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年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案 课题Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案教材分析本单元的学习内容相当丰富,在听、说、读、写各个方面的要求对教师的教与学生的学都提出了新的挑战。如何实现单词、短语、句子的四会要求,需要教师在课堂上有效组织和学生在课外及时巩固。建议教师帮助学生建立课外合作学习小组,定期对各小组的合作方式、合作程度进行指导和督促,实现有效课堂的延伸,解决课堂中未能完成解决的问题。 学情分析过三年多的学习已经拥有较强的自学能力,打下了较好的英语语言基础,具备小组合作学习和探究学习的能力。可以开始培养他们的自主学习。 第一课时教学目标:、能够听、说、认读句子:What is your hobby? I like collecting stamps.、能够听、说、读、写动词短语的ing形式:collecting stamps, riding a bike, diving, playing the violin, making kites.掌握五个动词(短语)的ing形式。教学难点:拼写:riding, diving, making。课前准备:、录音机和录音带。、部分Lets learn的单词卡片。、一些树叶、一本集邮册、两只风筝。课时安排:课时。教学思路、Warm up(1)说唱歌谣,及唱英语歌。(2)师生进行Free talk,内容:What are you going to do? Im going to I like What about you?.、Preview“滚雪球”游戏:教师先示范说“I like .”,然后请学生在此基础上再加一句话,“I like I like .”依次类推,看谁说出的句子多,进行奖励。、PresentationLets learn(1)教师边做动作边说自己的业余爱好:“I like playing the violin. What is your hobby?”引导学生回答:“I like”教师板书:What is your hobby? I like playing the violin.指导学生拼读hobby, playing the violin并进行问答练习。(2)教师拿出集邮册,从里面取出一张邮票,问学生:“Whats this?”引导学生回答:“Its a stamp.”教师板书stamp并带读。教师展示集邮册,同时说:“I like collecting stamps.”然后板书并带读collection stamps。教师问:“Do you like collecting stamps?”,引导学生作答后拼读并操练:I like collecting stamps.(3)教师做骑自行车的动作:“What am I doing?”学生猜:“Youre”教师说:“Yes, I am riding a bike. I go to work by bike every day. I like riding a bike.”教师板书:riding a bike,指导学生拼读,告诉学生riding是ride去掉结尾不发音e再加上ing。(4)教师出示一只风筝:“Whats this?”引导学生回答:“Its a kite.”教师出示两只风筝:“What are they?”引导学生回答。接着教师做放风筝的动作:“What am I doing?”学生回答:“Youre flying a kite.”教师回答:“Yes, I like flying kites. I can make kites. I like making kites, too.”然后出making kites的单词卡片:“Whats he doing?”引导学生回答:“Hes making kites.”板书:making kites,学生拼读,注意making的拼写。(5)教师出示diving的单词卡片“What is he doing?”引导学生回答:Hes diving.教师板书:diving,学生拼读,注意diving的拼写。、Practice(1)教师手指板书,学生齐拍手练习说句子:What is your hobby? What is your hobby? Playing, playing, I like playing the violin. Collecting, collecting, I like collecting stamps. Riding, riding, I like riding a bike. Making, making, I like making kites. Diving, diving, I like diving.(2)让学生看板书,指导学生说出各动词词组的原形,教师板书。(3)游戏:What is missing?放ALets learn部分的录音,学生跟读。并让学生仿课文进行对话练习。Lets try指导学生听录音完成。先师生示范,再让学生分小组完成表格。Group work指导学生完成。、Summary:本课时所学的句型和词组。、Homework(1)抄定写并背诵本课所学的单词。(2)听录音、读本部分的课文,家长签名。、WritingUnit4: ALets start, Lets learn, Group workWhat is your hobby?I like _. Playing the violin play the violin Collecting stamps collect stamps Riding a bike ride a bike Making kites make kites Diving dive板书设计Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.riding, diving, making。课后练习:1.A: ? B:I like making kites. 2.A: ?B:She likes singing.3.A: ? B:He likes riding a bike. 4.A: ?B:My sister likes drawing pictures.5.A:Whats your brothers hobby? B: . 年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案课题 Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案第二课时教学内容:Lets learn 教学目标:、能够听、说、读、写句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too.、能够认读音标,并能朗读Pronunciation部分的例词。教学重点:教学难点:在实际情景中正确运用句型:He/ She likes句型:Whats your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too.的掌握。课前准备:、录音机及录音带。、A-Lets learn部分的单词卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元Lets learn部分的单词卡片。、Pronunciation部分的挂图。课时安排:课时。