仁爱版英语八年级下册 Unit8 Topic1 SectionA 参考教案

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.Unit8 Topic1 SectionA 参考教案. Material analysis本节课建议用 1 课时上完。主要活动为 Section A 的 1a 和 3。本话题由班级要举行时装秀的活动来引入,通过四位主人公为时装秀积极购置漂 亮和帅气的服饰展开,向广阔师生呈现了多姿多彩的服饰文化。本课在 1a 的对话 中首先以谈论服装的材质及相约去购置参加时装秀的服装为切入点,通过 1c 的 练习让学生掌握并运用 so that构造;又通过 2 的学习活动复习了学过的服装 的名称,引导学生学会对同一类别的单词进展集中的学习和记忆,并呈现了三个 有关服装名称的新词:tie, scarf 和 jeans;在第三局部的活动中向学生介绍了服装 商场里每层楼所售服装的名称,让学生学习有关请求帮助的用语。通过本课学习, 要培养学生们对服装文化的兴趣,并引导他们积极参与班级和学校的活动,建立 集体荣誉感。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 学习有关服装的词汇。2. 学习 so that构造的用法。3. 学习有关约会和请求帮助的功能用语。Skill aims :1. 能听懂接近正常语速、涉及服装的语段,答复教师提出的问题。2. 能引出服装的话题并进展简单的交谈。3. 能从简单的涉及服装的文章中找出有关信息,理解大意。4. 能写出简单的关于请求帮助的对话。Emotional aims:1. 有助人为乐的意识。2. 引导他们积极参与班级和学校的活动。3. 建立集体荣誉感。4. 热爱服装文化。. The key points and difficult pointsKey points:下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。.1. 学习有关服装的词汇。2. 学习 so that构造的用法。3. 学习有关约会和请求帮助的用语。Difficult points:尝试用英语写出简单的关于请求帮助的对话。. Learning strategies1. 集中记忆同类别的词汇。2. 积极参与课内外英语学习活动。. Teaching aidsComputer multimedia projector; the videos of a fashion show. Teaching proceduresIntroduction8 minutes1. Greet students and make them ready for learning.2. The teacher asks students to report their homework. Let students report the email which they wrote to Rose to tell her something about eating habits and how to eat healthily in China.3. The teacher lets students from different groups speak out the words about clothes they have learned. The group which speaks the most in the certain time can get four points.4. The teacher shows different kinds of beautiful clothes one by one on the screen. Let students speak out the names of them quickly. The group which speaks out the most names of clothes correctly can get four points.5. The teacher teaches the new words jeans by pointing at the jeans himself or herself. Teach handbag, tie, sweater, scarf, jeans, blouse and sock by showing the pictures of them on the screen.6. The teacher lets students look at the pictures of 2 and fill in the boxes with the words given.7. The teacher asks students to tell the answers together and then read the words aloud. Let them grasp the words about clothes.Presentation (10 minutes)下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。.1.The teacher plays a video about a fashion show. Let students know about the meaning of fashion. Then lead to 1a: What do you think of the fashion show? Oh, yes, I agree with you. Its wonderful! Its said that there will be a fashion show in Kangkangs class. Lets come to theconversation of 1a to get some information about the fashion show.2.The teacher lets students look at the pictures of 1a and guess: What are Jane and Maria talking about?3.The teacher asks students to watch the flash of 1a and check the guess.4.The teacher plays the recording for the students and asks students to answer the questions:(1) Is Marias Chinese Tang Costume a cotton one or a silk one?(2) Why does Jane want to buy some new clothes?(3) When will they have the class fashion show?5. The teacher asks two students to tell their answers.6. The teacher plays the recording again. Let students listen to the conversation and circle True or False.7. The teacher asks two students to tell their answers.Consolidation (10 minutes)1. The teacher plays the recording sentence by sentence.2. The teacher plays the recording without stopping.3. The teacher lets students read the conversation by themselves and underline the new words.4. The teacher teaches the new words. Teach the words costume, cotton and silk by showing the proper pictures on the screen. Teach smooth by comparing two pictures: a street and a mountain road.5. The teacher lets the students read 1a and then asks them to learn in groups to find out the difficult points. At last let them sum up main points of the conversation.6. The teacher makes a summary to explain key points and difficult points to the students:(1) a Chinese Tang Costume下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。.(2) so that so that(3) have/ hold a class fashion show(4) Shall we meet at the school gate at 8:00 a.m.?7. The teacher asks students to find out the key words and act out the conversation based on them in pairs.Practice (10 minutes)1. The teacher asks students to fill in the blanks according to the pictures of 1c withso that Let two students write down the answers on the blackboard.2.The teacher asks another two students to check the answers on the blackboard. Teach the new word afford by saying “The coat is very expensive. I have no en ough money. I cant afford it.3.The teacher plays the recording of 2. Let students listen and check the words.4. The teacher plays the recording again. Let students number the pictures. Finish 2. 5.The teacher lets two students tell the answers.6. The teacher asks the students to look at the pictures of 3. Let the students find out what clothes there are on each floor in groups. Group 1 reads out the names of clothes on the first floor7. The teacher asks students to read the example aloud, and then underline the sentences expressing asking for help. (Could you tell me where to buy a scarf?)8.The teacher asks the students to circle the names of sections. (Shoes and Hats Section, Sports Wear Section, Womens Wear Section and Mens Wear Section)9.The teacher lets students make similar conversations. Walk around to help them if necessary.10. The teacher lets students act out the conversations.Production (7 minutes)1. The teacher asks the students to have a word competition. Let them play the game Whats missing? to consolidate all the words they learned about the clothes.2. The teacher asks students to make a survey about the clothes their group mates are wearing. Let them complete the table below. (Teacher may offer more words to help下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。.them finish the survey like leather and woolen.)NameClothesColorMaterial3. The teacher asks the representative from each group to report the result of the survey.4. The teacher evaluates the reports. Advise them to choose the suitable and proper clothes at their age.5. The teacher shows the summary of this section to the students.6. The teacher assigns homework:(1) Review the summary after class.(2) Finish the written work.(3) Bring a photo of your family here to introduce their clothes.Teaching ReflectionThe topic of clothes is close to the students life. Teacher should use more resources around us and on the Internet to teach the words and talk about the topics of this unit. The teacher should also let the students have the right attitude about dressing. Blackboard designUnit 8 Our ClothesTopic 1 We will have a class fashion show.Section A1. a Chinese Tang Costume2. so that so that3. have/ hold a class fashion show4. Shall we meet at the school gateat 8:00 a.m.?5. Could you tell me where to buy ascarf?下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。.6. Shoes and Hats Section Sports Wear SectionWomens Wear SectionMens Wear SectionNameClothesColorMaterialG1 G23 21 42 1G3 G41 43 24 3下载后可自行编辑修改,页脚下载后可删除。


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