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常用机场英语 机场指示牌机场费 airport fee出站(出港、离开) departures国际机场 international airport登机手续办理 check-in国内机场 domestic airport登机牌 boarding pass (card)机场候机楼 airport terminal护照检查处 passport control immigration国际候机楼 international terminal行李领取处 luggage claim; baggage claim国际航班出港 international departure国际航班旅客 international passengers国内航班出站 domestic departure中转 transfers卫星楼 satellite中转旅客 transfer passengers入口 in中转处 transfer correspondence出口 exit; out; way out过境 transit进站(进港、到达) arrivals报关物品 goods to declare不需报关 nothing to declare贵宾室 V.I.P. room海关 customs购票处 ticket office登机口 gate; departure gate付款处 cash候机室 departure lounge出租车 taxi航班号 FLT No (flight number)出租车乘车点 Taxi pick-up point来自 arriving from大轿车乘车点 coach pick-up point预计时间 scheduled time (SCHED)航空公司汽车服务处 airline coach service实际时间 actual租车处 car hire已降落 landed公共汽车 bus; coach service前往 departure to公用电话 public phone; telephone起飞时间 departure time厕所 toilet; W. C.; lavatories; rest room延误 delayed男厕 mens; gents; gentlemens登机 boarding女厕 womens; ladys由此乘电梯前往登机 stairs and lifts to departures餐厅 restaurant迎宾处 greeting arriving酒吧 bar由此上楼 up; upstairs咖啡馆 coffee shop; cafe由此下楼 down; downstairs免税店 duty-free shop银行 bank邮局 post office货币兑换处 money exchange; currency exchange出售火车票 rail ticket订旅馆 hotel reservation旅行安排 tour arrangement行李暂存箱 luggage locker行李牌 luggage tag航班号、起飞时间 Flight number and departure time=机 票 飞机票 endorsements/restrictions前往城市 to旅客姓名 name of passenger承运人 carrier旅行经停地点 good for passage between航班号 flight no.起点城市 from座舱等级 class起飞日期 date机号 plane No.起飞时间 time机座号 seat No.订座情况 status吸烟坐位 smoking seat机票确认 ticket confirm非吸烟席 non-smoking seat登机口 gate酒店我會晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间。Ill arrive late, but please keep my reservation.我在台北已预订房间。I made a reservation in Taipei.我的名字是王明明。My name is Wang Ming-Ming.我想要一间安静一点的房间。Id like a quiet room.我想要楼上的房间。Id like a room on the upper level.我想要一间视野好(有阳台)的房间。Id like a room with a nice view (a balcony).随时都有热水供应吗?Is hot water available any time?我可以看一看房间吗?May I seethe room?是否还有更大的(更好的/更便宜的)房间?Do you have anything bigger (better/cheaper)?我要订这间房间。Ill take this room.麻烦填写这张住宿登记表。Would you fill in this registration form?这里可使用信用卡(旅行支票)吗?Do you accept credit cards (travelers checks)?是否可代为保管贵重物品?Could you keep my valuables?餐厅在那儿?Where is the dining room?餐厅几点开始营业?What time does the dining room open?早餐几点开始供应?What time can I have breakfast?旅馆内有美容院(理发院)吗?Is there a beauty salon(barber shop)?是否可给我一张有旅馆地址的名片?Can I have a card with the hotels address?是否可在此购买观光巴士券?Can I get a ticket for the sight-seeing bus here?最近的地铁站在那里?Where is the nearest subway station?何时需退房?When is check-out time?明早你是否能帮我将行李拿到大厅?Could you bring my baggage down to the lobby tomorrow morning?当然。你何时离开?Sure. What time are you leaving?8点。At 8oclock.那麼,我将在7点50分到你的房间。Then Ill go to your room at 7:50.我总共有3件行李。I have three pieces of baggage.明早,请将行李放在你的门口。Please leave them outside your room tomorrow morning.这是316号房。我想要一件毛毯。This is room316. Id like a blanket, please.请送给我一壶咖啡(热水)。Please bring me a pot of coffee (boiled water).请送给我一些冰块和水。Please bring me some ice cubes and water.我想设定早晨的呼叫铃。Id like awake-up call, please.几点?What time?明早7点。7 oclock tomorrow morning.冷气(电视、灯)无法开启。