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第二部分 语法专练 专题一名词、冠词和代词,考向分析 在高考中,涉及名词的考点主要包括名词复数、名词所有格等;涉及冠词的考点主要包括定冠词和不定冠词的用法,有时在短文改错中会考查零冠词;代词考点主要包括人称代词、物主代词、反身代词、不定代词等的用法。,考点一 名词,考点二 冠词,考点三 代词,本专题考点,考点清单 考点一名词 一、名词的复数 单句填空 1.(2017全国卷)It ran for just under seven kilometers and allowed people to avoid terrible crowds (crowd) on the roads above as they travelled to and from work. 答案crowds根据语境可知,此处表示的是人群,空格前无冠词,因此crowd应用复数形式,故空格处填crowds。,语境运用,2.(2017全国卷)She has turned down several invitations (invitation) to star at shows in order to concentrate on her studies.,答案invitations空前的several常用于修饰可数名词的复数,故空格处填复数名词invitations。 3.In some countries, people eat with chopsticks, while in others, knives (knife) and forks. 答案knives根据空后的名词forks可知,可数名词knife应用复数形式。,单句改错 4. (2017全国卷)The instructor kept repeating the word, “Speed up!” “Slow down!” “Turning left!” wordwords 答案wordwords根据引号内的内容可知,此处word应用复数形式。,可数名词单数变复数规则 1.规则变化,用法精讲,续表,2.不规则变化 (1)变内部元音 footfeet脚manmen男人 womanwomen女人toothteeth牙 goosegeese鹅gentlemangentlemen绅士 (2)单复数同形的名词 sheep绵羊 deer鹿 spacecraft太空船aircraft飞行器 Chinese中国人Japanese日本人 Swiss瑞士人means方法 crossroads十字路口headquarters总部 series连续species种类,(3)外来名词的复数形式 criterioncriteria标准phenomenonphenomena现象 analysisanalyses分析basisbases基础 crisiscrises危机thesistheses论文 bacteriumbacteria细菌mediummedia媒体 (4)fish表示不同种类的鱼时,其复数形式通常为fishes,而表示鱼的条数时,其复数形式与单数形式相同。表示“鱼肉”时是不可数名词。 There are many different fishes in this river. 这条河中有很多不同种类的鱼。 I bought five fish today.今天我买了五条鱼。,(5)penny表示便士的“价值”时复数为pence,常与数词搭配来表示钱数:five pence五便士,ten pence十便士;表示便士的“个数”时复数为pennies。 (6)people指“人”时是person的一种复数形式,指“民族”时其复数形式为peoples。 one person一个人two people两个人 a people一个民族two peoples两个民族,二、名词所有格 单句填空 1. Alberts (Albert) birthday is on next Saturday, and Im planning a surprise party for him. 答案Alberts句意:Albert的生日在下周六,我正在计划为他开一个派对,给他一个惊喜。空格处在句中作名词birthday的定语,结合语境可知,空格处应填写提示词的所有格形式。故空格处填Alberts。 单句改错 2.When I finally arrived at my friend he lent me lots of clothes. friendfriends 答案friendfriends句意:当我最终到达朋友家时,他借给了我许多衣服。名词所有格可表示地点,结合语境可知,friend应改为friends。,语境运用,1.名词所有格的用法 -s所有格主要用于表示人或其他有生命的名词的所有关系,表示“的”。例如: Well-known for their expertise,his parents company,called“Future Tours”,transported me safely into the future in a time capsule.他父母的公司“未来之旅”以其专业技术而闻名,该公司用时空穿梭机平安地把我送入了未来。 Have you read Robert Brownings poems? 你读过罗伯特勃朗宁的诗吗? 表示时间、距离、价格。例如: today s newspaper今天的报纸 a five days journey一次五天的旅行,用法精讲,表示店铺、医院、学校、住宅及公共建筑时,名词所有格后常常不出现它所修饰的名词。例如: at the barber s (shop)在理发店 at the doctor s (office)在医院 at the tailors (shop)在裁缝店 2.-s所有格的构成规则,考点二冠词 一、不定冠词的用法 单句填空 1.For Pahlsson, its return was a wonder. 答案a句意:对Pahlsson来说,它的回归是一个奇迹。根据语境可知,空格处修饰wonder且表示泛指,故填不定冠词a。 2.Brian is gifted in writing music; he is very likely to be a Beethoven. 