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第六章 厚膜制备技术及其发展,随着电子信息技术向集成化、微型化和多功能化方向发展,电子元件也要实现微型化、多功能化、高稳定和高速化,并满足表面组装技术()的需要。 以厚膜材料为基础发展的表面组装型厚膜电子元器件、多层叠片式元件、集成叠片式元件、多功能集成元件模块等,已成为当前电子元器件的主流产品,并正飞速发展。,丝网印刷,丝网印刷制膜技术被广泛用于制备各种高精度、高密度双面或多层印制电路扳(PCB,Printed Circuit Board)和表面组装技术元件或表面贴装技术元件(SMD, Surface Mount Device)。 PCB制造技术涉及:,阻焊油墨和标记符号涂覆技术。 银浆或碳浆贯孔技术。 碳膜PCB制造技术。 多层板制造技术中导电胶或导电浆丝网印刷技术。 多层PCB制造技术中丝网印刷埋入式电阻制作技术。 SMT技术中锡浆/ 模板高精度丝网印刷技术。,片式(表面组装)元件,多层片式元件的发展是为了满足电子产品的集成化、微型化、智能化的发展要求,并满足元件在组装和运用方式上的新变化而迅速发展的。 片式电容、片式电感和片式电阻是应用最为广泛三大无源元件,已经发展为规模化的产业群。 其他功能各异的片式电子元件如片式驱动器、片式变压器、片式电感器、片式天线、片式传感器及片式换能器等发展也十分迅速。 片式元件的发展是以流延技术和丝网印刷技术为基础。,General-purpose SMD,Highly integrated devices and high-speed, high-efficiency devices. Submicron technology/highly integrated devices/multi-chip devices,High Performance,Packages designed for board space savings and reduced number of parts.,Low-voltage, low-current devices.,Compact and Thin Size,Low Power Consumption,第一节 厚膜制备技术,厚膜制备技术包括:,粉体的制备 浆料的制备 厚膜的制备 厚膜的加工与组装,一、丝网印刷技术(Screen Printing),丝网印刷是一种古老的印刷方法。其印刷的基本原理是:丝网印版的部分孔能够透过油墨,漏印至承印物上;印版上其余部分的网孔堵死,不能透过油墨,在承印物上形成空白。,1丝网印版;2网框;3刮板;4油墨;5印刷台 6承印物;7墨迹;8印版与承印物间的间隙,(1)丝网印刷工艺原理,丝网印刷设备,采用感光膜制版是当前电子丝网印刷的主流。,丝网印刷工艺,(2)基片(板),片式电阻用基板,厚膜电路用基板,(3)厚膜导电材料,厚膜导电材料主要有: Ag Ag-Pd Ag-Pt Au-Pd Au-Pt Au Cu,导电材料的选用需考虑: 导电性 扩散速度 稳定性 可焊性 价格,厚膜电容介质 陶瓷玻璃复合介质 陶瓷粉末为主要材料,玻璃为黏合剂 微晶玻璃,(4)介质材料,(5)丝网印刷元件的制备实例,Screen printed resistor process,二、压印技术(Pad Printing Technique),Basic elements of a transfer pad printing machine: silicone rubber pad or tampon cliche (intaglio, inkable plate) inktray with doctor blade,transfer pad comes down onto the cliche and rolls across,the transfer pad picks up the tacky ink film and also some of the liqiud ink underneath,during the transfer thinner evaporates from the ink image,the pad comes down onto the nonplanar solar cell surface and rolls across,the pad releases the ink image as it lifts up,the cliche is flooded and doctored, thinner evaporates from the ink and its surface becomes tacky,压印原理,Basic elements of a rotary pad printing machine:,silicone rubber transfer cylinder cliche drum inkwell and doctor blade,三、流延技术(Tape Casting),Tape casting has been used to produce thin layers of ceramic-loaded polymers that can be used as single layers or can be stacked and laminated into multilayered structures. Today, tape casting is the basic fabrication process that provides the materials which are the backbone of two, multibillion-dollar industries: multilayered capacitors and multilayered ceramic packages. In addition, many startup products such as multilayered inductors, multilayered varistors, piezoelectrics, ceramic fuel cells and lithium ion battery components are dependent upon tape-casting technology.,Advantage of Tape Casting,The chief advantage of the tape-casting process is that it is the best method for creating large, thin and flat ceramic or metallic parts. Such parts are virtually impossible to press, and difficult, if not impossible, to extrude. These difficulties are compounded in dry pressing where the plate is to be pierced with numerous holes, because of the increased problem of uniform die fill.,1. 