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七年级动词过去式的不规则表1 A A 2 -oughtcost cost bring broughtcut cut fight foughtfit fit think thoughthit hit buy bought hurt hurt 3-aughtlet let teach taughtput put catch caughtread read4 i-a 5i-o 6 aw/ow -ewbegin began drive drove blow blewdrink drank ride rode draw drewgive gave write wrote grow grewring rang shine shone know knewsing sang win won throw threwsit sat fly flewswim swam7 ay-aid 8 ell-old 9 n-ntpay paid sell sold burn burntsay said tell told learn learnt mean meant10 ee-e.+t 11 d-tfeel felt build builtkeep kept lend lentsleep slept send sentsweep swept 12feed fed come camemeet met become becamespeed sped can could shall shouldsmell smelt will wouldspell spelt do did eat ate fall fell find found get got forget forgot go wenthave had hear heardhold held leave leftlose lost make madetake took mistake mistookstand stood understand understood see saw wake woke初中英语语法名词一可数名词1. 单数形式常用a或者an来表示,a后接辅音音素而an后接元音音素. a book a pencil a ruler an apple an egg an ideaan old an unhappy boy a useful book an hour an honest boy an “A” “E” “F” “H” “I” “L” “M” “N” “O” “R” “S” “X” 2.复数形式有规则变化和不规则变化规则变化有以下几条:(1)一般情况下在单数名词后直接加s a book two books(2)在以s,x,sh,ch字母结尾的单词后加esbus-buses box-boxes brush-brushes watch-watches(3)辅音字母加y结尾的词,把y改成ies,但元音字母加y的词则直接在单词后加s. babybabies boy-boys(4)以f或fe结尾的词,把f或fe改成ves leaf-leaves knife-knives(5)以o结尾的词一般在单词后直接加s,但下列词要加eshero-heroes patato-patatoes tamato-tamatoes (6)复合名词的复数只要把最后一个名词变成复数就可以,但含有man/woman的复合名词,则两个名词都要变成复数. an apple tree-three apple treesa man teacher-five men teachers不规则变化1 ae man-men woman-women Frenchman-Frenchmen2 ooee foot-feet goose-geese tooth-teeth3单复数同形,注意这些词是可数名词peoplepeople sheep-sheep deer-deer Chinese,English,Japanese4.child-children mouse-mice不可数名词1.肉类2.液体3调料4平时要多积累不可数名词有以下特点1. 它没有单复数 2 表示具体数量常用of结构 a cup of tea a piece of news a bottle of milk two cups of tea three bottles of milka box of apples five boxes of apples名词的修饰1. 下列词修饰可数名词many许多 a few有一些 few很少,几乎没有,这些词后跟可数名词复数many books a few people few apples2. 下列词修饰不可数名词 much 许多 a little有一些 little很少,几乎没有much milk a little water 3. 下列词既可以修饰可数名词复数又可以修饰不可数名词 a lot of ,lots of ,plenty of ,some很多,一些 a lot of apples and milk4. orange room time名词所有格-的1. 一般情况下在名词后加s . Lucy-Lucys2. 以s结尾的词加.Teachers Day3. 共同拥有的只要在最后一个词加s后接单数名词.Lucy and Lilys desk而各自拥有的,则要在两个后都要加s后接名词的复数Lucys and Lilys desks4. of-的结构 a map of China5. to-的结构 the answer to the question ,the key to the door, a ticket to the movie6. 双重所有格a friend of mine a book of my fathers冠词冠词分为不定冠词(a,an)和定冠词the下列情况下要用定冠词the1. 表示特定的人或物.The girl under the tree is Lucy.2. 表示说话人与听话人都熟悉的人或物.Lily is in the classroom.3. 上文提到过的人或物.He gave me a book.The book is very good.4. 表示世上独一无二的事物.the sun,the earth ,the moon5. 普通名词构成的专有名词前.the Great Wall the Yellow River6. 用在序数词,形容词的最高级和表示方位的名词前.the first ,the biggest,in the east/south/west/north7. 用在乐器名词前play the piano,play the violin8. 用在姓名复数形式前,指一家人the Greens9. the加形容词表示一类人the poor the rich下列情况下不用冠词1. 在有些专有名词前China2. 名词前有作定语的限定词,如this,my,no,any,some This is my cat.3. 季节月份星期及三餐前不用冠词.in spring ,on Sunday, have supper4. 球类运动,棋类游戏前play soccer, play chess5. 节日名词前May Day ,Childrens Day6. 