高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法专题突破 2 形容词、副词、介词和介词短语 第1讲 形容词和副词课件.ppt

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高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法专题突破 2 形容词、副词、介词和介词短语 第1讲 形容词和副词课件.ppt_第1页
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高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法专题突破 2 形容词、副词、介词和介词短语 第1讲 形容词和副词课件.ppt_第2页
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高考英语二轮复习 第一部分 语法专题突破 2 形容词、副词、介词和介词短语 第1讲 形容词和副词课件.ppt_第3页
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第1讲形容词和副词,2016高考导航适用于全国卷,专题2形容词、副词、介词和介词短语,专题2形容词、副词、介词和介词短语,1(2015高考全国卷,语法填空,节选)As_ (nature) architects,the Pueblo Indians figured out exactly how thick the adobe walls needed to be to make the cycle work on most days. 2(2015高考广东卷,语法填空,节选)_(lucky),he also had a cow which produced milk every day.,考点一词类转换,natural,Luckily,3Keeping a diary in English is one of the most _ (effect)ways to improve our English writing ability.,effective,高考对形容词或副词的考查重点为能根据提示词写出正确的形容词或副词词形,以及能正确分辨同根词的形容词和副词的用法区别。 解题重点在于了解语篇型语法填空要填的词或短文改错中要改的词在句中所作的成分、所起的作用。形容词用来修饰名 词,副词用来修饰形容词或动词。形容词在句中可作定语、表语或补足语,副词在句中作状语。这就要求考生在日常学习中要熟记形容词、副词构词法。,1形容词的构成 常见的形容词后缀,充满的;有性质 (或倾向的),useful 有用的 successful 成功的 plentiful 丰富的 helpful 有帮助的 meaningful 有意义的 peaceful 和平的 powerful 强大的 thankful 感激的 hopeful 有希望的 forgetful 健忘的,多的,greedy 贪婪的 wealthy 富有的 healthy 健康的,国家的;有性质的;像似的,childish 孩子般的 foolish 愚蠢的,无的,没有的,speechless 哑口无言的 harmless 无害的 hopeless 绝望的 meaningless 没有意义的,有性质的,dangerous 危险的 glorious 光荣的,能的,可以的,enjoyable 高兴的 movable 可移动的 available 可利用的 comfortable 舒服的 valuable 有价值的 reasonable 合理的 accessible 可接近的 affordable 支付得起的,与有关的;表示过程或状态,cultural 文化的 personal 私人的 musical 音乐的 natural 自然的 special 特别的 digital 数码的 environmental 环境的 original 起初的; 原创的,与有关的,有倾向的;有属性的,attractive 迷人的 talkative 健谈的 constructive 建设性的 sensitive 敏感的 productive 多产的 effective 有效的 instructive 有教育意义的,imaginary 虚构的; 想象的 revolutionary 革命性的 contradictory 矛盾的,与有关的; 动作(或行为)的,historic 历史性的; 有重大历史 意义的 heroic 英雄的; 英勇的,是的;处于状态,frequent 频繁的 significant 有重大意义的 resistant 抵抗的; 反对的 important 重要的 permanent 永久的 convenient 方便的 evident 明显的 efficient 生效的,有的;以为特征的,colored 有色的 limited 有限的 surrounded 被围 绕的 wooded 木制的 pointed 尖的,以方式;具有性质,manly 有男子气 概的 brotherly 情同手足的 friendly 友好的,像的,引起(或易于)的,childlike孩子般的,troublesome 引起麻烦的 tiresome 令人厌烦的,带有属性的,regular 规则的;有规 律的,2.形容词变副词的规则 (1)一些以辅音字母加y结尾的形容词变为副词形式时,把y改为i,再加ly,如:easyeasily,angryangrily,noisynoisily。 (2)以ble或le结尾的形容词变为副词形式时去e加y,如:possiblepossibly,terribleterribly,simplesimply,comfortablecomfortably。 (3)以ue结尾的形容词变为副词形式时去e加ly,如:truetruly。 (4)以l结尾的形容词变为副词形式时在词尾加ly,如:usualusually,carefulcarefully。 (5)以ll结尾的形容词变为副词形式时在词尾加y,如:fullfully。,单句语法填空 1(2015江西南昌调研)He was happy to see the customer walk out of the restaurant_(angry) 2(2015江西南昌调研)Crum reacted in his _ (usually) way.He cut the potatoes very thin and cooked them in hot oil.,angrily,usual,3(2015太原第二阶段测评)At the time,I suppose,I thought I was poor.Sometimes,we dont realize how _(fortune) we are,do we? 4(2015山东滕州市4月模拟)His name was Fleming,and he was a poor Scottish farmer.One day,he saved a_ (terrify) boy from a black bog(沼泽) by accident.,fortunate,terrified,1(2015高考全国卷,语法填空,改编)It was raining lightly when I arrived in Yangshuo just before dawn.But I didnt care.A