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美联英语提供:有效学习语言的7种方法(一)两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平1. Start With the End Goal in Mind在心中树立目标If you dont know where you want to end up, youre not going to know where to go. Especially when things get tough.如果你不知道你的目标,你不会知道最终的目标在哪,特别是当事情变得艰难的时候。This is why innovative entrepreneurs, inventors, and influencers require a massive vision that they can rely on during the worst times.这就是为什么创新企业家、发明家和有影响力的人需要一个大规模的规划,他们可以在最艰难的时期有所帮助。Make sure you have a meaningful purpose of why you want to learn a language. Is it to develop a deeper connection with your family, life partner, friends? Or maybe its because you want to advance your career by opening up new opportunities that would normally not be available today.确保你有一个有意义的目标,你为什么要学习一门语言。你需要与你的家人,生活伴侣,朋友更好的交流吗?或许是因为你想为事业打开新的机遇。Another important skill to learn is how to set goals that clarify your end goal. Heres an example:另一个重要的技能学习是如何设定目标来达到你的最终目标。这里有一个例子:Bad goal: I want to learn a language so I can travel to Europe by next year.糟糕的目标:我想学习一门语言这样我可以明年去欧洲旅行。Good goal: I want to learn how to speak Spanish so I can travel to Buenos Aires, Argentina by next summer.良好的目标:我要学习如何讲西班牙语,那么我可以在明年夏天前前往阿根廷的布宜诺斯艾利斯。Great goal: I will have a 15-minute conversation in Spanish with a native Argentinian person over coffee in a cafe in Buenos Aires on July 2017.伟大的目标: 2017年7月,我要用西班牙语将和本土阿根廷人在咖啡馆有一个15分钟的谈话,咖啡馆在布宜诺斯艾利斯。Notice how specific, visual, and deadline oriented the great goal is compared to the bad goal.注意具体、可视化的和目标导向的的伟大目标比模糊的目标更好。2. Pick the Right Language选择正确的语言Picking the right language is not about the dream language you want to learn (although there is nothing wrong with that). In this case, were specifically talking about learning speed.选择正确的语言,不是你想学什么语言就学(尽管没有错)。但一些情况下,我们应该具体讨论学习速度。If you already know how to speak English, learning Spanish, French, Portuguese, or any language from the latin family would be easier than trying to learn Mandarin.如果你已经知道如何说英语,学习西班牙语、法语、葡萄牙语,或任何其他拉丁语言会比学中文更容易。By being aware of the language you already know, you can choose transferrable languages to help you accelerate your learning.意识到你已经了解的语言,你可以选择可转换的语言帮助你加快学习。3. Follow a Proven Strategy遵循一个有效的策略Theres no need to reinvent the wheel when youre learning something new. For nearly any skill, theres someone who has already achieved expert status.当你学习新东西时,不需要重新发明轮子。几乎任何技能,都有人已经达到了专家的地位。“If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want and copy what they do and youll achieve the same results.”-Tony Robbins“如果你想获得成功,去找那些已经取得成就的人,你会达到相同的结果”。托尼罗宾斯说。When it comes to languages, there is an abundance of resources you can find from the comforts of your home, including:当涉及到语言,你可以在集中找到丰富的资源,包括:Language Blogs语言博客Language Teachers语言教师You can follow the strategies and tactics from any of these influencers who will help you shorten your learning curve.您可以遵循成功人士的战略和战术,他们会帮助你缩短学习曲线。两分钟做个小测试,看看你的英语水平


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