2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件3 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt

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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件3 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt_第1页
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2019春六年级英语下册 Module 7 Unit 2《She couldn’t see or hear》课件3 (新版)外研版(一起).ppt_第3页
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快认快读 is-was am-was are-were have-had has-had learn-learned/learnt write-wrote live-lived go-went make-made,Free talk: What did you do yesterday?,I +动词过去式.,Did you go to a zoo yesterday?,Yes,I did.,No,I didnt.,Free talk: What can you do?,I can.,can cant,过去式,过去式,could 能够,couldnt 不能够,Lets make sentences with “can” ,”cant”,“could”and “couldnt”.,表示现在:can/cant,表示过去:could/couldnt,When I was a baby, I could see. I could eat. I could hear. I could drink.,But I couldnt read a book.,Who is she?,海伦.凯勒,海伦.凯勒简介: 1.美国盲聋女作家、教育家、慈善家和社会活动家。 2.1880年6月27日出生,19个月时因为一场高烧,夺去了她的视力、听力和语言表达能力。她的导师安妮.莎莉文教会了她读书和说话。以优异的成绩毕业于美国哈佛大学拉德克利夫女子学院,成为掌握英语、法语、德语、拉丁语、希腊语五种语言的著名作家和教育家。 3.主要作品有假如给我三天光明我的老师我的生活等。,_, 18801968 She wrote 14 books The book “If you give me three days light” is very famous.,Helen Keller,She was born in 1880 in America.,Helen Keller (知识竞猜),1. Who was Helen Keller?,A.,B.,2. Could Helen see?,Yes, she could. No, she couldnt.,3. Could Helen hear?,Yes, she could. No, she couldnt.,4.What was Helens first word?,Mum. Water.,5.Who was the woman beside Helen ?,Her teacher. Her mum.,6.What did Helen do?,She played a game. B. She talked.,Where was she from?,When was she_?,born,Yao Ming was born in 1980,My sister was born in 1998,When were you born?,I was born in _,Where was she from?,When was she_?,born,Listen carefully, answer the questions .,Where was she from?,She was from America.,When was she born?,She was born in 1880.,Read silently, underline the new words.,(默读,划出不认识的单词.),A.Guess in the context! (通过上下文猜),B. Guess by the picture! (借助图片猜),normal,She was blind.,So she couldnt see.,Who was blind?,A.,B,She was deaf.,So she couldnt hear.,Who was deaf ?,A.,B.,“Blind people are normal people. We can learn and work ,too,” she said,normal,normal,A.正常的 B.与众不同的,Read carefully and number the pictures.,( 1 ),( 2 ),( 3 ),( 5 ),( 6 ),( 4 ),Read and match,(请为每幅图找到相对应的句子),5.Helen Keller was born in 1880 in America.,6.She was deaf. So she couldnt hear.,4.She learned to read and write.,3. She couldnt talk. So her friends helped her.,1.Blind people are normal people. We can learn and work, too.”,2.Helen wrote books about her life.,Read and retell. 读一读,说一说,Look and say,1.Helen Keller was born in America in 1880.,海伦.凯勒在1880年出生于美国。,2.As a small child,she became blind and deaf. She couldnt see and she couldnt hear.,在她是一个小孩子的时候,她变得又盲又聋。她看不到也听不到。,3.Later, Helen had a teacher. She drew letters in Helens hand. Helen learned to speak.,后来,海伦有了一个老师。这位老师在海伦的手上画字母。海伦学会了说话。,Look and say,4.Later she learned to read.,后来她学会了阅读。,5.She could also write. She wrote a book about herself.,她也能写字了。她写了一本关于她自己的书。,6.She went all over the world. And she lived to be 87.,她走遍了全世界,而且她活到了87岁。,7.Helen Keller is a model for blind people and for you and me.,海伦.凯勒是盲人的楷模, 也是我们大家的楷模。,She couldnt_.,read hear see speak talk run jump eat blind deaf normal,What couldnt she do? Why?,What could she do? Why?,She could _,A. read,B. write.,C. learn hard,D. dance,E. go around the world.,F. Help blind people everywhere.,Helen Keller _ see but she _ learn. She _ hear but she _ speak. 2. When I was a baby, I _ see but I _ read. I _ hear but I _ talk. I _ walk but I _ learn and I _ play.,couldnt,could,couldnt,couldnt,couldnt,couldnt,could,could,could,could,could,当堂检测:,Guessing game: Whos he/she?,She was _years old.,She could _and_,She couldnt _and _,1,stand,sit,swim,run,She is _years old.,She can _and_,She cant _and _,12,dance,draw,drive a car,fly,Photo before I was _years old. I could _and_ I couldnt _and _,Photo now I am _ years old. I can _and_ I cant _and _,Lets make our growth profile.,(写一写自己的成长档案),1880,deaf,see,clever,read,difficult,normal,learn,blind people,1. Helen Keller was born in _.,1818,1880,1890,2. She couldnt hear. She was _.,blind,deaf,sad,3. She was blind. She couldnt _.,hear,see,speak,4. But she could _.,learn,sing,draw,5. Her teacher drew _ in her hand.,picture,names,letters,6. Then Helen Keller learned to _.,write,speak,read,7. Later she learned to _.,write,speak,draw,8. She wrote a book about _.,the world,herself,her teacher,9. She lived to be _.,77,87,97,10. She helped _.,animals,pupils,blind people,Homework,Retell the story to your friends and your relatives.(复述课文),2. Lets make your growth profile. (完成自己的成长档案袋),Thanks for your attention,


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