unit3-5sports are fun教案

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课题序号授课班级授课课时2授课形式Listening and speaking授课章节名称Unit 3 Warm-up & Listening and speaking使用教具 教学目的 Develop the skill of listening and speakingSs should learn how to express the daily food in English , and learn how to make an order in the restaurant.教学重点Speaking part: make an order 教学难点Encourage the Ss to do the role play 更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业To preview the reading part教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计Useful Expressions:Asking about food:What would you like?Whats your favorite food/ dish?What/How about?Possible Responses I would/ Id likeI will/ Ill have I like to eat No, thank you.课 堂 教 学 安 排主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Unit 3 What Do We Eat Today?Teaching steps:Step 1: GreetingsStep 2: PresentationPart 1 warm- up 1. Match the pictures with the correct words from the box.2. Ask the Ss to recite all the words in three minutes.Check the answerCabbage, apple , fish, bread , rice, milk , steak, juice, noodle, tomato, chicken, corn , grape, dumpling, banana.2. Put the food from Activity 1 into the correct circles. Can you add more food to each category.Check the answer:Fruit/ vegetables: cabbage, apple, banana, corn, grape, tomatoDrinks: juice, milkMeat : chicken, fish, steakStaple food : dumpling, bread, noodle, rice.Part 2:Listening and speaking A. What Would You Like to Have?1. Look at the picture and guess where the two students are. Then listen to the conversation to check your prediction.Ss should catch the key words and sentences during the listening .“ so many students”“ we have chicken, fish, cabbage and potatoes” Answer: the dining hall2. listen again, then underline the expressions about choosing dishes in the conversation.Ss should pay more attention to the stress and pronunciation and repeat after Some drills:What would you like?Id like toHow about you ?Ill haveAnd some noodles.I ll have some, too.3. pair work Work in pairs and complete the conversation below.Ss should learn to use the drills to express their opinions and ask some pairs to act out .Sample: You: What do we have for breakfast?Friend: Let me seewe have eggs, milk, steamed bread and noodles. What would you like?You: Ill have noodles, How about you?Friend: Id like to eat steamed bread. And some vegetables?You: Not bad/ No thanks. B Are You Ready to Order?1. ,Match the words on the left with their Chinese meaning on the right.DessertApple pieMenuOrderSpecialStarterIntroduce the order for the students, show them some picture.2. listening listen and choose the best answer. Train the students to catch the useful information . The next step , the teacher should use the brainstorm, give the Ss more new words .课题序号授课班级授课课时2授课形式Reading & Writing授课章节名称Unit 3.reading and writing 使用教具Recorder教学目的To enable the Ss to have a good understanding of the reading materialTo help the Ss develop basic reading strategy.To develop students ability of writing教学重点Understanding of the passage and they can draw a pie chart from the passage教学难点The use of the words spend, cost and take更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业 Copy the words on page 52for 5 times and preview next part.教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计French Women Dont Get FatSeldom 表示几乎不的意思,类似的rarely如: They rarely go to the gym, and they dont play sports often.Eat various foods.Various 表示各种各样的,多样的。A great number of , a great many .修饰可数名词A great deal of , amount of , quite a litter修饰不可数名词。课 堂 教 学 安 排主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Unit3 French Women Dont Get FatReading and WritingStep 1: RevisionDictate the words and ask some of Ss to introduce themselves.Step 2: Warm-upAre you worried about your weight? Do you want to control what you eat? French women dont have these worries .Step 3: Presentation1. Read the passage to find the reason why the French women dont get fat. Good eating habits, eat slowly, enjoy food , eat different kinds of food.2. Read the passage again and circle the main idea of each paragraph.Para1: b para2: a 3. Language points1) They seldom watch TV or read during meals. Instead ,they enjoy their food.Seldom 表示几乎不的意思,类似的rarely如: They rarely go to the gym, and they dont play sports often.Gym为体育馆,健身房,是gymnasium 的缩写。Instead 表示反而,替代的含义,instead 后加句子,instead of 后加名词或名词性短语。2)Eat various foods.Various 表示各种各样的,多样的。类似的短语有;all kinds of 2) French women eat three meals a day, but they wont skip breakfast and they seldom eat snacks between meals.3) Skip 意为跳过,skip breakfast 为不吃早饭的意思。