答案a句意:Brian在作曲方面很有天赋,他很有可能会成为一个贝多芬式的人物。本题考查冠词。a在此处表示“一位式的人物”。,语境运用,3.Life is like an ocean:Only the strong-willed can reach the other shore. 答案an句意:生活就像一片海洋,只有那些意志坚强的人才能到达彼岸。ocean在此处为可数名词,在本句中表示泛指,故用不定冠词,o-cean以元音音素开头,故答案为an。 单句改错 4.(2017课标全国卷)They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. 第一个aan 答案第一个aan在题干中,名词hour是以元音音素开头的单词,因此它前面的不定冠词a使用错误,应改为an。,v,1.不定冠词有a,an两种形式,当紧跟着冠词的单词的发音以辅音音素(注意:不是辅音字母)时用a;当紧跟着冠词的单词的发音以元音音素(注意:不是元音字母)开头时用an。如: a university,a useful animal,a one-eyed dog,a European car,an hour,an honest boy,an X-ray,an ugly man,an honor等。 2.不定冠词的用法: 用于单数可数名词前,表示泛指; 用于表示数量“一”; 用于第一次提到的某人或某物之前; 用于序数词前,表示“又一,再一”;,用法精讲,用于时间、重量等名词前,表示“每一”; 用于专有名词前,表示具有某种特性的人或物,某一位不认识的人或某个不确定的时间; 用于抽象名词具体化时的某些名词之前; 用于某些物质名词前表“一杯、一份、一场、一阵”等; Being able to afford a drink would be a comfort in those tough days.在那些艰苦的日子里能够买得起一杯饮料是一种安慰。 Anyone, whether he is an official or a bus driver, should be equally re-spected.任何人,无论是官员还是公交车司机,都应该得到同等的尊重。,二、定冠词的用法 单句填空 1.(2017江西赣中南五校一模) The World Wide Web is quickly becom-ing the worlds most popular matchmaker(媒人). 答案The句意:万维网正在迅速成为世界上最受欢迎的媒人。“World Wide Web”是由普通名词构成的专有名词,这类专有名词常与定冠词连用,故填The。 2.(2017课标全国卷)This included digging up the road, laying the track and then building a strong roof over the top. 答案the根据语境可知,此处表特指,故空格处填写定冠词the。,语境运用,3.This area experienced the heaviest rainfall in the month of May. 答案the;the根据语境及第一空之后的最高级可知,第一空应填写定冠词the,而第二空特指的是5月份,因此也应该填写定冠词。 单句改错 4.(2017课标全国卷)I still remember how hard first day was. first前加the或my 答案first前加the或my序数词first前应用定冠词the,另外,结合语境可知,也可在first前添加物主代词my。,定冠词的常见用法 用于特指的人或事物前; 用于自然界中独一无二的事物前; 用于双方都知道或上文已提到的人或物之前; 用于表方向或方位的名词前; 用于形容词或形容词化的过去分词前,表示一类人或物; 用于表示西洋乐器的名词之前; 用于姓氏的复数名词前,表示某某一家人、某某夫妇等; 用于整十的数词的复数形式前,表示年代。 Sarah looked at the finished painting with satisfaction.萨拉满意地看着那幅已画完的画。,用法精讲,三、短语或句式中的冠词 单句填空 1.(2017课标全国卷)As a result, people will eat more food to try to make up for that something missing. 答案aas a result是常用短语,意为“结果,因此”。故空格处填不定冠词a。 2.(2016全国卷)The nursery team switches him every few days with his sister so that while one is being bottle-fed, the other is with mumshe never suspects. 答案the根据语境和one可知,此处为常用表达“one.the other.”。故空格处填the。,语境运用,3.(2015陕西卷) The more learned a man is, the more modest he usually becomes. 答案The句意:一个人越有学问,他通常就越谦虚。此处为常用句式“the+比较级.,the+比较级.”,意为“越就越”。故空格处填The。 单句改错 4.(2016浙江卷)Every time he arrived home at end of the day, wed greet him at the door. end前面加the 答案end前面加theat the end of为介词短语,故应该在end之前添加 定冠词the。,1.含有不定冠词的常考短语 have a cold得了感冒have a good time玩得高兴 have a gift for有的天赋have a word with与谈话 have/take a rest休息一下have a holiday度假 make a living谋生get a lift搭便车 go on a diet节食as a result因此 as a matter of fact事实上after a while过了一会儿 in a hurry匆忙地in a sense在某种意义上,用法精讲,in a word总之in a moment立刻 once in a while偶尔at a loss困惑,不知所措 at a distance离一段距离for a while暂时,一时 once upon a time从前all of a sudden突然 a waste of.