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初一Unit6 易错题练习(二) 姓名: 一、单选题(注意!请圈划关键词)( )1. Why do you sweets? Because they are bad for my healthy. A. like B. dont like C. not like D. dislike( )2. We have pork for dinner. You dont need to buy any. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )3. My father likes reading newspapers breakfast. A. for B. about C. at D. to ( )4. The old man doesnt look . How about him to hospital? A. well; take B. health; taking C. healthy; to take D. healthy; taking( )5. Wheres grandma? I want to hello to . A. talk; her B. say; she C. speak; her D. say; her( )6. I sometimes have in the evening supper. A. chicken; in B. chickens; at C. chickens; on D. chicken; for( )7. I do not eat sweet snacks cakes drink coffee. A. likes; or B. like; and C. like; or D. likes; and( )8. Kitty does because she want to be . A. exercise; health B. sports; healthy C. sports; health D. exercises; healthy( )9. Susan dances for on Sunday. A. some time B. sometime C. some times D. sometimes( )10. He says he will come to see us next week. A. sometime B. some time C. sometimes D. some times( )11. Sweet snacks people energy(能量), they are not healthy. A. gives; so B. gives; but C. give; but D. give; because( )12. Millie goes dancing Tuesday afternoon two hours. A. in; for B. on; for C. at; in D. on; in( )13. We should make a plan the trip before we start out. A. to B. for C. of D. with( )14. are good. But remember not to eat them . A. Tomatoes; too many B. Potatoes; too much C. Fish ; too many D. Carrots; too much( )15. Kate, you have two in your basket. Yes, I want to eat tonight. A. fish; fish B. fishes; fishes C. fishes; fish D. fish; fishes( )16. do you watch TV every day? two hours. A. How much; Less than B. How long; More than C. How many; Many than D. How long; Little than( )17. Theres sheep on the grass. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few( )18. Each of the children exercise every day. A. need to B. needs to C. needs do D. needs take( )19. There some cartons of orange juice, but there any milk. A. are; isnt B. are; is C. is; arent D. is; is ( )20. the picture carefully. How many girls can you ? A. Look at; look B. Have a look; see C. See; see D. Take a look at; see( )21. TV do you watch every week? About two hours. A. How often B. How long C. How much D. How many( )22. Good luck your new diet. A. for B. to C. at D. with( )23. The doctor says that Mr Brown needs more. A. exercise B. exercises C. exercising D. to exercise( )24. Doing morning good for our health, I think. A. exercises are B. exercise is C. exercises is D. exercise are( )25. Millie needs change her lifestyle keep fit. A. to; to B. to;/ C. /; to D. /;/( )26. The news sounds . I want to tell to my best friend. A. good; them B. well; it C. well; them D. great; it二、词汇运用1. My grandfather always (锻炼) before breakfast every morning.2. The (收音机) in this shop are very good.3. How many (sheep) are there on the farm?4. The (knife) are very sharp. Be careful.5. Theres ten (woman) doctors in his hospital.6. Its time for you to c your diet. Its not healthy.7. John d lemons. They are too sour(酸的).8. Helen n walks to school. She rides a bike every day.9. L means how one lives.10. An apple a day keeps the doctor (远离).11. Do you know those (woman) names?三、动词填空1. Doing morning exercises (be) good for us.2. Why you (like) ice-cream?3. Its time for you (make) your lifestyle better.4. Something (be) wrong with my car.5. The students are busy (clean) the classroom.6. Daniel never (exercise) at school.7. Bruce runs for half an hour (keep) fit every morning.8. Some of our classmates are busy (study) in the classroom now.9. Are you ready (take) a walk with me now?10. Do we need (buy) some milk on the way home?11. You neednt (go) shopping today.12. All the classmates plan (have) a school trip this Sunday.13. My mother always (eat) an apple after supper.14. They are talking about (play) basketball after school.15. Now many people (not write) letters. 四、完成句子1. 丰盛的早餐有助于你很好地开始一天。 2. 虽然蛋糕和糖果能给你提供很多能量,但它们不是健康食品。 3. 喝大量的水对健康有好处。 4. 你需要多锻炼而且多吃水果和蔬菜。 5. 苹果汁尝起来很好。你想要一些吗? 6. 请你给我拿一听可乐来好吗? 没问题。 7. 如果你不饿,最好不要在课间吃零食。 8. 丹尼尔只喜欢电脑游戏,从来不锻炼。 9. 我妈妈叫我不要吃太多蛋糕和糖果。 10. 吃不同种类的食物对我们的健康有好处。


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