(江苏专用)2020版高考英语大一轮复习 Module 3 Unit 1 The world of our senses课件.ppt

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Module 3Unit 1The world of our senses,重点单词,1.observe vt.观察;注意到;评论 教材原句 As Polly observed (观察) the passengers on the train,she had a feeling that she was being watched by a tall man in a dark overcoat.,单项填空 Readers are required to A the rules of the library and mind their manners. A.observeB.confirm C.review D.appreciate 答案A考查动词词义辨析。句意:读者被要求遵守图书馆的规定,注意他们的言行举止。observe观察,遵守;confirm确认,确定,证实;re-view回顾;appreciate感激,欣赏。根据题意可知选A项。,单句填空 He is often observedto cheat(cheat) at cards. The patient was kept under observation (observe) all night. Other forms of parental involvement, including volunteering at school and observing (observe) a childs class, also fail to help.,点拨 联想 observation n.观察;评论 make an observation作评论 be under observation受到监视,点津 (1)Failure to observe all park rules could result in being driven out of the park.本句中observe意为“遵守”。 (2)observe sb. do sth. 结构如果改成被动语态, 应补上省略的to, 即sb. be observed to do sth.,类似用法的动词还有see, watch, hear, feel等。,2.approach v.靠近,接近;着手处理n.靠近;方法;路径 教材原句 As she walked along the narrow street,she heard the sound of footsteps approaching (approach),but by the time she reached the corner of the street,the footsteps were gone.,单项填空 Sometimes to get out of difficulty, one must change his way of thinking, or simply change his B towards a problem. A.emotionB.approachC.accessD.target 答案B考查名词词义辨析。句意:有时候,一个人想要走出困境,必须得改变他的思考方式,或者仅仅是改变一下他看待问题的方式。emotion情感,情绪;approach方法,途径,靠近;access进入,接近;target目标,靶子。此句中approach与way同义,根据题意可知选B项。,完成句子 With the approach of the exam, some students worked deep into the night every day.随着考试的临近, 有些学生每天学习到深夜。 I like her approach to the problem. 我喜欢她解决这个问题的 方法。 What is the best way to make tea/of making tea? 怎样才是泡茶的最好方法?,Why are you talking in such a strange manner? 你为什么用这种奇怪的方式谈话? Children should learn the proper method of brushing teeth. 孩子们应该学会刷牙的正确方法。,点拨 approach to (doing) sth. (做)某事的方法 with/at the approach of.随着的临近 approach sb. about (doing) sth.与某人谈/商量(做)某事,辨析 means,method,manner,approach和way,3.anxious adj.焦虑的, 忧虑的 教材原句 You really shouldnt feel anxious(忧虑的).,单项填空 Why are you so hurried? My mother will get a bit C if I dont get back on time. A.ashamedB.eager C.anxious D.patient 答案C句意:为什么你这么匆忙?如果我不能按时回去我妈妈会担心的。anxious 担心的,忧虑的,符合句意。ashamed羞愧的;eager渴望的;patient有耐心的。,单句填空 We may be able to develop more successful treatments for anxiety (anxious) disorders. She was anxious that he should meet (meet) her father. They are waiting anxiously (anxious) to see who will succeed him. I was told that the Learning Center provides help for students and Im anxious to get(get) help from it.,点拨 be anxious to do.渴望做 be anxious for sb.为某人担心 be anxious for sth.渴望某物 be anxious about sth.为某事忧虑 be anxious for sb. to do.渴望某人做 be anxious that.非常希望/渴望(从句谓语常用“should+动词原形”),联想 anxiously adv.焦虑地 anxiety n.担心;忧虑;渴望 anxiety about/over对的忧虑,辨析 anxious和eager,4.attach vt.使连在一起, 把附在上;认为重要 教材原句 During the operation,Mr Liu had a new hand attached(attach).,单项填空 The river is clear. We all appreciate the importance the local government has A the environmental protection. A.attached to B.left for C.responded toD.learnt from 答案A 句意:这条小溪很清澈。我们都很感激当地政府对环境保护的重视。attach importance to认为重要;leave for动身前往某地;respond to响应;learn from向学习。结合句意,故选A项。,完成句子 One day, when I opened my book I found a beautiful card attached tothe first page. 一天, 当我打开书本的时候, 我发现了附在第一页上的一张漂亮的卡片。 I attach/attached myself to a group of tourists entering the museum.我随着一队游客进入了博物馆。,点拨,5.likely adj.可能的 教材原句 Dont be frightened by sharks:you are 30 times more likely(更可能) to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.,单项填空 The phone enabled them to keep in touchin other words,it made it C for them to contact each other. A.likelyB.probableC.possibleD.capable 答案Cmake it possible for sb. to do sth.使某人做某事成为可 能,符合句意。likely 常用于It is likely that.,be likely to do sth.结 构;probable大概的,很可能的;capable有才能的,能胜任的,后接of。 故选C项。,完成句子 It is probable/likely that he has forgotten the date. 他很可能忘记这次约会了。 The flight is likely to be late. 航班很可能晚点了。 It is not possible to finish the task tomorrow. 明天完成任务是不可能的。,点拨 It is likely that.有可能 Sb./Sth. be likely to do.某人/某事有可能 Its more than likely that.极有可能 Not likely!