【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十) Unit5 The power of nature 新人教版选修6

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【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十) Unit5 The power of nature 新人教版选修6_第1页
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【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十) Unit5 The power of nature 新人教版选修6_第2页
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【广东专用】2014届高考英语一轮复习 课时作业(三十) Unit5 The power of nature 新人教版选修6_第3页
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课时作业(三十)选修6Unit 5The power of nature(限时:30分钟) .完形填空Its a sad and familiar sentence from a beggar that we often hear. Usually, when asked “Can you spare some _1_?” Ive been struck with a feeling of _2_ if I passed by without giving a coin or two.My conscience was hurt again when I was making a _3_ in Venice in 2006. I was sitting in a quiet cafe. Outside the cafe on the street was an old woman on her knees, _4_. A young backpacker stood away from the crowd drinking something, but I noticed he was also _5_ the woman.She knelt motionlessly, her head almost touching the ground, a worn blanket providing little _6_ against the cold. The sight was especially _7_ when compared with the signs of the _8_ city around her.A tourist group hurried along the street, _9_ at the woman and walked on. Another group of tourists arrived, but again, walked past her. The backpacker watched. Then, as I prepared to leave, I stopped at the sight of the backpacker _10_ and placing some money in the womans cup. He did this rather _11_, just before the arrival of another tourist group. I watched as the leader of the group stopped and put some money in the cup. With the young man _12_ the way, other tourists followed suit.The young backpacker _13_ this process in front of the next tour party going past. Once again, the subtle peer(同伴)pressure _14_ on the tourists, who all added coins to the cup. His work done, the young man walked over to the old beggar woman and said, “I hope that helps a bit.”I placed some money in the womans cup and _15_ my tour, lighthearted after witnessing such a smart act of caring.1A.time BeffortCchange Dreward2A.satisfaction BguiltCanger Dpleasure3A.lecture BreportCstudy Dtour4A.crying BbeggingCsinging Ddancing5A.ignoring BservingCobserving Dfollowing6A.protection BpreventionCpreparation Dpresentation7A.frightening BtouchingCfascinating Dinteresting8A.peaceful BnoisyCwealthy Dprimitive9A.glanced BlaughedCshouted Dstared10A.looking around Bstepping forwardCgetting about Dbreaking in11A.secretly BcarelesslyCdeliberately Deagerly12A.showing BpushingClosing Dpointing13A.stopped BvaluedCmade Drepeated14A.moved BrepliedCworked Dcarried15A.cancelled BcontinuedCstarted Ddelayed.阅读理解AAbout 10 years ago,a very successful businessman named Josh was travelling down a Chicago neighborhood street. He was going a bit too fast in his shiny,black,12 cylinder (气缸) Jaguar XKE. He was watching for kids rushing out from between parked cars and slowed down. Suddenly,a brick sailed out andWHUMP!it hit the Jags shiny black side door! Immediately Josh stopped the car,jumped out,seized the kid and pushed him up against a parked car. He shouted at the kid,“What was that all about and who are you? Just what the heck are you doing?!”Building up a head of steam,he went on,“Thats my new Jag.That brick you threw will cost you a lot of money. Why did you throw it?”