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第一部分 教材课文要点 必修一 Module 1 My First Day at Senior High,语言点用法过关 1.amazing adj.令人吃惊的 教材原句 The teachers are very enthusiastic and friendly and the classrooms are amazing. 老师们都很热情,很友好,而且教室很棒。,语境应用 单句填空 Isnt it amazing (amaze) how the human body heals itself after an injury? Little Tom sat amazed (amaze)watching the monkey dancing in front of him. Much to my amazement (amaze), I found the education system in the UK was totally different from that of my home country. She was amazed to find (find) the fridge empty; the child had eaten everything!,句型转换 He amazed us by passing the test. It amazed us that he had passed the test. (it作形式主语) What amazed us was that he had passed the test.(what引导主语从句) He had passed the test, which amazed us. (which引导定语从句) To our amazement, he passed the test. (to ones amazement),用法点拨 (1)amaze vt. 使惊奇;使惊愕;使惊诧 It amazes/amazed sb. that.让某人惊讶的是 (2)amazed adj. 感到惊奇的;觉得惊讶的 be amazed at/with sth. 对某事感到惊讶 be amazed to do/that 对做惊讶 (3)amazingly adv.令人惊奇地 amazement n. 惊讶;惊愕 to ones amazement 令某人惊讶的是 in amazement吃惊地,惊奇地,【点津】 amazing表示“令人吃惊的”,表明事物特征;amazed表示“吃惊的”, 强调人内心的感受。,2.instruction n.(常作复数)指示,说明;U指导,讲授,教育 教材原句 Ms Shen gave us instructions and then we worked by ourselves.沈老师给我们做了指导,然后我们就自己活动。,语境应用 单句填空 The letter instructed that he (should)report (report)it to the general man- ager at once. It is the most instructive (instruct)lecture that I have attended since I came to this school. A computer can only do what you have instructed it to do (do).,单句改错 Read the instruction on the bottle before you take the medicine. instructioninstructions The government instructs that mobile text messages must be strictly con-trolled. 去掉must或mustshould,用法点拨 (1)follow the instructions 服从指示;按照说明 under ones instruction 在某人的指导下 (2)instruct v.命令;指示 instruct sb. to do sth. 命令某人做某事 instruct sb. in sth. 教授某人某方面的知识 instruct that.命令(从句用虚拟语气) (3)instructive adj.有教育意义的 instructor n.导师;指导者,3.impress vt.使印象深刻;使铭记 教材原句 Li Kang is very impressed with the teachers and the technology in his new school. 李康对他新学校的老师和(教学)技术印象很深刻。,语境应用 完成句子 The young man acted strangely during the interview. He left/made a bad impression on the employer. 这个年轻人在面试时表现很奇怪,给老板留下了糟糕的印象。 What impressed me most was that in New Zealand the sky was always clear blue over our heads. 在新西兰给我印象最深的是我们头顶上的天空总是那么清澈蔚蓝。 Deeply impressed (impress) by her motherly care, the kid learned to ac- cept his step-mother in time. 被她母亲般的关怀深深感动了,这个孩子终于学会了接受他的继母。,While I really dont like art, I find his work impressive . 尽管我真的不爱喜欢绘画,但是我觉得他的作品给人印象深刻。,用法点拨 (1)impress.with. 使对印象深刻 impress sth. on/upon sb. 让某人铭记某事 be impressed with/by对印象深刻 (2)impression n.印象 the first impression 第一印象 make/leave/have an impression on sb. 给某人留下印象 (3)impressive adj. 给人印象深刻的,4.cover vt.包含;涉及;覆盖;掩盖;占(时间/空间);走(距离);采访,报道;看完(书) n.盖子;封面;覆盖物 教材原句 Secondary school in the US usually covers seven years,grades six to twelve.美国的中学通常包括从六年级到十二年级在内的七个年级。,语境应用 赏句猜义写出下列句中cover的含义。 It would not be easy to cover ten miles.行走 The course covers all aspects of business and law.包括,涉及 To cover the cost of hiring a bus, each student will have to pay $10 each time.支付 He hoped to cover the 2020 Olympic Games to be held in Tokyo. 报道,单句填空 Do you have enough to cover (cover)all your daily expenses? It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covered (cover) up. With so many flowers covering (cover)the field, it looks like a vast sheet of colorful silk.,用法点拨 cover.with. 