的浪费a matter of.的问题 What a pity!真遗憾!with a score of以的分数 have a population of有人口 have a history of有的历史 have an area of有的面积 a collection of一批 have a knowledge of具有某方面的知识,have an understanding of了解/熟悉 注意:通常成对出现的名词(被视为一套或一体),一般只用一个不定冠词。如:a knife and fork一副刀叉。 2.含有定冠词的常考短语 in the end最后,终于in the daytime在白天 in the habit of习惯于make the most/best of充分利用 in the distance在远处in the way挡路 on the whole总之on the right/left在右/左面 at the same time同时at the moment此刻 for the time being暂时in the public eye 广为人知的 go to the doctors去看医生by the way顺便说一下,on the radio/phone在广播/电话里 on the spot在现场,立即,马上,当场 to tell(you)the truth说实话,老实说 go to the cinema去看电影 not in the least(=not at all)一点也不 on the one hand.,on the other hand.一方面,另一方面 for the most part通常,多半,四、零冠词的用法 单句改错 1.There are all kinds of the flowers and trees around the classroom build- ings. 删除第一个the 答案删除第一个theall kinds of之后直接跟名词,不需要使用冠词,故删除定冠词the。 2.My the room is in a mess, but I neednt clean it before I go out tonight. 删除room之前的the 答案删除room之前的theroom之前已有物主代词my,而定冠词不可与物主代词连用,故应该删除the。,语境运用,3.(2017东北三省四市联考)He said he painted for a pleasure. 去掉a 答案去掉a句意:他说他画画是为了消遣。此处的pleasure为不可数名词,故将不定冠词a去掉。 4.One Monday afternoon, we were playing the basketball in the playground when I suddenly slipped and fell over. 去掉basketball前的the 答案去掉basketball前的the与play连用时,表示球类运动的名词前通常不用冠词,故将basketball前的the去掉。,1.不可数名词、复数名词表泛指,用零冠词。 My father went to the doctor for advice about his heart trouble. 我父亲去了医生那里寻求关于他的心脏病的建议。 2.名词前已有this,that,my,your,some,each,no,any等时不再用冠词。 She is not my type of woman. 她不是我心目中的那类女人。 His heart was beating wildly with fear. 他的心因害怕而狂跳不已。,用法精讲,He went to some place in France. 他到法国某个地方去了。 Each student must hand in his/her exercise book. 每个学生都必须上交他/她的练习本。 3.零冠词的用法口诀 月、季、星期、洲, 称呼、头衔、职务前; 三餐、球类、惯用语; 学科、棋类名词前。 A year can be divided into four seasonsspring,summer,autumn and win-ter.,一年可以分为四季春、夏、秋和冬。 He has no lessons on Sundays. 他周日没有课。 Mr.Li is chairman of the meeting. 李先生是本次会议的主席。 (注:表示称呼、头衔的名词作表语、同位语、补足语时常用零冠词) 但以上用法是相对而言的,在不同的句子中,可能会用到不定冠词或定冠词。因此,用不用冠词要视情况而定。 Autumn is the harvest season. 秋季是收获的季节。 The organization was founded in the spring of(the year)2010. 这个组织是在2010年春天成立的。,考点三代词 一、人称代词的用法 单句填空 1.(2017湖北襄阳调研)In the deaf culture of North America, many listen-ers show applause not by clapping their hands but by waving them (they)in the air. 答案them句意:在北美聋人文化中,许多听众不是通过拍手而是通过在空中挥手以表示鼓掌。设空处作动词的宾语,故用them。,语境运用,2.(2017课标全国卷)However, the railway quickly proved to be a great success and within six months, more than 25,000 people were using it ev-ery day. 答案it分析题干可知,空格处用于指代前面的the railway,故空格处填it。 单句改错 3.