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专题十一连词和状语从句,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,在句中连接单词、短语、从句或者句子的词为连词。根据句子的结构特点,连词通常分为并列连词和从属连词。 1.并列连词按照在句中的作用可分为:表并列关系的连词(and,as well as,both.and.,not only.but also.,neither.nor.等)、表转折关系的连词(but,yet,however,while等)、表选择关系的连词(or,either.or.等)、表因果关系的连词(for,so等)。 It is so cold that you cant go outside unless fully covered in thick clothes. 天如此冷,你不能外出,除非你全身穿上厚衣服。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,Change those beliefs and a new pattern will be created. 改变这些信念,那么就会产生新的模式。 I was glad to meet Jenny again,but I didnt want to spend all day with her. 再次见到珍妮我很高兴,但是我不想整天和她在一起。,2.引导名词性从句或状语从句的从属连词主要有:that,whether,if,as,when,while,till,until,since,after,before,because,though,although,so.that,where等。 (2017北京)Although birds use their feathers for flight,some of their feathers are for other purposes. 虽然鸟是用羽毛来飞翔,但是它们的一些羽毛也用作其他用途。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,1.when,while,as都可译为“当的时候”,但侧重点有所不同。 当主句动作是瞬时的、从句动作是延续的时,三者都可以用。 as强调主、从句动作同时或几乎同时发生。 while从句的谓语动词必须是延续性动词,不能是非延续性动词。 She sang as we walked.I listened carefully while she was singing,and we felt happy when we got home. 我们一边走她一边唱,她唱的时候我认真地听,到家的时候我们感觉很高兴。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,2.until 和not.until until 要与延续性动词连用;not.until 要与非延续性动词连用。 Jane pleted her last novel Persuasion in 1816,but it was not published until after her death. Jane在1816年完成了她最后一部小说劝导,但是这本书在她去世后才出版。 3.since意为“自从以来”,其后面所用动词不同,该动词所表示动作持续时间的计算方法也不同。 It is two years since he joined the army.(他参军两年了。) It is two years since he smoked.(他戒烟两年了。),考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,4.特殊的时间状语从句的引导词 the moment,the minute,the instant,the second;no sooner.than.;hardly.when.等以及表示瞬间的directly,immediately等词,表示“一就”,相当于as soon as。no sooner.than.,hardly.when.结构中no sooner和hardly引导的句子通常用过去完成时,而than和when引导的句子通常要用一般过去时;此外,no sooner和hardly位于句首时,句子应用部分倒装语序。 Tell him the news the minute you meet Tom. 你一见到汤姆就告诉他这个消息吧。 Hardly had I got home when it began to rain. 我刚到家就开始下雨了。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,5.by the time 也可以引导时间状语从句,意为“到时为止”,主句一般用完成时。 By the time he was fourteen,Einstein had learned advanced mathematics all by himself.(从句为一般过去时,主句要用过去完成时) 到十四岁的时候,爱因斯坦已经自学完高等数学了。 6.几组固定形式 (1)It will be+一段时间+before.多久之后才 (2)It is+一段时间+since.自从以来已有多长时间了。 (3)be about to do.when.;be doing.when.;on the point of doing.when.正在/要做这时,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,It will be two days before he returns. 要过两天他才回来。 It is three years since I came here. 我来这里三年了。 I was doing my homework when my cousin came. 我正在做作业,这时候我表弟来了。 I was about to go out/on the point of going out when the phone rang. 我正要出去,这时电话响了。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,常用句型: so+形容词/副词+that从句 so+形容词+a/an+单数可数名词+that从句 so+many/much/little/few+名词+that从句 such+a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that从句 such+形容词+可数名词复数/不可数名词+that从句 (2016北京)Natalies school was so damaged that she had to temporarily attend a school in Brooklyn. Natalie原来的学校受损那么严重,以至于她不得不暂时在Brooklyn的一个学校读书。 It is such fine weather that we all want to go out for a walk. 天气这么好,以至于我们都想出去散步。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,1.because为常用词,其语气最重,且说明的是直接原因,用来回答why引导的问句。 2.as,since和now that语气较弱,常用来表示一些显而易见或对方知道的原因。since译为“既然,鉴于”时不可用as替换。 