称呼语头衔或职务前Mr Green代词I we you he she it they 主格me us you him her it them 宾格我 我们 你,你们 他 她 它 (他她它)们my our your his her its their加名词my bookmine ours yours his hers its theirs不加名词我的 我们的 你(们)的 他的 她的 它的(他.她,它)们的myself ourselves yourself/yourselves himself herself itself themselves我自己我们自己你(们)自己 他自己她自己它自己(他.她,它)们自己1. 主格作主语 I am from China.2. 宾格作宾语 动词+宾格=动宾结构 give me a book teach us English 3. 介词+宾格=介宾结构 give this book to her Its very kind of him to help us.4. enjoy oneself=have a good time learn by oneself=teach oneself look after oneself=take care of oneself Help oneself (yourself/yourselves)toby oneself say to oneself数词1. 基数词和序数词one first six sixth eleven eleventhtwo second seven seventh twelve twelfththree third eight eighth twenty twentiethfour fourth nine ninth twenty-one twenty-firstfive fifth ten tenth2. 分数=分子/分母 分子用基数词,分母用序数词;当分子大于1,分母要用复数形式.1/3 one third 1/5 one fifth 1/2 a half 1/4 a quarter 2/3 two thirds 5/7 five sevenths3. dozen,hundred,thousand,million,billon的用法,如果这些词前有基数词或several,不能用复数形式;如果没有基数词或several,则这些词要用复数形式而且还要加上of. two dozen books , several hundred cars ,thousands of people4. 时间表达方式030 分钟past 时钟 3060 分钟 to下一个钟点oclock整点1:10 ten past one 1:40 twenty to two 2:00two oclock2:15 a quarter past two 2:45 a quarter to three3:30 a half past three 3:55 five to four5.编号Lesson One=the first lesson Room205 Class3,Grade7in the 1950s =in the nineteen fifties 在二十世纪五十年代in ones twenties/thirties6.four-year-old four years old 100-meter raceTom is a four-year-old boy. Tom is four years old.形容词和副词一. 形容词的clever interesting popular fat1. 形容词的构成名词+ly =形容词 名词+ y =形容词 名词+al =形容词friend+ly=frienly fun+y=funny person+al=personallove+ly=lovely sun+y=sunny nation+al=nationallive+ly=lively cloud+y=cloudy education+al=educational名词+ful =形容词 名词+less =形容词 名词+en =形容词hope+ful=hopeful hope+less=hopeless wood+en=woodenuse+ful=useful use+less=useless wool+en=woolenbeauty+ful=beautiful help+less=helpless gold+en=golden名词+ous=形容词 动词+able=形容词danger+ous=dangerous change+able=changeable safety safe count+able=countable comfort+able=comfortable2. 形容词的用法 形容词+名词 作定语 系动词+形容词=系表结构作表语good boy be/look/sound/feel/smell/taste/become angry形容词作宾语的补足语keep the room clean二. 副词.地 hard slowly1.副词的构成形容词+ly=副词 slow+ly=slowly heavy+ly=heavily hard,fast既是形容词又是副词hardly 2副词的用法 副词用来修饰动词 run quickly good taste good a good boy well sell well三 形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则变化1. 一般情况下在形容词和副词后加er,est clean-cleaner-cleanest2. 辅音字母加y结尾的词把y改成ier,iestheavy-heavier-heaviest3. 以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节形容词双写最后一个辅音字母再加er,estbigbigger-biggest fat-fatter-fattest thin ,hot, wet4. 部分双音节词和多音节词,在这些词前加more,mostpopular-more popular -most popular不规则变化good/well-better-best bad/badly-worse-worstlittle-less-least farfarther/furtherfarthest/furthestold-older/elder-oldest/eldest (兄弟姐妹之间比较)many/much-more-most at least 最少 at most 最多less than 少于 more than=over 大于,超过my elder brother 我的哥哥 my eldest brother我的大哥farther更远further更进一步四.形容词副词原级比较级最高级的用法.1原级的用法(1) as.as 与一样He is as tall as Tom. He is running as quickly as Tom.(2) not as/so.as=less than 前者不如后者Tom is not as/so tall as YaoMing.(3)very/rather/quite very beautiful(3) 基数词times asas 倍数确 Tom is three times as fat as Jim.3. 