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A A-weighted sound pressure level A 声级(96) absolute humidity 绝对湿度(2) absolute roughness 绝对粗糙度(25) absorbate 吸收质(49) absorbent 吸收剂(49) absorbent 吸声材料(100) absorber 吸收器(85) absorptance for solar radiation 太阳辐射热吸收系数 absorption equipment 吸收装置(49) absorption of gas and vapour 气体吸收(48) absorptiong refrigerationg cycle 吸收式制冷循环 absorption-type refrigerating machine 吸收式制冷机 access door 检查门(55) acoustic absorptivity 吸声系数(100) actual density 真密度(44) actuating element 执行机构(94) actuator 执行机构(94) adaptive control system 自适应控制系统(93) additional factor for exterior door 外门附加率(19) additional factor for intermittent heating 间歇附加率 additional factor for wind force 高度附加率(19) additional heat loss 风力附加率(19) adiabatic humidification 附加耗热量(18) adiabatic humidiflcation 绝热加湿(66) adsorbate 吸附质(49) adsorbent 吸附剂(49) adsorber 吸附装置(49) adsorption equipment 吸附装置(49) adsorption of gas and vapour 气体吸附(48) aerodynamic noise 空气动力噪声(98) aerosol 气溶胶(43) air balance 风量平衡(35) air changes 换气次数(35) air channel 风道(51) air cleanliness 空气洁净度(104) air collector 集气罐(31) air conditioning 空气调节(59) air conditioning condition 空调工况(76) air conditioning equipment 空气调节设备(70) air conditioning machine room 空气调节机房(59) air conditioning system 空气调节系统(62) air conditioning system cooling load 空气调节系统冷负荷 (62) air contaminant 空气污染物(51) air-cooled condenser 风冷式冷凝器(82) air cooler 空气冷却器(74) air curtain 空气幕(30) air cushion shock absorber 空气弹簧隔振器(101) air distribution 气流组织(68) air distributor 空气分布器(54) air-douche unit with water atomization 喷雾风扇(56) air duct 风管、风道(51) air filter 空气过滤器(58) air handling equipment 空气调节设备(70) air handling unit room 空气调节机房(59) air header 集合管(52) air humidity 空气湿度(2) air inlet 风口(54) air intake 进风口(41) air manifold 集合管(52) air opening 风口(54) air pollutant 空气污染物(51) air pollution 大气污染(50) air preheater 空气预热器(73) air return method 回风方式(70) air return mode 回风方式(70) air return through corridor 走廊回风(70) air space 空气间层(15) air supply method 送风方式(69) air supply mode 送风方式(69) air supply (suction) opening with slide plate 插板式送(吸)风口(54) air supply volume per unit area 单位面积送风量(69) air temperature 空气温度(2) air through tunnel 地道风(40) air-to-air total heat exchanger 全热换热器(73) air-to-cloth ratio 气布比(48) air velocity at work area 作业地带空气流速(5) air velocity at work place 工作地点空气流速(4) air vent 放气阀(31) air-water systen 空气水系统(64) airborne particles 大气尘(43) air hater 空气加热器(29) airspace 空气间层(15) alarm signal 报警信号(90) ail-air system 全空气系统(63) all-water system 全水系统(64) allowed indoor fluctuation of temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度允许波动范围(5) ambient noise 环境噪声(97) ammonia 氨(78) amplification factor of centrolled plant 调节对象放大系数 (87) amplitude 振幅(100) anergy (77) angle of repose 安息角(44) ange of slide 滑动角(44) angle scale 热湿比(67) angle valve 角阀(31) annual value 历年值(3) annual coldest month 历年最冷月(3) annual hottest month 历年最热月(3) anticorrosive 缓蚀剂(78) antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78) antifreeze