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七年级(上)英语作文一初中英语作文即书面表达,首先要抓住所给的提示,然后运用所学词汇、语法及句型,避繁就简,简明表达要讲的内容。实际上英语写作就等于两个字,翻译!因为英语写作一般会给出几个要点,要求必须在文章中有所体现。文章写的再好,只要缺少要点就会扣分。所以要点,也就是文章的第二段内容,要做到全,围绕中心。二结构:最流行的结构就是三段式。为什么呢?因为这种结构十分清晰。“观点要点总结”让人一目了然。三段式的第一段:简单明了,开门见山,不超过2句话,如,我们想表达小强很强壮,第一段直接说 Xiao Qiang is very strong. 观点明确,这一句足矣。第二段:分2-3点说为什么他强壮。1. 每天吃10顿饭,He has ten meals everyday! 详举吃的是什么。2. 每天运动2小时,He does exercise 2 hours a day! 详举做了什么运动。第三段:经过第二段的论证,可以得出结论。但请注意,不能完全照抄第一段,要有升华。也可以提出希望和建议等。如,How strong and robust XQ is! I hope to be him one day! 三根据题目所提供的信息,草拟提纲,寻求逻辑次序,确定如何下手,写好第一个句子。否则,语无伦次的文章将不会被人接受,也不可能得到高分。四遣词造句,表达规范。用词要适当,不可逐句把提示汉译英,亦不可生拼硬凑,不要硬拿英语单词到中文句子里去对号,否则写出中文式英语,闹出笑话。一般来讲,写作时,应尽量选出你有把握的词,尽量使用短句(简单句),不用或少用复合句(即.从句)。如果有的单词不会写,有的思想不会用英语表达,你可以设法绕开,最好找一个同义词、同义句,或近义词、词组短语来代替。要正确使用关联词,如and,or,but,so,because,since等,以便行文自然流畅。文章的每一个句子的主语尽量多样化,也就是说句子类型要 多样化。要尽量用自己熟悉的句型写作。五.修改润色,锦上添花。作文写完之后,应注意检查修改,修改时先从全局修改。首先要检查主题是否明确,表达方式是否恰当,接下来检查所写内容是否切题,该交待的内容是否交待了,最后检查所用时态、人称是否符合要求,最后是否一致。写完后,还应仔细校阅12遍。校阅要逐词逐句进行,注意检查语法、拼写、标点、大小写等方面的错误。注意书写,卷面做到无任何一处涂改。要求:打好草稿,并在草稿上改正。卷子的卷面很重要,要求有时间,都要草稿。除此之外,最基本的就是:多读、多记、多背。句子熟悉了,不管题目怎样的变化,都是会做得来的。还有就是得了解什么词变化时该加什么或不该加什么。最重要的就是把基础的一些打扎实。1.多记一些单词,积累词汇,写作文的时候用上一些高级词汇。2.学过的复句,从句要熟练,多练练,不过作文时适当用一下就好了,不宜大部分都是是从句,复句型的。大规模地使用复句从句,会给评卷老师繁而烦的感觉。3.并列关系用and,转折关系用but,顺接关系用then,列出观点等要用:At first(first),and then(second),last/in clusion等词来增加句子的连贯性。4.建议背一下一些写得比较好的英语作文,学一学人家的写作方法,同时也可以增加语感。下面是一些参考范文,请欣赏!1.假如你是来自伦敦的汤姆,新学期开始了,你在班上给同学们介绍你自己,告诉他们你是很高兴见到新同学,并且把你的基本情况(名字,年龄,国籍,家庭,爱好等)演讲出来。要求:1.意思连贯。符合逻辑,语法正确。 2、词数60左右。Good morning,boys and girls,My name is Tom,I am very glad to meet you.I come from London,I am an English boy.I am 13 years old.I have a brother and a sister.They are students,too.I play basketball every day.And I also like music,I think its very interesting.My favorite color is blue.I hope we can be good friends.1. 根据提示信息,写一篇寻物启事,60词左右。你在图书馆丢失了一个红色的双肩背包。2.里面有很多学习用具,如:课本,铅笔盒,笔记本。还有一件T-shirt等。 3.你在七年级五班。4.联系电话是578-3245.Lost:I lost a red backpack in the school library. Many school things are in the backpack.There are four books:a pencil case,two notebooks.And there is a white T-shirt in the backpack,too.I am in Class 5,Grade 7.If you find my backpack,you can call me at 578-3245.Thank you! Tom3.请仔细观察你们班的教室,描述教室里物品和物品的位置。提示词:window(窗户) wall(墙) teachersdesk blackboardMy classroom is big and clean.There are six windows in the wall.In the front of the blackboard,there is a teachers desk. Fifty desks and chairs are in the classroom.Some beautiful pictures are on the walls. Two brooms are in the corner of the classroom.We clean our classroom every day. We love our classroom.4.请以“My Good Friend”为题写一篇短文,词数60左右。提示:1.我有一个好朋友,名叫Bob。2.他12岁,个子高。3.他喜欢健康的食物,不喜欢汉堡包和薯条。4.他喜欢运动。他有五个棒球,八个排球,四个足球,三个篮球。5.他每天都做运动。My Good FriendI have a good friend,his friend is Bob.He is 12 years old.He is tall.Bob likes eating healthy food.He doesnt like hamburgers and fench fries because they are unhealthy food.Bob likes sports very much,and he plays sports every day.He has a sports collection.He has five tennis rackets,eight volleyballs,four soccers and three basketballs.He is really healthy and strong.5.