比较级的用法(1) 两者之间进行比较,常有than提示Who is taller,Maria or Jane? Jack is fatter than Tom.(2) 下列词后常用比较级 much,no ,a litter,any ,even, still,farmuch bigger a litter taller much more beautiful(3) 比较级and比较级 越来越.bigger and bigger more and more popular(4) the 比较级,the比较级.The more,the better.(5) 同一范围内的比较比较级 than any other 名词单数He is taller than any other boy in his class.比较级 than the other名词复数He is taller than the other boys in his class.Beijing is bigger than any city in Japan.(不同范围的比较)(6) 隐含比较 Could you speak more slowly?最高级的用法(1) 三者或三者以上之间进行比较Who is the tallest,Tom,Jim or LiMing?Tom is the thinnest of all.(2) the 序数词+最高级The Yellow River is the second longest river in China.(3) one of the比较级/最高级 +名词复数Beijing is one of the biggest cities in the world.Tom is one of the taller boys.动词一 非谓语形式Ving形式1. Ving形式的构成(1) 一般情况下在动词后直接加ing. Look-looking(2) 以不发音的e结尾的词去e后加ing. havehaving seeseeing lie-lying die-dying tie-tying(3) 以辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词,要双写最后一个辅音字母后加ing. Swim-swimming put-puttingrun,sit,slap,begin,cut,shop2. 下列词后要加ingconsider/finish/keep/enjoy/like/love/mind/practice/goavoid/allow/No/do some+Vinggo swimming do some shopping finish readingallow doing be allowed to do sth3. 介词要加ingat/in/on/of/off/up/for/by/with/without/about/before/afterfrom/upI am good at swimming. Dont give up learning English.4. 下列词组后要加ingfeel like/be busy/be worth/have fun/cant(couldnt)help /look forward to/pay attention to/make a contribution to/stay up(late)/find great pleasure in/have (some/no)trouble/difficulty5. 作主语Swimming is good for your health.Open the door,please.6. 作定语修饰名词swimming pool developing country动词不定式(to do)1. ask/tell/want/would like/warn/help/advise/encourage/teach/expect/allow/suggest后要加sb(not)to do sth2. plan/decide/begin/would like/want/try/learn/promise/refusecontinue/cant wait/take turns后要加to do sth3. adj/adv +enough to do Tom is old enough to go to school.4. something/anything/nothing+adj to doI have something important to tell you.5. Its adj of/for sb to do sth.Its very kind of you to help me.Its very important for you to learn English well.6. find/think/believe it +adj to do sthI find it difficult to learn English well.7. 表示目的Tom jumped into the river to save that boy.8. do a lot of homework-a lot of homework to dolive in a house-a house to live in9. what/where/how/which/when+to do sthwhat to do/how to do sth I dont know what to do. I dont know how to do it.10. be glad/happy/pleased/nice/sad/sorry to doI am sorry to hear that. Glad to meet you.11. try/do ones best to do sth12. cant/couldnt afford to do sth不带to的不定式既动词原形1.Why not/why+否定+主语后加不带to的不定式既动词原形Why not see a doctor?Why dont you see a doctor?2.had better/had better not后加不带to的不定式既动词原形You had better stay in bed. Youd better not go to school now.3.make/let后加不带to的不定式既动词原形be made to do sthThis story made us laugh. Lets go swimming now.Make you monitor make you happy4.Will/Would you please(not) 后加不带to的不定式既动词原形综合各种形式1.stop to do sth stop doing sth2.forget to do sth forget doing sth3.remember to do sth remember doing sth4. see/saw/watch/hear/heard +sb/sth+doing/do sthI often see her play soccer on the playground.When I got home,I heard her singing this song.5.get/be used to doing be used to do sth used to do sth used to beThere used to be6.prefer doing to doing prefer to do sth rather than do sthwould rather do sth than do sthI prefer swimming to skating. I prefer to stay at home rather than go out for a picnic.