教学过程: 教学思路 、Warm up(1)连锁问答练习,教师对一名学生说:“I like Whats your hobby?”该学生回答后向别的学生提问,依次进行。(2)教师出示A Lets learn部分的单词卡片和五年级下册第四、五、六单元Lets learn部分的单词卡片,同桌根据卡片开火车问答操练:Whats your hobby? I like、Preview(1)教师放部分的录音,学生跟读并拼读动词短语。(2)“看谁反应快”游戏。、Presentation & PracticeLets talk(1)(教师课前在黑板贴出各种海报)教师手指墙上画展的海报说:“There is a painting show Saturday. I like painting. I am going to the show. Who else likes painting? Who would like to go with me?”有学生举手,教师则手指该名学生说:“I like painting. He / She likes painting, too.”接着教师手指邮票展的海报说:“There is a stamp show Sunday. I like collecting stamps, too. Do you?”有学生举手,教师说:“He/ She likes collecting stamps, too.”板书:He likes collecting stamps, too.学生跟读,然后开火车进行造句练习:He/ She likes(2)教师放Lets talk部分的录音,学生跟读,分角色朗读。(3)用黑板上的海报进行对话练习,先师生示范,再学生练习。请同桌学生依次起立江报:I like like 如果两人的爱好刚好相同,可以接着说:“We can go to the show together.”教师及时指导,纠错。Lets play(1)教师请六、七名学生上讲台站成一排,用滚雪球形式说 :I like /A likes B likes I like依次进行。(2)教师出示一些名人图,让学生说:He /She likes (3)游戏“老师的爱好”Pronunciation(1)指导学生学习本单元的音标。(2)指导学生完成练习。(3)“摘星星”游戏。、Summary、Homework(1)抄写本课所学的对话。(2)背诵四会句子。(3)听录音,读课文,家长签名。、WritingUnit 4: ALets talk He/ She likes collecting stamps, too.板书设计 Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.He/ She likes collecting stamps, too.课后练习:1.A:What are your parents hobbies?B: 2.A: ? B:No, I like playing the piano. 3.A: ?B:No,she likes playing the violin.4.A: ? B:Yes,John likes diving. 5.A: ?:Yes,my parents like swimming.年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案课题 Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案第三课时教学目标:、能够听、说、认读Lets read中的两封电子邮件。、了解一些有关英语信封书写的知识。、能够听懂、会唱歌曲“My pen pal”。教学重、难点:、阅读中的两封电子邮件。、能理解、认读句子:My twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures and making kites. We look the same, but we dont like the same things. Tell me something about you.课前准备:、录音机和录音带。、单词卡片。、一个用汉语书写的信封与一个用英语书写的信封。教时安排:一课时。教学思路教学过程:、Warm up)Free talk)Chant a song)Sing a song “My pen pal”、Preview)复习Lets learn和Lets chant部分的内容。)复习五年级下册与本课有关的内容。、PresentationLets read)教师问,引导学生看课文图:“Look at the two girls. This girl has long hair. That girl has long hair, too. This girl has big eyes. That girl has big eyes, too. They look the same. What is she doing? Shes drawing pictures. What about the other girl? What is she doing? Shes writing an e-mail. What are their hobbies? Now lets read an e-mail.”引出新课题。句子让学生作判断。Liu Yun is Alices new pen pal.Alice likes swimming, diving and making kites.Alices twin sister Ann likes drawing pictures.)教师说:“We all know Liu Yun is Alices friend now. Liu Yun writes an e-mail to alice. Lets read her reply. Please read the mail and tell me something about Liu Yun.”让学生看第二封电子邮件,说一说刘芸的情况。)再次听录音,学生跟读,教师指导完成Answer the questions的练习。)简要介绍英语电子邮件的格式。Group work指导学生进行小组调查活动。Good to know渗透相关的课外知识。Lets sing教会学生唱英语歌。、Summary、Homework:听课文录音,家长签名,并完成活动手册中相关练习。 板书设计 Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.drawing pictures and making kites. We look the same, but we dont like the same things.课后练习:1.A: ? B:My friend likes playing basketball. 2.A:Does your mother watch TV in the evening?B: (否答)3.A:What does your father do ? B: 4.A:How does father go to work?B: 5.A:Doesyour sister read books in the evening?B: (否答) 年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案课题Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案第四课时教学目标、能够听、说、读、写五个动词的第三人称单数形式:lives, teaches, goes, watches, reads。