(2016全国卷)At last, I will be on my own, but I still want to have my parents to turn to whenever need help. need前加I 答案need前加I在题干中,whenever引导的状语从句中缺少主语,结合空前语境可知,need之前应该添加人称代词I。,用法精讲,1.人称代词不同的格在句中有不同的句法功能:人称代词的主格常作主语或表语;宾格可作宾语也可作表语或同位语。 He would drown his sadness in coffee.(主格作主语) 他会借咖啡来浇愁。 Thank you for your letter.(宾格作及物动词的宾语) 谢谢你的来信。 I bought a present for him.(宾格作介词的宾语) 我给他买了件礼物。 Hi,its me.(宾格作表语) 你好,是我。,2.人称代词单独使用时,常用宾格。 Glad to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 Me,too. 我也是。 3.it的用法 指代上文提到的某样东西 Where is my dictionary?I left it right on the desk. 我的字典哪里去了?我就把它放在桌子上了。 用以代替指示代词this,that Whats this?这是什么? Its a flag.这是一面旗。,Whose exercise book is that?那是谁的练习本? Its hers.那是她的。 指不知性别的婴儿或身份不明确的人(由于某种原因而不知对方是谁) The baby cried because it was hungry. 这个婴儿因饥饿而啼哭。 指时间、天气、距离等 It is nine oclock sharp now.现在是9点整。 It is raining hard outside.外面雨下得正大。 It is a long way to the factory.到工厂有很长一段路。 作形式主语或形式宾语 it常用来代替不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或名词性从句作形式主语或形式宾语。,Its not easy to learn a foreign language.(作形式主语,代替不定式短语) 学习一门外语不容易。 Its impossible for him to get there in time.(作形式主语,代替不定式短语) 他不可能及时到达那里。 It is no good living alone without keeping in touch with others.(作形式主语,代替动名词短语) 独居而不和外人来往是没有好处的。 I find it easy to get on with Jim.(作形式宾语,代替不定式短语) 我发现和吉姆相处很容易。,I have made it clear that nobody is allowed to smoke here.(作形式宾语,代替名词性从句) 我已经讲得很清楚了,任何人都不准在这儿吸烟。 用于强调句型 强调句型的基本形式:It is/was+被强调部分+that/who+其他成分。被强调部分为“人”时可用who/that,被强调部分是“事物”时用that。 It is I who/that am right.(强调主语) It was him that/who we met at the school gate.(强调宾语) It was in the park that Tom lost his watch.(强调状语),二、物主代词的用法 单句填空 1.(2017河南八市重点高中二次质检)That time, I thought he was a strange man who got on my (I)nerves. 答案my设空处后为名词,再根据提示词“I”可知设空处需用形容词性物主代词,故填my。get on ones nerves为固定短语,意为“烦扰某人,使某人心神不定”。 2.(2015课标全国卷)A few hours before,Id been at home in Hong Kong, with its (it) choking smog. 答案its空格处作名词短语的定语,故填形容词性物主代词its。,语境运用,3.This is 18-year-old Musa Bockaries story about how first aid saved his (he) life. 答案his设空处需用形容词性物主代词作名词life的定语,故填his。 单句改错 4.(2017全国卷)This picture often brings back to me many happy memo-ries of your high school days. yourmy 答案yourmy根据语境可知,此处为物主代词指代错误,your应改为my。,用法精讲,1.形容词性物主代词 形容词性物主代词相当于形容词。置于名词之前,作定语。 Is this your seat,sir? 这是你的座位吗,先生? The government has changed its policy. 政府已经改变了政策。,2.名词性物主代词 名词性物主代词相当于“形容词性物主代词+名词”,在句中作主语、表语、宾语。 This is not my dictionary.Mine was lent to Lucy.(作主语) 这不是我的字典,我的借给露西了。 This camera is mine and that is yours.(作表语) 这部照相机是我的,那部是你的。 Every person showed their ticket,and I showed mine too.(作宾语) 每个人都出示了他们的票,我也出示了我的。,三、反身代词的用法 单句填空 1.“She thought I had hurt myself (),”says Pahlsson. 答案myself空格处在从句中作宾语,结合语境“她以为我伤到了自己”和主语I可知,空格处应该填写反身代词myself。 2.(2017山东师大附中二模) At that moment an attractive young lady who noticed my book came up to me and introduced herself (her). 