Between 为在两者之间,而during 是指在什么之间。如 You can choose gift between black and white skirt.4) Its important to eat more fruit and vegetables ,and drink a lot of water every day.IT作为形式主语的句子。A lot of 是指 很多,可修饰可数和不可数名词如: a great deal of , amount o f , quite a little 修饰不可数名词,plenty of ,a lot of , lots of , a good supply of 既可修饰可数也可以修饰不可数名词。 5)So , French women dont get fat because of their good eating habits.Get fat 短语是一个系表结构,get 在这里是一个系动词,解释为“变得”Because of 为介词短语,后面跟名词或名词短语,because 为连词,后面跟句子。 Step 5 Sentence祈使句;Begin with verb “ dont eat the same thing every day.”“eat a little every time.“ eat one small piece every time .”An English sentence that begins with a verbs is called an imperative sentence. Imperative sentences are used to give directions, instructions or commands. Usually the subject you is implied. Note that in spoken English ,polite imperatives begin with please, for example :Please pass the salt.Practice exercises;Change the following paragraph into a cooking recipe. Use imperative sentences to give instructions.Answer:A:Boil two eggs for 5 minutesB: Take them out of the water and let them cool off.CRemove the egg shells and put the eggs in a bowlD. Use a spoon or fork to mash them up.E. Add salt and things that you like.F. Mix everything in the bowl.G: Spread the egg salad on the bread. Finish Exercises 5 on page 46Step 6 Homework:Copy the words on page 52 for 5 times and preview next part. 课题序号3授课班级11中专,职高授课课时2授课形式Language in use & Further reading授课章节名称Unit 3. French Women Dont Get Fat使用教具Recorder教学目的 Ss can master the four vowels and they know how to ask questions and answer them.Ss will know the countable and uncountable nouns 教学重点Language points教学难点Ss can tell the vowels correctly from the letters.更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业Finish the exercises of Unit 3 on Exercise Book Review what they have learned教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计 四个元音 可数名词和不可数名词:基数词和序数词1) Further reading Discussion What is your favorite fast food? Is there any way to make it healthier?课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 Step1Step2Step 3Step 4Language in Use & Further ReadingTeaching steps:Step 1: RevisionTranslate some sentences1. 睡觉前刷牙很重要。2.由于不良的饮食习惯,她变得越来越胖。3.我们经常听到她在隔壁房间唱歌。4. 她吃午饭时都会喝一瓶可可可乐。 Step 2 Warm-upToday, well learn phonetics. So do you know how to read the word phonetics? When you come across new words, how do you get the pronunciations besides listening? We can also get them from phonetic symbols. Phonetic symbols consist of vowels and consonants.Step 3 Presentation元音分为单元音和双元音,单元音12个,双元音8个。单元音:双元音:本单元主要复习四个元音。1. Listen and read the following vowels and words.2. Find out the letters pronouncing the vowels3. Ask Ss to give more example 4. Listening and finish Exercise 2Grammar可数名词和不可数名词1.Countable nouns are things that we can count. They have singular and plural forms and we can use numbers in front of them. One apple three apples2.Uncountable nouns are things we cannot count. They do not have plural forms and we cannot use numbers in front of them. But we can use some or any before them. Water or some water meat or any meat3.We use How many to ask questions about the number of countable nouns.How many apples are left?5. We use How much to ask questions about the quantity of uncountable nouns. How much water do you drink every day?Exercise 4. Choose the correct word for each sentence.Further Reading Ss should read the passage quickly ,and conclude the health tips.1. Make careful menu selections.2. Drink water with your meal.3. Undress your food.4. Eat slowly 5. Avoid supersized portions.6. Avoid bacon.Discussion :What is your favorite fast food? Is there any way to make it healthier?And do you have any tips to share with us ?What do you think about our Chinese food? HomeworkFinish the exercises of Unit 3on Exercise Book。课题序号授课班级授课课时2授课形式Listening and speaking授课章节名称Unit 4 Warm-up & Listening and speaking使用教具 教学目的 Develop the skill of listening and speakingSs should learn how to express the daily food in English , and learn how to make an order in the restaurant.教学重点Speaking part: make an order 教学难点Encourage the Ss to do the role play 更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业To preview the reading part教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计Useful Expressions:Asking about Hobbies What do you do in your spare time?Whats your hobby?What are you good at ?Can you play?What kind of things do you do to relax?Possible Responses In my spare time, I like to I have many different hobbies.I dont have a lot of hobbies.Im good atYes, I can playI playto relax myself.