、能够听、说、认读句子:Does your pen pal live in Shanghai? No, he doesnt. He lives in Beijing。、能够听懂、说唱歌谣“Tell me about your pen pal”。、能够听懂、理解Story time中的故事。教学重、难点:、教学重点是:听、说、读、写掌握五个动词的第三人称单数形式。、教学难点是:区别使用后缀s和es。教学准备:、录音机和录音带。、本课时的单词卡。课时安排:一课时。教学思路1.Warm up2.Preview(1)使用单词卡,复习ALets learn的单词。(2)完成投影练习,最后一题设计为第三人称单数动词形式。3.Presentation(1)接投影练习,引出教学目标“今天我们就一起来学习有关动词第三人称单数的知识。”(2)教师板书:live。说:“I live in Where do you live?”引导学生作答后出示fish图片,:“Does it live in the sky?”引导学生回答:“No, it doesnt. It lives in rivers.”有意强调lives的发音。在板书后面加上“s”。:“Does your father/ mother/ pen pal live in?”板书句子,教师向学生展示的单词卡片,带读单词。(3):“I teach English. Does Mr teach English?”引导学生作答:“No, he doesnt. He teaches”板书教学单词:teaches。(4):“I go to work by bus. How do you go to school?”引导学生:“I go to school by”:“How does your father go to work? Does he go to work by bus?”引导学生作答。同法教学watches和reads。教师引导学生比较动词原形和其第三人称单数形式。(5)教师将本部分的单词卡混在一起,快速展示给学生,学生读,然后同桌开火车进行问答练习。(6)教师放B Lets learn部分的录音,学生跟读。(7)学生看板书提示根据实际情况进行问答练习。4.Practice(1)学生四人一组讨论用英语描述的一天,并轮流用英语表达。(2)每个小组派代表上台介绍。(3)Lets chant(4)Story time5.Summary6.Consolidation and extension(1)学生做本单元相关部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)学生听录音,读给家长听,签名。(3)背诵并抄写本课的四会单词。7.WritingUnit 4: BLets learn Does your father/ mother/ pen pal live in? lives Yes, he/ she does. Teaches No, he/ she doesnt.watches reads板书设计:Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.Does your father/ mother/ pen pal live in? livesYes, he/ she does. TeachesNo, he/ she doesnt.watches reads课后练习:1.A: ?B:He is my brother.2.A:What does Tim do in the evening? B: (做功课)3.A:How does your sister go to work?B: (步行)4.A:Does your aunt teach math? B: (否答)5.A:Does Mr Li teach English?B: (肯答)年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案课题Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案第五课时教学目标教学目标:1、能够听、说、读、写句型Does she teach English? No, she doesnt. Yes, she does.2、能够用上面句式询问他人一些日常生活情况。教学重点:能够熟练掌握本课时的重点句型,并在现实生活中灵活运用,做到语调自然,语音准确。教学难点:在实际情景中运用所学的对话。教学准备:1、与本课时相关的教学挂图。2、录音机和本单元的教学录音带。教具准备录音机、动物图片、教师教学卡片、单词卡片多媒体 动画光盘教学思路Step 1 Preparation1. Lets chant.课本44页中的chant.教师放录音,师生同完成。2、让学生展示采访自己的父母或者老师的结果。Step 2 Presentation1、情境导入(1)教师把Lets try的教学挂图呈现给学生,师生一起讨论图意。Does the girls mother work in a hospital?Does her father work in a hospital, too?然后教师放录音,让学生根据对话内容选出正确的答案。录音内容如下:Boy: Does your mother work in a hospital?Girl: Yes, she does.Boy: Does your father work in the hospital, too?Girl: No, he doesnt .He works in a school.Boy: Does your father go to work by bike?Girl: Yes, he does.(2) T: My father is a doctor, too. Do you want to know more about him? Ask me some questions.教师引导学生问:Does he ? 帮助学生回答。教师板书:Does he .? Yes, he does. No, he doesnt.教读,操练。2、机械操练利用以前学过的内容操练,进行替换练习(不要忘了“写”)。3、意义操练游戏:寻找家园教师准备一些卡片,正面写有人名,反面写有地名,如:city, country, village, farm, forest, mountain, nature park等。请一名学生上台抽取一张卡片,问台下学生:“Guess, Where does live?” 学生猜:“Does he /she live in /on?”猜对的小组可以得分,最后得分最多的小组获胜。Step 3 PracticeLets talk1、听音答题T: Oh, the girls mother is a doctor, what about Zhang Pengs mother? What does she teach? Does she teach English? (播放A Lets talk 录音后,让学生回答问题。)2、听音正音 听录音 Lets talk,学生逐句跟读。3、合作共建 小组中两人分角色操练对话4、表演展示:分角色朗读;表演对话。Step 4 Production1、游戏:小记者采访教师准备一些卡片,写上某些人物的地址,职业,生活习惯。事先发给同学,让小组内的同学运用本课时学的句型合作完成采访任务,培养学生语言运用的实际能力。2、教师让学生把52页的表格填好,然后每个人将个人信息填好后交给老师。