假如你是Jim,一位英国男孩,给Li Lei 写一封信,介绍你和家人的情况。提示:1.有个弟弟和妹妹,妹妹叫Kate,弟弟叫John。我和John在同一年级,但不在同一个班级 2.父母是老师,教中文 3.John会说汉语,我只会说一点。4.我喜欢看书 5.我们每周上学5天,在星期日上午踢球,星期日晚上看电视。6.请尽快回信。Dear Li Lei, I am an English boy.My name is Jim.I am twelve.I have one brother and one sister.My sister is Kate.She is only two.My brother is John.He and I are in the same grade,but in different classes.We go to school five days a week.On Saturdays,we stay at home.On Sundays,we play football in the morning and watch TV at night.My father and mother are teachers.They teach Chinese.John can Chinese,but I can speakj only a little.I like to read.I like China very much.Please writhe back soon. Jim6.请根据以下提示给Mr.Smiths Clothes Store写一篇广告。要求语句通顺,字数45字以上。Pants-25美元 socks4美元 hats-7美元 at a very good price afford our prices for yourself on saleWelcome to Mr Smith Clothes Store.Our clothes are on sale today.Do you like pants? Wehave pants at avery good price for only $25.Do you need socks?We have socks for $4.For girls,we have hats in blue,red and yellow for only $7.Anyone can afford our prices!Come and see for yourself at Mr Smiths Clothes store.7.同学们,Amy想要加入电脑俱乐部,Hobo请你用英语写一篇介绍Amy相关情况的书面材料。字数50左右。年龄15籍贯英国学校上海第五中学外貌高,黑色短发,深褐色眼睛,戴眼镜爱好打羽毛球,玩电脑游戏,跑步特长英语 Her name is Amy.Sheis from England.Sheisastudent of No.15 Middle school of Shanghai.Amy is tall with short black hair,her eyes are dark brown and she often wears a pair of glasses.She likes playingbadminton,running and shelikesplaying computer games,too.She isgood at English and singing.She hopes that she can be in the computer club.8.同学们,你们一周当中都参与了那些活动呢?你的生活是否丰富多彩呢?快拿起你的笔描绘一下你一周的生活吧!词数在60-80间。This week,I am very busy because I have something to do.On Monday morning,I have English. I think English isvery interesting and I like it very much.Then on Tuesday afternoon,I have science.Its difficult but Ilike it,too.Next,on Wednesday morning,I have biology,itsboring,but on Thursday afternoon,I practice music at our school music club.Ithink music is my favorite.On Friday afternoon,I practice English at our school (Enlish club).I am very happy there.On Saturday morning,I go shopping with my mother.I think shopping is very fun.On Sunday afternoon,Iplay football with my friends.Ithink its very interesting there. What a busy but fun week I have.9.根据要求完成作文,词数60-80.必须用上所给的提示词。 虽然现在学习很忙,大家都在为即将到来的考试做准备,但你的好朋友王强仍然花很多的时间玩电脑,你劝他,他不听,这令你很烦恼,你不知道怎么办才好。1.busy with the final exam(期末考试) 2.spend,play computer games 3.ask,give up(放弃) 4.make,upset,worried The final exam is coming.Everyone is busy with it.We are studying hard.But my close friend,Wang Qiang,spends most of his time playing computer games.I talked to him about it to our teacher or his parents?Im not sure if it will work./I dont know if it is the best way to help him.10.根据下列信息,以“My English teacher”为题写一篇短文,所给信息必须全部表达出来。Name:William Brown Date of birth:November 12th Age:24 Nationality:America Job:English teacherFavorite sports:basketball Favorite food:chicken and hamburgers Favorite color:blueWilliam Brown was born on November 12th.He is 24 years old.Heis from America.Heis my English teacher.Helikes playing basketball.His favorite food is chicken and hamburgers. He likes blue best.10.