外研版英语八年级下册Module 6 Hobbies Unit 1 教案

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外研版 Module 6 Unit 1 Do you collect anything?1 教学目标1. To use the words and phrases in this unit. (能听懂并运用本单元的生词和短语)2. To be able to talk about hobbies. (学会谈论爱好) 2学情分析本模块要求学生总结简单句的六种句型结构。谈论的话题是爱好。Unit1通过两段对话来讨论爱好给人们带来的影响。第一段是谈论Tony 一家人的爱好,是以听力的形式出现的,引出话题。第二段对话是几个好朋友谈论他们的爱好以及爱好带给人的影响。语法不难,话题贴近学生生活,学生学起来很有积极性。 3重点难点take up, a bit of, as much as等重点短语的运用4教学过程4.1第一学时1教学活动活动1【导入】LeadinthetopicStep 1:Lead-in (看视频)1. Watch a VCR about the teachers hobby. (two minutes) Lead in the top of this module - Hobbies. Unit 1. Do you collect anything?2. lead the topic of this lesson and let the students know the studying aims. 活动2【活动】VocabularyStep21. Self- learning 1. 结合词汇表,自读课本48、49页的生词,了解生词的读音及意义。2. Learning the new words together. (ppt展示) a. New word:fanfans, stamp, shelfshelves, valuevaluable, collectcollection, dollarpoundnotecoin, b. Phrases:tide up, take up c. Sentence structure: I like collecting books because they are useful. I have a collection of violins because I am interested in music. have a collection of = collect 活动3【练习】ListeningStep 3: Listening (小听力) Activities 1 and 2. Listen and find out who collects the things in the pictures. Then answer the questions. 活动4【活动】GroupworkStep 4Self-learning 3Activity 3: listen and readCommunicate with their group members, try to understand the conversation.Then finish the exercise on page 49. 活动5【练习】conversationsStep 5Finish the conversation about hobbies.D: Whats your hobby?J: _.D: When did you start doing it?J: _.D: Why do you enjoy your hobby?J: _.活动6【练习】groupworkTalk about their hobbies in groups.Then ask some group to act it out the conversation in front of the class.活动7【作业】SummaryandhomeworkStep 7.1.Sum up the phrases about hobbies.2. Sum up the sentences about talking hobbies.3. Homework: Make up a conversation about hobbiesStep 8.Useful sayings:1. Love is the first step to get knowledge. 爱好是获得知识的第一步。 2.Interest is the best teacher.兴趣是最好的老师。 板书设计:Module 6. Hobbies Unit 1. Do you collect anything?Whats your hobby? When did you start doing it? Why do you enjoy your hobby? Hobbies: swimming, skating, fishing . collect things: coins, stamps, fans .


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