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学校: 姓名: 年级 班 密封线内不得答题_2013学年第二学期三年级英语期中测试卷一、 分别写出下列字母的大小写形式。(10分) D Y P G K h a l f q -二、选出正确答案,把序号写在括号里。(20分)( ) 1What are they?A .Theyre monkey. B .Its a tiger. C. Theyre lions.( ) 2. Look_the trees . A. at B. of C. In( ) 3. Do you like monkey?A. Yes, I dont. B. No, I dont. C. Here you are.( ) 4. Pass me the rice, please?A. Here you are. B. Yes, I do. C. I like noodles.( ) 5. Tom likes _ bikes. A. ride B. riding C. rides( ) 6.现在六点了 ,应该说: A.Its half past six. B.Its six o clock C:Its five.( )7.当你想知道几点时,说: A.Whats this ? B.Whats the time , please ? ( )8.当你想知道远处桌上的物体是什么,你问:A.Whats this on the desk? B.Whats that on the desk?( )9.你想问大明是否喜欢肉时,怎么说?A.Do you like meat,Daming? B.Does Daming like meat?( )10.当你想要米饭时,要说:A. I like rice. B. Pass me the rice please.三、写出汉语意思。(8分)colour bike big sleep ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) apple milk lion fish( ) ( ) ( ) ( )四、英译汉。(8分)1. riding bike 2.here you are 3. morning exercises 4.go to school 五按顺序默写字母表中1-14个字母的大小写:(10分)Aa Ff Jj Nn六、根据上句找下句,将下句序号填在题前括号中。(12分)( )1.Whats the time? A. Yes, he does.( )2.Does he like basketball? B. No, I dont.( )3.Do you like apples? C. Its ten oclock.( )4.Whats your favourite song? D. They are lions.( )5.Is it fat? E. Its the ABC song.( )6.What are they? F. No, it isnt.七、英汉面对面,把英语和相对应的汉语连起来。(12分)1. get up A .看电视2. go to school B.吃早饭 3. have breakfast C.骑自行车4. watch TV D.上床睡觉5. riding bikes E.上学6. go to bed F. 起床 八、根据短文,用like ,likes ,dont , doesnt , Does ,Do ,填空:(20分)Hello ,my name is Wanghong . I (喜欢)rice and meat. I (不喜欢)noodles .My sisters name is Wangying . She (喜欢)fish and noodles . She (不喜欢)rice . you (喜欢)rice? your sister/brother_ (喜欢)fish and noodles ?


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