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小学常见介词和介词短语一、 含义: 介 词是表示两词之间的关系的词。 我们在小学学过的英语介词有: 1. on (1) 在-上面 The book is on the desk. (2) 在-(哪一天/星期)What do you do on Wednesday? (3) 在-(月、日)My birthday is on August 2nd. 2. in (1)在-里面 The pens are in the pencil-box. ( 2 )在-(哪一年/月)His birthday is in October. He worked here in 1992. (3 ) 在-(地方) He works in Dongguan. (4 ) 在-之内 What are you going to do in 20 years? (5 ) 在-(早上、下午、晚上) I do morning exercises in the morning every day. I usually play basketball in the afternoon. I often do my homework in the evening. 3. under 在-底下 There is a ball under the bed. 4. near 在-附近 There is a book shop near our school. 5. in front of 在-前面 A boy is standing in front of the house. 6. beside 在-旁边 A football is beside thedoor. 7. next to 紧挨着 There is a bus station next to No. 13 Middle School. 8. over 在-正上方 A bridge is over the river. 9. on the left 在-左边 The bookstore is on the left. 10. on the right 在-右边 The hospital is on the right. 11. before 在之前 Mike sits before me. 12. after 在-以后 He went home after school. 13. in the middle 在-中间 The road is in the middle. 14. at (1 ) 在-(小地方) I am at school today. I was at home yesterday. (2 ) 在-(点钟) I usually go to school at 8:00 am. (3)看一看 Look at the blackboard. (4) 在中午 at noon 15. behind 在-后面 There is a broom behind the door. 16For (1) 给 This present is for you. (2) 为了 Thank you for telling me the way to the zoo. (3) 作为 We have some chips and hamburgers for lunch. 17To (1) 到 Take your sportshoes to the P.E class. (2) 致 Happy birthday to you. Give it to your friend. 18. from 来自 I am from China. = I come from China. 19. from - to 从-到- Line up from shorter to taller. We have class from Monday to Friday. 20. of -的 He is a student of Kama School. 21. by (1)在-之前 We must be at home by 6 oclock. (2)乘-交通工具 People can go to the moon by spaceship. I go to school by bus. 22With (1) 用 I write a letter with a pen. (2) 和-一起 He went to Shenzhen with his parents. 23. between 在-与-之间 There is a football match between Class One and Class Three. 24. into 到-里 Sharks can dive into the deep cold water. 25. like (1)像- The twins are like their father. (2)长相-怎样? Whats he like? 26. up 向上 Put up yourhands if you have any questions. 27. down 向下 Put down all the books here. 28. about (1) 大约;关于 Its about 6:00 now. (2) -怎么样? What about-? How about-? 29. what for 为什么 But what for? 二、介词短语 介词短语指的是某一个介词固定与另外 一个词搭配,表达某一个固定的意思。 以下是我们总结出来的学过的介词短 语: 1. wait for 等候 Wait for me. I want to go shopping with you. 2. help -with- 帮-干- I can help my mom with some housework. 3. at home 在家 He was not at home yesterday. 