用盖住 be covered with 覆盖着 be covered by 被覆盖 cover an area of. 占地面积为 cover ones living expenses 够生活开支,【点津】 cover“采访”的对象是“事”,interview采访的对象是“人”。,1.in other words(=that is to say)换句话说,也就是说 教材原句 In other words ,there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。,语境应用 完成句子 Be careful! He often fails to keep his word . 小心点!他经常说话不算数。 Tell your uncle that I would like to have a word with him. 告诉你叔叔我想和他说句话。 The boss exploded with anger and asked him to leave in no time; in other words,he was fired. 老板暴怒了,要他立即离开办公室。也就是说,他被开除了。,Mary is lovely, kind and full of energy. In a word, I cant speak too high-ly of her. 玛丽可爱、善良且精力充沛。一句话,我无法用更好的词来夸她了。 The driver was at a loss when word came that he was forbidden to drive for speeding. 司机正在不知所措,这时传来了他因为超速而被禁驾的消息。,用法点拨 keep ones word/promise 遵守诺言;说话算数 break one s word/promise 食言;违背诺言 have a word with 和说句话 have words with 和吵嘴 in a word 总之;简言之,Word came that. 消息传来,2. look forward to 期望,盼望 教材原句 Im looking forward to doing it! 我期待着做这份作业!,语境应用 用所给短语的正确形式填空 We are looking forward to (look forward to) meeting you next time. When you have dinner with friends, you will often notice someone pay-ing attention to (pay attention to)his mobile phone. Since you cant find a better job, why don t you stick to (stick to) the present one? Now that the plan has been made, let s get down to (get down to) carry-ing it out. Global warming has led to (lead to) many rivers and lakes drying up these years.,The students have been used to (be used to) getting up before dawn, when it is still dark outside. It was foolish of him to refer to (refer to) his notes during the test, and as a result, he got punished.,用法点拨 常见的含有介词to的短语荟萃: be/get used to 习惯;适应 lead to 通向;导致 pay attention to 注意 refer to 指的是;参考;查阅 stick to 坚持 object to反对 get down to doing sth. 开始认真做某事,1.倍数表达法 教材原句 In other words, there are three times as many girls as boys. 换句话说,女生是男生的三倍。,语境应用 单句改错 I think this bookshelf is two thirds big than that one. bigbigger My uncles house is twice so expensive as ours. soas As is known to all, the earth is 49 times size of the moon.size前加the The size of the new square is three times that the old one.that后加of,完成句子 粗略估计,尼日利亚的面积是英国的三倍。 At a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times the size of Great Britain. At a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times larger than Great Britain. At a rough estimate, Nigeria is three times as large as Great Britain.,用法点拨 倍数表达法的常用句型: A+谓语+倍数+比较级+than+B A+谓语+倍数+as+原级+as+B A+谓语+倍数+the+length/size/height/weight/price.+of+B,【点津】 以上句式中的倍数可以是 once, twice , three times , four times等,也可以是half、分数、百分数等。,2.so+助动词/be动词/情态动词+主语 教材原句 Oh really? So have I .噢真的吗?我也是。,语境应用 完成句子 Tom studies hard. So he does (他确实如此),and so do you (你也一样). They couldnt find out the cause of the fire; neither/nor could we (我们也弄不清). If you don t go there tomorrow, neither/nor will I (我也不去). He is only a child but he knows a lot about wild animals; so it is with his sister/it is the same with his sister (他妹妹也一样).,He can drive but can t repair. So it is with her/It is the same with her (她也一样). She is very particular about clothes. So she is (她确实如此).,用法点拨 (1) “ So + 助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”意为“也一样”,表示上文所述的肯定情况也适用于另一主语。so后面动词类型和时态应和前一句保持一致。 (2) “ So +主语+助动词/情态动词/be动词”意为“的确如此,确实如此”,表示同意上文所述内容。 (3) “ Neither/Nor +助动词/情态动词/be动词+主语”意为“也不”,表示上文所述的否定情况也适用于另一主语。 (4) “ So it is/was with.=It is/was the same with.”意为“也一样”,若前面所述是两件事、上句中没有统一的谓语动词或谓语动词是肯定和否定混合时,只能用该句型。,


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