冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 2 Teacher and Students》PPT课件 (4)

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冀教初中英语七上《Lesson 2 Teacher and Students》PPT课件 (4)_第1页
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Lesson 2 Teacher and Students冀教版冀教版 七年级上册七年级上册Welcome to the class.good morning;good afternoon;good evening;Hows it going?;Whats up?In some parts of Canada and the U.S.,people say Howdy or Hiya.In the U.K.,its common to say How do you do?In Australia,people say Gday!In China,people say May I have your name?Whats h_ name?hiz 他的他的Whats h_ name?h:她的她的er isWhats your name?His name is Steven.Her name is Kate.He is Steven.She is Kate.Steven is a st_d_nt.stju:dnt 学生学生Hes in Cl_ss One.kl:s 班级班级,课课堂堂Kate is my classm_te.kl:smeit 同学同学Shes my fr_nd.frend 朋友朋友u eaaie_(is这、这个这、这个)is my friend.Her name is Kate.She is _(学生学生).Shes _(在六班在六班).Shes _(我的同学我的同学).Thisa studentin Class Sixmy classmateHe is Mr.Jones.He is a t_cher.ti:t 老师老师eaHes our _ teacher.班主任班主任homeroomWho is the man over there?m_n mn w_man wumn g_l :lb_ bi aooyirWho is the girl with the boy?wi 和和一起一起那边的男孩是谁?那边的男孩是谁?和男孩在一起的女孩是谁?和男孩在一起的女孩是谁?她是一个学生吗?她是一个学生吗?Who is the boy over there?Is she a student?Yes,she is./No,she isnt.1.Yang Hao is in Class _.2.Li Lin is in Class _.3.Mr.Jones is our _.4.Kate is _ classmate.Fill in the blanks.homeroom teacherJennysFourFiveThis is _(我的朋友我的朋友).Her name is _.She is _(来自中国来自中国).She is _(美丽美丽),she is _(宇航员宇航员),she likes _(运动运动).We are all proud of her.my friendLiu Yangfrom Chinabeautifulan astronautsportsWrite some sentences to introduce a friend.Use the sentences in the lesson.Try to use some more good sentences.HomeworkFinish writing the passage about introducing your friend.


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