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三 年 级 英 语 练 习(一)姓名 _ 班级_ 得分_一、根据所给情景圈出正确的答案1. Mike想对新朋友自我介绍时,说:( )A. Hello, Mike. B. Hello, Im Mike.2. 当对方问你是不是苏海时,你回答说是,可以说:( )A Yes, I am. B. No, Im not.3. 客人到你家,你询问他要不要吃个派,你会说:( ) A. Would you like a cake? B. A pie?4. 想祝别人元旦快乐时,你可以说:( )A. Happy Birthday! B. Happy New Year!5. 当你对白颜色表示疑问时,应该说:( )A. White? B. White.6.你想知道那是什么, 你可以问 ( )A. Whats this? B.Whats that?7. 你想问对方是不是Su Hai, 可以问: ( )A. Are you Su Hai? B. Hello, Su Hai.8. 当你想表达“这个机器人是给刘涛的”你可以说:( )A. This doll is for LiuTao. B.This robot is for LiuTao.9. 当你想告诉别人自己的短裙是红色的,你可以说: ( )A. What colour is my skirt? B. Look at my skirt.Its red.10.你祝别人新年快乐时,你可以说: ( )A. Happy New Year! B. Happy birthday!二、根据所给句子,选出恰当的答句,将序号写在括号内。(8分)( )1.Are you Mike? A. Good morning.( )2. Hello. Im Su Hai. B. Hello, Yang Ling.( )3.Whats this? C. No, Im not.( )4.Good afternoon, Miss Li. D. Its great.( )5.This is my brother, Tim. E. Its a car.( )6.She is my sister, Yang Ling. F. No, thank you.( )7.Would you like an egg? G. Hello, Su Hai.( )8.Look at my new skirt. H. Good afternoon, class.三、排列句子(用数字排序)( )Yes, I am.( )Here you are.( )Would you like an egg, Liu Tao?( )Hi, are you Liu Tao?( )No, thank you. Id like an ice cream. 四、阅读短文,判断对错(对的写T,错的写F)My name is David. Im ten. I have a brother and a sister. Tom is my brother. Hes five. Whos Ann? Shes my sister. She is twelve. We have many toys(玩具). Look, this panda is nice. Its black and white. Thats a monkey. Its brown. Its great. This tiger is new. Its yellow. Look at these cars. They are nice, but(但)they are old. Do you like these toys? ( )1. David is five.( )2. Ann is Toms sister.( )3. They have many toys.( )4. The monkey is black and white.( )5. The cars are new.Hello. Im Tom. Im at the zoo(动物园). Look at the tiger. This is a small tiger. It has a long nose. Whos singing? Oh, its the bird in the tree. ( ) 1. Im at the zoo.( ) 2. This is a big tiger. ( ) 3. It has a long nose.( ) 4. The bird in the sky is singing. 五、阅读短文,选择合适的答案 Hello! My name is Sun Wei. Here is an American boy. His name is David Smith. He is twelve. And I am twelve, too. David is in Class Three, Grade One. I am in Class Three, Grade One, too. He is Number Eight, Row Five. I am Number Five, Row Four.( )1.Davidan American boy. A. is B. am C. are( )2.He is. A. ten B. eleven C. twelve( )3.Sun Wei isClass Three, Grade One. A. in B. on C. of( )4.David is in Row. A. Four B. Five C. One( )5.Sun Wei is Number. A. Four B. Five C. Eight六、图文匹配。(为每幅图选择正确的情景,把序号写在括号内。) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )1. A: Whats that ? B: Its a cake. 2. A: Would you like an egg? B: Yes, please.3. A: Look at my new skirt. B: How nice!4. A: This robot is for you. B: Thank you.5. A: This is Yang Ling. Shes my friend. B: Nice to meet you.6. A: What about this T-shirt ? B: No, thank you. 三 年 级 英 语 练 习(二)姓名 _ 班级_ 得分_一、情景选择。(根据情景选择最佳答案,把序号写在括号内。) ( ) 1. 当你想把娃娃送给对方时,说: A. This ball is for you. B. This doll is for you. ( ) 2. 问对方是否要一个热狗,可以说: A. Would you like a hot dog? B.Look at the hot dog.( ) 3. 告诉对方这是一顶棕色的帽子,可以说: A. Its a brown cap. B. Look at my brown cap. ( ) 4. 