Mark needs to learn Chinese since his pany is opening a branch in Beijing. 马克有必要学习汉语了,因为他的公司正在北京开设分支机构。 As its raining,youd better take a taxi. 下雨了,你最好坐出租车。 Since everybody is here,lets begin. 既然大家都在,那我们就开始吧。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,引导让步状语从句的连词有:though,although,while,even if/though,however,no matter how,no matter what,no matter who等。 1.though,although引导让步状语从句时都不能和but连用,但可以同yet(still)连用。 Although/Though small,the pany has about 1,000 buyers in over 30 countries. 尽管这个公司很小,但它在30多个国家里有大约1000个购买者。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,2.while引导让步状语从句时意为“尽管,虽然”,多用于句首。 (2017全国)While high school does not generally encourage students to explore new aspects of life,college sets the stage for that exploration. 虽然高中通常不会鼓励学生去探索生活中的新事物,但是大学却为探索创造了条件。 3.as/though引导让步从句时,从句要采用倒装语序。 Child as/though he was,he knew what was the right thing to do. 他尽管是个孩子,但他知道怎样做是正确的。 Young as/though he is,he is expert in this field. 他虽然年轻,但在这个领域是专家。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,4.whether.or not意为“无论(是否)”。 Whether you believe it or not,it is true. 不管你信不信,这是真的。 5.however+形容词/副词=no matter how+形容词/副词.,意为“无论多么”。 One can always manage to do more things,no matter how full ones schedule is in life. 一个人总是可以设法做更多的事情,不管在生活中时间表安排得有多满。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,6.wh-ever等一系列连词既可引导让步状语从句相当于no matter wh-,也可引导名词性从句。 No matter what happened,he would not mind.=Whatever happened,he would not mind. 不管发生什么,他都不介意。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,条件状语从句通常分为两大类:真实条件句和虚拟条件句。引导条件状语从句的连词有:if,unless/if.not,as long as/so long as,as far as/so far as,provided/providing(that),on condition that等。 1.条件状语从句中如果主句是将来时,条件状语从句用一般现在时。如果条件状语从句中出现过去时,则为虚拟条件句,那么主句要用相应的虚拟语气形式。 If he had listened carefully,he would have done it better. 如果他认真听讲的话,他会做得更好些。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,2.unless 相当于if.not,在虚拟条件句中可用if.not,但不能用unless。 (201610浙江)Unless she reached the station before the express did,many,many lives would be lost. 除非她赶在快车前到达车站,否则很多人将丢掉性命(性命难保)。 If she were not too silly,she would understand it. 要不是她太笨的话,她就理解了。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,地点状语从句多用where和wherever引导。 Where he once felt like giving up,he now has the determination to push further and keep on going. 他现在有决心要在自己曾经想要放弃的地方向前推进,坚持到底。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,目的状语从句常用的连词(短语)有so that(以便),in order that(以便),in case等。 1.so that/in order that 引导的目的状语从句中常用情态动词can,could等。in order that 引导的目的状语从句可以放在主句之前或之后,而so that引导的目的状语从句只能放在主句之后。 Take action today so that/in order that you wont miss your opportunity next time. 今天就行动起来,这样下次机会来时你就不会错过了。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,2.in case 所引导的状语从句中,谓语可以用虚拟语气,形式为“should+动词原形”,也可以不用虚拟语气。 You may leave the key at home in case one of us should think of/thinks of ing back. 你可以把钥匙留在家里,以免我们中有人想起要回来。,考点二,考点三,考点四,考点五,考点六,考点一,考点八,考点七,考点九,方式状语从句常由as(按照),just as(正像),as if=as though(仿佛,好像;从句可用虚拟语气)等引导。 The old lady treats the boy as if he were her own son. 老人对待这个男孩就像是自己的儿子一样。,.用适当的连词填空 1.(201610,浙江)I made my way backstage just as/when the great magician was putting on his top hat. 2.(2017北京)Peter,please send us postcards so well know where you have visited. No problem. 3.(2017北京)If you dont understand something,you may research,study,and talk to other people until you figure it out. 4.