“Please,mister,pleaseIm sorry! I didnt know what else to do!”begged the youngster.“I threw the brick because no one else would stop!”Tears were streaming down the boys face as he pointed around the parked car.“Its my brother,mister,”he said.“He fell out of his wheelchair and I cant lift him up.”Sobbing,the boy asked the businessman,“Would you please help me get him back into his wheelchair? Hes hurt and hes too heavy for me.”Moved beyond words,the young businessman felt no anger. He lifted the young man back into the wheelchair and took out his handkerchief and wiped the scrapers and cuts,checking to see that everything was OK. He then watched the younger brother push him down the sidewalk.It was a long walk back to the cara long and slow walk. Josh never did fix the side door of his Jaguar. He kept the dent(凹痕)to remind him not to go through life so fast that someone has to throw a brick at him to get his attention. Feel for the bricks of life coming at you.16The boy threw a brick at the businessmans car because _Athe businessman drove at a high speedBhe envied the brandnew car very muchChe wanted to ask for some moneyDhe wanted to get help from the driver17Which of the following is the right order of the story?aThe younger brother threw a brick at Joshs car.bThe elder brother fell out of his wheelchair.cThe younger brother begged Josh for help.dJosh lifted the elder brother back into his wheelchair.eJosh shouted at the younger brother.Ab,a,e,c,d Ba,c,d,b,eCb,a,c,e,d Da,c,b,e,d18What can we learn about Josh?AJosh would accept the money from the kids.BThe two kids were Joshs neighbors.CJosh was a kindhearted man.DJoshs new car broke down easily.19Josh checked everything was OK _Ain order to make sure the little boy wasnt lyingBin case that the boys should need more helpCso as to make clear the boys were poorDin an effort to prove the elder brother was hurt20By the last sentence the author wants to say that _Awe should try to get ready for the trouble in our future lifeBit is dangerous to drive fast in a neighborhood streetCwe should try to be more considerate of others troublesDwe should protect ourselves from being hurtBRichard Rodriguez from the United States is a great roller coaster fan. Recently he broke his 15th world record after he spent 104 days riding the worlds largest roller coaster.“It got more difficult to ride and ride because of the muscle tiredness,”Rodriguez, a teacher at the University of Chicago, said as he stepped down from the ride in a German park. He spent 10 hours a day on the roller coaster.Rodriguez tried to keep himself busy during the rides on the big roller coaster in a southwestern town in Germany.“I read the newspapersI have a walkman, I have my cellphone, so I try to talk to people and message people during the day,”he said.Although the 42yearold said he felt sick on the first few days, he said he soon got over the problem.“My face hurts sharply and I have a little backache, but I am good.”The “Expedition GeForce” is one of the worlds biggest roller coasters. It measures 62 meters at its highest point.On his 95th day on the coaster, after travelling over 25,000 kilometers, Rodriguez had a toothache and was treated by a local dentist. He went on after that and succeeded in breaking the record.Rodriguez celebrated with members of the park staff and his supporters, who had sent him postcards and emails encouraging him not to give up.21. What do we know about Expedition GeForce?AIt once ran