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E-Jiao 百年荣耀 在上海邂逅Century glory, encounter in Shanghai一九一五年东阿阿胶与国酒茅台等名牌荣获巴拿马万国博览会金奖。东阿阿胶正是作为中国中医药的代表,通过一九一五巴拿马国际博览会这一平台蜚声海内外。Dong-E E-jiao and Chinese Mao-tai got gold medal of World Expo in Panama of 1915. Dong-e E-jiao is the representative of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and (bacame)famous after this pageant.东阿阿胶的历史History of ”Dong-E” E-Jiao上海辞书出版社出版的辞海中亦详细指出:“阿胶,古时用山东东阿县的阿井水与驴皮煎熬成胶,故名”。本草纲目记载:“阿胶,本经上品”,弘景曰:“出东阿,故名阿胶。”阿胶作为传统滋补佳品,距今已有两千多年的生产历史,阿胶作为具有悠久历史的中药瑰宝,与人参、鹿茸并称为“中药三宝”,自古以来一直被人们奉为滋阴补血之上品。Ci Hai” which was published by the Shanghai Dictionary Publishing House figures out that, Donkey - hide gelatin which is named E-Jiao because it originates from the ancient water and donkeys skin in the Shandong Dong E County. Ben Cao Gang Mu (Materia Medica) records:”E-Jiao, the top-grade medicine Hong Jing said, “originated from Dong E, so named as E-Jiao” E-Jiao, as best traditional tonic product has a history of more than 2000 years of making. E-Jiao, as a national treasure with age-old history, together with ginseng and deer velvet are called “Three Chinese Medicine Treasures”. Since ancient time, E-Jiao has always been treasured by people as the top best traditional tonic product. 阿胶 E-Jiao阿胶,与人参同列神农本草经上品。李时珍本草纲目记载:阿胶,出东阿,故名阿胶。E Jiao,classified as top grade tonic together with ginseng in Shennongs Herbal. Lishizhen wrote in Materia Medica E Jiao produced in Dong E, named as E Jiao阿胶因发祥于山东省东阿县而得名,神农本草经滋补上品,称“久服轻身益气”。梁代医学家陶弘景名医别录载:“阿胶,出东阿,故名阿胶”,李时珍本草纲目中称为“圣药”。自古阿胶与人参、鹿茸并称“滋补三大宝”,常服可滋阴补血,延年益寿。 E-Jiao is named (by) its place of origin, namely, Dong-E County of Shandong Province. It is taken as a top-grade nourishing product in the Shennongs Herbal, and it is said in the book that after having E-Jiao for a long time, one will feel light-weight and energetic. Tao Hongjing, a medical scientist from the Liang Dynasty, wrote in the Appendant Records of Famous Physicians that E-Jiao was originally produced in Dong-E County of Shandong Province, thus being named as E-Jiao. Li Shizhen, from the Ming Dynasty, called E-Jiao as Sacred Medicine in the Compendium of Materia Medica. Since ancient times, E-Jiao, ginseng and pilose antler have been called as Three Treasures for Nourishing, and long-time taking of E-Jiao will nourish yin, replenish blood and prolong life. 【成 份】驴皮。辅料:冰糖、黄酒、豆油。Composition Donkey hide Excipient: crystal sugar, millet wine and soybean oil.【性 状】本品为长方形或方形块,黑褐色,有光泽。质硬而脆,断面光亮,碎片对光照视呈棕色半透明状。气微,味微甘。Description This product is in the rectangular or square shape, with glossy black and brown color. It is hard and fragile. Its section looks bright. When being illuminated, the shattered pieces show the brown translucent nature. It is slightly odorous, and has the sweet taste. 【功能主治】补血滋阴,润燥,止血。用于血虚萎黄,眩晕心悸,肌痿无力,心烦不眠,虚风内动,肺燥咳嗽,唠嗽咯血,吐血尿血,便血崩漏,妊娠胎漏。Actions and Indications Replenish blood and nourish yin, moisturize dryness and stop bleeding. Used for curing blood-deficiency syndrome manifested as sallow complexion, palpitation, myasthenia, distraction, sleeplessness, vacuity wind stirring internally, dryness of lung, coughing, hemoptysis, haematemesis, hematuria, having blood in the stool, uterine bleeding and threatened abortion. 【有效期】5年Validity Five years【东阿阿胶的组成】:Composition of Dong-E E-Jiao东阿阿胶主要成分是由赖氨酸、甘氨酸、精氨酸等18种氨基酸(包括8种人体必需而自身不能合成的氨基酸)组成的小分子量的胶原蛋白及水解而成的 胨、肽、等,并且含有铁、锌、钙、锶等20多种益于人体的微量元素。