教师请一名学生上台从一摞信息中抽取一张,告诉台下学生:“Its a boy/girl.”学生分成两大组,轮流提问,如下图所示,看看哪组先猜出填写卡片的人是谁。最后看看哪个小组得分高,教师要及时鼓励和奖励。Step5 Progress1、做本课时相应的基础训练或其他配套练习。2、作业(1)让学生听Lets learn 和Lets talk部分的录音,并积极与他人交流。(2)抄写本课四会句子。(3)调查同学或朋友的pen pal的有关情况,记录下来。班内交流。第六课时教学内容:Lets read教学目标:1、能够简单描述自己的好朋友。2、能够完成Lets check部分的练习。3、熟练掌握Lets read 部分的短文内容。教学重点:能够理解,会读Lets read 部分的短文内容。教学难点:理解Lets read中的短文,并能利用所学灵活的交际。教学准备:1、与本课时相关的教学挂图。2、录音机和本单元的教学录音带。教学过程:Step 1 Preparation1. Lets chant.教师放Lets chant部分的歌谣“Tell me about your pen pal”,让学生跟录音有节奏地说唱。2、让学生展示其调查同学或朋友的pen pal的结果。Step 2 Pre-reading教师向学生展示本部分的教学挂图,手指图中的孪生姐妹介绍:“This is Alice .This is her twin sister. They look the same, but they dont like the same things. They are different. ” 教师板书different, 教读。Step 3 In-reading1、第一遍阅读。快速阅读第一、二段,并回答问题:Does Alice live in China? Does her father work in a school? Does her mother work in a school, too? 让学生读并找出这些问题的答案。学生回答的时候,要求能说出依据。2、第二遍阅读。仔细阅读第一、二封邮件,并回答问题。Whats Alices father? Whats Alices mother? 老师提示学生仔细读,并勾划出答案。做完后,同伴交流答案及依据。最后,老师核对答案。3、第一遍阅读第三、四段。快速阅读,回答问题:Does Alice go to school by bike? Does Ann watch cartoons on TV? Is Alices family going to China soon? 让学生读并找出这些问题的答案及其根据。4、第二遍阅读第三、四段。仔细阅读,回答问题:How does Alice go to school? How does Ann go to school? What does Alice do in the evening? What does Ann do in the evening? What does Ann usually do? 提示学生仔细读,并勾划出答案。做完后,小组交流,并说说怎么找到答案的。最后,老师对答案。5、教师指导学生完成书本上的Answer and question.6、通读这篇文章,完成下面短文。Alices mother works in a _. Her father _ by bus. Alice _ by bike every morning. But Ann goes to school _. Alice usually _ on Saturday. Ann usually_ .完成后,首先小组内交流,然后全班交流。Step 4 Post-reading1. Listen and repeat. 听录音跟读课文。2. Reading competition. A B两部分学生比赛朗读课文。3、教师指导学生完成Lets check部分的练习Listen and write theanswers.录音内容如下:Woman: Bill lives in Australia .He works in a TV company. He goes to work by bus. He usually reads newspapers on the bus. He goes back home at about six. He watches TV in the evening .He likes collecting stamps. He often plays basketball on weekends.4、教师向学生展示story time部分的挂图,T: “What are they doing? What does Joe see? Does Joe like monkeys? Do monkey live in the mountains? ”让学生读故事,找出这些问题的答案。然后教师播放该部分的录音,学生听录音跟读、分角色朗读。如果时间允许,教师指导学生进行对话表演。Step 5 Progress1、完成基础训练的相应练习或其他配套练习。2. Homework:写一段文字,简单讲述自己的好朋友的有关信息。板书设计 Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.Alices mother works in a _. Her father _ by bus. Alice _ by bike every morning. But Ann goes to school _. Alice usually _ on Saturday. Ann usually_ .年级:六年级上册 执教者:遵化市第二实验小学英语集体备课教案课题Unit 4 I Have a Penpal.主备人范丽娜共案个案第六课时1Able to use the sentences: What s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesnt. He teaches art.2Learn the new words and expression_r_rs in A and B。教学重点、难点:What s your hobby? I like collecting stamps. He likes collecting stamps, too. Does he live in the city? Yes, he does he teach English? No, he doesnt. He teaches art.教学准备:Tape recorder ,word cards 。教学思路:arm-up Everyday EnglishPreview Let the Ss talk freely .PresentationLets read1 Listen to the tape and answer the questions2 Let the Ss understand the sentence :3 Listen and repeatDo the Ex Say “YES” or “NO”Finish the sentencesTeach the Ss how to write the sentencesLets checkStory timeLets singConsolidation and extension Finish all the Ex Review Unit3 教学反思:


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