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专转本统一考试 大学英语(IV),Lecturer: Jet Tu,Review on Previous Lessons,1.1从句 1.2非谓语动词 1.3虚拟语气 1.4主谓一致 1.5情态动词 1.6时态和语态 1.7强调和倒装 1.8比较级,非谓语动词,定义: 在句子中不是谓语的动词. 主语,宾语,表语,补语,定语或状语 除了谓语 2. 形式: 三种: 不定式(to do) 动名词 (doing) 分词(现在分词doing、过去分词done),非谓语动词(非限定动词),3.非谓语动词特征: 1)无人称和数的变化。 2)不失去原意,可以加上自己的宾语或状语, 构成非谓语动词短语。 3)否定式不用借助于助动词在谓语动词前加not 另外还有一些非动词的特征,相当于名词、形容词等,在句子里可以作这些词类所能用作的句子成分,He likes to sing. They like to sing.,The man walking in front was carrying a book. The men walking in front were carrying books.,to do doing doing(分词) to be done being done being done,to have done having done having done,to have been done,having been done,having been done,to be doing,to have been doing,不定式 1不定式的形式: (1)一般式: To be or not to be, thats the question. (2)被动式: There is no other choice to be made. 别无选择。 (3)完成式: He was believed to have told a lie. 人们相信他撒了谎。 (4)完成被动式: He was said to have been taken to America. 据说他已经被带到了美国。,(5)否定式:not + 不定式 I expect not to see him again. 我希望再也不要见到他。 (6)复合结构:for/of sb.+ 不定式 Its necessary for him to go back. 他有必要回去。 Its kind of you to help me a lot. 你真好,帮了我很多。,不定式的句法功能 1 to do 短语作主语 To finish the work in ten minutes is very hard. 动词不定式短语作主语时,常用it作形式主语,真正主语不定式置于句后,上句可用如下形式: It is very hard to finish the work in ten minutes. 常用句式 1、It+be+名词+to do。 2、It takes sb.+some time+to do。 3、It+be+形容词+for sb.+to do。 4、 It+be+形容词+of sb +to do。,It is a great pleasure to talk with her. It took me half an hour to finish the task. It is very important for us to learn from others. It is so careless of you to make such a mistake. 形容词表示事物的特征特点,表示客观形式。for后面的人物与形容词之间没有主表关系。important,necessary,impossible,meaningful, difficult, useful, easy等: 形容词描述人物品质及性格特征,表示主观感情或态度,of后面的人物与形容词之间有主表关系careless,clever,good,foolish,honest,kind,lazy,nice, right,silly,stupid,wise,等,It is difficult for me to believe him again. It is lazy of you to leave the housework undone. 注意:否定在to前加not Its natural for me not to stay at home on Sunday. 2.作表语 Her wish is to become a famous singer. Our plan is to finish the work in two weeks.,3.作宾语,He wishes to go abroad to have a further study. We have decided to give them a hand. I want to watch TV. 常与不定式做宾语连用的动词有:want, hope, wish, offer, fail, plan, learn, pretend, refuse, manage, help, agree, promise, prefer等。,I was the first woman to travel alone at the North pole. =(who travels alone at the North pole) Shanghai is the first city in the world to have built a highspeed maglev train. =(that has built a high-speed maglev train.),4.作定语,5 To do 作状语,表目的: He worked day and night to get the money. She sold her hair to buy the watch chain. 注意: 不定式放句首时,逻辑主语与句子主语要 一致: wrong:To save money, every means has been tried. right:To save money, he has tried every means.,表结果: He arrived late to find the train gone. 常用only放在不定式前表示强调: I visited him only to find him out. I hurried to the post office, only to find it was closed. 表原因: They were very sad to hear the news. 表程度: Its too dark for us to see anything. The question is simple for him to answer.,6. 作宾补,在复合宾语中,动词不定式可充当宾语补足语,如 I want you to wash the car. 下列动词常跟这种复合宾语:want, wish, ask, tell, order, beg, permit, help, advise, persuade, allow, prepare, cause, force, call on, wait for, invite等。 