agent 防冻剂(78) apparatus dew point 机器露点(67) apparent density 堆积密度(45) aqua-ammonia absorptiontype-refrigerating machine 氨水吸收式制冷机(84) aspiation psychrometer 通风温湿度计(102) Assmann aspiration psychrometer 通风温湿度计 atmospheric condenser 淋激式冷凝器(83) atmospheric diffusion 大气扩散(40) atmospheric dust 大气尘(43) atmospheric pollution 大气污染(50) atmospheric pressure 大气压力(6 atmospheric stability 大气稳定度(50) atmospheric transparency 大气透明度(10) atmospheric turblence 大气湍流(50) automatic control 自动控制(86) automatic roll filter 自动卷绕式过滤器(58) automatic vent 自动放气阀(32) HVAC SPECIAL ENGLISH 暖通空调专业词汇 available pressure 资用压力(27) average daily sol-air temperature 日平均综合温度 axial fan 轴流式通风机(55) azeotropic mixture refrigerant 共沸溶液制冷剂(77) B back-flow preventer 防回流装置(53) back pressure of steam trap 凝结水背压力(14) back pressure return 余压回水(15) background noise 背景噪声(98) back plate 挡风板(39) bag filler 袋式除尘器(57) baghouse 袋式除尘器(57) barometric pressure 大气压力(6) basic heat loss 基本耗热量(18) bend muffler 消声弯头(100) bimetallic thermometer 双金属温度计(102) black globe temperature 黑球温度(2) blow off pipe 排污管(23) blowdown 排污管(23) boiler 锅炉(27) boiller house 锅炉房(14) boiler plant 锅炉房(14) boiler room 锅炉房(14) booster 加压泵(29) branch 支管(22) branch duct (通风) 支管(51) branch pipe 支管(22) building envelope 围护结构(15) building flow zones 建筑气流区(37) building heating entry 热力入口(15) bulk density 堆积密度(45) bushing 补心(24) butterfly damper 蝶阀(52) by-pass damper 空气加热器旁通阀(41) by-pass pipe 旁通管(23) C canopy hood 伞形罩(42) capillary tube 毛细管(84) capture velocity 控制风速(43) capture velocity 外部吸气罩(41) capturing hood 卡诺循环(79) Carnot cycle 串级调节系统(92) cascade control system 铸铁散热器(29) cast iron radiator 催化燃烧(49) catalytic oxidation 催化燃烧(49) ceilling fan 吊扇(56) ceiling panelheating 顶棚辐射采暖(12) center frequency 中心频率(97) central air conditionint system 集中式空气调节系统(63) central heating 集中采暖(11) central ventilation system 新风系统(64) centralized control 集中控制(91) centrifugal compressor 离心式压缩机(82) centrifugal fan 离心式通风机(55) check damper (通风止回阀(53) check valve 止回阀(31) chilled water 冷水(76) chilled water system with primary-secondary pumps 一、 二次泵冷水系统(81) chimney (排气烟囱(50) circuit 环路(24) circulating fan 风扇(55) circulating pipe 循环管(23) circulating pump 循环泵(29) clean room 洁净室(104) cleaning hole 清扫孔(54) cleaning vacuum plant 真空吸尘装置(58) cleanout opening 清扫孔(54) clogging capacity 容尘量(47) close nipple 长丝(24) closed booth 大容积密闭罩(42) closed full flow return 闭式满管回水(15) closed loop control 闭环控制(87) closed return 闭式回水(15) closed shell and tube condenser 卧式壳管式冷凝器 closed shell and tube evaporator 卧式壳管式蒸发器 closed tank 闭式水箱(28) coefficient of accumulation of heat 蓄热系数(17) coefficient of atmospheric transpareney 大气透明度 coefficient of effective heat emission 散热量有效系数(38) coficient of effective heat emission 传热系数(16) coefficient of locall resistance 局部阻力系数(26) coefficient of thermal storage 蓄热系数(17) coefficient of vapour 蒸汽渗透系数(18) coefficient of vapour 蒸汽渗透系数(18) coil 盘管(74) collection efficiency 除尘效率(47) combustion of gas and vapour 气体燃烧(58) comfort