7A Unit2 教学要求,知识点讲解和练习

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7A Unit2 重点词组、难点解析、语法复习【词组总汇】P.22-261. wake up 醒来2. its time for+名词 是做某事的时间了,该做某事了 Its time to do 3. go to sleep 去睡觉4. how to have fun 如何玩得开心5. get up 起床6. after-school activities课外活动7. do morning exercises 做早操8. have lessons 上课9. eat breakfast/lunch/supper吃早/中/晚餐10. go home 回家11. do ones homework 做家庭作业12. watch TV 看电视13. go to bed 上床睡觉14. write tosb 写信给某人15. schoollife 学校生活16. lots of/a lot of 许多;大量17. at lunchtime 在午餐时间18. chat with each other 彼此聊天 chat with sb和某人聊天/闲谈19. be nice to sb 对某人好20. every morning 每天早晨21. every day 每天22. every Tuesday 每周星期四23. after school 在放学后24. a member of 中一员25. the Swimming Club 游泳兴趣小组26. have a good time 玩的开心27. email sb 给某人发电子邮件28. play games 玩游戏,进行比赛29. twice a week 一周两次30. have fun 娱乐,乐趣;开心P.27-3031. listen to the radio 听收音机32. make a model plane 制作模型飞机33. read newspapers 看报 read books 看书34. write emails 写邮件 35. watch football matches 看球赛36. watch too much TV 看电视太多37. listen to music 听音乐38. listen to the teacher 听老师讲39. walk a dog 遛狗40. a piece of good news 一则好消息41. in the school football team 在学校足球队42. all the time 一直43. know (a lot) about 对了解(很多)44. read comic books 看连环漫画书45. on the volleyball court 在排球场46. from.to 从到47. meet up with sb. 约见某人48. do their homework 做他们的作业49. under a big tree 在大树下50. go to ones dancing lesson 去上舞蹈课51. have (no) time to do sth. 有(没有)时间做某事52. have a lot of new friends 有许多新朋友53. teach us English 教我们英语54. talk about 谈论关于55. at home 在家56. say hello to 向问好P.31-3757. the Class 1,Grade 7 students 七年级一班学生58. go on a trip 旅行,旅游 have ones trip59. look at the posters 看海报60. more than 多于;超过61. twice a week 一星期两次62. the China Space Museum 中国航空博物馆63. the China Science and Technology Museum 中国科技博物馆64. next Monday 下周一 65. each student 每个学生66. thank you for doing sth 为做某事而谢谢你67. organize the class trip 组织班级旅游68. I would like to+动词原形 愿意干某事;想要干某事69. the price for 的价格70. be open/be closed 开着、关着71. look forward to 期盼;盼望72. enjoyvery much 非常喜爱73.need to do sth 需要做74. borrow a pen 借一支钢笔75. be busy doing 忙于做某事76. be good for 有益于77. help sb do sth 帮助某人做某事78. get ready for 准备79. learn more about 更多了解80. the answer to 的答案81. the Computer Club 电脑兴趣小组【难点解析】 1. Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早餐的时间了吗?its time for+名词,“是做某事的时间了,该做某事了”=its time to+动词原形.例如:Its time for class.是上课的时间了。=Its time to have a class.Is it time for class?该上课了吗?Its time for the meeting.=Its time to have a meeting.该开会了。Is it time for the meeting?该开会了吗?2.eat breakfast=have breakfast,“吃早饭”,前者是在美国英语中多用;后者是在英国英语中多用。breakfast, lunch, supper表示三餐,此外还有dinner通常指“正餐”,是指一天中最好的一顿饭。例如:What time do you have dinner?(多用于英国)What time do you eat dinner?(多用于美国)3. have a good time 过得愉快 动词have与不同的词结合表示不同的含义。