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专题九专题十特殊句式(倒装、强调和 省略等),考向分析 特殊句式包括倒装、感叹句、祈使句、强调和省略等,在高考试题中只是偶尔会考查一次。虽然特殊句式不是高考的重点考点,但是仍然需要灵活掌握,而且掌握好特殊句式还有助于写作能力的提升。,考点一 倒装,考点二 感叹句与祈使句,考点三 强调句型,本专题考点,考点四 省略,考点清单 考点一倒装 一、完全倒装 单句填空 1.Now, just in front of the house stands (stand)a tall tree with a history of 100 years. 答案stands句意:现在,就在这座房子前面耸立着一棵有100年历史的大树。表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词,后面的主语、谓语部分需用全部倒装形式;根据时间状语Now可推知设空处需用一般现在时;本句主语为第三人称单数,故填stands。,语境运用,2.Among the crises that face humans is (be) the lack of natural re-sources. 答案is该句为倒装句式,主语为“the lack of natural resources”,而该句描述的是客观事实,故用一般现在时。故空格处填is。 单句改错 3.John opened the door and there stand a girl he had never seen before. standstood 答案standstoodthere位于句首,且主语不是人称代词时,句子应用完全倒装形式,结合语境可知,stand错误,应用一般过去时态,故stand改为stood。,完全倒装(Full Inversion) 谓语部分完全放在主语之前的句子,便是完全倒装句。 1.副词、介词短语类: 表示地点的副词here,there置于句首,且主语是名词(不是代词),需用完全倒装,其形式为:There/Here+谓语+主语。常用于此句型的谓语动词为be,go,come,exist,follow,remain,lie等,时态要用一般现在时。 There goes the last bus.末班公共汽车开走了。 Here is the money I promised you.这是我答应给你的钱。 There goes the bell for break.下课铃响了。 Here you are.给你。(代词作主语,不倒装),用法精讲,表示时间的副词(如:now,then等)、运动方向的副词(如:out,in,up,down,away等)及表示地点的介词短语置于句首,且主语是名词(不是代词),需用完全倒装,其形式为:副词或介词短语+谓语+主语。常用于此句型的谓语动词为come,fall,follow,exist,lie,go,remain,run等,时态为一般现在时或一般过去时。 Now comes your turn!现在该你了! Up went the arrow into the air.箭直射向空中。 Under the table sleeps a white cat. 在桌子下面睡着一只白色的猫。 Behind the counter he stood.他站在柜台后面。(代词作主语,不倒装),2.表语类: 为了保持句子平衡或强调表语部分等,将作表语的形容词、分词、介词短语、such置于句首时,需用完全倒装,其形式为:形容词/现在分词/过去分词/介词短语/such+be+主语。 Happy are those who are contented.知足者常乐。 Growing all over the mountain are wild flowers. 漫山遍野长满了野花。 Seated on the ground are a group of young people. 席地而坐的是一群年轻人。 Inside the parcel was a letter.包裹里有封信。 Such were his words.(=Such was what he said.) 这就是他说的话。,二、部分倒装 单句填空 1.Not until recentlydid they encourage the development of tourist-re-lated activities in the rural areas. 答案did句意:直到近期,他们才开始鼓励农村地区与旅游有关的活动的发展。not until位于句首时,句子需用部分倒装结构,此处指过去所发生的动作,需用一般过去时,故答案为did。 2.Only when Lily walked into the office did she realize that she had left the contract at home. 答案did句意:直到莉莉走进办公室她才意识到她把合同落在家里了。“only+状语从句”置于句首时,主句需用部分倒装形式。根据题干中的had left可以推断出设空处应该用一般过去时,故填did。,语境运用,3. Only by increasing the number of doctors by 50 percent can the pa-tients be treated properly in this hospital. 答案Only句意:只有将医生的人数增加50%,病人才能在这家医院得到恰当的治疗。“only+状语”置于句首时,句子要部分倒装。其正常语序是:The patients can be treated properly in this hospital only by in-creasing the number of doctors by 50 percent. 4.So buried was (be)she in doing her homework that she didnt notice it got dark outside. 答案was句意:她如此全神贯注做她的家庭作业以至于她都没注意到外面天已经黑了。so.that.句型中,将so.置于句首,后面的主谓语需部分倒装;根据题中的didnt可知设空处需用一般过去时,故答案为was。,单句改错 5.The headmaster will not permit the change in the course;nor does he even give it a thought. doeswill 答案doeswill否定副词neither,never,seldom等放在句首时,句子用部分倒装形式。逗号前使用了一般将来时,根据语境,逗号之后也应用一般将来时。