冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 14 Colours and Feelings》PPT课件 (3)

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冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 14 Colours and Feelings》PPT课件 (3)_第1页
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冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 14 Colours and Feelings》PPT课件 (3)_第3页
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Lesson 14 Colours and FeelingsLead-in 拍拍你的手。拍拍你的手。跺跺你的脚。跺跺你的脚。挥挥你的胳膊。挥挥你的胳膊。晃晃你的腿。晃晃你的腿。Clap your hands.Stamp your foot.Wave your arm.Shake your leg.Do you knowhandneckstomacharmlegfootHow do you feel?I feel PresentationAre you sad?Yes,I am.I feel blue.Do you feel blue?No,I dont.I am happy.How can I feel a colour?Thats a good question.In English,we use many colours for our feelings.Blue can mean“sad”.Green can mean“sick”.Yellow can mean“scared”.Red can mean“angry”.The colours of our feelingsCulture Tip Colours have many different meanings in many different cultures.In Eastern culture,white is a symbol of death.But in Western culture,white is a symbol of peace and black is a symbol of death.PracticeFill in the blanksBlue can mean _._ can mean sick.Yellow can mean _._ can mean angry.In Western culture,_ is a symbol of peace and _ is a symbol of death.sadGreenscaredRedwhiteblackWhat can make you happy,sad,angry or sick?Talk about it and write it down.HomeworkConstant dripping wears away the stone.锲而不舍,金石可镂。


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