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ISS1 Foundation English Monthly Test(Period:100 mins)Part 1:Listening(1*20)Part 2:Grammar and VocabularySection 1:Fill in the gaps with verbs from the box in the pastsimple.(113)The pace of cha nge in the world of tech no logy is amaz in g.It 1.was nt(not)allow be be be invent in crease lay mean own receivereplace ride take walklong ago that the postal service 2._our only way to com muni cate overany dista nee.It 3._ days and sometimes weeks to receive letters fromwithin the same coun try.As a result,the n ews in the letters 4._ alreadyout of date whe n people 5._ them.In the workplace,this 6._ thatbus in ess was mostly con ducted locally,over relatively short dista nces.When Alexa nder Graham Bell 7._ the telepho ne in 1876 it 8._thefoun dati on for the com muni cati on systems we have today.The teleph one 9.two people to com muni cate in sta ntly across a great dista nee.Even tuallycomputers 10._typewriters and dramatically 11._ the speedof our daily work life.Nowadays the In ter net is an esse ntial part of every bus in ess.However,it is no t just com muni cati ons that have cha nged.Only 50 years agomost people 12._(not)a car.People 13._ to work or 14._bicycles.Chan ges in travel as well as the in creased speed of com muni cati onshave led to the global bus in ess world that we have today.Section 2:Fill in the gaps with amount,number,few,little,many,much.(110)How much sleep do we n eedThe 1.amount of sleep each person needs depends on 2._ factors,in clud ing age.Infants gen erally require about 16 hours a day.For most adults,seven to eight hours a ni ght appears to be the ideal 3._of sleep,althougha 4._people may need as 5._ as five hours sleep or as 6._as ten hours sleep each day.Gett ing too 7._ sleep creates a sleep debt,and eve ntually,your body will dema nd that the debt be repaid.A large 8._of people over 65 have freque nt sleep ing problems,such asinsomnia,and deep sleep stages in 9._elderly people ofte n become veryshort or stop completely.Microsleeps,or very brief episodes of sleep in an otherwiseawake person,are another mark of sleep deprivation.In 10._cases,people are not aware that they are experiencing microsleeps.Thewidespread practice of burning the can dle at both ends in wester n in dustrializedsocieties has created so 11._ sleep deprivation that what is reallyabno rmal sleep in ess is now almost the norm.Section 3:Vocabulary(113)1.个人背景(n.)2.童年(n.)3.学位(n.)4.比赛(n.)5.移民(n.)6.证书(n.)7.财产;所有物(n.)8.宴会(n.)9.报刊亭(n.)10.行人(n.)11.标语(n.)12.观光(v.)13.乐园;乐土(n.)Section 4:Translation(2*2)1你知道最近的中餐馆在哪里吗?2你能告诉我 CX525 航班是什么时候达到香港的吗?Part 3:Reading(1*20)Section 1Questions 1-5Look at the in formati on on the follow ing page about the use of vehicles inthe Uni versity groun ds.In boxes 1-5 on your an swer sheet write.TRUEif the stateme nt is trueFALSEif the stateme nt is falseNOT GIVENif the in formation is n ot give n in the passageExampleAn swerThe campus roads are not ope n to gen eral members of the public.TRUE1.University employees do not need to pay for their parking permits.2.Park ing in Halls of Reside nee is han dled by the Warde ns of the Halls.3.Having a University permit does not allow staff to park at Halls.4.Parking permits cost 20 a year.5.Students living in Hall do not need permission to park in Hall car parks.USE OF UNIVERSITY GROUNDS BY VEHICULAR TRAFFICThe Un iversity grounds are private.The Un iversity authorities only allow authorised members of theUn iversity,visitors and drivers of vehicles servic ing the Un iversity to en terthe groun ds.Members of staff who have paid the requisite fee and display the appropriatepermit may bring a vehicle in to the groun ds.A Un iversity permits does noten title them to park in Hall car parks however,unl ess authorised by theWarde n of the Hall concern ed.Students may not bring vehicles into the grounds during the working dayunl ess they have bee n give n special permissi on by the Security Officerand have paid for and are displaying an appropriate entry permit.Studenliving in Hall of Residence must obtain permission from the Warden to keepa motor vehicle at their reside nce.Stude nts are rem in ded that if they park a motor vehicle on Uni versitypremises without a valid permit,they will be fined20.Questions 6-13Look at the patient information leaflet on the following page.Match each of the following sentences withTWO possible endings A-M fromthe box below.Write the appropriate letters A-M in boxes 6-13 on your an swer sheet.tsExampleAn swerBorod ine tablets should not be give n to.A and MQuestions 6 and 7Borod ine tablets might be used to treat.Questions 8 and 9You must ask your doctor before taking Borodine tablets if you are already beingtreated for.Questions 10 and 11You do not need to consult your doctor immediately if Borodine tablets give you.Questions 12 and 13You must consult your doctor at once if you find Borodine tablets cause.Possible Endings(A)children under 12 years of age.(B)a headache(C)an uncomfortable feeling in your stomach.(D)symptoms similar to a cold.(E)a change in your skin colour.(F)anything treated by a prescription medicine.(G)a kidney complaint.(H)a whitening of the eyes(I)sore or broken skin(J)a fun gal in fecti on(K)a feeling of sadness(L)shortness of breath(M)a woman expecting a childSection 2Questions 14-20Look at the in troductio n to West Thames College on the followi ng page andat the stateme nts below.TRUEif the stateme nt is trueFALSEif the stateme nt is falseNOT GIVENif the in formation is n ot give n in the passage14.Chiswick Polytechnic was closed at the same time West Thames College wasope ned.15.Most of the students at the college come from outside the local area.16.The college changed its name to West Thames College in 1993.17.There are currently 6000 students over the age of 19 attending the college.18.Students under the age of 16 cannot attend any of the courses offered by thecollege.19.The college offers a more mature environment in which to learn than a school.20.There are fewer subjects to study in the sixth form of a school than at the college.Part 4:Writing(201)Write about the following topic:Some people think that parents should teach children how to be goodmembers of societ y.Others,however,believe that school is the placeto learn this.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion Write between 150-180 words.


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