,二、部分倒装(Partial Inversion) 把be动词、助动词或情态动词置于主语之前的句子叫部分倒装句。这类句型主要有下面几种: 1.only 修饰副词、介词短语或状语从句,且放在句首时。 Only in this way can we learn English well. 只有用这种方法我们才能学好英语。 使用特点: (1)在部分倒装句中,如果谓语部分无助动词,则需找助动词来“帮助”构成倒装句。 ()Only after the war learned he the sad news. ()Only after the war did he learn the sad news. 只是在战后他才得知那个不幸的消息。,用法精讲,(2)only 修饰状语从句时,从句不可倒装,主句倒装。 ()Only when did he return we found out the truth. ()Only when he returned did we find out the truth. 只是当他回来的时候,我们才查明了真相。 (3)only 修饰主语时,句子不可倒装。 ()Only can he answer the question. ()Only he can answer the question. 只有他能回答这个问题。 2.否定词never,nor,not,hardly,little,seldom,scarcely,rarely及表否定意义的介词短语at no time,under/in no circumstances,in no case,by no means,on no condition等置于句首时。,Never before have I seen such a moving film.=I have never seen such a moving film before. 以前我从未看过这么感人的电影。 Not a single mistake did he make.=He didnt make a single mistake.他一个错误也没犯。 Hardly do I think it possible to finish the work before dark. =I hardly think it possible to finish the work before dark. 我认为在天黑之前完成这项工作几乎是不可能的。 3.六个重要的固定句型: (1)“so+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”意为“也是如此”。 They love having lots of friends;so do those with disabilities. 他们喜欢交很多朋友,那些身有残疾的人也是如此。,使用特点: 此句型也可写成“it is/was the same with.”或“so it is/was with.”。 They love having lots of friends;,如果仅是对前面内容的肯定或附和(此时的so=indeed),那么,句子不可使用倒装。试比较: A:I was afraid.(I 指的是A) B:So was I.(I 指的是B。此句意为:I was afraid,too.) A:我害怕。 B:我也是。,A:I was afraid.(I 指的是A) B:So you were.(you 指的也是A。此句意为:Indeed you were afraid.) A:我害怕。 B:你就是这样。 (2)“neither/nor+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语”意为“也不这样”。 Lily cant ride a bicycle;neither/nor can Lucy. 莉莉不会骑自行车,露西也不会。 使用特点: 此句型也可写成“it is/was the same with.”或“so it is/was with.”。 Lily cant ride a bicycle;,此句型中的neither/nor不可用so.not 替代,但可用not.either 改写。 ()I have never been abroad.So hasnt he. ()I have never been abroad.Neither/Nor has he.,()I have never been abroad.He has never/not been abroad,either. 我没出过国。他也没有。 (3) So clearly does he speak English that he can always make himself under-stood. 他说英语说得如此清晰,以至于别人都能听得懂。 Such an interesting book does he have that we all want to read it.他有一本如此有趣的书,以至于我们都想读。,使用特点: 在这个句型中,so,such后面的句子要倒装,而that 引导的从句不倒装。,(4)Neither.nor.意为“不,也不”。 Neither do I know it;nor do I care about it. 我不知道这件事,也不关心。 使用特点: 由于neither 和nor 都是否定词,所以它们后面的句子均需倒装。 (5)Not only.but also.意为“不仅而且”。 Not only will help be given to people to find jobs,but also medical treat-ment will be provided for people who need it. 不仅要给那些找工作的人提供帮助,而且也要给那些有需要的人提供药物治疗。,使用特点: 此句型也可写成 Not only.but.或Not only.but.as well 的形式,但but(also)连接的句子必须用正常语序。 (6)Not until.意为“直到才”。 Not until 4:00 in the morning could he fall asleep. 直到早晨4点他才睡着。 Not until he returned did we have supper. 直到他回来我们才吃晚饭。 但是:Not until did he return we had supper.() 使用特点: not until 引导的是从句时,从句的主谓不可倒装,只是主句需要倒装。,三、其他倒装 单句填空 1.One has reason to believe that Chinas anti-corruption over the past few years, tough as/though it is, has achieved inspiring progress. 