答案herself设空处作宾语,设空处与主语an attractive young lady指同一个人,故用反身代词herself。,语境运用,3.He seems to be giving the impression that he didnt enjoy himself (he) in Paris, on the contrary,he had a wonderful time. 答案himself此处为常用短语enjoy oneself,意为“玩得高兴;过得快乐”。故空格处填反身代词himself。 单句改错 4.(2016课标全国卷)At first, I thought I knew everything and could make decisions by yourself. yourselfmyself 答案yourselfmyself句意:起初,我以为我什么都知道,可以自己做决定。根据主语和语境可知,结尾的反身代词yourself使用错误,应改为myself。,用法精讲,反身代词的基本用法,四、不定代词的用法 单句填空 1.Niki is always full of ideas,but none is useful to my knowledge. 答案none句意:Niki总是会有很多想法,但是就我所知没有一个想法是有用的。本题考查代词。none(三者或三者以上)没有一个。 单句改错 2.(2017课标全国卷)Mr. and Mrs. Zhang all work in our school. allboth或删除all 答案allboth或删除all题干提到的是两个人,而all指三者或三者以上的全部,故把all改为both或删除all。,语境运用,1.both,all,either,any,neither,none的区别,用法精讲,Ive bought two books;you can have either. 我买了两本书,你要哪本都行。 None of this money is mine. 这笔钱没有一点是我的。,2.none,nobody/no one,nothing的区别,3.one,ones,the one,the ones,that,those的区别,We have various summer camps for your holidays.You can choose one(=a summer camp)based on your own interests.(one代替“a/an+单数 名词”) 我们为您的假期准备了各种各样的夏令营,您可以根据自己的兴趣选择 一种。,The book on the desk is better than the one/that(=the book)under the desk.(the one/that代替“the+单数名词”) 桌上的那本书比桌下的那本书要好。 The books on the desk are better than the ones/those(=the books)under the desk.(the ones/those代替“the+复数名词”) 桌上的那些书比桌下的那些书好。 Little joy can equal that(=the joy)of a surprising ending when you read sto-ries.(that代替“the+不可数名词”) 几乎没有什么乐趣能比得上在阅读故事时读到一个出乎意料的结局时的乐趣。,技巧点拨 语篇型填空和短文改错中均有考查名词的题目。如: 例1Two months (month)ago, a policeman caught a thief. 例2This book doesnt belong to me. It is Toms (Tom). 例3The books (book)that they are talking about are very interesting. 例4I have only been there a couple of time.(改错) timetimes 一般情况下,语篇型填空常在有提示词的情况下要求考生写出适当形式的名词,常考查名词的复数形式或名词所有格。其解题思路是:当设空处前为冠词(a,an,the)、数词、名词所有格(Toms)、形容词性物主代 词(my, your等)或形容词等时,通常可判断设空处是在考查名词(如例1);如果设空处后有定语从句、形容词短语、分词短语或介词短语时,一般,可判断设空处是考查名词(如例3);作句子的主语、宾语(包括介词的宾语)时,一般可以考虑设空处考查名词。如果提示词为名词,需要考虑该名词应该用复数形式还是所有格形式(如例2)。 短文改错一般考查名词的“数”和“格”,常要求考生根据上下文内容将不合逻辑的有关名词的“数”或“格”的错误找出来并加以改正(如例4)。 考查代词的题目常常出现在语篇型填空和短文改错中。如: 例1I am sorry I cant lend the bike to you, for Tom is using it . 例2Helen is studying in the library. You can find her (she)there. 例3The problem is difficult to deal with. I can t solve it by myself (me). 例4I can t work without my glasses. They re very important to you.(改错) youme,在选择代词时,我们要考虑是指代人还是指代物,是男还是女,是单数还是复数。 考查冠词的题目常常出现在语篇型填空中。如: 例1He asked me to go out for a walk in the park. 例2Do you know the girl in the room? 语篇型填空中,若名词前没有其他限定词时,很可能就是填冠词。确定用定冠词还是用不定冠词可依据其表泛指还是特指(如例2),有时要依据固定搭配(如例1)。,


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