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沙湾县中等职业技术学校幼师专业课程设计方案科目:英语任课教师:丁建华时间 20XX 年 9 月学期周次教学模块(工作任务)教学内容课时教学策第学期第一周听说训练Unitl I laughed till I cried.Lead-i n:1.Tick the activities you did before.2.Liste n and match.Liste n and speak ing:1.Liste n to the dialogue and an swer the questio ns.2.Read the dialogue flue ntly.一课时学生能够运用本单元出现的常用词汇,短语和相关句式谈论家庭生活和个人度假经历,学生能够在口头及书面表达中正确使用一般过去时的肯定句和否定句。(包括行为动词be的用法。)情景对话 表演Look at the picture and talk in pairs.Key senten ces:How was your vacati on?We had great fun.It was won derful/great/not bad.Where did your family go?What did you do there?一课时创设或模拟的生活场景,应具有真实、生动、实用的特点,便于学生将所学语言材料进行综合、创造性地进行表达交流。这种练习方法,有接近生活的交际功能,而且能变单调、机械的句型操练为活泼、生动的交际性练习。使能听懂介绍假期活动中场景,人物和感受的对话。能够根据阅读材料,对相关信息进行归纳整合,最终写出一个简单的家庭趣事。阅读训练 学生能根据不冋的阅读需求,正确地掌握一些阅读的方法,如skimming,scanning 等。学生能在理解故事的前提下,根据所给提示词语,复述家庭成员的故事。(3)在描述家庭成员的过程中,学生能慢慢体会到对父母的爱、对家庭的爱,学会珍惜自己所拥有的一切。一课时1.Speakingmet第二周语法练习Lan guage in use.Grammar focus./vocabulary practice.一课时学生能够米用搭配联想记忆的方式灵活记忆和使用词汇。单词巩固Unit task(Hold a funny childhood story act ing competitio n.)Fun time./self-check.一课时使用大脑风暴是学生在短时间内记住大量单词,充分利用游戏教学法来让学生练习对话。单元检测1.重点词汇2.一般过去时的灵活应用3.就过去的经历这一话题进行简单的交流,能够就这一话题询问和提供信息一课时口试与笔试第三周听说训练Unit 2 I saw a terrible movie.Lead-i n:1.Tick the activities you did last week.2.Liste n and nu mber.Liste n and speak ing:1.Liste n to the dialogue and an swer the questio ns.2.Read the dialogue flue ntly.一课时学生能够用动词的一般过去时谈论自己曾今做过的一些事。能够在口头及书面表达中熟练地使用一般过去时的冃疋句和否疋句。能够在给疋的情境下使用一般过去时的疑问句。情景对话 表演Act out the following dialogue in pairs.Key sentences:Did you do anything special last weekend?/Not really.What type of music did you like in the past?/I like jazz/rock/pop music.一课时任务教学法1学生能够在单元任务中通过合作学习,积极的对待自己的生活,理解他人的生活。2能够就过去做过的一些事情进行对话交流。What type of movie did you like in the past?/I preferred horror/acti on films/comedy?3能阅读训练1.词汇和短语,女口 excit ing,relax in g,in terest ing,moving,rent movies,play computer games,etc。2读懂关于描述娱乐活动的阅读材料。3.写出相关句子表达同学的娱乐活动。一课时1.Listenand第四周语法及时态 练习Lan guage in use.Grammar focus./Vocabulary practice.一课时根据意念项目和交际功能发展学生交际能力学生能够在英语学习中通过和学生间的交流活动,增加彼此的练习机会。激发学习的兴趣。才艺表演Unit task(Hold a tale nt show in your class.)Fun time./self-check.一课时按照学生身心发展过程中的不同阶段来设计、布置情境,提供材料,让学生积极参与自由操作、观察思考。通过活动让学生自己认识事物、发现问题,得出答案,发掘学生潜能。单元检测1.常用词汇2.本单元的话题应用一课时听写抽背第五周听说读写 训练Unit 3 have you every done a part-time job?Lead-i n:1.Tick the tale ntsthat you have.2.Circle the jobs that you thi nk you might do well.Liste n and speak ing:1.Liste n to the dialogue and finish the exercises.2.Read the dialogue flue ntly.一课时1.先听说后读写,即在较为熟练地掌握了口语之后方可从事阅读与写作;2.能够听懂一段关于应聘的对话,了解应聘时的一些常用语。3.能进行一次应聘的对话交流,谈论自己的性格和才能,同时有礼貌的表达自己的想法。模拟工作招 聘会Look at the picture and talk in pairs.Key senten ces:I hadea job in terview today.I ve applied to six compa nies so far.Do you have any exercise in this field?What are your strong poin ts?Do you thi nk you are qualified for this job?一课时学生能够运用动词的现在完成时谈论自己已经做过的一些事,理解和使用现在完成时,能够在口头及书面表达中正确使用现在完成时的肯定句。能够读懂有关交通方面的小短文。招聘会总结1.职业名称、描述个人性格和才能等的短语及词汇2.询问和提供个人经历、才能及应聘原因等信息时所使用的句型3.在模拟情景交流中,调教学生正确的应聘穿着及言谈举止方面的礼仪一课时1.Listenand第六周小组协作 完成对话Lan guage in use.Read and writi ng.Grammar focus./Vocabulary practice.一课时学生能够通过课堂上的交际活动培养自信心,活动中能够相互帮助,学会欣赏他人分享快乐。对话练习Unit task(Hold a funny childhood story act ing competitio n.)Fun time./self-check.一课时学生能够利用所学的语言知识,通过与同伴的交流对话,谈论生活中的实际问题。单元总结1.常用词汇2.现在完成时3.本单元关于求职应聘的关键句型及其运用情境一课时听写习题练习情景对话第七周新单词学习及听说训练Unit 4 I veied all the means of transportation.Lead-i n:1.Work in pairs and discuss the means of tran sportati on you have used.2.Describe differe nt means of tran sportati on.Liste n and speak ing:1.Liste n to the dialogue and finish the exercises.