例如:have a meeting 开会have a class meeting 开班会have a party 举行聚会have breakfast 吃早饭have a look 看一看have a class 上课have a talk 交谈have a swim 游泳have a rest 休息一下have a walk 散步have a game 进行一次比赛have a picnic 吃野餐4.go to bed,是指“上床睡觉”,并不意味着当时就睡着,只是进入了睡觉的形式。例如:Jim goes to bed at nine oclock every evening.吉姆每天晚上九点钟睡觉(不一定进入睡眠状态,也许十点钟或十一点钟才入睡)注意go to sleep和fall asleep意思是“入睡;睡着”,强调由醒到睡的瞬间动作。例如:The man is tired. He goes to sleep very quickly.那人很疲劳,很快就睡着了。sleep意为“睡眠”,强调持续的动作。例如:You should sleep eight hours a day.一天你应该睡八小时。be asleep强调睡着的状态,不像sleep强调行为,它表示当时或现在所处的睡眠状态。例如:The baby is asleep.那小孩睡着了。5. Some dogs just dont know how to have fun.一些狗就是不知道如何开心地玩。 how to do sth 是不定式的复合结构作know 的宾语。6. There are more than 1800 students at my school. 我校有1800多个学生。more than 用于数词前表示“超过、多于”的意思,= over 。例如:More than five thousand people are there at the concert.五千多人在那儿出席了音乐会。There are more than fifty students in our class.我们班有五十多名学生。7.There are lots of nice people in my class.在我班有很多好的人。 lots of=a lot of,意思是“许多;大量”,后既可跟可数名词复数,也可跟不可数名词。例如:There are lots of (a lot of)eggs in the basket.篮子里有许多鸡蛋。There is lots of (a lot of)milk in the glass.杯子里有许多牛奶。8. I spend about two hours a day doing my homework.我一天花两个小时做作业。 spend time doing sth 花.时间做某事9. Millie sometimes plays games at lunchtime. sometimes,副词,“有时”,用作状语,可以放在句首,也可放在动词前,有时也置于句子末尾。例如:I sometimes have letters from him.我有时收到他的来信。Sometimes, we buy snacks from the tuck shop.有时,我们从校内的零食店买零食。注意sometimes, some times, sometime和some time的区别:1)sometimes为副词,意思为“有时”,可用于一般现在时。例如:Sometimes he goes to the cinema on Sunday.星期天他有时去看电影。2)some times是词组,意思为“几次,几倍”,其中的times为可数名词的复数形式,可用在现在完成时中。例如:He has been to Beijing for some times before.他以前去过北京几次。3)sometime指某个不明确的时间,意思为“某个时候”,可用在一般过去时和一般将来时中。例如:Well take our holiday sometime in August.我们将在八月的某个时候度假。4)some time指某一段时间,其中的time为不可数名词,意思为“时间”。例如:I spend some time practicing speaking English every day.我每天花一些时间练习说英语。10.We do morning exercises at 7.45. 我们在7:45 做早操。exercise U 运动,体育锻炼 C 练习,体操, do morning exercises 做早操, do exercises(in )做练习。11.I also like playing volleyball.我也喜欢打排球。also副词,表示“也”的意思,比较正式,位置通常接近动词,一般不用于句末。例如:He also plays the piano. 他了弹钢琴。 too 多用于口语,位置通常放在句末,其前用逗号与前句隔开,其后用句号;有时too也在句中出现,但前后都要用逗号隔开。例如:He is a worker, too.他也是名工人。注意too只用于肯定句中,不用于否定句中,在否定句中要用either。12. Millie goes to the Reading Club twice a week. 米莉一周去阅读兴趣小组两次。twice a week 一周两次,英语表示一次用once,两次用twice,自三次以后用基数词+times表示次数。例如:once a day 一天一次; three times two months 两个月三次four times 四次 ten times 十次13. Your mum says we shouldnt watch too much TV. 你妈妈说我们不应该看太多的电视和电影。should “应该”,shouldnt “不应该”,是should 的否定形式。14. She walks him every day. 她每天带他去溜溜。walk用作不及物动词,“步行;散步”;用作及物动词,“带散步;带溜溜”。例如:We usually walk to school.我们通常步行上学。=We usually go to school on foot.Tom walks his dog every evening.汤姆每天晚上带狗散步。15. Whats the news? 是什么消息?news “消息”,不可数名词。