The air-conditioner (T.V. set、light) doesnt work.Western Restaurant一、词汇 Vocabulary1、零点 a la carte2、开胃小菜/头盘 appetizer3、自助餐 buffet dinner4、欧陆式/大陆的 continental5、东方的 oriental6、餐后甜点 dessert7、主菜 main course8、餐具 dinnerware/dinner set/tableware9、水果盘 fruit plate10、面包盘 side dish11、沙拉盘 salad plate12、汤碗 soup bowl13、大汤勺 table spoon14、公用勺 serving spoon15、餐刀 table knife16、糖饼夹子/蛋糕夹 cake tongs17、瓶启子/开瓶器 bottle opener40、乳酪刀 cheese knife41、餐刀 dinner knife42、牛排刀 steak knife43、筷子 chopsticks44、甜品叉 dessert fork45、沙拉叉 salad fork46、鱼叉 fish fork47、餐叉 dinner fork48、干酪叉 fondue fork49、匙 spoon50、咖啡匙 coffee spoon51、茶匙 teaspoon52、汤匙 soup spoon53、甜品匙 dessert spoon54、圣代匙 sundae spoon55、冷的 cold56、香的 fragrant57、干的 dried58、新鲜的 fresh59、冰的 iced60、辣 hot61、甜 sweet62、苦 bitter63、咸 salty64、酸 sour65、浓 thick66、淡 light67、脆 crisp68、味道好的 tasty/delicious69、腻 oily70、腥 fishy71、老 tough72、嫩 tender73、硬 hard74、软 soft75、烧焦的 burned76、多汁的 juicy77、熟透 welldone78、半生不熟 rare79、适中的/半熟 medium西式午餐(Western Lunch) apple pie苹果馅饼 chicken nugget炸鸡块 double cheeseburger双层奶酪汉堡 French fries炸薯条 hot dog热狗 ketchup蕃茄酱 napkin纸巾 pizza披萨(意大利薄饼) sandwich三明治 straw吸管 biscuits小面包,甜饼干 cream奶油 doughnut甜甜圈 hamburger汉堡 ice-cream sundae冰淇淋圣代 mill shake奶昔 pepper胡椒粉 salt盐 sausage香肠 tray拖盘 西式晚餐(Western Dinner) baked potato烤马铃薯 cake蛋糕 chocolate pudding巧克力布丁 corn-on-the-cob玉米棒 fish pie鱼馅饼 meatballs肉丸 roast beef烤牛肉 salad色拉 spaghetti意大利面条 wine酒 waiter服务生 cheese奶酪 coffee pot咖啡壶 crackers咸饼干 mashed potato马铃薯泥 pork chop猪排 roast chicken烤鸡 soup汤 steak牛排 beer啤酒 西餐英语大全Flatware西餐具Setting the silver doesnt require a road map. Place the pieces in the order theyll be used, working from the outside in. Heres how the items shown are traditionally used:摆放银餐具没什么难的,你没有必要像做地图一样将他们摆放得那么精确。只要按使用的顺序摆放,由外及内即可。现在我们来看看这些餐具传统上是怎么摆放的。Cocktail fork: seafood or fruit cocktail, lobster, and for serving pickles or olives.开胃食品餐叉:吃海鲜、开胃水果、龙虾时用,吃泡菜、橄榄的时候也可以用它。Salad fork: salads, fish, pies, pastries, and cold meats.沙拉餐叉:吃沙拉、鱼肉、馅饼、点心以及冷盘时用。Fish fork: in place of the dinner fork when fish is served.餐叉:吃鱼的时候,鱼餐叉是用来替代正餐叉的。Dinner fork: all entrees except fish.正餐叉:除了鱼之外,适用于吃所有的主菜。Steak knife: for cutting meats.牛排刀:用来切肉。Fish knife: in place of dinner or steak knife when fish is served.食鱼刀:吃鱼的时候用来替代餐刀和牛排刀的。Butter knife: butter pats, soft cheeses, chutneys and relishes.黄油刀:用来切小黄油块、软奶酪、酸辣酱以及开胃小菜。Dinner knife: all entrees except fish.正餐刀:适用于除了鱼之外的所有正菜。Soupspoon: desserts, cereal, soup.汤勺:用于甜点、麦片粥以及汤。Teaspoon: coffee, tea, fruits, and some desserts.茶匙:用于咖啡、茶水、水果以及某些甜点。Iced beverage spoon: any tall beverage or dessert.冰饮料勺:用于高脚杯的饮料或甜点。Demitasse spoon: condiments, and caviar and after-dinner coffee.小咖啡勺:用于调味品、鱼子酱以及餐后咖啡。如何点菜:不知道要从哪里吃起?餐具要从最外面的色拉叉salad fork往里面吃。I dont know where to start! Could you show me, please?我不知道从何点起!请你告诉我好吗?然后服务生会告诉你要点前菜appetizer、主菜、 main course、配料side dish、沾酱dip、甜点dessert、饮料 beverage or drink,但你看看旁边那张桌上,每个盘子都大如脸盆,忽然有点担心吃不完,于是妳问:Isnt that a little too much?会不会点太多吃不完?服务生大概会跟妳说点得刚刚好,但最后终于证实吃不完,于是妳得请他帮妳打包:Please wrap this up for me.请帮我包起来。Id like a doggie bag, please.麻烦一下,我需要一个打包用的袋子。顺便就可以说:Id like the check now, please.我要结帐。一般来说,消费总额的百分之十到十五,是妳应该另外给服务生的小费这就解释了服务生所谓刚刚好的意思。临走之前,别忘了在桌上放小费再离去喔!以下是其它在餐厅用得到的话?Could I have a glass of water, please?请给我一杯水好吗?How many pieces are in an order of chicken wings?一份鸡翅有几支?Thatll be it for now. Well order more later if its not enough.我们先点这些,不够再点。Could I have a menu? Id like to order more.请给我菜单。我要加点。Could I have a refill please?请帮我续杯好吗?游览景点我需要导游 Id like a guide入场券多少钱?Whats the admission charge?下一次游览时什么时候?Whens the next tour下一次一日游是什么时间?Whens the next day trip?住宿费包括在内吗?Is accommodation included?交通费包括在内吗?Is transport included?游览时间是多久? How long is the tour?下一班乘船游览是什么时间? When s the next boat trip?哪里可以帮我照相机充电?Is there anywhere my camera could charge?我的相机没电了。My camera has run out of power我们什么时间返回?What time should we be back?在哪儿能找到。Where can i find.


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