air conditioning 舒适性空气调节(59) common section 共同段(25) compensator 补偿器(31) components (通风部件(52) compression 压缩(79) compression-type refrigerating machine 压缩式制冷机(81) compression-type refrigerating system 压缩式制冷系统(81) compression-type refrigeration 压缩式制冷(80) compression-type refrigeration cycle 压缩式制冷循环(79) compression-type water chiller 压缩式冷水机组(81) concentratcd heating 集中采暖(11) concentration of narmful substance 有害物质浓度(36) condensate drain pan 凝结水盘(74) condensate pipe 凝结水管(22) condensate pump 凝缩水泵(29) condensate tank 凝结水箱(28) condensation 冷凝(79) condensation of vapour 气体冷凝(49) condenser 冷凝器(82) condensing pressure 冷凝压力(75) condensing temperature 冷凝温度(75) condensing unit 压缩冷凝机组(81) conditioned space 空气调节房间(59) conditioned zone 空气调节区(59) conical cowl 锥形风帽(52) constant humidity system 恒湿系统(64) constant temperature and humidity system 恒温恒湿系统(64) constant temperature system 恒温系统(64) constant value control 定值调节(91) constant volume air conditioning system 定风量空气调节系统 continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48) continuous dust dislodging 连续除灰(48) continuous heating 连续采暖(11) contour zone 稳定气流区(38) control device 控制装置(86) control panel 控制屏(95) control valve 调节阀(95) control velocity 控制风速(43) controlled natural ventilation 有组织自然通风(37) controlled plant 调节对象(86) controlled variable 被控参数(86) controller 调节器(94) convection heating 对流采暖(12) convector 对流散热器(29) cooling 降温、冷却(39、66) cooling air curtain 冷风幕(74) cooling coil 冷盘管(74) cooling coil section 冷却段(72) cooling load from heat 传热冷负荷(62) cooling load from outdoor air 新风冷负荷(62) cooling load from ventilation 新风冷负荷(62) cooling load temperature 冷负荷温度(62) cooling system 降温系统(40) cooling tower 冷却塔(83) cooling unit 冷风机组(56) cooling water 冷却水(76) correcting element 调节机构(95) correcting unit 执行器(94) correction factor for orientaion 朝向修正率(19) corrosion inhibitor 缓蚀剂(78) coupling 管接头(23) cowl 伞形风帽(52) criteria for noise control cross 噪声控频标准(98) cross fan 四通(24) crross-flow fan 贯流式通风机(55) cross-ventilation 穿堂风(37) cut diameter 分割粒径(47) cyclone 旋风除尘器(56) cyclone dust separator 旋风除尘器(56) cylindrical ventilator 筒形风帽(52) D daily range 日较差(6) damping factot 衰减倍数(17) data scaning 巡回检测(90) days of heating period 采暖期天数(9) deafener 消声器(99) decibel(dB) 分贝(96) degree-days of heating period 采暖期度日数(9) degree of subcooling 过冷度(79) degree of superheat 过热度(80) dehumidification 减湿(66) dehumidifying cooling 减湿冷却(66) density of dust particle 真密度(44) derivative time 微分时间(89) design conditions 计算参数(2) desorption 解吸(49) detecting element 检测元件(93) detention period 延迟时间(18) deviation 偏差(87) dew-point temperature 露点温度(2) dimond-shaped damper 菱形叶片调节阀(53) differential pressure type flowmeter 差压流量计(103) diffuser air supply 散流器(54) diffuser air supply 散流器送风(69) direct air conditioning system 直流式空气调节系统(64) direct combustion 直接燃烧(48) direct-contact heat exchanger 汽水混合式换热器(28) direct digital control (DDC) system 直接数字控制系统(92) direct evaporator 直接式蒸发器(83) direct-fired lithiumbromide absorption-type refrigerating