表示一条消息要用a piece of news. “许多消息”要用 much news ,不能用 many news ,因为 many 只能修饰可数名词。例如:I have a piece of good news to tell you.我有一条好消息要告诉你。16. They are all nice to me. 他们都对我很好。Peter and I both love football.彼得和我都爱足球。 all 用于三者(及以上), both 用于两者, 注意他们在句中的位置, 连系动词之后,行为动词之前,第一助动词(或情态动词)后。例如:We can all answer this question.17.Id like to ask you some questions. 我想问你一些问题。would like to do sth “愿意干某事;想要做某事”,语气较婉转。例如:I would like to watch TV.我想看电视。I would like to have a cup of water. 我要喝杯水。18. go on a school trip去学校组织的旅行、远足、郊游 trip名词,“旅行;旅程”,尤其是指短途的游玩或有特别目的的旅行。例如: a weekend trip周末旅行 go for a trip去旅行 have a trip进行旅行19. Each student can spend ¥10.每个学生可以花十元钱。注意each 和every 的区别each 和every都有“每一个”的意思,但each指一定数目中的“每一个”;“个别”意义较重,表示各有不同,更强调个人或个别。例如:Each one has his weakness.每人都有每人的缺点。every,指数目不确定的许多人或物中间的“每一个”,强调“总和”,表示“大家”。例如:Every one is here.大家都到了。each和every后的谓语动词要用第三人称单数形式。each可主语、同位语、定语和状语,而every只能作定语。20. We are all looking forward to a great day out. 我们都盼望着出去好好玩一天。 look forward to sth/ doing sth(要跟动名词形式),“盼望着某事/做某事”。例如:Im looking forward to seeing you.我正盼望着见到你。He looks forward to Childrens Day. 他盼望儿童节21. May I watch TV? Can I borrow some money?情态动词 can 和 maycan 表示“能、会、可以”,后加动词原形,否定式为can not/cant.may “可以”,后加动词原形,常表示许可或征询对方许可。在口语中可代替can;但比can正式,否定式为may not。例如:We can speak a little English. 我们会说一点英语You may put your bike here. 你可以把自行车放在这儿注意(1)当请求“朋友或同学”许可时,我们常用can;请求“老师家长或其他成年人”我们常用may,表示更礼貌。(2) may 的否定式如表示不可以、禁止、阻止的意思时,常用mustt/cant代替may not。例如:May I watch TV now, mum? No, you mustnt/cant. You must finish your homework first. (3)情态动词的一般疑问句只要把情态动词提到主语前面即可。本句中的some用于表示客气请求的疑问句中,希望对方能给予肯定的回答。May I 的句型是表示客气的请求句型,故该句中表示一些时用some,不用any。在通常情况下,some用于肯定句,any用于疑问句和否定句中。例如: I have some questions to ask.我有些问题要问。 Do you have any questions to ask?你有些问题要问吗? There arent any questions to ask.没有任何问题要问。【语法复习】人称代词(主格形式)1人称代词的主格形式有:I (我); We (我们); You (你、你们); He (他) She (她); It (它); They (他们) 人称代词的主格形式在句中只作主语和表语。例如:We are in Class 4, Grade 7.我们在七年级四班。Who is that? Its I / me. (在口语中常用宾格) 是谁呀?是我。2人称代词除主格外,还有宾格,它们是:me (我); us (我们); you (你、你们); him (他); her (她); it (它); them (他们)人称代词的宾格在句中只能作宾语,不能作主语。例如:Miss Wang teaches us English.王老师教我们英语。I give him a ball.我给他一个球。3一般现在时行为动词的一般疑问句句型: Do /Does +主语+动词原形+宾语?当主语是第三人称单数时,谓语动词要用Does;主语不是第三人称单数时,则要用Do。例如:Do you/we/they like drawing? Yes, I/we/they do. No, I/we/they dont. Does he/she/it like walking? Yes, he/she/it does. No, he/she/it doesnt.【注意】当一个句子的主要动词是to be时,不用do/does 构成问句,而是把be动词提前。例如:Mary is a girl. Is Mary a girl?We are in Grade 7. Are you in Grade 7?【日常用语】Is it time for breakfast? 是吃早饭的时候了吗?Please e-mail me soon! 请尽快给我发电子邮件!We are in Class 1, Grade 7. 我们在七年级一班。What are they talking about? 他们在谈论什么?Do you like swimming/drawing? 你喜欢游泳/画画吗?What do you think of? 你觉得怎么样?


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