答案as/though句意:一个人有理由相信在过去的几年里中国的反腐活动取得了令人鼓舞的成就,虽然该活动很艰难。as/though引导让步状语从句时采用了形式倒装。 2.Try as/though she might, Sue couldnt get the door open. 答案as/thoughas/though引导让步状语从句时从句采用倒装语序(though位于句首时,从句是否倒装均可),即把表语、状语或动词放在句首,故空格处填as/though。,语境运用,as和though引导让步状语从句时的倒装 (1)表语的倒装 Tired as/though he was,he still went on with his work. 尽管很累,他还是继续工作。 Strange as/though it seems,it is true. 尽管看上去奇怪,这事却是真的。 Exhausted as/though she was,she wasnt able to sleep. 尽管已经筋疲力尽,但她还是睡不着觉。 注意:如果是单数名词或形容词的最高级作表语,前置时要省略冠词。,用法精讲,(2)谓语动词的倒装 Try as he might,he didnt pass the exam. 尽管他可能努力了,但考试还是没有通过。 Search as they would here and there,they could find nothing in the room. 尽管他们到处寻找,但在房间里找不到任何东西。 (3)状语的倒装 Much as he likes the bike,he doesnt want to buy it. 他虽然很喜欢那辆自行车,但并不想买它。 Hard as I studied,I could not catch up with them. 我虽然努力学习,但赶不上他们。 温馨提示:though引导让步状语从句位于句首时,从句是否倒装均可,而although引导的让步状语从句不倒装。,考点二感叹句与祈使句 单句填空 1. What a strange plant! Ive never seen it before. 答案What根据感叹句的句式“What+a/an+形容词+名词+主谓!”可知空格处填What。 2.(2016课标全国)It could be anythinggardening, cooking, music, sportsbut whatever it is, make (make) sure its a relief from daily stress rather than another thing to worry about. 答案make空前是让步状语从句,且最后一个逗号之后为祈使句,空格处作谓语,故填动词原形。,语境运用,3.One of my favorite sayings is,“ Laugh (laugh) and the world laughs with you.” 答案Laugh句意:我最喜欢的一句谚语是:“欢笑,世界会与你一起欢笑。”本句采用了“祈使句+and+陈述句”句型,设空处为祈使句,故用动词原形。 单句改错 4.My dear friends, dont afraid of problems, but take advantage of them to be the best of ourselves. dont后加be 答案dont后加be句意:我亲爱的朋友们,不要害怕问题,而要充分利用它们使我们自己成为最佳。“dont afraid of problems”为祈使句的否定形式,形容词afraid前需加上系动词be。,(一)感叹句 1.What(+a/an)+形容词+名词+主语+谓语! 2.How+形容词+a/an+可数名词单数+主语+谓语! 3.How+形容词/副词+主语+谓语! What a clever boy he is!=How clever a boy he is! 多聪明的男孩儿呀! What beautiful flowers they are!多么美丽的花呀! What sweet water it is! 多么甜的水呀! How high the mountain is! 这山真高呀! How fast he runs! 他跑得真快呀!,用法精讲,4.省略形式的感叹句 (1)how直接修饰谓语动词:How+主语+谓语! How(much)we love our motherland! 我们多么热爱我们的祖国呀! (2)省略主语和谓语 How wonderful(it is)!真棒! 5.其他形式的感叹句 How can you be so silly!你怎么这么傻! The design and the colours!多美的图案和色彩! To sell such a suit as that to a millionaire! 竟然要把那样一套衣服卖给一个百万富翁!,(二)祈使句 1.祈使句表命令、建议、请求、警告、禁止、劝告等。其常见形式有三种: (1)动词原形(+宾语+其他成分)。 Please have a seat here. 请这边坐。 Come on, Helen.海伦,加油。 (2)Be+表语。 Be a good boy! 要做一个好男孩子! (3)Let+宾语+宾补。 Let me help you. 让我来帮你。 但Lets与Let us表达的意思不同。,Lets have a rest.让我们休息一下吧。(表示号召或建议,其中的“我们”包括说话者和对方) Let us have a rest. 您让我们休息一下吧。(表示请求,其中的 “我们”不包括对方) 2.常见的祈使句否定式有四种: (1)Dont或Never+动词原形。 Dont be so sure.别那么有把握。,Never come late.千万别迟到。 Dont be late for school!上学不要迟到! (2)Let+宾语+not+动词原形。 Lets not walk any further.我们别再往前走了。 Lets not forget it.我们可不能忘了它。 (3)Dont+let+宾语+动词原形。 Dont let him go.别让他走。 (4)No+名词或动名词。 No smoking! 禁止吸烟! 3.祈使句的强调式 Do drive slowly. 开车千万要慢些。 Do someone help him quickly.务必有人赶快帮他的忙。 Do everyone sit down.大家务必坐下。,考点三强调句型 单句填空 1.You are waiting at a wrong place.It is at the hotel that the coach picks up tourists. 