一课时用游戏形式复习单词、句型,练习新语言点,使学生寓学于乐,在活泼、轻忪、愉快的气氛中自然而然地获得英语知识与技能。学生能够理解并运用有关交通工具的词汇,并能够在口头及书面表达中正确使用现在完成时。2.Read the dialogue flue ntly.情景对话Look at the picture and talk in pairs.Key senten ces:Have you ever missed your last train or bus home?Have you ever ridde n a horse?How about a motorcycle?How many times have you traveled by airpla ne?What kind of tran sportatio n do you use most ofte n?The tran sportati on there is very convenient.一课时交际法:能够听懂有关交通工具,出行方式的对话。1.能用相关词汇与句式描述某地的交通状况和出行方式并发表简单评论。阅读训练1.Read Wang Lu blog and the best title2.Read it and finish Wang Lu fact file3.Read it and complete the following chart一课时1.Communi第八周口语交际Lan guage in use.Read and writi ng.Grammar focus./Vocabulary practice.一课时让学生通过参加Pairwork和groupwork活动,给学生练习语言并互相学习的条件和机会。巩固语法 加强写作练 习Unit task(Hold a funny childhood story act ing competitio n.)Fun time./self-check.一课时通过学生了解交通工具的变化及不同国家的人们在出行时选择交通工具的差异,来练习有关交通的英语会话。单元检测1.与铁路相关的词汇/常见的交通工具2.交通方式的表达3.与现在完成时连用的常用词语一课时听写情景对话语法练习第九周听说训练Unit 5 It time to change.Lead-i n:1.Choose the right adjectives to describe the pictures.2.Discuss how they can keep fit.Match the suggestions with the pictures in activity1.Liste n and speak ing:1.Liste n to the dialogue and finish the exercises.2.Read the dialogue flue ntly.一课时集中提供给学生在某次会话时或某种情境中可能运用的有关语言,让他们感知其功能,在交际中运用。学生能够理解并运用描述健康状况及习惯的词汇和短语,学生能够在口头上及书面表达中正确使用宾语从句表达意愿和观点。口语交际Look at the picture and talk in pairs.Key sentences:I enjoy reading.I cllike to go boating.I like playing basketball.I m a music fan.I m keen on painting,I m crazy about football.一课时听说法:能够听懂有关培养健康习惯的话题,并进行交流,可提出建议。2.能够读懂有关周末出行计划及叙述健身经历的短文。阅读训练1学生能通过阅读有关健身、健康习惯的内容,提高获取相关细节信息的能力。2通过阅读培养学生整合信息的能力,而且能读以致用,通过阅读能写出改进健康习惯建议的小文段。一课时1.Speakingmet第十周组织一次健 康之星评比 活动,加强口 语练习Lan guage in use.Read the story of Sara and Alle n to fill in the chart.Grammar focus./Vocabulary practice.一课时用具体形象的手势、动作来辅助英语学习,激发学生学习兴趣,提高学习效果。学生能够通过课堂上的交际活动培养自信心,活动中能够相互帮助,学会欣赏他人分享快乐。单词巩固Unit task(Hold a funny childhood story act ing competitio n.)Fun time./self-check.一课时通过大脑风暴的活动来训练学生记忆单词的速度,通过对话表演来训练语言会话。单元检测1.描述健康状况的词汇一课时听写2.有关周末计划的词组3.有关讨论生活习惯的句型4学生能在口头和书面上正确表达自己的生活习惯并就别人的不良健康习惯给出合理建议和评价。习题练习情景对话第十一 周听力练习ReviewlListe ning and speak ing:1Liste n to dialogue and an swer the questi ons.2Liste n and tick the places Sam and Wang Yan have bee n to.3Liste n aga in and fill in the follow ing from.4Act and practice.一课时1通过对听力部分的巩固,使学生能听懂一至五单元的词汇和句型。2通过对话学习,学生能够自如口头运用表达一至五单元的重点词汇和句型。口语练习Read ing and writi ng:1.Tick your favorite way of finding a part-time job.2.Read the job applicat on,and decide whether the follow ing senten ces are true or false.3.You and your part ner are going to be in a job in terview.List all the possible questi ons and try to givean swers.一课时1通过阅读短文,培养学生快速查找相关信息的能力。2通过阅读文章并从文章中借鉴相关信息,填写自己的应聘申请表。写作训练My healthy lifestyle一课时面批第十二 周口语及语法 练习Lan guage in use.Grammar focus.1 Complete Anna s e-mail to a friend.2 Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given words.3 Fill in the blanks with for”or since”.一课时提供真实语境和具体任务,让学生熟练掌握一般过去时和现在完成时的用法和区别。巩固单词Vocabulary practice:Review words from Un its 1-5 to fill the boxes.In terview your classmates to find out what they want to do in the future.Talk about the followingtopics.1.You ve just come back from a holiday.Tell your classmates about your experienee.2.You just had a job in terview.I ntroduce the experie nce to your frien ds.一课时巩固复习1-5单元的单词后,鼓励学生想出更多的同类词,以小组为单位开展单词竞赛。写作训练1.根据招聘广告的要求和要点,展开人员招聘/求职应聘对话。2.谈论某地的交通状况并发表简单评论一课时面批


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