你让别人看你的全家福,可以说: A. Look at my friend. B. Look at my family. ( ) 5. 下午李老师上课前会说: A. Good morning, class. B. Good afternoon, class.( ) 6. 你想知道远处的物品是什么,你问:A. Whats this ? B. Whats that ?( ) 7. 对方让你看她的新裙子,你说:A. Its nice. B. Look at my new skirt.( ) 8. 你想问你朋友的新帽子是什么颜色,你说:A. What colour is your cap. B. My cap is blue.( ) 9. 当别人送你一个礼物,你可以说: A. Goodbye B. Yes, please C. Thank you( ) 10. 王兵想把自己介绍给杨玲,可以说: A. Im Yang Ling. B. This is Wang Bing. C. Im Wang Bing. 二、在栏中找出与栏的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。 ( )1. What about an ice cream? A. Thank you.( )2. This is my sister. B. Nice to meet you.( )3. Happy birthday. C. Its a hot dog.( )4. Happy New Year. D. Happy New Year.( )5. Whats this? E. Yes, please.( )6. What colour is my dress? F. Nice to meet you, too.( )7. Look at my jacket. G. Its red.( )8. This is my friend, Tim. H. Its nice. ( )9. Nice to meet you. I. Hello, Tim.三、选择,把序号填在括号里 ( ) 1._.Birthday! A. Happy B. happy C. How ( )2.A:Look at my skirt. B: Its_. A. Thank you. B. nice. C. Good bye. ( )3. Thats a _ A. cap B. egg C. ice cream ( )4. This is Tim. _ my brother. A. Hes B. Shes C. Its( )5Would you like a robot? _ A. Yes, I am. B. No. Its a CD. C. No, thank you.( )6. This is my father. _. A. Nice to meet you. B. Yes, he is. C. Thank you.( )7. Would you like _? A. ice cream B. an ice cream C. a ice cream( )8. This is _ orange chair. A. a B. / C. an( )9. This is _ egg for you. A. a B. an C. /( )10. Whats this? Its an _ car.A. orange B. blue C. white 四、排列句子(用数字排序)1( )Yes, I am.( )Here you are.( )Would you like an egg, Liu Tao?( )Hi, are you Liu Tao?( )No, thank you. Id like an ice cream. 2( ) Look at my red skirt.( ) Good afternoon,Su Hai.( ) Thank you.( ) Good afternoon, Tim.( ) Its nice.五、阅读短文,判断对错(对的写T,错的写F)Tom and John are good friends. Tom is 12. John is 13. They are good students.They like hamburgers. Miss White is their English teacher. ( ) 1. Tom and John are good friends. ( ) 2. Tom is 12. ( ) 3. John is 12. ( ) 4. They like eggs. I have a cat . It is a lovely(可爱的) cat. Her name is Dongdong. Her fur(毛)is black and white. She is my best friend. I like her very much . I often tell stories(故事)to her . ( )1. I have a dog . ( )2. Her name is Tom. ( )3. She is my best friend( )4. I dont like her. ( )5. I often tell stories to her. 六、阅读短文,选择合适的答案 Hi, my name is Tom. Im 9. I like English very much. My sister is Amy. Shes 5. My father is 39. My mother is 37. They love me. I love my family. ( ) 1. My name is _ . A. Amy B. Tom ( ) 2. My sister is _ . A . 9 B .5( ) 3. My mother is _. A. 39 B. 37( ) 4. I like _. A. English B. Chinese I have a friend, Kate. Shes a girl. Shes American.(美国人). Her father is a teacher. Her mother is a nurse.(护士) ( ) 1. Kate is a _ . A. boy B.girl ( ) 2. Shes _ . A. American B.China ( ) 3. Her father is a _ . A. teacher B.nurse ( ) 4. Her mother is a _ . A.teacher B.nurse 三 年 级 英 语 练 习(三)姓名 _ 班级_ 得分_一、在栏中找出与栏相应的答语,并将其序号填入括号内。 ( ) 1. Whats this? A. Its a pie.( ) 2. Would you like an egg? B. Good afternoon( ) 3. Are you Liu Tao? C. Yes, please.