Her wonderful career inspires many people to believe success is within reach for everyone. What the teacher said encouraged us to try our best at our work.,有些动词如make, let等与不带有to的不定式连用,但改为被动语态时,不定式要加to, 如: I saw him cross the road. He was seen to cross the road. 这样的动词可总结为:四看(see, watch, notice, look at)、二听(hear, listen to)、一感觉(feel),还有(have) let 和make.,动名词 动名词既具动词的一些特征,又具名词的句法功能。 1动名词的形式: (1)一般式:Seeing is believing. 眼见为实。 (2)被动式: He came to the party without being invited 他未被邀请就来到了晚会。 (3)完成式: We remembered having seen the film. 我们记得看过这部电影。 (4)完成被动式: He forgot having been taken to Guangzhou when he was five years old. 他忘记五岁时曾被带到广州去过。,(5)否定式:not + 动名词 I regret not following his advice. 我后悔没听他的劝告。 (6)复合结构:物主代词(或名词所有格)+ 动名词 He suggested our trying it once again. 他建议我们再试一次。 His not knowing English troubled him a lot. 他不懂英语给他带来许多麻烦。,2动名词的句法功能 (1)作主语: Reading aloud is very helpful. 朗读是很有好处的。 Collecting stamps is interesting. 集邮很有趣。 有些动名词短语作主语时可用it作形式主语 Its no use quarrelling.争吵是没用的. Its no good staying up late at night. Its a waste of time waiting without doing anything else.,(2)作表语: In the ant city, the queens job is laying eggs. 在蚂蚁王国,蚁后的工作是产卵。,A good way of saying “I am full ”is moving the hand in circles over the stomach after a meal. My job is teaching you English.,(3)作宾语: They havent finished building the dam. 他们还没有建好大坝。 We have to prevent the air from being polluted. 我们必须阻止空气被污染。 注意动名词既可作动词宾语也可作介词宾语,如上面两个例句。此外,动名词作宾语时,若跟有宾语补足语,则常用形式宾语it,例如: We found it no good making fun of others. 我们发现取笑他人不好。,喜欢 enjoy 完成 finish 建议suggest 避免avoid 耽搁delay 想象 imagine 错过miss 承认admit 否认deny 介意mind 考虑consider 练习practice 冒险risk 感激appreciate,要记住如下动词及短语只跟动名词作宾语,be busy be worth feel like cant help(情不自禁地) think of dream of be fond of Keep/stop/protect/prevent from set about be engaged in spend(in) succeed in be used to(习惯于) look forward to object to pay attention to insist on,(4)作定语: He cant walk without a walking stick. 他没有拐杖不能走路。 Is there a swimming pool in your school? 你们学校有游泳池吗?,Keeping a good eating habit is good for our health. They want to go to the reading room this afternoon.,三.分词的用法 (现在分词/过去分词),现在分词既具有动词的一些特征,又具有形容词和副词的句法功能。 In the following years he worked even harder. Our class went on an organized trip last Monday. 上周一我们班开展了一次有组织的旅行。,现在分词,由动词原形+ing形式组成。具有双重性,一面具有动词的特征,可以有自己的宾语和状语;另一面具有形容词和副词的特征,可以充当表语,定语,状语,补足语,可以表示主动或正在进行的动作,是非谓语动词的一种。,1. 作定语,分词前置We can see the rising sun. 我们可以看到东升的旭日,分词后置 (修饰不定代词 something等;分词短语)There is nothing interesting. 没有有趣的东西 There was a girl sitting there.有个女孩坐在那里 现在分词短语作定语 与其修饰的词是被动关系,相当于一个定语从句。 There was a girl who is sitting there.,只有两类动词可以加现在分词作宾补 1)感官动词:seehearwatchfeelnoticeobservekeepfindlisten tolook at 2)使役动词:havegetcatchleaveset I saw him singing now. Dont have the students studying all day. 注意 :宾语与作宾补充的现在分词之间存在逻辑上的主谓关,即宾语是现在分词动作的发出者,2.作状语 作时间、条件、原因、让步状语时要位于句首,且与后面用逗号隔开,能转换为一个相应的状语从句。 作结果、方式、伴随状语时要位于句尾且与前面用逗号隔开,有时也可以不用 注意分词作状语时的逻辑主语(即分词动作的发出者)一般要与句中主语保持一致这个是重点是考试常考点大家必须记住,1)作时间状语 Walking in the street, I saw him. 当我在街上走时,我看到他了 可以转化为一个时间状语从句 When/While I was walking in the street, I saw him. 当要表达正在进行的动作时我们可以在分词前面加上when/while When/While walking in the street,I saw him.(其实有的时候也可以理解为时间状语从句中的省略但是不是时时成立的),Walking in the street, I saw him. 可不可以翻译为”当他在街上走时,我看到他了”? (NO.因为”分词作状语时其逻辑主语一般要与句中主语保持一致”) When/While he was walking in the street, I saw him. 