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ask sb. for sth. 杰克总向妈妈要手机。 Jack _ a mobile phone. Jane向老师寻求提高英语成绩的建议。 Jane _ _on how to improve English. 我也是新来的,你可以求助警察。 Im new here, you may _. 如果你想寻求帮助,你可以拨打110。 If you _, you may dial 110. 他从不向父母要零花钱,是吗 He _ from his parents, _?,asks his mother for,asked her teacher for advice,ask the policeman for help,want to ask for help,never asks for pocket money,does he,ask / tell sb. how to do 他问我怎么做作业。 He asked me_. 我告诉他怎么打扫房间。 I told _clean the room. 我们可以向物理老师问如何做这个实验。 We _ our physics teacher _. 图书管理员热情地告诉我们怎样从图书馆借书。 librarian _. 你应该问问老师怎样用时间能学得更好。 _.,how to do his homework,him how to,can ask,how to do the experiment,warmly told us how to borrow books from the library,You should ask the teacher how to make use of time to study better,ask / tell sb. (not) to do sth. 老师要我把窗户打开。 The teacher _ open the window. 每个人都告诉我别碰那壶,烫! Everyone tells me _ the pot. It is hot! Miss Wang常叫大家不要上课说话,应该好好听讲。 Miss Wang _, we should listen to teacher carefully. 老师告诉我们每天要按时值日。 Teachers _ on time every day.,asked me to,not to touch,asked us not to talk in class,asked us to be on duty,be afraid of / be afraid to do / be afraid that 我怕狗。 I _ dogs. 我怕一个人走夜路。 He _ at night. 我恐怕他今天要迟到了。 I _. 同学们害怕背单词,但是那对学英语有好处。 Students _, but _ English well. 我恐怕不能参加你的生日晚会。 I _.,am afraid of,is afraid of walking alone/ by himself,am afraid that he will be late today,are afraid of remembering words,its good (for them) to,am afraid that I cant go to your birthday party,be busy doing sth. 当我到家得时候,我妈妈正忙着做饭。 When I arrived home, my mum _. 聚会一小时后开始,孩子们正忙着打扫教室。 The party will begin in an hour. The children _ the classroom. 当我妈妈把饭煮好的时候,我正忙于功课。 When mum finished cooking, I _,was busy cooking,are busy cleaning,was busy doing my homework,be busy doing sth. 这些天学生们正忙着锻炼身体,准备体育考试。 These days all the students _ to _ the physical Examination. 他想在2012年成为一名奥运志愿者。现在他每天忙于学习英语,没有一点玩的时间。 He wants to be an Olympic volunteer in 2012.Now he _.,are busy taking exercise/ doing sports,get ready for,is so busy learning Engliah that he has no time to play at all,be famous / ready / sorry for 每个家庭都为即将到来的春节做好了准备。 Every family _ the coming Spring Festival. 周杰伦因为他的音乐在年轻人中间而著名。 Jay Zhou _ his music with young people. 昨天因为交通拥堵,他们开会迟到了。 _ the meeting because of the heavy traffic yesterday. 很抱歉让你久等了。 Im sorry _ for a long time. 妈妈昨天要我为考试做准备。 Mother _ the exams yesterday.,is ready for,is famous for,They were late for,to keep you waiting/ for keeping you waiting,asked me to get ready for,be glad that 每个学生都尽可能努力在学习,我很欣赏。 I _ every student is studying _. 我很高兴听说他通过了这次考试。 I _he _. 他们很高兴不久就会见到他们的爷爷了。 _ see their grandfather soon.,am glad that,as hard as possible,am glad that,has passed the exam,They are glad that they are going to,both and 老师和同学们都被这个故事所感动了。 _ touched by the story. 我们既学英语又学法语。 We learn _. 我和妹妹都去过长城。 _ been to the Great Wall. 我们应该既要从书本中学习又要向工人和农民们学习。 We should learn _ workers and farmers. 我喜欢上网和打游戏,就是不喜欢学习。 I like _, but I,Both the teachers and the students are,both English and French,Both my sister and I have,from both books and,both going online and playing games,dont like studying at all,buy sb. sth. = buy sth. for sb. give sb sth =give sth to sb (show bring lend send pass tell) 去年夏天,我妈妈给我买了一条裙子。 Last summer, my mum _. 明天我要给你看看我的照片。 I _ my photos tomorrow. 让Tom把球传给我。 _ me. 我忘了带英语书,你能把你的借给我用用吗? I forgot to bring my English book here. Could you _?,bought me a skirt bought a skirt for me,will show you,Let Tom pass the ball to,lend yours to me,lend me yours,(5)她妈妈给她姥姥在母亲节那天送去了鲜花。 Her mother _ her grandmother on Mothers Day.,sent some flowers to,hate doing / like doing / finish doing / 写完作业之前,你不可以出去玩儿。 You cant go out to play before you _. 妈妈讨厌坐飞机旅行。 