根据下列表格中文提示,写一篇介绍Mike的短文。姓名性别年龄国籍现地址学校爱好周末 Mike男15美国中国上海第六中学喜欢看京剧,趣味故事, 中国动作片和中国历史通常在家看京剧片Mike is an American boy,but heis inChina.Hes fifteen years old.He studies in No.6 middle school in Shanghai.He likes Beijing Opera.He thinks its very interesting and he usually looks at pictures of Beijing Opera on weekends.He also likes action movies and Chinese history.And he often reads stories at home.In a word,he loves Chinese people and China.11.同学们,你们一周当中都参与了那些活动呢?你的生活是否丰富多彩呢?快拿你的笔来描绘一下你的生活吧!词数在60-80之间。This week,I am very busy because I have something to do.On Monday morning,I have Eglish.I think English is interesting and I like it very much.Then on Tuesday afternoon,I have science.Its difficult but I like it,too.Next,on Wednesday morning,I have biology.Its boring,but on Thursday afternoon,I practice music at our school music club.Ithink music is my favorite.On Friday afternoon,I practice English at our school English club.I am very happy there.On Saturday morning,I go shopping with my mother.I think shopping is very fun.On Sunday afternoon,I play football with my friends.I think its very exciting.What a busy but fun week I like.12.根据下面的表给你的朋友写一封信,介绍一下你在学校一天的学习生活情况。开头已给出。Tuesday7:30get to school8:00to9:00English9:00to10:00math10:00to11:00science11:00to12:00music12:00to1:00lunch1:00to2:00art2:00to4:00gym(体操)4:00to5:00dinnerDear_, Its Tuesday,March 9. Im really busy today.At 7:30,I get to school.Then at 8:00,I have English.Its my favorite subject. Next,at 9:00,I have math.Itsdifficult,but interesting.At 10:00,I have science.I dont like science,its boring.At 10:00,I have music.My classmates like music,its relaxing.We like our music teachers.At 12:00,I have lunch.I usually have it at school.At 1:00,I have art.I like art,too.At 2:00,I have gym. Our teachers are all strict with us.All my classes finish at 4:00.Then I go home and have dinner.This is my school day. Its a tiring but happy day.13.请你写一篇短文介绍一下你的饮食情况并说明是否健康。要求:60词左右。I like noodles,eggs and oranges for breakfast.For lunch,I eat chicken and salad.I like some vegetables for dinner.I like fruits but I dont like pears or bananas.I like hamburgers and French fries very much,but I dont eat them.They are not healthy.I am healthy because I eat healthy food. 14.假如你是John,早餐你爱吃汉堡包,鸡蛋和香蕉;午饭吃鸡肉,西红柿和橘子;晚饭爱吃薯条;甜点爱吃草莓冰淇淋。请你写一篇40词左右的短文向大家介绍一下你的一日三餐。可适当发挥想象,题目已给出。 Three days a dayHello,Im John.I like hamburgers,eggs and bananas for breakfast.Forlunch,I have chicken,tomatoes and oranges.They are healthy food.What do I like for dinner?I like French fries.And for dessert,I like to eat strawberry ice cream.15.Peter Smith是你的朋友,请你根据表格内的信息,以My good friend为题,对他做个简介,词数70左右。可适当发挥,但要包含表格内的所有信息。NameAgeBirthdayfavorite sportfavorite foodfavorite moviefavorite subjectPeterSmith14February26thbasketballhamburgerthrillermusicMy good friendPeter Smith is my good friend.He is 14 years old.His birthday is February 26th.He likes sports very much.He likes basketball best.His favorite food is the hamburger.It is nice to eat.He often goes to a movie with his friends on weekends.He likes thrillers best.He thinks they are exciting.What is his favorite subject? Do you know? Music!He likes singing and dancing.16.