The major ingredients of Dong-E E-Jiao are the small molecular weight collagen, which is composed of 18 kinds of amino acid (eight out of the said number are essential for human body, but the same can not be composed by human body itself), including lysine, glycine and aryinine, the hydrolyzed peptone and peptide, etc, as well as the number of more than 20 kinds of microelements, containing iron, zinc, calcium and strontium, etc, which are helpful for human body. 【用法用量】:Dosage and Administration1、打粉冲服用东阿阿胶配备的专用打粉机,将阿胶粉碎成细粉状,或者直接购买阿胶原粉,每次取阿胶粉一匙(810克)放入杯中,依个人口味,加入热牛奶、豆浆等(80以上)边加边搅拌,使阿胶粉充分溶化后服用,口感香甜绵软,回味悠久。1. Smash E-Jiao into Powder and Take it after Mixing the Same with Water Use the special Dong-E E-Jiao mixing machine to smash the Dong-E E-Jiao into fine powdery, or directly purchase the original E-Jiao powder. Take one spoon of E-Jiao (8g-10g) and put the same into a cup, pour hot milk and soybean milk (higher than 80) into the cup according to individual preference, and stir it when pouring the milk and soybean, take it after the E-Jiao powder fully dissolves. It tastes sweet and feels soft, which also makes one enjoy a long-term aftertaste. 2、阿胶膏2. E-Jiao Ointment原料:阿胶一盒(125克、250克、500克),冰糖或炼乳适量Raw Materials: A box of E-Jiao (125g, 2250g and 500g), appropriate volume of crystal sugar or condensed milk.做法:取阿胶一盒(125克、250克、500克),打开包装,取一板铝箔包装的阿胶(2块),不要打开铝箔,将铝箔放在掌心(透明面对着掌心)用力拍在硬物上,将拍碎的阿胶倒入白瓷碗或微波炉专用器皿中,加适量冰糖或炼乳,水根据阿胶的量加入,125克阿胶加水约120克;250克阿胶加水约250克,500克阿胶加水约500克,置于微波炉中。调火力至中档,6分钟后,打开炉门,冰糖、阿胶已全部溶化,取出搅拌均匀后再放入微波炉,火力中档再继续加热6分钟。取出放凉,溶液成果冻状,冰箱存放。每晚临睡前取12勺置口杯中,加开水或热牛奶100ml,搅拌至完全溶解后服下。Method: Take a box of E-Jiao (125g, 2250g and 500g), open the package, take a plate of aluminum foil packed E-Jiao (2 pieces), do not open the aluminum foil, put the same on your palm (the transparent side should be put against the palm), put strength to hit it on some hard object, put the smashed E-Jiao into the white porcelain bowl or a special utensil, which are available to be used in microwave, put appropriate volume of crystal sugar or condensed milk and water according to the volume of E-Jiao, pour about 120g of water when the volume of E-Jiao is 125g; pour 250g of water when the volume of E-Jiao is 250g, pour 500g of water when the volume of E-Jiao is 500g, and then put it into the microwave oven. Adjust the heating fire power to middle range, after six minutes, open the oven gate, when the crystal sugar and E-Jiao have dissolved completely, take it out and mix it, and then put it back into the microwave oven, continue to heat it in the middle-range fire power for another six minutes. Take it out and cool it, when the ointment turns into the jelly form, store it in the refrigerator. Before going to bed every night, take1 spoon to 2 spoons of the said ointment and add it into a cup, pour 100ml of boiled water or hot milk into the cup, mix it and drink it after the jelly-form liquor dissolves. 3、阿胶羹3. E-Jiao Thick Soup原料:阿胶250克,黄酒250克,冰糖200克,黑芝麻、核桃仁各250克Raw Materials: 250g of E-Jiao, 250g of millet wine, 200g of crystal sugar, 250g of black sesame and 250g of walnut kernel.做法:取阿胶250克,砸碎。放入带盖的汤盆或瓷碗中,加黄酒250克,浸泡1-2天,至泡软。取冰糖200克,加水250ml化成冰糖水,倒入泡软的阿胶中,加盖。置盛胶容器于普通锅或电饭煲内,水浴蒸1-2小时至完全溶化。将炒香的黑芝麻、核桃仁放入继续蒸1小时,搅拌,成羹状。取出容器,放冷,冰箱存放。每天早晚各服一匙,温开水冲服。