(201610浙江)Because Copenhagen is strongly connected with cycling,we felt the bicycle would work well as a symbol of the hotels green profile(形象). 5.(2016北京)I really enjoy listening to music because it helps me relax and takes me away from other cares of the day.,6.(2016江苏)While some people are motivated by a need for success,others are motivated by a fear of failure. 7.Though/Although/While scientists have learned a lot about the universe,there is much we still dont know. 8.If you miss this chance,it may be years before you get another one.,9.(2018江苏) Unless you can sleep well,you will lose the ability to focus,plan and stay motivated after one or two nights. 10.(2018北京) If we dont stop climate change,many animals and plants in the world will be gone.,.完成句子 1.我认为她不会难过的,但是以防万一我还是去安慰她一下。 I dont think shell be sad but Ill go and fort her in case she is. 2.除非你努力学习,否则你别指望学到什么东西。 You can never expect to learn anything unless you study hard. 3.对银行而言,只要贷款能准时偿还就好,至于如何偿还倒不重要。 How the loan is paid should be of little concern to the bank as long as it is paid on time.,4.联合国官员说还需要好几个星期甚至几个月才能达成协议。 The UN officials say it could be many weeks and even months before the deal is reached. 5.尽管电子邮件受到越来越多人的欢迎,但我更愿意写信。 Although/Though/While email is an increasingly popular means of munication,I prefer writing letters.,.根据短文内容,用恰当的词填空 I really love my job because I enjoy working with small children and like the challenges and awards from the job.I also think my work is important.There was a time 1.when I thought I would never have that sort of career. I wasnt an excellent student 2.because I didnt do much schoolwork.In my final term I started thinking 3.what I might do and found I didnt have much to offer.I just accepted that I wasnt the type to have a career.,I then found myself a job,looking after two little girls.It wasnt too bad at first.But the problems began 4.when I agreed to live with them 5.so I would be there if my boss had to go out for business in the evening.6.If I had to work extra hours one week,shed give me time off the next week.But unfortunately,it didnt go as planned.I was getting extremely tired and fed up,because I had too many late nights and early mornings with the children.,One Sunday,I was in the park with the children,and met Megan 7.who/that used to go to school with me.I told her about my situation. She suggested that I should do a course and get a qualification(资格证书) 8.if I wanted to work with children.I didnt think I would be accepted 9.because I didnt take many exams at school.She persuaded me to phone the local college and they were really helpful.My experience counted for a lot and I took a part-time course.I had to leave my job with the family,and got work helping out at a kindergarten. Now Ive got a full-time job there.I shall always be thankful to Megan.10.How I wish I had known that earlier! You could have a career,even if you arent the top of the class at school.,解析:1. 分析句子结构可知,time后为定语从句。There was a time when.“曾有一段的时期”。 2. 根据句意,此处应用because引导原因状语从句。 3. thinking后是宾语从句,且从句中缺少宾语。 4. when引导时间状语从句。 5. 此处省略了that。句意:以便我的老板晚上出去做生意时,我能在那里照看孩子。 6. agree后是作者与老板协议的内容:如果我有一周加班的话,下一周她就会让我相应地休息。根据句意可知,此处用if表示条件。 7. 分析句子结构可知Megan后为定语从句,且从句中缺少主语,故用关系代词who/that。 8. 句意:她建议如果我想做能与孩子接触的相关工作,我应该学习相关课程并取得资格证书。根据句意可知用if表示条件。 9. 两个分句之间是因果关系,故用because连接。 10. 此处用how构成感叹句。,


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