工艺原理,Schematic diagram of a form of the tape casting process. The particulate slurry is drawn out beneath the doctor blade by the relative motion of the carrier film. The height of the blade above the film controls the thickness of the tape. The-inset photograph shows an end-on view of the tape caster at Cranfield showing the blade in position lying on the carrier film.,A doctor blade(刮刀),A doctor blade assembly. The ceramic slurry is held in the reservoir behind the blade middle of the micrograph. The twin micrometers right control the blade height above the carrier film. More sophisticated versions feature double blades and pumped metered slurry flow to keep the height of the slurry reservoir constant.,Tape CastingProcessing(工艺过程),The slip consisting of water, ceramic particles and binder.,The cast, dried green sheet,The microstructure of the sintered material.,2. 流延设备,Typical tape caster,3. 浆料的制备,流延浆料有粉料、粘结剂和溶剂组成。 粉料是厚膜形成的主体材料。 粘结剂为易燃聚合物,常用的有:,聚甲基丙烯甲酯(PMMA ) 聚苯乙烯(PS) 聚乙烯(PE) 聚醋酸乙烯酯(PVAC) 聚氯乙烯(PVC) 聚乙烯醇缩丁醛(PVB) 等。,(1)粘结剂,水基流延成型中可用作结合剂的纤维素衍生物,水基流延成型中可用作结合剂的乙烯和丙烯酸类聚合物,(2)溶剂,溶剂的选择: (1) 应是该粘合剂所用聚合物的优良溶剂。 (2) 应具有与流延成膜工艺相匹配的蒸发速度。 (3) 应与粘合剂中其他助剂有较好的相容性。 (4) 溶剂应为无毒或低毒, 对环境无污染, 对人体无毒害。 快速蒸发溶剂: 丙酮100 s 醋酸丁酯 140 s 丁酮 145 s 中速蒸发溶剂: 无水乙醇 340 s 异丙醇 350 s 醋酸乙丙酯 530 s,4. 厚膜生产,Automatic Tape Casting Machines,流延膜,Double layer silicon carbide tapes (coarse support/ membrane),Green Tape,四、厚膜元件的制备,Ceramic tape and various products made from it,Methods for Manufacturing Multilayered Monolithic Ceramic,多层叠片式元件的制备工艺,叠片式元件制备工艺流程,粉体制备,流延浆体制备,流延成膜,内电极印刷与叠层,等静压层压,切割,排塑,烧成,倒角,上端面电极,烧银,(表面处理电镀),分选,编带包装,多层叠片式元件的制备设备,所需设备有:,搅拌球磨机 流延机 切块机 自动网式印刷与叠层机(印内电极) 等静压机 切割机 箱式炉 高精度隧道烧成炉,滚筒球磨机 烘干炉 封端机(涂外电极)烧银炉 表面处理设备 电镀设备 电性能自动测试系统 片式元件编带机,多层布线的工艺路线,多层布线浆料系统,多层布线实例,1. 片式压敏电阻器,I=kV = lg(I2-I1) / lg(V2-V1),元件结构,微观结构特征,工作原理,元件尺寸,尺寸:EIA标准,数字表示元件的长宽尺寸(单位为英寸),如0402表示元件的长(L) 宽(W)为0.040.02英寸。,元件的封装,片式压敏电阻的应用,2. 片式电容器,+,-,C=Q/U=Q/Ed=S/4kd,Q为电荷量,U为电势差;S为面积 d为两板间距离;k为静电力常数,元件结构,制备工艺,片式电容器封装,片式电容特征,多层陶瓷电容器(MLCC) 具有体积小、比电容高、绝缘电阻高及漏电流小、介质损耗低和价廉等优点,被广泛应用于各种电子整机中的振荡、耦合、滤波和旁路电路,尤其是高频电路。 与其它电容器相比,MLCC 特别适合于片式化表面组装,可大大提高电路组装密度,缩小整机体积,已经成为世界上用量最大、发展最快的一种片式元件。,3. 多层片式电感器,电感器类型,片式电感器结构,元件结构,制备工艺,厚膜坯体采用低温烧结软磁铁氧体。 线圈导带采用Ag、Pd15Ag85、Au、Pd30Ag70、Pt等。 落片、压痕、穿孔在一个模具上实现。 印刷、叠层可在多工位旋转印刷迭合台来完成,有微机控制。,环行导带模板,印刷叠层机运转示意图,元件封装,4. 多元阵列元件,多元元件,5. 元件包装,元件包装,元件包装,第二节 厚膜元件发展趋势,更小的元件体积 Reduction in package dimensions should continue, as fine-pitch capability and microelectronic packaging equipment should improve substantially by 2010. 更高的元件性能 Electronic packaging manufacturers have made inroads into improving some of the characteristics of electronic components. R&D is focused on improving existing packages, such as ball grid arrays (BGA), chip scale packages (CSP) and multi-chip modules (MCM).,发展趋势,更高的可靠性 Interconnection density in packaging technology is increasing with growing complexity of semiconductor devices. It needs a higher reliability. 更卓越的多功能性 New innovations in devices and packaging methods should perform equally well or better when compared to existing assembly and reliability areas to maintain a place in the industry. To attain the functionality and density of bare die assembly, a new generation of devices has been introduced by the packaging industry, which is close to the dimensions of the bare silicon die.,Development for Small-Signal Devices,思考题,常用厚膜电路基板的材料和特点? 常用厚膜导体材料及特点? 厚膜导体与基板的附着机理? 薄膜电路和厚膜电路在制造工艺上有何不同?,


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