你们班同学的爱好各不相同。请根据下表提示以My classmatesviews(我的同学的观点)为题,向大家介绍一下他们喜欢或不喜欢哪个科目及原因。提示词:different不同的 词数:60左右My classmatesviewsMy classmates like different subjects.Janes subject is history.She says history is very interesting.But she doesnt like biology.She thinks its difficult.Emily likes music very much,because its relaxing.She says math is boring.Mona likes to have P.E.She thinks P.E is relaxing.She finds science is difficult,so she doesnt like it.17.下面是你校学生情况登记册中的一部分。请你根据这个登记册以My classmates(我的同学)为题,向大家介绍一下这几位同学的情况。词数50左右。NameBirthdaylikeLeila12月14日看电视Vera1月16日穿红色衣服Jeff5月26日玩电脑游戏Johnson7月26日打篮球Leilas birthday is December 14th.She likes to watch TV.Veras birthday is January 16th.She likes to wear red clothes.Jeffs birthday is May 26th.He likes toplay computer games.Johnsons birthday is July 26th.He likes sports.He plays basketball every day. 18. 根据以下要点,用介绍一下中学生李平的一天的生活情况。1.每天6:45起床,吃完早餐去上学2.中午在学校吃午饭 3.下午6:00回到家 4.饭后做作业,11:00上床睡觉。Li Ping is a middle school student and gets up at six forty-five.He goes to school after breakfast and he has lunch at school.He goes home at six in the afternoon.He does his homework after supper and he goes to bed at eleven.19.要点:请根据提示用3-5句话向大家介绍“好习惯使人健康”。我们应该每天早上做一些体育锻炼。我们应该吃健康食品,并且每天和足够的水。如果每个人都养成好习惯,我们就能保持健康。We should do sports every morning.We should eat healthy food and drink enough water every day.If everyone has a good habit,we will keep fit.20.要点:我家里有三口人,我父亲是一位教师,我母亲是一位护士。他们工作很努力。我十四岁,是一个中学生,我学习很勤奋。There are three people in my family.My father is a teacher and my mother is a nurse.They are working hard. I am fourteen years old and Im a middle school student.I study very hard.21.要点:请根据提示用3-5句话向大家介绍“好习惯使人健康”。我们应该每天早上做一些体育锻炼。我们应该吃健康食品,并且每天和足够的水。如果每个人都养成好习惯,我们就能保持健康。We should do sports every morning.We should eat healthy food and drink enough water every day.If everyone has a good habit,we will keep fit.22. 要点;谈谈你学习生活1.在校生活感受 2.最喜欢的(如科目,老师.)及原因 3.课外爱好 4.今后的学习或生活计划。My school is very interesting and happy. I like English best of all the subjects in the school.Because it can make me know something new about the world and help make friends with lots of foreigners.I often play basketball with my best friends at school and surf the Internet at home.I will study hard at other subjects from now on in order that I can enter a better high school.23.要点:课余时光是我们忙碌学习生活得调节剂。谈谈你是如何支配自己的闲暇时间的。例如:看电视,做运动,听音乐,阅读书报,郊游,帮父母做家务,还是I have lots of things to do in my free time.Usually I take exercise after school.I like basketball and volleyball very much.Sports help me to keep healthy and study better.I often watch TV or do some reading in the evening.Sometimes I listen to music for a while.I find it a good way to relax myself.Of course,I help parents with the housework at weekends.I clean the room,wash clothes and learn cooking.Sometimes I go on a field trip with friends.We always have a good time.


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