for 104 days nonstop.BIt is the one most difficult to ride.CIt is most modernly equipped.DIt is in a German town.22. Rodriguez kept on riding that long because _Ahe wanted to show the world the very best he could doBhe was having great fun doing thatCthe roller coaster cant stop once it starts runningDhe was able to live and work as usual on the coaster23. During the roller coaster ride, Rodriguez_Akept on working as a university teacherBkept enjoying good healthCkept in touch with the world around himDbroke his world record 15 times24. When Rodriguez finally stepped down from the roller coaster, he_Awas healthy and strong as usualBwas in poor healthCwas very tired but happyDdecided to work as a teacher25The new world record was keeping on riding for _ on a roller coaster.A16 timesB104 days and 10hour a dayC10 hours a dayDover 25,000 kilometers课时作业(三十).这是一篇夹叙夹议的文章。文章主要讲述了作者在威尼斯旅游的时候,看到一位年轻的游客是怎样帮助一个女乞丐的,他的行为影响了很多的游客包括作者。1C考查名词辨析。语境:能给我点零钱吗?从第一句话Its a sad and familiar sentence from a beggar that we often hear.看出“乞丐在要钱”。time时间;effort努力;change零钱;reward报酬。故选C。2B考查名词辨析。语境:如果我路过没有给一两个硬币,就会感到内疚。从if I passed by without giving a coin or two看出答案。satisfaction满足;guilt内疚;anger生气;pleasure快乐。3D考查名词辨析。从文章最后的I placed some money in the womans cup andmy tour看出作者是在威尼斯旅游。lecture演讲;report报告;study学习;tour旅游。4B考查动词辨析。老太太跪在地上乞讨,所以选beg。5C考查动词辨析。语境:我坐在咖啡馆里看到街上有一个下跪的女人和从她的旁边匆忙路过的游客,但是,我注意到那个背包的年轻人也在观察那个女人。从句中的also看出答案。ignore忽视;serve服务;observe观察,注意;follow跟随。6A考查名词辨析。语境:一条破旧的毯子能多少御寒。a worn blanket providing littleagainst the cold这是一个独立主格结构。protection保护;prevention预防;preparation准备;presentation陈述。protection against the cold御寒。7B考查形容词辨析。语境:当把她与她周围的繁华景象相比较的时候,这一景象尤其令人同情。frightening令人恐惧的;touching令人同情的;fascinating迷人的;interesting有趣的。根据语境,选B项。8C考查形容词辨析。本句前后形成对比,一个要饭的和富有的城市相比较。peaceful和平的;noisy嘈杂的;wealthy富有的;primitive原始的。C项符合语境。9A考查动词辨析。语境:游客们匆忙走在街上,匆忙看一下这个女人,并继续前进。从句中的hurried和walked on看出“游客们是匆忙一看”。glance匆匆一看;laugh笑;shout大喊;stare凝视。10B考查动词短语辨析。根据本句后面的placing some money in the womans cup看出“这个背包的年轻人是往前走的”。step forward向前走;look around环顾四周;get about传开;break in闯入,打断。B项符合语境。11C考查副词辨析。从后面的With the young manthe way, other tourists followed suit和Once again, the subtle peer pressureon the tourists看出“年轻人是故意做给游客们看的,是想带动那些游客来帮助那个女人”。secretly秘密地;carelessly粗心地;deliberately故意地;eagerly急切地。12A考查动词辨析。语境:由这个年轻人带头,其他的游客也跟着放钱。show the way“示范”,符合语境。13D考查动词辨析。语境:在又有一拨游客路过时,背包的年轻人又重复同样的动作。从Once again, the subtle peer pressureon the tourists,who all added coins to the cup.看出答案。stop停止;value重视;make制造;repeat重复。14C考查动词辨析。语境:来自同伴的微妙的压力在游客们身上起作用了。从本句的后半部分who all added coins to the cup看出“游客们受同伴的影响,也给那女人钱”。move移动;reply回答;work起作用,工作;carry搬运。work在这里是“起作用”的意思。15B考查动词辨析。语境:我也给那个女人一些钱,然后继续我的旅行。从后面的lighthearted after witnessing such a smart act of caring. 看出“作者做了好事,感到一身的轻松”,应该是继续旅游。cancel取消;continue继续;start开始;delay耽搁。.A16D细节理解题。根据这个男孩的叙述可知,他哥哥从轮椅上跌下正躺在地上,他想找人帮忙把他扶起来。17A推理判断题。略读文章的前三段,寻找关键信息可确定事件发生的顺序。18C推理判断题。根据Josh的表现:开始生气,但在知道真相后还帮助别人,而且这件事情发生后还用它提醒自己要留意生活,体谅别人。这说明他是一个心地善良的人。19B推理判断题。moved beyond words 意为“感动得无以言表”,由此可推断他是想进一步帮助这兄弟俩。20C推理判断题。倒数第二句说他留着这个凹痕没有维修是要用它来提醒自己留意别人的需要或困难。由此可知,这句话想要告诉人们的是“要关心别人的疾苦,体谅别人,要留意别人的困难”。B21D细节理解题。由第二段中的in a German park可知,这部过山车在德国。第三段中也提到a southwestern town in Germany。22A推理判断题。从倒数第二段以及前面提到的信息可以得出答案。23C细节理解题。由第三段中的I read the newspapersI have my cellphone, so I trymessage people during the day可知答案。24C推理判断题。从第二段中引述的他的话来看,他是十分疲劳的,而打破了世界纪录,自然也是非常高兴的。25B细节理解题。从第一段中的after he spent 104 days和第二段最后一句可知答案。6


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