留心;密切注意 watch out for 17.值班;值勤on watch 18.在某些情况下 in some cases 19.以防;万一 in case of sth /that 20.报答;偿还(借款) pay back 21.还清(借款);成功 pay off 22.到目前为止so far 23.出发到 set off towards 24.饥饿go hungry 25.动身;燃放(鞭炮)出发set off 26.由于而呆住 be frozen with 27.建立;创立;树立;安装;设立 set up 28.和有关be related to =be linked to 29.着手做事 set about doing sth 30.讲的通;有意义;有道理make sense 31.着手做事 set out to do sth 32.充分利用 make the most/the best/full use of 33.出发set out 34.不能帮助做can not help to do 35.禁不住做 can not help doing ; 36.突然;猛然 all of a sudden 37.(不小心)撞着某物 bang into 38.以为食;吃 feed on 39.拿喂给 feed .to 40.给喂 feed with 41. 取得进步 make progress 42.(铃声、枪声等)突然响起ring out 43.(使)暖和起来;(使)热身 warm up 44.制定出;算出;锻炼 work out 45.想明白;弄清楚;理解make out 46.与相比较compare to/with 47.把比作;说像compare to48.将与作比较;对照 comparewith 49.由组成be made up of 50.有组成consist of 51.拾起,捡起;中途搭载旅客;学会(语言);接收(广播);(花较少钱)买到pick up 52.拿起举起lift up 53.是的成因之一 contribute to 54.控制,取得对的控制take control of 55.视而定;取决于depend on 56.(在字典或参考书)查找look up 57.回顾look back 58.看不起;鄙视 look down upon 59.旁观look on 60.浏览look through 61.盼望;期待look forward to 62.调查look into 63.盼望;寻找look for 64.关注;关心;在意;担心care about 65.和不同;不同于differ from =be different from 66.作为整体;总的来说as a whole 67.总体看来;大体上;基本上on the whole 68.(使)变成 turn into 69.转过脸turn away 70.往回走 turn back 71.调小;拒绝turn down 72.上交,交还 turn in 73.关掉;厌恶turn off 74.露面;调大;出现turn up 75.转向;求助于turn to 76.翻转;翻身;把交给;营业额达turn over 77.把和结合起来 combinewith 78.和差不多be similar to sth/doing sth 79.尽管 despite doing sth /that /sth 80.对有影响 have an impact on 81.导致result in /from 因发生 82.由于的原因而导致的结果as a result of 83.结果as a result 84.在将来 in the future 85.从今往后in future 86.和某人说话 have a word with sb 87.和某人吵架have words with sb 88.丢弃;(指演员)有意淡淡地说出(台词)throw away 89.此外in addition (to) 90.许诺make/give a promise 91.食言;打破诺言break ones promise 92.守约;遵守诺言keep ones promise 93.变成现实come true 94.采取行动take action 95.做某事有困难 have difficulty /trouble (in) doing sth 96.处于良好的状态 in good condition 97.纪念.in memory of 98.夺取;接管take over 99.拿起,占据 take up 100.了解;吸收take in 101.雇用呈现take on 102.记录拆毁take down 103.使用中in use 104.作为回报 in return 105.实施;执行;进行carry out 106.不再 no more 107.作为而闻名.be known as 108.既不也不 neither nor 109.到的时候.by the time 110.阻止做 preventfrom 111.遍布全世界all over the world 112.有史以来 throughout time 113.之间的相似之处similarity between 114.同时at the same time 115.又一次once again 116.对开放 be open to 117.成的形状in the shape of 118.在的顶端 at the top of 119.决定decide on 120.在船上 . on board 121.赢得一席之地.win a place 122. 谈及,提及;参考,查阅 refer to 123.使某人发疯 drive sb crazy 124.被通过;详细讨论;搜查;经历,遭受 go through 125.从事,走动,流传 go about 126.上涨;被建造出来 go up 127.温习;仔细察看go over 128.追求,追逐,设法获得 go after 129.继续做某事go on with 130.顺便走访,依照,过去 go by 131.出毛病;走错路go wrong 132.下降;(太阳)落山;病倒 go down 133.从事;喜欢go in for 必修4一、重点单词 1.广告advertisement2.做广告advertise3.分享share4.劝导性的,有说服力的persuasive5.产品product6.服务serve7.宣传,推广,促进,升职promote8.教育educate9.问题issue10.明白的,意识的aware11.气息呼吸breath12.说谎lie13.声明,声称claim14.确信ensure15.治疗,治愈cure16.引导lead17.推荐recommend18.设计design19.目标goal20.传媒,媒体medium21.方法,途径approach22.具有创造力的,creative23.独特的unique24.时尚的fashionable25.可得到的,可接近的available26.各种各样的,多种多样的various27.特别的special28.灵敏的,敏捷的smart,29.呼吁,恳求,吸引力,上诉appeal30.试图,尝试attempt31.限制limit32.退休retire33.主持host34.运输transport35.运动员athlete36.荣誉,尊敬honor37.奖牌medal38.名声,名誉fame39.庆祝仪式ceremony40.缺席absence41.委员会committee42.陈述state43.教练,长途汽车coach44.高兴的delighted45.国际的international46.全国的nationwide47.简要地briefly48.和平地peacefully49.否则otherwise50.分隔,分开vt,adj separate51.光荣的,荣耀的,壮丽的,辉煌的glorious52.监视,监控monitor53.现实reality54.非凡的,特别的extraordinary55.为设置背景set56.疲劳,疲倦tiredness57.手指尖fingertip58.经,由,通过via59.传送传递deliever60.欣喜若狂的thrilled61.消防队员firefighter62.极好的fantastic63.行业工业industry64.展览品exhibit65.通知announce66.