课 堂 教 学 安 排主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Unit 4 How Do You Spend Your Spare Time? Teaching steps:Step 1: GreetingsStep 2: PresentationPart 1 warm- up 1.Read the activities in the box, Then match them with the correct pictures. Playing chess, outing ,doing sports , singing, taking photos ,dancing ,cooking , playing games2.Ask the Ss to recite all the words in three minutes.3.Which of the activities above do you like best? What other activities do you enjoy? Discuss your favorite activities with a partner. Design a dialogue like :Which of the activities above do you like to do ?I like_What other activities do you enjoy?I enjoy_ New dills :What do you do in your spare time?In my spare time, I like to _ Part 2:Listening and speaking A. What Is Your Hobby? 1. What does Bill like to do in his spare time? Make your guess. Then listen to the conversation to check your prediction.2.listen to it again, then underline the expressions about choosing dishes in the conversation.Ss should pay more attention to the stress and pronunciation and repeat after Some drills:What do you do in your spare time, Sue?How long have you played it?Who taught you to play the piano?How long have you been playing it?3.pair work Work in pairs and complete the conversation below. Sample:You: What do you do in your spare time?Friend: I like to play the violin.You: How long have you been doing that?Friend: Since I was six years old .What about you? What do you like to do?You: I like to play table tennis.Friend: I can do that too, but Im not as good as you.B.A Nice Weekend.1.learn the words and expressions in the box.Nothing special: 没有什么特别的,一般,马马虎虎Once : for one time Defense: the act of stopping the opposition from scoring.Shooting : making a shot at scoring a goal.3. listening listen to the dialogue, and tick T or FFirst ,the Ss should read the six sentences and get some clue, then make a prediction.Check the answer: F T FFListen to the dialogue again , pay more attention to the key words and sentences and complete the sentences.4. role-play Ask two classmates about their spare-time activities: what do they do for fun and how often do they do them? Then to finish an role-play with partner.5. Homework To recite the drills and to preview the reading part.课题序号授课班级授课课时2授课形式Reading & Writing授课章节名称Unit 4.reading and writing 使用教具Recorder教学目的To enable the Ss to have a good understanding of the reading materialTo help the Ss develop basic reading strategy.To develop students ability of writing教学重点Understanding of the passage and they can draw a pie chart from the passage教学难点Some language points更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计Marys Garden 定语从句:用来修饰或限定一个名词,名词词组或一个句子,因其具有形容词的性质,所以称为形容词性从句。 从句有关系词引出,放在它所修饰的词-先行词之后,关系词在意义上指代先行词。先行词引导词:指人:who ,whom ,that ,whose 指物: which , that ,whose 指时间: when , 指地点: where 指原因: why 课 堂 教 学 安 排主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Unit4 Marys Garden Reading and WritingStep 1: RevisionDictate the words and ask some of Ss to introduce themselves.Step 2: Warm-up Ask and answer :Ss should ask the hobbies each other , and then look at the picture in the passage, Guess what Marys hobby is. Then scan the passage to check the prediction.Step 3: Presentation1. Read the passage and then to finish task 2. How does Mary plant her flowers? Put the pictures in order. Ss should get the main idea of the passage. 4. Language points1) Every year in early spring ,she begins by planting flowers in small pots that she keeps near a window . 定语从句,that she keeps near a window.2) At the beginning of May, Mary plants her vegetables in long planting boxes that she hangs on the window.定语从句:that she hangs on the window 修饰先行词boxes.3) .Once it becomes warm enough outside, she moves the small pots of flowers into the garden where they get the most sunlight.Once 意为一旦,例如: Once you understand this rule, you will have no further difficulty.Once you have decided to do something, you should do it well.Once you enter the chemistry lab, you should follow the teachers instructions.定语从句where they get the most sunlight修饰先行词garden.Move into : to come or go into 往里移动。如: I moved into a new house last week.4) The money she spends on her garden is worth every penny. 定语从句she spends on her garden 修饰先行词money.5) Everywhere you look in the garden, you see flowers and plants that are full of beautiful colors: yellow and purple flowers, red tomatoes, orange peppers, and green cucumbers.定语从句that are full of beautiful colors: yellow and purple flowers, red tomatoes , orange peppers, and green cucumbers 修饰flowers and plants. 