machine 直燃式溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85) direct refrigerating system 直接制冷系统(80) direct return system 异程式系统(20) direct solar radiation 太阳直接辐射(10) discharge pressure 排气压力(76) discharge temperature 排气温度(76) dispersion 大气扩散(49) district heat supply 区域供热(15) district heating 区域供热(15) disturbance frequency 扰动频率(100) dominant wind direction 最多风向(7) double-effect lithium-bromide absorption-type refigerating machine 双效溴化锂吸收式制冷机(85) double pipe condenser 套管式冷凝器(82) down draft 倒灌(39) downfeed system 上分式系统(21) downstream spray pattern 顺喷(67) drain pipe 泄水管(23) drain pipe 排污管(23) droplet 液滴(44) drv air 干空气(65) dry-and-wet-bulb thermometer 干湿球温度表(102) dry-bulb temperature 干球温度(2) dry cooling condition 干工况(67) dry dust separator 干式除尘器(56) dry expansion evaporator 干式蒸发器(83) dry return pipe 干式凝结水管(22) dry steam humidifler 干蒸汽加湿器(72) dualductairconing ition 双风管空气调节系统(63) dual duct system 双风管空气调节系统(63) duct 风管、风道(51) dust 粉尘(43) dust capacity 容尘量(47) dust collector 除尘器(56) dust concentration 含尘浓度(46) dust control 除尘(46) dust-holding capacity 容尘量(47) dust removal 除尘(46) dust removing system 除尘系统(46) dust sampler 粉尘采样仪(104) dust sampling meter 粉尘采样仪(104) dust separation 除尘(45) dust separator 除尘器(56) dust source 尘源(45) dynamic deviation 动态偏差(88) E economic resistance of heat transfer 经济传热阻(17) economic velocity 经济流速(26) efective coefficient of local resistance 折算局部阻力系数(26) effective legth 折算长度(25) effective stack height 烟囱有效高度(50) effective temperature difference 送风温差(70) ejector 喷射器(85) ejetor 弯头(24) elbow 电加热器(73) electric heater 电加热段(71) electric panel heating 电热辐射采暖(13) electric precipitator 电除尘器(57) electricradian theating 电热辐射采暖(13) electricresistance hu-midkfier 电阻式加湿器(72) electro-pneumatic convertor 电气转换器(94) electrode humidifler 电极式加湿器(73) electrostatic precipi-tator 电除尘器(57) eliminator 挡水板(74) emergency ventilation 事故通风(34) emergency ventilation system 事故通风系统(40) emission concentration 排放浓度(51) enclosed hood 密闭罩(42) enthalpy 焓(76) enthalpy control system 新风焓值控制系统(91) enthalpy entropy chart 焓熵图(77) entirely ventilation 全面通风(33) entropy 熵(76) environmental noise 环境噪声(97) equal percentage flow characteristic 等百分比流量特性(89) equivalent coefficient of local resistance 当量局部阻力系数 (26 equivalent length 当量长度(25) equivalentcontinuous A sound level 等效 连续 A 声级 (96) evaporating pressure 蒸发压力(75) evaporating temperature 蒸发温度(75) evaporative condenser 蒸发式冷凝器(83) evaporator 蒸发器(83) excess heat 余热(35) excess pressure 余压(37) excessive heat 余热(35) exergy (76) exhaust air rate 排风量(35) exhaust fan 排风机(41) exhaust fan room 排风机室(41) exhaust hood 局部排风罩(41) exhaust inlet 吸风口(54) exhaust opening 吸风口(54) exhaust opening orinlet 风口(54) exhaust outlet 排风口(54) exaust vertical pipe 排气烟囱(50) exhausted enclosure 密闭罩(42) exit 排风口(54) expansion 膨胀(79) expansion pipe 膨胀管(23) explosion proofing 防爆(36) expansion steam trap 恒温式疏水器(32) expansion tank 膨胀水箱(28) extreme maximum temperature 极端最高温度(6) extreme minimum temperature 极端最低温度(6) F