当他走在街上,我看到他。,2)作条件状语 Working hard, you will succeed. (只要)努力工作,你就会成功 = if you work hard 3)作原因状语 Being ill, she stayed at home. (因为)生病了,她留在家里。 = because he was ill 注意being是常用来作原因状语的 4)作让步状语 Having failed many times, he didnt lost heart. 尽管有很多次失败,他没有灰心。 =though he had failed many times,5)作结果状语 His father died, leaving her a lot of money. 他的朋友死了,(所以)给了他很多钱 . = so he left her a lot of money 6)作方式状语 Please answer the question using another way. 请用另一种方式回答这个问题 7)作伴随状语 He closed his eyes, lying on the beach. 他闭着眼睛躺在沙滩上。 8)作独立成分 generally speaking一般来说, judging from/by 由判断出,considering 考虑到 concerning 关于,providing 假若,4.作表语 (1) 两种情况,一种是现在分词作表语,一种是过去分词作表语。一般来说,表示心理状态的动词如excite,interest等。现在分词是“令人激动的”、“令人高兴的”,过去分词则是“感到激动的”和“感到高兴的”。所以,凡表示“令人的”都是ing形式,凡是表示“感到”都用ed形式。换句话说,若人对感兴趣,就是somebody is interested in., 若人/ 物本身有兴趣时,就是说sb/sth is interesting。这类词常见的有:,interesting 有趣的 interested对感兴趣 exciting令人激动的 excited感到激动的 delighting令人高兴的 delighted感到高兴的 disappointing令人失望的 disappointed感到失望的 encouraging 令人鼓舞的 encouraged感到鼓舞的 pleasing令人愉快的 pleased感到愉快的 puzzling令人费解的 puzzled感到费解的 satisfying令人满意的 satisfied感到满意的 surprising令人惊异的 surprised感到惊异的 worrying令人担心的worried感到担心的,旅行是有趣的,但是使人疲劳 Traveling is interesting but tiring. 如果让学生学得太多,他们会感到糊涂的。 The pupils will get confused if they are made to learn too much. 他的论点很令人信服。 His argument is very convincing. 听到这个消息,他们非常激动。 They were very excited at the news.,(2) 分词作表语时,相当于形容词,不可与构成进行时态和被动语态中的分词混淆起来。它们的形式是一样但可以从意义上予以区别。试比较: The film is moving. 这电影很感人。(表语,说明主语的性质) They are moving next Sunday 他们下个周日搬家。(现在进行时,表示动作) The bookstore is now closed. 书店现已关门了。(表语,说明主语所处状态) The bookstore is usually closed at 7:30 p. m. 书店通常在下午7:30关门。(被动语态,表示动作),现在分词和过去分词的区别,1.语态上不同 an exciting story /an excited person a moving film /a moved audience a leading cadre /an unknown hero a tiring journey /a tired football player 2.时间关系上不同 developing countries /developed countries the changing world /the changed world boiling water /boiled water the falling leaves /the fallen leaves,过去分词,1.作为定语 作定语的过去分词相当于形容词,其逻辑主语就是它所修饰的名词.及物动词的过去分词作定语,既表被动又表完成;不及物动词的过去分词作定语,只表完成. 1. 过去分词用作定语,如果是单个的,常置于其所修饰的名词之前. We must adapt our thinking to the changed conditions. 我们必须使我们的思想适应改变了的情况. 2. 过去分词短语用作定语时,一般置于其所修饰的名词之后,其意义相当于一个定语从句,但较从句简洁,多用于书面语中. The concert (which was)given by their friends was a success. 他们朋友举行的音乐会大为成功.,3.过去分词短语有时也可用作非限制性定语,前后常有逗号. The meeting, (which was) attended by over five thousand people, welcomed the great hero. 他们举行了欢迎英雄的大会,到会的有五千多人. 4.用来修饰人的过去分词有时可以转移到修饰非人的事物,这种过去分词在形式上虽不直接修饰人,但它所修饰的事物仍与人直接有关. The boy looked up with a pleased expression. 男孩带着满意的表情举目而视.,2.作宾语补足语 (一)能够接过去分词作宾补的动词有以下四类: 1. 表示感觉或心理状态的动词.如:see, watch, observe, look at, hear, listen to, feel, notice, think等. I heard the song sung in English. 我听到有人用英语唱过这首歌. He found his hometown greatly changed. 他发现他的家乡变化很大. 2. 致使意义的动词.如:have, make, get, keep, leave等. Ill have my hair cut tomorrow. 明天我要理发. He got his tooth pulled out yesterday. 他昨天把牙拔了. Dont leave those things undone. 要把那些事情做完.,3.表示思维活动的动词如consider, know, think等后。如: I consider the matter settled. 我认为这件事解决了。 I thought myself wronged somehow in the bargain. 我认为自己在这场交易中有受愚弄了。 4.表示爱憎、意愿的动词如want,wish,like, hate等后。如: I wanted two tickets reserved. 我要预定两张机票。 He didnt wish it mentioned. 他不愿这事被提起。 【注意】过去分词所表示的动作一定和宾语有逻辑上的动宾关系.,(二)使役动词have接过去分词作宾补有两种情况. 