定语从句附加练习:Complete the following sentences by translating the Chinese in parentheses into English.1. The student _who told me the news (告诉我消息的) is not here now.2. I have lost the radio my mother gave me (我妈妈给我的)3. Do you know the reason why he left so early (他为什么这么早离开)4. I like a room whose window face south.(它的窗户朝南开)5. Is this the company where you once worked .(你曾经工作过的)6. July and August are the months when the weather is hot in Beijing .(北京天气热的时候)7. The student whose names were called (叫到名字的) stood up . Finish Exercises 5 on page 63Step 6 Homework:Copy the words on page 70 for 5 times and preview next part. 课题序号3授课班级授课课时2授课形式Language in use & Further reading授课章节名称Unit 4. Marys Garden使用教具Recorder教学目的 Ss can master the phonetics and they know how to ask questions and answer them.Ss will know how to make a weekly schedule. 教学重点Language points教学难点Ss can tell the vowels correctly from the letters.更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业Finish the exercises of Unit 4 on Exercise Book Review what they have learned教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计GrammarAdverbs of Frequency and Time Expressions Always sometimesOften rarely Usually neverEveryday once or twice a dayOnce a year six days a week 教学过程主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤 Step1Step2Step 3Step 4Language in Use & Further ReadingTeaching steps:Step 1: RevisionTranslate some sentences1. 我必须参加这个会议。(have to )2. 到五月份了,天气开始转暖了(become warm)3. 花钱买这个沙发真是太值得了。(worth every penny)4. 我花了好几个小时做家庭作业。(for hours)Step 2 Warm-upToday, well learn phonetics. So do you know how to read the word phonetics? When you come across new words, how do you get the pronunciations besides listening? We can also get them from phonetic symbols. Phonetic symbols consist of vowels and consonants.Step 3 Presentation Listen and read the following vowels and words.本单元主要复习四个元音。1.Find out the letters pronouncing the vowels2.Ask Ss to give more example 3.Listening and finish Exercise 2Grammar1. Adverbs of Frequency and Time Expressions.表示频率的词:Always sometimesOften rarely Usually neverEveryday once or twice a dayOnce a year six days a week 2. Ss should make out sentences using the adverbs of frequency.They should ask and answer questions with the partners.Then the should look at Lisas Weekly Schedule.How often does Lisa go to the library?She goes to the library every day.2. Everyone should make his own weekly schedule.3. review the new words , to complete the sentences with the correct words from the box. Changing the form if necessary.Further reading : School Clubs in the US. Ss should read the passage quickly ,and conclude the list of activities and clubs offered throughout the year.a) Art Clubb) Book Clubc) Environmental Clubd) Film ClubWho can take part in the club? And what should they do everyday ?Discussion :What clubs does your school have? Are you a member of any of them? HomeworkFinish the exercises of Unit 4 on Exercise Book。课题序号授课班级授课课时2授课形式Listening & Speaking授课章节名称Unit 5 Sports are fun!使用教具 Recorder教学目的Ss will get familiar with the name of the popular sports and equipment.Ss will know how to talk about school sports.教学重点Ss can know how to ask and answer questions about sports in English.教学难点Ask and answer questions about sports in English.更新、补充、删节内容 课外作业Copy the dialogue on page 75 and 76 and recite them.教学后记授课主要内容或板书设计Unit 5 Sports are fun!Warm-upActivity 1basketball running volleyball badminton tennis swimmingActivity 2Do alone: running swingingDo with a partner: badminton tennisDo with a team: basketball volleyballListening & SpeakingA. What sports do you like?I dont play these sports. I just watch them on TV!1) -What sports do you like best?-I likebest.2) -Whats you favorite sport? -I like to play3) -When do you usually play volleyball?-In the afternoon.4) How often do you go cycling?-Three times a week.Activity 4What do you doWhats your favorite sportHow often do you go swimmingB. You can do that!1. Finish Activity 5Match the pictures with the equipment on the left.Youd betterWhy not You can 课 堂 教 学 安 排教学过程主 要 教 学 内 容 及 步 骤Step1Step2Unit 5 Sports are fun!Teaching steps:Step 1: RevisionSay out the vowels in the following letter combinations.name hate waiter late main crazy radio knife wiferequire sight quite decide lively lie noise sunshineboy choice pointTranslate some sentences in English.1. 我必须参加这个会议?(have to) 2. 到五月份了,天气开始转暖了。(become warm)3. 花钱买这个沙发真是太值了!(worth every penny)4. 我花了好几个小时做家庭作业。(for hou


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