( ) 4. What colour is the apple? D. No, Im not. Im Su Hai.( ) 5. Good afternoon E. Its red. ( )1. Would you like a sweet? A. Thank you.( )2 .This doll is for you . B. Hello, Tim.( )3. What is it? C. Yes,please.( )4. Look at my new cap. D. Red and yellow.( )5.This is my brother, Tim. E .Its an orange ball.( )6 .What colour is this skirt? F.How nice!二、读句子,排列成正确的对话( )Nice to meet you , Wang Bing. ( ) Hi ,Tina .This is my friend ,Wang Bing .( ) Happy Birthday ,Tina!This cake is for you .( ) Oh,how nice!Thank you,Mike and Wang Bing .( ) Nice to meet you ,too.Tina .三、选择最佳答案,把序号填在括号里( )1. _ Its a brown ball. A. What colour is it? B. Whats that? C. Are you a robot? ( )2. A:Whats this ? B: Its an _ car. A. orange B. blue C. white( )3. Happy birthday!. _. A.Happy birthday!. B. Happy New Year. C. Thank you.( )4. _ is it? Its red. A. What B. What colour C. Whats colour( )5. What about an egg? _. A. Here you are. B. Its nice. C. Yes, please( )6. Would you like an egg? _. A. Yes, I am B. No, Im not. C. Yes, please.( )7. This sweet is _ you. A. to B. and C.for( )8. Look at _ my cap. A. a B. the C. /( )9. This is _egg and that is _ CD. A. an, a B. a, a C. an ,an( )10. Are you Mike? _. A. Yes, I am. B. Yes, you are. C. Yes, Im.( ) 11. A: Look at my jacket. B: Its_. A. Thank you. B. nice. C. please ( ) 12.This pie is for you A. Thank you. B. Its nice. C. Yes, I am.( ) 13. Whats that? _ a car. A. This is B. Its C. Thats四、阅读短文,判断对错(对的写T,错的写F)Lucy: Hi, Andy. I have a toy(玩具)car. Andy: Really? What colour is it? Lucy: White. Andy: Good. I have a toy bus. Its yellow. Lucy: Lets play together. OK? Andy: Good idea. ( ) 1. Andy has a toy car. ( ) 2. Andys toy bus is yellow. ( ) 3. Lucy has a toy car. ( ) 4. Lucys toy car is white. I have many toys. My favourite(最喜欢的) toy is a doll. It is very nice. It has red hair. It has big eyes and a small mouth. It wears(穿) a green dress. I go to sleep(睡觉)with it every night. I like it very much. ( ) 1. I have a toy. ( ) 2. My favourite toy is a doll. ( ) 3. It has yellow hair. ( ) 4. It wears a green dress. ( ) 5. I dont like it. 五、阅读短文,选择合适的答案 I have a pencil box. Its blue. There are lots of things in it. I have a pen. Its red and long. I like it. I have three(3) pencils. They are short. I have a ruler. Its big. I have an rubber. Its small. ( ) 1. The pencil box is _. A .blue B. red ( ) 2. The pen is _. A. yellow B. red ( ) 3. I have _ pencils. A. 3 B. 2 ( ) 4. The pencils are _. A. short B. long ( ) 5. The eraser is _. A. big B. Small Sam: This is my brother. Amy: Whats his name? Sam: His name is Bob. Amy: Hi, Bob. Nice to meet you. Bob: Nice to meet you, too. Amy: How old are you? Bob: Im five. 1. Bob is Sams_. A. sister B. brother 2. Bob is a_ A. boy B. girl 3. Bob is _ years old. A. three B. Five. 六、根据图片意思选择合适的对话,并将对话的序号填入对应图旁边的括号内,(每小题2分,共5分)( ) ( ) ( ) . ( ) ( )A . Nice to meet you! Nice to meet you,too. B. Would you like a cake?Yes, please. C. Look at my cap!How nice! D. What colour is my skirt now?Its yellow.E. Hello, Mike !Hello!


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