fabric collector 袋式除尘器(57) face tube 皮托管(103) face velocity 罩口风速(42) fan 通风机(55) fan-coil air-conditioning system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64) fan-coil system 风机盘管空气调节系统(64) fan-coil unit 风机盘管机组(72) fan house 通风机室(41) fan room 通风机室(41) fan section 风机段(72) feed-forward control 前馈控制(91) feedback 反馈(86) feeding branch tlo radiator 散热器供热支管(23) fibrous dust 纤维性粉尘(43) fillter cylinder for sampling 滤筒采样管(104) fillter efficiency 过滤效率(47) fillter section 过滤段(71) filltration velocity 过滤速度(48) final resistance of filter 过滤器终阻力(47) fire damper 防火阀(53) fire prevention 防火(36) fire protection 防火(36) fire-resisting damper 防火阀(53) fittings (通风配件(52) fixed set-point control 定值调节(91) fixed support 固定支架(24) fixed time temperature (humidity) 定时温(湿)度(5) flame combustion 热力燃烧(48) flash gas 闪发气体(78) flash steam 二次蒸汽(14) flexible duct 软管(52) flexible joint 柔性接头(52) float type steam trap 浮球式疏水器(32) float valve 浮球阀(31) floating control 无定位调节(88) flooded evaporator 满液式蒸发器(83) floor panel heating 地板辐射采暖(13) flow capacity of control valve 调节阀流通能力(90) flow characteristic of control valve 调节阀流量特性(89) foam dust separator 泡沫除尘器(57) follow-up control system 随动系统(92) forced ventilation 机械通风(33) forward flow zone 射流区(69) foul gas 不凝性气体(78) four-pipe water system 四管制水系统(65) fractional separation efficiency 分级除尘效率(47) free jet 自由射流(68) free sillica 游离二氧化硅(43) free silicon dioxide 游离二氧化硅(43) freon 氟利昂(77) frequency interval 频程(97) frequency of wind direction 风向频率(7) fresh air handling unit 新风机组(71) fresh air requirement 新风量(67) friction factor 摩擦系数(25) friction loss 摩擦阻力(25) frictional resistance 摩擦阻力(25) fume 烟雾 (44) fumehood 排风柜(42) fumes 烟气(44) G gas-fired infrared heating 煤气红外线辐射采暖(13) gas-fired unit heater 燃气热风器(30) gas purger 不凝性气体分离器(84) gate valve 闸阀(31) general air change 全面通风(33) general exhaust ventilation (GEV) 全面排风(33) general ventilation 全面通风(33) generator 发生器(85) global radiation 总辐射(10) grade efficiency 分级除尘效率(47) granular bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57) granulometric distribution 粒径分布(44) gravel bed filter 颗粒层除尘器(57) gravity separator 沉降室(56) ground-level concentration 落地浓度(51) guide vane 导流板(52) H hair hygrometor 毛发湿度计(102) hand pump 手摇泵(29) harmful gas and vapour 有害气体(48) harmful substance 有害物质(35) header 分水器、集水器(30、31) heat and moisture transfer 热湿交换(67) heat balance 热平衡(35) heat conduction coefficient 导热系数(16) heat conductivity 导热系数(16) heat distributing network 热网(15) heat emitter 散热器(29) heat endurance 热稳定性(17) heat exchanger 换热器(27) heat flowmeter 热流计(103) heat flow rate 热流量(16) heat gain from appliance and equipment 设备散热量(61) heat gain from lighting 照明散热量(61) heat gain from occupant 人体散热量(61) heat insulating window 保温窗(41) heat(thermal)insuation 隔热(39) heat(thermal)lag 延迟时间(18) heat loss 耗热量(18) heat loss by infiltration 冷风渗透耗热量(19) heat-operated refrigerating system 热力制冷系统(81) heat-operated refrigetation 热力制冷(80) heat pipe 热管(74) heat pump 热泵(85) heat pump air