Mum _ by plane. 不断学习,否则你就不能更多地了解这个世界 _, or you cant know more about the world.,finish doing your homework,hates traveling,Keep studying,解放军战士已不停地工作了12个小时,我们应该阻止他们继续工作下去。 The PLA men _for 12 hours and we should 你不介意把窗户打开吧. _.,stop them from going on working,have kept working,Do/Would you mind (me/my) opening the window?,get + 比较级 冬天到了,天气变得越来越冷了。 Winter is coming and it _. 北京变得越来越美丽了,我们为此感到自豪 Beijing is _ _ and we are proud of it. 事情进展的如何?更糟糕了。 -How is everything going? -It _. 该停止吃太多东西了,否则你会很快发胖的。 _ too much, or you _ soon.,is getting colder and colder,getting more and more beautiful,is getting worse and worse,Its time to stop eating,will get fatter and fatter,天渐渐的越来越黑。_.,It is getting darker and darker,get on (well) with 我与邻居相处得很好。 I can _ my neighbors. 他一搬到这儿就和邻居们相处得很好。 He _ his neighbors _. 这个淘气的男孩的妈妈要求他尽可能与同学好好相处。 The naughty boys mother _.,get on well with,got on well with,as soon as he moved here,asked him to get on with his classmates as well as possible,你与你的父母相处得怎么样? _your parents? 我的好朋友总是问我如何与其他人相处。 My best friend always _.,How are you getting on with,asks me how to get on with others,get ready for 上课时间到了,请把书和笔记本准备好。 _ class. Please _. 初三的同学们都在忙着为毕业考试做准备。 The students in Grade Three _ the final exams. 平安里站到了,请准备好下车。 The next stop is Pinganli. Please _ your arrival. 我昨天到家的时候,妈妈已经把饭准备好了。 When I got home yesterday, my mother _.,Its time for,get your book and notebook ready.,are busy getting ready for,get ready for,had got the meal ready,我们已经(为足球比赛)准备好了衣服和鞋。 _,We have got our clothes and shoes ready (for the football match).,had better (not) do 邮局里这里有些远,你最好坐车去。 The post office is a bit far from here. _ take a bus. 你最好现在就起床,别再上学迟到了。 You _ now. Dont _ school again. 你看起来很疲惫,最好休息一下。 You _. 为了保护环境,我们去超市购物时最好带上购物袋。 We _ in the supermarket _ the environment.,Youd better,had better get up,be late for,look so tired that youd better have a rest .,had better take shopping bags with us when we go shopping,(in order) to protect,天气预报说有雨,你最好带上一把伞。 The weather report says it will rain, you _,had better take/bring an umbrella with you.,help sb. (to) do / help sb. with 我不在家的时候,她总是帮我照顾我的妈妈。 She always _ my mother while I am away 你经常帮父母做家务吗? Do you often _ the housework? 我的电脑坏了,你能帮我修修 _ _? 你愿意帮我复习功课吗? _ my lessons? 老师不仅在学习上帮助我们而且还经常告诉我们如何与别人很好地相处。 Out teacher _ others.,helps me look after/take care of,help your parents (to) do/ with,There is something wrong with my computer. My computer doesnt work.,Can you help me repair it?,Would you like to help me with my lessons?,I dont think (1)我想他现在没看书。 _ hes reading now. (2)我认为他明天上学不会再迟到的。 _ he will _ again. (3)我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于大家的健康。 _ _,I dont think that,I dont think that,be late for school,I dont think that it is good for everyone to keep windows closed all the time in winter.,(4)我认为他的家长不会阻止他帮我学习英语。 _ my English. (5)我觉得他们不会放弃当志愿者的机会。 _ they _ the chance of being volunteers.,I dont think that his parents will stop him from helping me learn,I dont think that,will give up,would like to do (1)Betty,你想要喝的东西吗? Betty, _ something _? (2)今天不忙,你愿意和我们一起去看电影吗? We are not busy today, _ with us? (3)谢谢你的关心,但我想独自完成所有的作业。 Thank you for asking me, but I _.,would you like to drink,would you like to go to the cinema,would like to finish all my homework by myself,(4)我一有空就愿意帮妈妈做饭和打扫房间。 I _ my mother _ I am free. (5)你想和大家相处融洽吗? _,would like to help,cook meals and clean the room as soon as,Would you like to get on well with everyone?,It takes (took) (will take) sb. to do sth. (1)老师每天用一个小时帮我学英语。 _ my teacher one hour _ my English. (2)你每天花多少时间读书? How long _ you _ books every day? (3)他明天只要花10分钟就可以骑车到他爸爸那儿。 It _ only 10 minutes _.,It takes,to help me with,does it take to read,will take him,to ride his bike to his fathers tomorrow,(4)昨天我没用太多的时间久完成了所有的作业。 _ me too much time _ all the homework yesterday. (5)他没有告诉我工人们要用多久才能建成这所新医院。 He didnt tell me _ this new hospital!,It didnt take to finish,how long it would take the workers to finish building,be good for/ be bad for (1)多吃水果和蔬菜对身体有好处。 _ our health to eat more fruit and vegetables. (2)在太阳下看书对眼睛是有害的。 _ eyes _ in the sun. Reading in the sun _ eyes. (3)这些书对孩子们是有益的。 _.,Its good for,Its bad for,to read books,is bad for,These books are good for children,(4)众所周知,吸烟有害健康。 Its well known that smoking _. (5)我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。 I _ it _ in winter.,is bad for health,dont think,is good for your health to keep windows closed all the time,It is + adj. + for sb. + to do sth. (1)对于我来说算出这道数学题很难。 _ work out the maths problem. (2)对于中小学生来说,拥有充足的睡眠是很重要的。 _ for the pupils and middle school students _ have enough sleep.,Its very difficult for me to,Its important,to,(3)嘲笑残疾人是不礼貌的。 _ (4)对他们来说,与他相处好是很容易的。 _ easy _. (5)战士们已经连续工作了18个小时,有必要让他们停下来休息。 The soldiers _, so _.,Its impolite to laugh at the disabled.,Its very,for them to get on well with him,have kept working for 18 hours,its necessary to let/make them stop to have a rest,Its time (for sb.) to do sth. / for sth. (1)快点,该上学了。 Hurry up, _. (2)对于初三的学生来说,是该努力的时候了。 _ the students in Grade 3 _. (3)Lucy,该回家了! Lucy, _.,its time for school,Its time for,to study hard,its time to go home,(4)七点了,该起床了。 _. (5)继续努力,现在还不是我们放弃的时候。 _, it _.,Its 7 oclock, its time to get up,Keep working hard isnt time for us to give up,主 + be + 数 + 单位 + long (wide, deep, high) (1)这个房间有5米长,4米宽。 The room is _. (2)这条蛇足有三米长。 This snake _.,five meters long and four meters wide,is totally three meters long,(3)北京首都机场三号航站楼2,900米,宽790米。 Beijing Capital International Airport Terminal 3 is _. (4)这位八十岁的老人很健康而且充满活力。 _.,2900 meters long and 790 meters wide,The 80-year-old man is not only healthy but also energetic,keep sb. doing (1)不要让我们等太久。 Dont _for a long time. (2)对不起,让你久等了。 Im sorry _. (3)我的妈妈要我整个下午都做作业。 My mother _ my homework all the afternoon.,keep us waiting,to keep you waiting for so long,kept me doing,(4)我的女儿使我一直回答她的问题。 My little daughter _ her questions. (5)这些菜是如此地好吃,他吃个不停。 _.,kept me answering,These dishes were so delicious that he kept eating them,keep sth. + adj. (1)屋里太热,让门窗都开着吧。 Its too hot in the room. _ the door and windows _. (2)教室每天必须打扫以便保持它的干净。 Classrooms must _. (3)我认为冬天总是关着窗户不利于你的健康。 _in winter.,Keep open,be cleaned every day to keep it clean,I dont think that its good for your health to keep windows closed all the time,(4)这条消息令我兴奋。 The news _. (5)我们应该精心地照顾这些孩子,使他们更健康。 We should take good care of the children to _.,kept me excited,keep them healthier,like to do / like doing (1)我喜欢遛狗。 I like _dogs. (2)我喜欢钓鱼,但是我今天不想钓鱼。 I _, but I _. (3)我喜欢躺在沙滩上享受阳光。 _ and _.,walking,like going fishing,dont like to go fishing today,I like lying on the beach,enjoying the sunshine,(4)我妈妈非常喜欢旅行,以至她已游遍了全国。 My mother likes _. (5)你喜欢网上购物吗? _,traveling so much that she has traveled around the country .,Do you like going shopping online?,make sb. (not) do let sb. (not) do (1)请让我了解事实真相。 Please _ the truth. (2)他使得自己的梦想成真了。 _come true. (3)什么使你认为我是一位老师? What_a teacher.,let me know about,He made his own dream,makes you think that I am,(4)让他改变主意是不可能的。 _ change his mind. (5)他如此地喜欢说话,让他一直保持安静是不可能的。 _.,Its impossible to make him,He likes talking so much that its impossible to make him keep silent all the time.,not only but also (1)新火车不仅快,而且舒适。 The new train _. (2)不仅是老人,很多年轻人也被这个电影打动。 _ are touched by the movie. (3)如果你想把英语学好,你不仅要做大量的阅读,而且还要坚持用英语和别人交谈。 