不可能!,辨析 (1)likely,probable和possible三者均可表示“可能的”(可能性 由大到小依次为:probablelikelypossible),但用法不同。 (2)当likely作表语时,句子的主语可以是人,也可以是物或it。当 probable 和possible作表语时,句子的主语一般只能是it,常用于 “It is probable/possible+that”句型中。此外,possible还可用于 “Its possible(for sb.)to do sth.”句型中。,重点短语,1.in sight看得到, 在视力范围之内 教材原句 There was no one in sight (看得到).,单项填空 The girl conquered her fear and picked up the enormous spider B last night. A.out of sightB.in sightC.out of orderD.in peace 答案B句意:这个女孩克服了恐惧,拿起了昨晚看到的那只巨大的蜘蛛。out of sight 看不见;in sight 看得到;out of order 混乱,发生故障;in peace 平静地。根据题意可知选B项。,根据汉语完成句子 The plane took off and rose steadily until it was out of sight.飞机起飞了,平缓地升高,直到远离视线。 At first sight, there is nothing special about the watch, but in fact it is a mobile phone.乍一看, 这块手表没有什么特别之处, 但实际上它是一部手机。,When you set out to do something different, theres no end in sight. 当你开始做和以往不同的事情时, 看不到尽头。 The wind parted the smoke just enough for him to catch sight of Sibson. 风将烟雾吹得足够分散, 结果他能够看到西布森了。,点拨 lose ones sight失明 out of sight在视野外,看不见 at the sight of.看见时 at first sight 乍一看,初看时 lose sight of 再也见不着 catch sight of 看见 e into sight出现 out of sight, out of mind眼不见,心不想,点津 sight在以上词组中用作不可数名词,表示“视力;视觉;视野”。sight也可用作可数名词,意为“看得见的事物;景象”。 This type of animal is a rare sight in this area. 这种动物在这个地区很少见。,2.reach out 伸出(手) 教材原句 A few seconds later, a hand reached out (伸出) and grasped her arm.,单项填空 Now I reach D the cup it away. A.out;to putB.for;putC.out;putD.for;to put 答案D句意:现在我伸手去拿杯子是想把它收好。reach for伸手拿,故第一空填for;第二空表示目的,故用不定式to do,故选D项。 lie in在于;result in造成,导致。根据语境可知选D项。,用适当的介词或副词填空 He reached out his hand for a piece of cake. Bend your knees slightly and reach out your arms like tree branches, naturally and softly. He reached for a book on the shelf above his head. The young man climbed the tree and picked all the pears withinreach.,点拨 reach for 伸出手去拿 reach for a book 伸手去够一本书 reach a conclusion 得出一个结论 beyond/out of ones reach 达不到的;力所不及的 out of reach 得不到;遥不可及 within (easy) reach of sth.离某处很近,靠近某处,重点句型,1.once 引导的省略句式 教材原句 Once (一旦)out in the street,she walked quickly towards her usual bus stop.,单项填空 The problem of the widening gap between the rich and the poor, if not properly C, can result in many serious problems. A.being handled B.to handle C.handled D.handling 答案C考查状语从句的省略。句意:富人和穷人之间日益扩大的差距问题,如果不妥善处理,可能会导致很多严重的问题。当条件状语从句中的主语和主句的主语一致,而且从句的谓语含有be动词时,可以省掉从句的主语和be动词,此题从句部分符合省略的条件,故选C项。,单句填空 If traveling (travel) north, you must change at Leeds. Once printed (print), the book will be very popular. Children, when acpanied (acpany) by their parents, are allowed to enter the stadium. She gave me a forting smile and nodded whilelistening(listen) patiently.,点拨 本句中的Once out in the street 相当于 Once she was out in the street,once 引导时间状语从句,意为“一旦,一就”。当从句主语与主句主语一致且谓语含有be动词时,从句可省略主语与be动词。 联想 at once立即,马上 all at once 突然;同时 (every)once in a while偶尔地;间或(=from time to time/occasionally) once upon a time(用于故事的开头)从前,很久以前,2.find的复合结构 教材原句 Polly found herself staring (stare)up at the face of an old man with a beard.,单项填空 We didnt find Tom Bthe lecture. No one had told him about a lecture the following day. A.to attend;there to be B.attending;there being C.attended;there be D.attend;there was 答案B第一空attend与Tom之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作find的宾语补足语;第二空介词about后应使用there be的动名词形式there being。故选B项。,单句填空 Even the best writers sometimes find themselves lost (lose) for words. When I came back from my 10-day holiday, I found the fish tank broken (break) and the fish dead(die). They find themselves working (work) to support the lifestyle to which they have so quickly bee accustomed.,点拨 find oneself doing sth.意识到自己不自觉在做某事,此句中staring up at the face of.充当宾语补足语,补充说明她自己在做某事。 点津 (1)find除了可以跟现在分词作宾语补足语外,还可以跟形容词、介词短语、过去分词等。 (2)“find+宾语+宾语补足语”中的宾语为不定式时,常用it作形式宾语,而真正的宾语放在宾语补足语之后。,3.倍数的表达法 教材原句 Dont be frightened by sharks: you are 30 times more likely to be hit by lightning than be attacked by a shark.,句型转换 The red ruler is three times as long as the yellow one. The red ruler is threetimeslongerthanthe yellow one. The red ruler is three timesthelength of the yellow one.,点拨 联想 英语中倍数的常用表示方法有: (1).倍数+as+形容词/副词原级+as. (2).倍数+形容词/副词比较级+than. (3).倍数+the+计量名词+of. (4)倍数+what从句 (5)倍数+that of.,


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