控告accuse67.决赛final68.中央的,中心的central 69.表面surface70.表达,吐露voice71.批评criticize72.死机crash73.营救,援救rescue74.力量force75.操纵,带领,引导guide76.温和的gentle77.缺乏经验的inexperienced78.机会opportunity79.投资invest80.安全地safely81.举世闻名的world-famous 二、重点短语1.习惯于(做)某事be/get used to doing sth 2.和某人分享某物share sth with sb 3.鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth 4.信任believe in 5.免费for free 6.相信某人(的话)believe sb 7.打算做某事be intended to do sth/for sth 8.保护不受protectfrom9.意识到,明白 be aware of 10.打算做某事mean to do 11.意味做某事mean doing 12.为骄傲,自豪be proud of=take pride in 13.上的当,受的骗fall for 14.捉弄某人play tricks on sb 15.自杀commit suicide 16.对满意be satisfied with 17.诱使某人做某事trick sb into doing sth 18.远离keep away from 19.劝服某人做某事persuade sb to do/into doing sth 20.对可得到的 be available to sb 21.出售,待售on sale 22.打折扣at a discount 23.现在at the moment 24.目前,暂时for the moment 25.一会儿 for a moment 26.在任何时候,随时at any moment 27.反复地,一遍又一遍地over and over again 28.根据according to 29.坚持做某事insist on doing sth 30.提醒某人做某事remind sb of sth/to do sth 31.以这种方式 in this way 32.挡路,挡道in the way 33.即将做某事 on the way to doing sth 34.后悔要做某事(尚未做regret to do sth)35.(数量,程度等)达到 up to 36.后悔做了某事regret doing sth 37.惊讶于 be amazed at 38.对感到厌倦be bored with =be tired of 39.记住 havein mind 40.让某人做某事get sb to do sth 41.迎合,对有吸引力appeal to 42.对关心be concerned with 43.传达 get sth across 44.组织汇集,组装put sth together 45.关心care about 46.喜欢care for 47.在中扮演角色,起作用play a role in 48.很高兴做某事be delighted to do sth 49.令某人高兴的是to ones delight 50.每四年every four years51.为了纪念in honour of =in memory of 52.和平相处live peacefully =live in peace53.肩并肩,一齐side by side 54.全世界all over the world 55.实现某人的梦想realize ones dream 56.引起的关注come to ones attention57.在开幕式上at the opening ceremony 58.为比赛竞争compete for 59.了解know of 60.打破纪录break the record 61.被广泛地认作be widely recognized as 62.保持纪录keep th e record 63.加入某人做某事join sb in doing sth 64.盼望做某事 look forward to doing 65.归因于make contributions to 66.提出come up with =put forward67.尝试做attempt to do sth /at doing sth 68.大量plenty of69.为树立榜样set an example for sb 70.犯错 make mistakes 71.承诺做promise sb to do sth 72.改变主意change ones mind 73.各种各样的a variety of74.和做相似be similar to doing 75.要求某人做某事require sb to do sth 76.受.的欢迎be popular with 77.需要被做require doing=require to be done78.肯定做be sure to do 79.在某人的业余时间in ones spare time80.确信make sure 81.使于掌控之中keep sth under control 82.增加add to 83.给让路make way for 84.涉及到,陷入be involved in 85.(梦想)实现 come true 86.在将来in the future 87.想象做某事 imagine doing sth 88.一就upon doing =/on doing 89.惊讶于(做)某事 be surprised at /bysth /to do sth 90.能够做某事enable to do sth 91.以的方向in the direction 92.传递给pass on to 93.散发,用尽,筋疲力尽,分发give out 94.为某人提供provide sb with sth =provide sth for sb95.屈服 give in 96.赠送,颁奖;泄露 give away 97.为签名sign ones name for 98.放出,散发(光,烟,味)give off 99.冒险at risk 100.放弃give up 101.冒的险at /run /take the risk of. 102.给留下leavewith 103.无论冒什么危险at any risk 104.依赖depend on 105.冒险做某事risk doing 106.使人对留有印象impress sth on/upon sb=impresss sb with sth 107.给人留有的印象 have/make/leave a(n)impression on sb 108.以失败告终end in failure 109.使结束put an end to 110.收支平衡make both ends meet111.赚钱make money 112.与保持联络keep in touch with 113.对负责be responsible for 114.最后一个要点last but not the least 115.倒数第二the last but one 116.最后at last 117.总之first and last 118.需要in need of sth 119.集中;关注concentrate on 120.立刻in no time 121.时常at times 122.从前once upon a time 123.及时in time 124.按时on time 125.座落于be situated in/on 126.区别;区分tell from 127.偏爱做某事prefer doing to doing=prefer to do sth 128.值得被做be worthy of being done /to be done129.借意做某事mind doing 130.实施,进行carry out 131.以为基础be based on 132.偶遇come across 133.被控告犯的罪be accused of 1


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