答案that句意:你等错地方了。长途客车是在宾馆接游客的。考查强调句型。被强调部分为at the hotel,故设空处填that。 2.(2017湖北荆门调研)It wasnt until in high school that I began to trust other people again. 答案that句意:直到上了高中我才开始再次信任别人。本句考查强调句型“It is/was+not until+词/短语/从句+that+其他.”。,语境运用,3.Mr. Mike didnt understand what it was that made his wife so upset this morning. 答案what句意:迈克先生不明白是什么使得他妻子今天早晨如此不安。本句understand后的宾语从句为强调句型,改为普通句型为:Mr. Mike didnt understand what made his wife so upset this morning. 单句改错 4. (2017湖南衡阳八中、永州四中一联) It is working in teams instead of on my own which has freed me from trouble and made my work more effi-cient. whichthat 答案whichthat句意:是团队合作而不是我自己单打独斗使我克服了困难并使我的工作效率更高。本句考查强调句型。强调句型为:It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他.。由此可知将which改为that。,(一)强调句型的基本用法 1.基本结构:It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他.(被强调的对象可以是一个词、短语,也可以是从句) It was because of the bad weather that the football match had to be put off. 由于糟糕的天气,足球赛不得不推迟举行。 2.一般疑问句:Is/Was it+被强调部分+that+其他? Was it on a lonely island that he was saved one month after the boat went down? 他是在小船沉没一个月后在一个孤岛上获救的吗?,用法精讲,3.特殊疑问句:What/Who/How/When etc.+is/was+it+that+其他? Who was it that phoned just now? 刚才打电话的究竟是谁? 4.not.until的强调句型:It is/was+not until+词/短语/从句+that+其他. Bach died in 1750, but it was not until the early 19th century that his musi-cal gift was fully recognized.巴赫于1750年去世,但直到19世纪早期,他的音乐天赋才被完全认可。 5.复合句的强调句型:It is/was+主语从句/状语从句+that+其他. It was when I got back to my apartment that I first came across my new,neighbors.(被强调的是when引导的时间状语从句)当我回到我的公寓的时候,我第一次遇见了我的新邻居。 6.当强调句型强调人时that和who均可使用,但是对人以外的内容强调时只能使用 that。 It was David that was late for class yesterday.(被强调的是人,that也可换为who)是戴维昨天上课迟到了。 7.如对主语进行强调时,that/who之后的谓语动词的数应该与被强调的部分保持一致。 It is that student who speaks English best in the class.(who之后的谓语speaks与student保持一致)是那个学生在班上英语说得最好。,(二)强调句型与其他相似句型的区别 1.强调句型与It is/was+时间+when.句型 在“It is/was+时间+when.句型”中,it 指时间,when引导的是时间状语从句。注意两种句型中“时间”表达方式的不同。试比较: It was at midnight that I got back home yesterday. 昨天午夜我回到了家里。 It was midnight when I got back home yesterday. 昨天当我回到家里时,已经是午夜了。 句是强调句型,被强调的是时间状语at midnight;而句是一般句型,时间以名词的方式表达,用来作表语。 2.强调句型与 It is/has been+时间段+since.句型 It is/has been.since.表示“自从以来已有(时间)”。两个句,型中的时态一般不同。试比较: It was two years ago that I began to learn English. 我是在两年前开始学英语的。 It is/has been two years since I began to learn English. 我学英语两年了。 句为强调句型,it后的be动词常用一般现在时和一般过去时;而句表示“从过去到现在已有多长时间”,it后的be动词用一般现在时或现在完成时。 3.强调句型与It was/will be+时间段+before.句型 It was/will be+时间段+before.句型可有以下几个句式: It wasnt/wont be long before.不久以后就会了/用不了多久就会,It was two years/days before. 过了两年/两天才 It was not two years/days before. 不到两年/两天就 It will be two years/days before.还得两年/两天才 It will not be two years/days before. 用不了两年/两天就会 试比较: It was two years before he came back from abroad. It was two years later that he came back from abroad. 句为一般句型,句为强调句型。同样表示“他两年以后回的国”。注意强调句型中时间状语的表达方式。,考点四省略 单句填空 1.If accepted (accept) for the job,youll be informed soon. 