4. hold on 保持,别挂机 Hold on, please. Hes writing an e-mail in the study. 5. on foot 步行 I go to school on foot. 6. get to 到达 I usually get to school at 8:00 am. 7. get on 上车 Get on the No. 28 bus when it stops. 8. get off 下车 Get off at the third station. 9. turn on 打开 Its dark in the room. Please turn on the light. 10turnoff 关闭 We should turn off the light before we leave. 11. on holiday 度假 My family are going to Canada on holiday. 12. play with (与)-玩 I can play with the snow in winter. 13. a glass of 一杯 There is a glass of water on the desk. 14. put on 穿上 Its cold today. Put on your sweater please. 15. take off 脱下 Its hot now. Take off your coat. 16. put away 放好 Put away your books. We are going to have a P.E class. 17. look for 寻找 I am looking for my dog. 18. on time 准时 I get to school on time every day. 19. in time 及时 The man fell down. The doctors came in time. 20. go on a trip 去旅行 We are going on a trip tomorrow. 21. at night 在深夜 The policeman usually works at night. 22. be grateful to 感激某人 I am very grateful to my mother. 23. listen to 听- I like listening to music. 24. pass -to- 给-传递- He passes the ball to Mike. 25. fly into 飞进- The ball flies into Johns face. 26. run into 跑进 I run into the hotel. 27. what for 为什么 But what for? 28. come on 加油! Come on!小学数学图形计算公式 1 正方形 C周长 S面积 a边长 周长边长4 C=4a, 面积=边长边长 S=aa 2 正方体 V:体积 a:棱长 表面积=棱长棱长6 ,S表=aa6, 体积=棱长棱长棱长 ,V=aaa 3 长方形 C周长 S面积 a边长, 周长=(长+宽)2 C=2(a+b), 面积=长宽 S=ab 4 长方体; V:体积 s:面积 a:长 b: 宽 h:高 (1)表面积(长宽+长高+宽高)2 S=2(ab+ah+bh) (2)体积=长宽高 V=abh 5 三角形 s面积 a底 h高 ,面积=底高2, s=ah2, 三角形高=面积 2底 ,三角形底=面积 2高 6 平行四边形 s面积 a底 h高, 面积=底高 s=ah 7 梯形 s面积 a上底 b下底 h高,面积=(上底+下底)高2 s=(a+b) h2 8 圆形 S面积 C周长 d=直径 r=半径, (1)周长=直径=2半径 ,C=d=2r (2)面积=半径半径 9 圆柱体: v:体积 h:高 s;底面积 r:底面半径 c:底面周长, (1)侧面积=底面周长高, (2)表面积=侧面积+底面积2 (3)体积=底面积高 (4)体积侧面积2半径 10 圆锥体 v:体积 h:高 s;底面积 r:底面半径, 体积=底面积高3 总数总份数平均数 和差问题的公式 ;(和差)2大数,(和差)2小数 和倍问题 和(倍数1)小数 ,小数倍数大数 ,(或者 和小数大数) 差倍问题: 差(倍数1)小数 ,小数倍数大数 ,(或 小数差大数) 植树问题 1 非封闭线路上的植树问题主要可分为以下三种情形: 如果在非封闭线路的两端都要植树,那么: 株数段数1全长株距1 全长株距(株数1) 株距全长(株数1) 如果在非封闭线路的一端要植树,另一端不要植树, 那么: 株数段数全长株距 全长株距株数 株距全长株数 如果在非封闭线路的两端都不要植树,那么: 株数段数1全长株距1 全长株距(株数1) 株距全长(株数1) 2 封闭线路上的植树问题的数量关系如下: 株数段数全长株距 全长株距株数 株距全长株数 盈亏问题: (盈亏)两次分配量之差参加分配的份数, (大盈小盈)两次分配量之差参加分配的份数, (大亏小亏)两次分配量之差参加分配的份数 相遇问题 :相遇路程速度和相遇时间, 相遇时间相遇路程速度和 ,速度和相遇路程相遇时间 追及问题: 追及距离速度差追及时间, 追及时间追及距离速度差, 速度差追及距离追及时间 流水问题: 顺流速度静水速度水流速度 ,逆流速度静水速度水流速度 ,静水速度(顺流速度逆流速度)2 ,水流速度(顺流速度逆流速度)2 浓度问题: 溶质的重量溶剂的重量溶液的重量, 溶质的重量溶液的重量100%浓度, 溶液的重量浓度溶质的重量 ,溶质的重量浓度溶液的重量 利润与折扣问题: 利润售出价成本 ,利润率利润成本100%(售出价成本 1)100%, 涨跌金额本金涨跌百分比, 折扣实际售价原售价100%(折扣1), 利息本金利率时间, 税后利息本金利率时间(120%)


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