1. 过去分词所表示的动作由他人完成. They had their car repaired yesterday. 他们昨天让人把车修了修。 I want to have my hair cut. 我想把头发剪了。 2. 过去分词所表示的动作由句中的主语所经历,一般指不太好的事情发生,经常可译成“遭” “遭遇” He had his leg broken. 他的腿断了. (自己的经历) He had his money stolen. 他遭窃了.(被别人偷去了) He had himself caught in the rain. 他遭雨淋了。,(三)with +宾语+过去分词的结构 此结构中,过去分词用作介词 with的宾语补足语.这一结构通常在句中作时间,方式,条件,原因等状语. The murderer was brought in, with his hands tied behind his back. 凶手被带进来了,他的双手被绑在背后.(表方式) With water heated, we can see the steam. 水一被加热,我们就会看到水蒸气.(表条件) With the matter settled, we all went home. 事情得到解决,我们都回家了.(表原因) She stood in front of him, with her eyes fixed on his face. 她站在他面前,眼睛注视着他. He stood for an instant with his hand still raised. 他仍然举着手站了一会儿.,Exercise,Those _ the children from abroad will come to the headmasters office? A. teaching B. teach C. who teaches D. Who teaching,2.The picture _ on the wall is painted by my nephew. A. having hung B. hanging C. hangs D. being hung,3.When the first English settlers arrived in the New World, the Indians _ jewellery made of animal bones greeted them warmly. A. wearing B. to wear C. worn D. having worn,4.There are hundreds of visitors _in front of the Art Gallery to have a look at Van Goghs paintings. A. waited B. to wait C. waiting D.wait,7.Victor apologized for_ to inform me of the change in the plan. A.his being not able B.him not to be able C.his not being able D.him to be not able,8.The prize of the game show is $30000 and an all expenses _vacation to China. A. paying B. paid C. to be paid D. being paid,9.More and more people are signing up for Yoga classes nowadays,_ advantage of the health and relaxation benefits. A. taking B. taken C. having taken D. having been taken,10._ into use in April 2000 ,the hotline was meant for residents reporting water and heating supply breakdowns. A. Put B. Putting C. Having put D. Being put,在成份上非谓语动词大都可在句中作主语、宾语、宾语补足语、表语、定语、状语等.,1.To see you is glad. =Its glad to see you. 2.I want to see you. 3.I want him to see you. 4.My hope is to see you. 5.He is the man to see you. 6.Im glad to see you. 7.I went to see you. 8.He went so early as to see you,(作主语),(作宾语),(作宾补),(作表语),(作定语),(作原因状语),(作目的状语),(作结果状语),1.This cup is broken. 2.This is a broken cup. 3.I found the cup broken. 4.Broken by Tom, the cup cant be used. 过去分词一般不作主语、宾语.,(作表语),(作表语),(作宾语补足语),(作状语),1.Swimming is his favourite sport. 2.He enjoys swimming. 3.His favorite sport is swimming. 4. This is my swimming suit. 5.He is the man swimming in the river just now. 6. The news is exciting. 7.Swimming in Summer, we can get cool. 8.I found him swimming in the river.,(作主语),(作宾语),(作表语),(作定语),(作状语),(作宾补),(作定语),(作表语),在时态上 1.China is a developing country =a country which is developing. 2.Japan is a developed country =a country which has developed. 3.I found him gone. =that he had gone.(表完成),ing分词表“进行” ed分词表“完成”,在语态上,ing分词表“主动”,ed分词表“被动”(多为及物动词),1.I saw him writing a short novel. =who was writing a short novel. 2.He was reading a novel written by Charles Dickens. =which was written by Charles Dichens. 在概念上,ing.表“抽象、习惯”,不定式表“具体、偶然、将来”. *Swimming (抽象)is my favorite sport and I like swimming(习惯)every day, but I dont like to swim(具体)today, I would like to swim(将来)tomorrow.,开言纳谏 共谋思路 收获未来,


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