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Unit 5 What Does She Do ?第一课时:A 、Lets learn 一、教材分析:本课时是在PEP四年级上册Unit 6 Meet My Family 基础上的提升。在那一单元学生学习了家庭成员的称呼(father、 mother、brother、sister、grandfather、grandmother)、职业(如:farmer、doctor、nurse、driver、baseball player )、询问职业句型(Whats your ?、What do you want to be ?)这一课时继续学习表示职业的单词(singer、writer、actress、artist、TV reporter)、询问别人职业的表达方法(What does your mother do ?)及句型What are you going to be ? Im going to be.is going to be.来询问他人的理想,并给出相应的回答。二、教学目标(一)能力目标:1、能够简单介绍人物职业,如:Shes a singer .2、能够运用句型:What does your mother do ?等询问他人的工作情况,并给予相应回答。3、能运用句型What are you going to be ? Im going to be.is going to be.来询问他人的理想,并给出相应的回答,能较好的完成小组活动。(二)知识目标:1、能听、说、读、写单词:singer、writer、actress、artist、TV reporter2、能听说、认读句子:What does your fathermother do ? HeShes aan.3、能运用句型What are you going to be ? Im going to be.来询问他人的理想,并给出相应的回答:is going to be.(三)情感、策略、文化等目标:情感态度:教育学生热爱生活,要为理想而奋斗,理想才会实现学习策略:能积极和他人合作,运用所学英语进行交流,共同完成学习任务。(四)文化目标:了解英语职业名称对于不同性别的差异,如男演员为actor,女演员为actress。(五) 创新目标:在认知和技能掌握的基础上,发挥学生的想象力,通过动作表现正在做的事情。三、教学重点:学习A 部分的六种职业的英文表达,并能就职业简单回答、介绍,以及表达自己、他人的理想。四、教学难点:正确区分运用冠词an 和a 。如:an actor 、a singer 。五、教学准备1.准备词卡。2.准备评价奖品。3、调查表六、教学方法1、听说法:通过听和说,感知句子的发音、正确的语音语调。2、讲解法:通过讲解,理解句字的意思。3、练习法:通过各种练习,使学生较为流利自如地掌握对话。4、讨论法:让学生在讨论中把易混的知识加以分析、比较、梳理、归类,便于学生记忆。七、教学过程Step1 Warming upLets sing (Book 4 ,P79)T: Good morning ,boys and girls.I m Miss guo.Ss: Good morning, Miss guo.T: How are you?Ss: I am fine, thank you. And you?T: I am fine, too, thank you. Ok, now lets sing together.Step 2 PreviewGuessing gameT: OK, boys and girls ,my father is a doctor, and my mother is a teacher. I have three friends. Can you guess what do they do?The first one, he is a man ,he drives everyday. What does he doo? Ss: He is a driver.The second one, she is a woman, she works in a hospital. What does she do? Ss: She is a nurse.The last one 。she can sing nice songs. What does she do? Ss: She is a singer.T: Oh , you are so clever.Step 3 Presentation1、T: Do you know , what does she do(出示女演员照片)?Ss: She is an actress(贴单词)2、出示男演员的照片问:What does he do ?学生答:He is an actor. (贴单词)然后问一名男生:Do you want to be an actor?3、I dont want to be an actress .Of course,Icant be an actor. Because Im a girl .I like drawing pictures very much. I want to be an artist.拿着卡片问学生:what does he do?学生答:He is an artist.(并出示一个画家的画问学生)贴单词artist.4、出示一张记者采访的图片。问:what does she do?引、导学生说出:she is a TV reporter.贴单词TV reporter5、T:now ,who can tell me ?who writes this book?并出示一本书逃气宝马小跳.S:杨红樱.杨红樱is a writer.(出示杨红樱的图片)贴单词writer6、turn to page 58.listen to the tape.listen carefully.Step4: Practice1、listen and repeat.2、again.3、together.(小组读。Read in pairs )4、boys together.5、girls together.6、Words game(I point you say.)7、let s chant .Ok?Like this :singer singer ,she is a singer.8、like this ?what does she do ?she is a singer. Team one and team two ask , Team three and team four answer.9、Now,Can you spell this word?和学生一起拼读四会词。10、首先教师拿出一张图片,让学生问自己:what does she /he do?然后教师再回答。Like this ,who can ?Step5: Consolidation and extension1、教师出示最后一个同学说的图片,说she is a /an .然后问一名学生what are you going to be?如果回答不出可以提示,a singer 然后说she is goning to be but I dont know . what does amy wants to be ? Now !Look at the picture.answer my quietion: what does Amy want to be?Amy is going to be an artist.Like this:这个时候教师就问一个学生,另一个学生问郭老师。Practice in pairs.Who can try?2、like this take out your paperask your classmates. what are you going to be?Name What are you going to be? NameWhat are you going to be? practise in groups.(这个时候教师也调查学生)3、who can try?(教师首先汇报自己调查的结果,然后点学生上来汇报)在这个教学设计中,我首先利用英文歌曲创设英语学习情境,利用说唱形式复习旧知识,用猜谜的方式导入新课激发学生的学习兴趣,在新授环节主要利用学生喜爱的明星图片来导入,在句子学习的环节,主要是创设情境,让学生在情境中学习运用语言,通过学生谈论自己的理想来练习句型,在巩固拓展环节,让学生做一个调查,调查同学的理想。


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