conditioner 热泵式空气调节器(71) heat release 散热量(38) heat resistance 热阻(16) heat screen 隔热屏(39) heat shield 隔热屏(39) heat source 热源(13) heat storage 蓄热(61) heat storage capacity 蓄热特性(61) heat supply 供热(14) heat supply network 热网(15) heat transfer 传热(15) heat transmission 传热(15) heat wheel 转轮式换热器(73) heated thermometer anemometer 热风速仪(103) heating 采暖、供热、加热(11、14、66) heating appliance 采暖设备(27) heating coil 热盘管(74) heating coil section 加热段(71) heating equipment 采暖设备(27) heating load 热负荷(19) heating medium 热媒(13) heating medium parameter 热媒参数(14) heating pipeline 采暖管道(22) heating system 采暖系统(20) heavy work 重作业(105) high-frequency noise 高频噪声(98) high-pressure ho twater heating 高温热水采暖(12) high-pressure steam heating 高压蒸汽采暖(12) high temperature water heating 高温热水采暖(12) hood 局部排风罩(41) horizontal water-film syclonet 卧式旋风水膜除尘器(57) hot air heating 热风采暖(12) hot air heating system 热风采暖系统(20) hot shop 热车间(39) hot water boiler 热水锅炉(27) hot water heating 热水采暖(11) hot water system 热水采暖系统(20) hot water pipe 热水管(22) hot workshop 热车间(39) hourly cooling load 逐时冷负荷(62) hourly sol-air temperature 逐时综合温度(60) humidification 加湿(66) humidifier 加湿器(72) humididier section 加湿段(71) humidistat 恒湿器(94) humidity ratio 含湿量(65) hydraulic calculation 水力计算(24) hydraulic disordeer 水力失调(26) hydraulic dust removal 水力除尘(46) hydraulic resistance balance 阻力平衡(26) hydraulicity 水硬性(45) hydrophilic dust 亲水性粉尘(43) hydrophobic dust 疏水性粉尘(43) I impact dust collector 冲激式除尘器(58) impact tube 皮托管(103) impedance muffler 阻抗复合消声器(99) inclined damper 斜插板阀(53) index circuit 最不利环路(24) indec of thermal inertia (valueD) 热惰性指标(D 值) (17) indirect heat exchanger 表面式换热器(28) indirect refrigerating sys 间接制冷系统(80) indoor air design conditions 室内在气计算参数(5) indoor air velocity 室内空气流速(4) indoor and outdoor design conditions 室内外计算参数(2) indoor reference for air temperature and relative humidity 室内温湿度基数(5) indoor temperature (humidity) 室内温(湿)度(4) induction air-conditioning system 诱导式空气调节系统(64) induction unit 诱导器(72) inductive ventilation 诱导通风(34) industral air conditioning 工艺性空气调节(59) industrial ventilation 工业通风(33) inertial dust separator 惯性除尘器(56) infiltration heat loss 冷风渗透耗热量(19) infrared humidifier 红外线加湿器(73) infrared radiant heater 红外线辐射器(30) inherent regulation of controlled plant 调节对象自平衡(87) initial concentration of dust 初始浓度(47) initial resistance of filter 过滤器初阻力(47) input variable 输入量(89) insulating layer 保温层(105) integral enclosure 整体密闭罩(42) integral time 积分时间(89) interlock protection 联锁保护(91) intermittent dust removal 定期除灰(48) intermittent heating 间歇采暖(11) inversion layer 逆温层(50) inverted bucket type steam trap 倒吊桶式疏水器(32) irradiance 辐射照度(4) isoenthalpy 等焓线(66) isobume 等湿线(66) isolator 隔振器(101) isotherm 等温线(66) isothermal humidification 等温加湿(67) isothermal jet 等温射流(68) J jet 射流(68) jet axial velocity 射流轴心速度(69) jet divergence angle 射流扩散角(69) jet in a confined space 受限射流(68) K katathermometer 卡他温度计(102) L laboratory hood 排风柜(42) l


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