二情态动词1. 情态动词后加动词原形.2. can cant could be able to I can play the piano.会,能 I cant swim. 不会 He cant be YaoMing, he is in the USA now.不可能 I could play the guitar when I was ten years old.过去能 Could you tell me something about China?有礼貌地提问 I am able to swim. I was able to play the piano when I was 6. I will be able to fly to the moon one day.be able to应用于任何时态3. may maybe may beMay I help you? 可以 The book may be on your desk.可能 句中Maybe the book is on your book. 可能 句首 副词maybe=perhaps4. must must be mustnt neednt =dont/doesnt have toYou must go to school on time.必须 主观I have to stay at home because I have got a bad cold.不得不 客观This bike must be LinTaos, his name is on it.一定是Must I finish my homework now?Yes,you must. No,you neednt./No ,you dont have to .不必You mustnt play soccer on the street.不准5.neednt+v原形 dont/doesnt need to do sth时态名称 意思 结构现在进行时 现在正在发生的动作 am/is/are +ving now/at this momentI am doing my homework now. Jane is swimming at the moment.(now,listen,look,at the moment)过去进行时 过去某个时刻正在发生的动作was/were+ving at this time yesterday at nine last night I was playing soccer at this time yesterday.Kangkang was watching TV at nine last night.一般将来时 将要发生的动作will+v原形am/is/are going to+v原形tomorrow/next(week)/this/in2050/in two daysWe are going to Beijing tomorrow. She will have a birthday party next Monday.go,come,leave等词用现在进行时表示将来 tomorrow/next(week)/this/in2050We are leaving for Japan the day after tomorrow.The summer holidays are coming.一般过去时 过去发生的事或动作式 常有下列词提示 ago,just now,last weekyesterday,the day before yesterday ,2000 过去式/didnt+ v原形was/wereI was in Beijing last year. He played soccer just now.He didnt play soccer just now. They were in the park two hours ago.一般现在时 经常性或习惯性的动作 当主语是第三人称单数且是肯定句时,动词要用第三人称单数形式.第三人称单数形式的构成(1) 一般情况下在动词后加s look-looks(2) 辅音字母加y结尾的把y变 ies study-studies (3) 以s,x,sh,ch,o 结尾加es guessguessesMaria goes to school at 7:00 every day.Maria doesnt go to school at 7:00 every day.Does Maria go to school at 7:00 every day?I often play soccer after class. They usually walk to school.arrive in Tom will arrive in Beijing tomorrow.arrive at Tom will arrive at Shanghang tomorrow.arrive When will Yao arrive? get to get home/here/there Tom will get to Beijing tomorrow.reach Tom will reach Beijing tomorrow.spend sb spendon sth/(in)doing sthI will spend two hours on my homework.I will spend two hours doing my homework.take It takes sb.to do sthIt took me 500yuan to buy this jacket.cost sth cost sb .This bike cost me 600yuan.pay sb pay (.)forI paid 600yuan for this bike. -How long may I keep this book?-You can keep it for/about three days.-How soon will Tom arrive in Beijing?-In two weeks.-How often do you go swimming?-Twice a week./Sometimes.How many How much How fartime in time on time all the timeat the same time Its time to do sth/Its time for sthWhats the time?=What time is it?once twice three times four timesnever seldom sometimes=at times often usually always every.


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