few hours_(early),Id been at home in Hong Kong,with its choking smog. 2(2015潍坊检测)I can hardly believe that Betty can speak Chinese as _(fluent) as we do. 3(2014高考辽宁卷,语法填空,节选)The _ (hard) you try to beat him,the more likely you will get hit.,考点二形容词、副词比较等级,earlier,fluently,harder,一、形容词和副词的比较级和最高级的构成规则 1规则变化,great,greater,greatest,brave late,braver later,bravest latest,big hot,bigger hotter,biggest hottest,happy,happier,happiest,difficult expensive,more difficult more expensive,most difficult most expensive,易错警示 以er,ow结尾的双音节形容词末尾加er和est,如:clever和narrow等。,2.不规则变化,better,best,worse,worst,more,most,less,least,farther(多指距离)/ further(多指程度),farthest/furt hest,older/elder,oldest/eldest,易错警示 further 不仅可以指“距离更远”,还可指“程度更深”。如:further education(深造), further information(进一步的 信息)等。,二、形容词、副词比较级用法 1表示“比更”用“形容词/副词的比较级than”结构。 Goods imported from abroad are not always better than those made in China. 从国外进口的产品并不一定比中国的好。 Yes.Some of the goods made in our country are of high quality. 是的,国内制造的一些东西质量也很好。 2the比较级of the two(两者中较的一个)。 The taller of the two boys is my brother. 两个男孩中较高的那位是我哥哥。,3“the形容词/副词比较级,the形容词/副词比较级”表示“越,越”。 The more youve learned,the better equipped for the future youll be. 你学得越多,为未来所作的准备就越充分。,名师指津 1比较级前可用a little,a bit,a little bit,slightly等修饰,表示“稍微,一点儿”。 Its a little bit colder today than it was yesterday. 今天比昨天稍冷一点儿。 2比较级前可用much,far,a lot,a good deal,a great deal,rather等修饰,表示“得多”。 There are far more people than we expected. 人比我们预计的多得多。,三、形容词、副词最高级 1最高级可用by far,much,almost,nearly及序数词修 饰,表示程度或顺序。 The bridge being built now is by far the longest across the Yellow River.目前正在建的那座桥是横跨黄河之上的桥当中最长的。 2“否定词比较级”表达最高级含义。 Your story is perfect;Ive never heard a better one before.你的故事太完美了,我从来没有听过比这更好听的故事。,四、倍数表达法 表示倍数的句型: (1)A is倍数比较级thanB (2)A is倍数as原级asB (3)A is倍数the名词(size,length,height等)ofB (4)A is倍数than/those ofB Its said that the power plant is now twice as large as what it was. Its said that the power plant is now twice the size of what it was.据说发电厂现在是过去的两倍大。 It is reported that the United States consumes four times as much energy as the whole of Africa. 据报道,美国消耗的能源是整个非洲的四倍。,单句语法填空 1(2015济南模拟)I now turn out to be a great speaker. Looking back, I know the _(great) difficulty on our way to success is our fear,overcome it,and we will be able to achieve our goals. 2(2015河北唐山统一考试)But when he was 11 years old, he found out he had a sickness which would prevent him from growing much_(tall),greatest,taller,3(2015唐山一中仿真模拟一)However, there are still some other people who have made lots of money at even_ (young) ages. 4(2015山东临沂高三二模)Nowadays,the ice bucket challenge is among the_(hot) news of all.,younger,hottest,技法1巧析结构定答案 分析句子结构并确定所填词在句子中所作的成分是词性转换题的关键所在。比如:作定语、表语或补足语用形容词;作 状语,修饰动词、形容词或另一副词,要用副词。有时,根 据句子意思及前后逻辑关系,词义需要发生变化,但词性不 一定要变时,要注意与词根意义相反的派生词,需要在词根 前加一些前缀,如un,im,in,il,dis,mis 等,或在词根后加一些后缀,如less等。,(2014高考辽宁卷,语法填空,节选)I cannot control my body well.My legs become_(pain) 【解析】become为系动词,其后需要跟形容词作表语,构成系表结构,故答案为painful。,painful,技法2妙用标志(词)定答案 有时设空处前后有一些比较等级的标志词或修饰语,如: than,much,of all等,考生可以利用这些信息快速确定 答案。,(2015高考湖南卷,完形填空,节选)While finding information is easier than ever,at the same time, researching has become _(complex) 【解析】根据前文的than可知设空处应该填提示词的比较级形式。,more complex,


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