答案accepted句意:如果这个工作你被录取,你将很快被通知。本题考查状语从句的省略。完整的句子为:If you are accepted for the job,youll be informed soon.。 2.Video games can be a poor influence if left (leave) in the wrong hands. 答案left句意:电子游戏如果落入不对的人的手里就可能有坏的影响。这里考查了leave作及物动词的用法,可以理解为if(the video games are) left in the wrong hands,主从句的主语相同,省略从句中的主语和be动词。,语境运用,3.The climate here is quite pleasant,the temperature rarely, if ever,reaching 30 in summer. 答案if句意:这里的气候很宜人,夏天的气温极少达到30摄氏度。本题考查状语从句的省略。当从句中的主语是it,谓语动词中又含有系动词 be 时,可以把it和系动词 be一起省略。if ever与rarely连用,意为“极少”。,单句改错 4.(2017山西重点中学协作体一模)When taken exams, we sometimes cheat in order to get good results to make our parents and teachers pleased. takentaking 答案takentaking句意:当我们参加考试时,为了取得好成绩来使我们的父母和老师高兴,我们有时会作弊。本题考查省略。将句子补全后为:When we are taking exams, we sometimes cheat in order to get good re-sults to make our parents and teachers pleased.时间状语从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句中含有be动词时,可将从句主语和be动词去掉,故将taken改为taking。,(一)定语从句中的省略现象 限制性定语从句中作宾语的关系代词that,which,whom常可以省略;当先行词是time(次数),reason,place时,关系词that和why,where也可以省去(详见“定语从句”和“名词性从句”部分)。 This is the first time(that)Ive acted on the stage. 这是我第一次登台演出。 (二)状语从句中的省略现象 当状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致,且从句中含be动词时,可以省略状语从句中的主语和be动词,这时从句中可出现如下结构: 1.时间状语从句中常见的省略现象 Dont speak until spoken to. 有人对你说话时你再说。,用法精讲,While in Beijing,I paid a visit to the Summer Palace. 在北京时,我参观了颐和园。 As a young man,Abraham Lincoln was a storekeeper and a postmaster. 亚伯拉罕林肯年轻时当过零售店店主和邮政局长。 He often makes mistakes when speaking English. 说英语时他经常出错。 She always sings while doing her work. 她干活时总是唱歌。 2.条件状语从句中常见的省略现象 Come tomorrow if possible. 如果可能的话,就明天来吧。,If so,you must go back and get it. 如果这样的话,你必须回去把它拿来。 Ill buy a TV set if necessary. 如有必要,我就买一台电视机。 The girl never gave in unless wrong. 这个女孩不会屈服的,除非她错了。 Unless repaired,the machine is of no use. 如果不被修理,这台机器便毫无用处。 3.方式状语从句中常见的省略现象 Some flowers shut up at night as if(they did this in order)to sleep. 有些花夜间收拢,好像要睡觉一样。,She stood at the gate as if(she was)waiting for someone. 她站在门口好像在等人。 The woman teacher left the classroom silently as though(she was)angry. 这位女教师默默地离开教室,好像生气了。 The inspector looked round,as if(he was)in search of something. 这位稽查员四处看了看,好像在寻找什么。 4.其他状语从句中的省略现象 Though cold,he still wore a shirt. 天气虽然冷,但他仍然穿一件衬衫。 Fill in the blanks with articles where necessary. 在空白处需要的地方填上冠词。 另外,我们还可以用so或not代替上文内容,此时可有“if+so/not”省略句式。,Get up early tomorrow.If not(=If you dont get up early),you will miss the first bus. 明天得早起。如果不早起,你就赶不上首班车。 He may not be at home then.If so(=If he is not at home),leave him a note. 那时他可能不在家。如果他不在家的话,给他留个便条。,技巧点拨 针对特殊句式的试题,在答题中需要分别对待。涉及倒装的试题,注意题干是符合全部倒装的条件,还是符合部分倒装的条件,然后再结合倒装的具体形式(有时还需要结合时态、主谓一致等知识)推测答案。针对感叹句的试题,结合感叹句的相关句式即可确定正确答案。而祈使句最明显的特征在于谓语动词是动词原形,这也是确定正确答案的重要依据。强调句型考查的重点是that的判断,只要依据强调句型的结构特点判断出题干属于强调句型,那么就能得出答案。针对省略方面的试题,需要结合省略的条件确定省略的内容,然后再依据其他相关知识对题干进一步分析判断。,


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