Method: Take 250g of E-Jiao and smash it. Put it into a soup basin or porcelain bowl with cover, pour 250g of millet wine into the said utensil and soak it for 1 to 2 days until it becomes soft. Take 200g of crystal sugar, pour 250ml of water in order to dissolve the crystal sugar and water into crystal sugar water, pour the crystal sugar water into the softened E-Jiao and cover it. Put the utensil which filled with E-Jiao into the common pot or rice cooker and steam it for 1 to 2 hours until the mixture dissolved completely. Put the stir-fried black sesame and walnut kernel into the mixture, steam the same for another 1 hour and mix it to thick soup form. Take it out of the container, cool it, and then store it in the refrigerator. Take one spoon of the said thick soup every morning and night and mix it with warm boiled water. 【现代临床应用】Modern Clinical Application1、 养血补血:1. Nourishing Blood and Replenishing Blood阿胶补血效果非常显著,人们称它为“补血圣药”,现代药理实验证明,阿胶具有提高红细跑和血红蛋白,促进造血功能的作用,适宜于治疗贫血。E-Jiao has the notable effect in replenishing blood, thus being called sacred medicine for replenishing blood by people. Proved by modern pharmacological experiment, E-Jiao can raise the number of red blood cell and hemoglobin and promote hematopoiesis, which is proper for curing anemia. 2、美容养颜:2. Improving Ones Looks阿胶的养颜效果十分显著,能通过补血起到滋润皮肤的作用,有利于皮肤保健,历代被作为女性美容佳品。阿胶是由胶原蛋白及部分水解物组成,胶原蛋白是靓丽皮肤的重要因子,具有 “三螺旋”分子结构,能有效锁住皮肤中的水分,增加皮肤的弹性,抑制皱纹的产生。经常服用阿胶,会使脸色红润,肌肤细嫩,有光泽。E-Jiao has the notable effect in improving ones looks. It can nourish skin through replenishing blood, which is helpful for skin care and is taken as the excellent product for ladies beauty treatment in all the past dynasties. E-Jiao is composed of collagen and some hydrolytes. The collagen, which is the significant factor for beatifying skin, has the three-spiral molecule structure, thus being able to lock the water in the skin, increase the elasticity of skin and restrain the generation wrinkles. Taking E-Jiao frequently will make ones face become rosy and skin become tender and glossy. 3、延缓衰老:3. Prolonging Aging:阿胶有延缓衰老的作用,动物实验证明,服用阿胶有扩张血管的作用,大大促进人体微循环的改善。丰富的营养成份、氨基酸及活性肽等都具有抗衰老的作用。研究表明,阿胶可以促进细胞再生,临床上能发挥养血、补血、益气等多种效用,对于年老及久病引起的体质虚弱者来说,其减轻疲劳、增强体质、促进康复、延缓衰老的作用十分显著。E-Jiao can prolong aging. Proved by animal experiment, E-Jiao can expand the blood vessel, thus greatly facilitating the improvement of human bodys micro-circulation. The abundant nutritional component, amino acid and active peptide, etc, have the anti-aging function. According to study, E-Jiao can promote the regeneration of cell and provide many kinds of efficacy, including nourishing blood, replenishing blood and invigorating qi. For the people bearing weak physical condition caused by aged situation and long-term illness, E-Jiao can notably ease tiredness, enhance physical condition, promote recovery and prolong aging. 4、补钙作用:4. Replenishing Calcium 阿胶中含有丰富的钙,同时阿胶中含有的甘氨酸能帮助钙质转运,增强钙的吸收和储存,对于预防小儿缺钙、促进健康发育和中老年人预防骨质疏松有显著作用。E-Jiao contains the abundant amount of calcium, and the glycine contained in E-Jiao can help transferring the calcium, thus reinforcing the absorption and storage of calcium, which is available to prevent childrens calcium deficiency, facilitate their healthy growth and prevent middle-aged and old peoples osteoporosis. 5、阿胶有抑制肿瘤细胞的作用:5. Inhibiting Tumor Cell浙江大学、台湾阳明大学实验证明,阿胶具有抑制癌细胞的作用,其机理作用是通过提高肿瘤患者的淋巴细胞转化率,使肿瘤生长缓慢,症状改善。According to the experiment carried out by Zhejiang University and Taiwan Yang-Ming University, E-Jiao can inhibit tumor cell, whose mechanism is to make the tumor grow slowly and improve the symptom through raising tumor patients lymphocyte transformation rate.


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