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讲义 Daily actions Daily actions 一、用所给的字母写单词,并写出单词的中文意思。喂养_ 聪明_帮助_ 劳累的_ 快乐的_ 早餐_二、英汉互译1Live with 2.get up _3. wash his face_4. brush his teeth 5. walk to school_6. He cooks dinner at five fifteen 7. He goes to bed at eight oclock at night ._三、翻译下面句子 他洗脸和刷牙。 他走路去上学。 他在5点15分吃晚饭。 他在晚上8点钟睡觉。 老师很累但是很开心。重点难点1.-What time do you have a shower ?-I have a shower at nine fifteen at night.What time询问时间询问时,第二人称用do,第三人称是does 第一二人称用have ,第三人称用has-at ten oclock-at two thirty-at nine fifteen 拓展表示时间的用法ten to eighta quarter to ten in, on, at 表示时间的用法in the morning at seven fifteen on a cold night 巩固练习一、听对话和问题,选出正确的答案。( )A.get up B.brush her teeth( )A.eight. B.seven.( )A.have breakfast. B.have lunch( )A.in the evening. B.at night.( )A.6:50. B.7:10 .( )A.4:45. B.5:15.二、.选出正确的答案,并将答案填入括号内。1.There_ a beautiful dress on the desk .A.has B.are C.is 2.There_ so much hair on the floor.A.have B.is C.are3.Do you _what time it is now?A.know B.knows C.knowing4.I have a shower _the evening.A.in B.on C.at5.He always _ good marksA.get B.is C.gets6.What time _you _up? A.do,get B.does,get C.do ,gets7.I get up _ six fifteen _the morning.A.on ,at B.at, in C.in, on8.Lily _ to school everyday.A.walks B.walk C.go9.They_ breakfast _ eight oclock.A.has, at B.have,at C.have,in10.The cat comes to my house_a cold night.A.on B.in C.at11.My mother always tells a story to me _night.A.at B.on C.in三读对话,根据对话选择问题的答案。Sam: Hello,Peter.Peter:Hi,Sam.Sam: Is this your box?Peter:Yes,it is.Sam: What is in the box?Peter:Its a toy plane. Sam: A toy plane?What colour is it?Peter:Its white and blue.Look!Sam: Its a nice plane.I like white and blue,too.Peter:Lets go to play with it,OK?Sam: Great!I like toy planes.Lets go.( ) 1. The toy plane is_. A.Peters B.Sams( ) 2. The toy plane is in a_. A.bag B.box( ) 3. The toy plane is_. A.red and white B.white and blue 四补全对话所缺的单词。Amy: do you _ a toy rabbit?Sue: Yes, I do.Amy: What _ is it?Sue: Its white.Amy: Do you _ white? Sue: Yes, I do. My room is white too.Amy: I _ like white. I like blue.Sue: What colour is your room? Is it _?Amy: Yes, my room is blue. My bed is blue _.Sue: Lets go and play in my room.Amy: OK,lets go.五判断句子是否符合图意,如符合在括号内写“ ”否则写“x ”。( )1、 Wash your face . ( )2、 Raise your right leg .( )3、Raise your hands . ( )4、 Touch your toes. 六在A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最恰当的一项。( )1. Sarah: May I have a look? Mike: A. Great. B. Thank you. C. Sure. D. Super.( )2. John: I have a rabbit. Chen jie: A. Sure. B. OK. C. Great. D. Yes.( )3. Sarah:Oh,its nice! I like it. Mike: A. Great. B. Thank you. C. Sure. D. Super.( )4. Wu Yi fan: , Mike? Mike: Fine, thank you. A. Whats your name? B. How are you? C. This is Mike. D. I have a rabbit.( )5. Chen jie: Here you are. John: A. Yes. B. Sure.C. Thank you. D. OK 七读对话,选择问题的答案。Lily : mum,where is my doll?Mum : the yellow one?Lily : No, the new red one.Mum : Is it on the bed?Lily : No, it isnt.Mum : What is that on the desk? Is it the doll?Lily : No, it isnt. Thats my robot.Mum : Is it in the desk?Lily : No, it isnt.Mum : Let me look under the bed. Oh,what is that under the bed?Lily : No, thats my toy bear.Dad: Lily,you left(落下)your new doll in my car.( )1. Lily is looking for(找寻)her . A. new doll B. robot( )2. Lilys new doll is . A. red B. yellow( )3. Lilys robot is the desk. A. in B. on( )4. Lilys is under the bed. A. toy cat B. toy bear( )5. Lilys new doll is . A. in her room B. in her fathers car Homework 一将问句编号写在相应答语钱的括号里。A . What is that ?B . Is it a robot? C. Where is the robot?D. What colour is the robot?E. Is it Bens robot?F. May I use your robot?( ) 1. No, it isnt. Its a doll.( ) 2. No, its Jacks.( ) 3. Yes, Here you are.( ) 4. Its purple.( ) 5. Its a robot.( ) 6. Its on the table,near the toy boat.


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