If you want to learn English well, you should _ _.,is not only fast but also comfortable,Not only the old but also a lot of young people,not only do many reading exercises, but also keep talking with others in English,(4)莉莉不仅自己喜欢画画,而且有时在放学之后花很多时间教我画画。 Lily _. (5)我们要尽可能常读好书,因为好书不但能给我们知识,而且有助于我们更好地了解世界。 We need to read good books _ learn about the world better.,not only likes drawing by herself, but also sometimes spends much time teaching me how to draw after school,as often as possible, because they can not only offer us knowledge, but also help us to,one the other/ someothers (1)他有两个笔友。一个是弗兰克,另一个是爱德华。 He has two pen friends. _ Frank, _ Edward. (2)我有两个学习英语的方法。一个是大声朗读英语,另一个是坚持收看英语电视节目。 I have two ways of learning English. _.,One is the other is,One is reading English aloud, the other is keeping watching English TV programs.,(3)一些人同意他们的观点,还有些人反对。 _, while _. (4)在书中所提到的所有作者中,一些还活着,其他的都去世了。 Of all the writers mentioned in the book, _. (5)我有两个姐姐,一个在北京工作,一个在上海工作。 _.,Some agree with their ideas others disagree,Some are still alive, others have been dead,I have got two sisters. One works in Beijing, the other works in Shanghai.,see (hear) sb. do sth. / see (hear) sb. doing sth. (1)当我进门的时候,我听见有人正在唱歌。When I entered the gate, I _. (2)周末,我经常看见他帮助那个老人打扫房间。 _ that old man _. (3)每天早晨我都看见许多老人在公园散步。 I _ a lot of old men and women _ in the park every morning.,heard somebody singing,I often see him help,clean the rooms on weekends,see walk,(4)我经过大厅的时候听到有人大声唱歌。 I _ loudly when I passed the hall. (5)Lucy在回家的路上看见一个小偷在一家店里偷东西,她立即停下来打110报警。 On her way home Lucy _ in a shop. She stopped _ 110 at once.,heard somebody singing,saw a thief stealing to call,sb. spend some time (in) doing sth. / on sth. (1)他把大多数业余时间花在了下棋上。 He _most of his free time _ chess. (2)对于学生来说,每天花一个小时的时间参加运动是很重要的。 _ sports every day. (3)她太喜欢跳舞了,她每天花很多时间练习。 She loves _.,spends on,Its very important for students to spend an hour doing,dancing so much that she spends much time practicing it every day,(4)过去玩电脑游戏的时间太多,结果对学习不感兴趣了。 _ he wasnt interested in his lessons. (5)我们被要求每个月至少拿出一天的时间在社区帮忙。 We_ in community.,He spent so much time playing computer games that,were asked to spend at least one day every month helping,stop sb.(sth.) from doing sth. (1)我们应该阻止人们砍伐树木。 We should_ down the trees. (2)警察阻止了这些小男孩在街上玩耍。 The policeman _ in the street. (3)我觉得恶劣的天气不会妨碍他去参加运动会。 I _ the terrible weather _ the sports meeting.,stop people from cutting,stopped the boys from playing,dont think that,will stop him from taking part in,(4)我们将竭尽全力阻止学生去网吧。 We will _ net bar. (5)我认为父母不会阻止我尝试这个新想法。 _.,try our best to stop students from going to the,I dont think that my parents will stop me trying the new idea,stop to do / stop doing (1)这个孩子停止了哭喊。 The child _. (2)请你停下来听我说好吗? Would you please _? (3)你能停下来帮助我学习英语吗? _ English?,stopped crying,stop to listen to me,Could you stop to help me with my,(4)12点了,叫工人们停下来吃午饭吧。 Its 12 oclock. Please _. (5)直到老师进来学生们才停止了讲话。 The students _.,let workers stop to have lunch,didnt stop talking until the teacher came in,bring / take with (1)他走的时候把书带走了。 He _ the book _ when he left. (2)不要忘记随身携带一封信走。 Dont forget _. (3)我会带着那本书的。 I will _ me.,took with him,to bring a letter with you,take the book with,(4)请你带好雨伞,否则你会被淋湿的。 Please _ or you will be wet. (5)他总是随身带着笔,以便有重要的事情就记下来。 He always _ he can write down the important things.,take an umbrella with you,takes a pen with him so that,There is something wrong with (1)我的手机出毛病了,没法用了。 _ my cell phone. (2)他的腿有毛病,再不能走远了。 _ his legs. He cant walk _. (3)这个旧MP3坏了。我能买个新的吗? _ with the old MP3 player. Can I have a new one?,There is something wrong with,There is something wrong with away any longer,There is something wrong,(4)昨天上学路上我的自行车出问题了。 _. (5)你的脑子有问题吧? _?,There was something wrong with my bike on my way to school yesterday.,


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