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Unit 1 Friendship知识点总结:1. add up 合计,把加起来 add up to 合计到达 add to 增加,增添 add A to B 把加进里面,把和相加 eg. Please add these figures up. These figures add up to 900. The bad weather added to our difficulities. Please add some salt to the water. If you add three to four, you get seven. Add three to four and you get seven. Three added to four is seven. add vt. 补充说 后接that从句或者直接引语 Eg. He added that they would return in a week. “And dont be late,she added.词组辨析: 1). The time I spend in commuting every day _ two and a half hours. 2). Colorful balloons can _ the festival atmosphere. 3). To make sure the result was correct, she _ the figures again and again. 高考链接: There have been several new events to the program for 2021 Beijing Olympic Games. A. add B. to add C. adding D. added 2. Your friend comes to school very upset. upset 此处为adj. 做主语补足语,用来补充说明主语情况。 Eg. He went to bed cold and hungry. She got married young. The room was found empty. upset用法: (1). adj. 心烦意乱,不安,不适多做表语 搭配:be upset about sth. 为某事烦心 be upset that 心烦 eg. She was really upset about losing the money. I was upset that he had left without saying goodbye. (2). vt. 使不安,使心烦(upset, upset) Eg. Dont upset yourself about it. The bad news upset the boys mother.3. calm down vt./vi. 使平静下来,使镇定下来 eg. The excited girl quickly calmed down. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. calm adj. 平静,镇静,沉着 eg. Keep calm. After the storm, it became calm again. adj. calm, quiet, still, silent辨析: calm 平静,沉着指无风浪或者人心情不冲动 quiet 安静,宁静指没有声音,不吵闹或者心里没有烦恼,忧虑 still 静止,不动指没有运动或者动作状态 silent 沉默,不出声指没有声音或者不讲话 【一言辨异】When facing danger, you should keep calm; when taken photos of, you should keep still; when someone else is asleep, you should keep quiet; in class, you shouldnt keep silent about the teachers questions. 4. have got to 不得不,必须 = have to eg. I have got to go to a meeting. Have you got to go now He hasnt got to come tomorrow. 【说明】: have got to 很少用于过去时态。 have to 可用于各种时态,而且可与情态动词,助动词连用。 have to 强调客观需要 “不得不; must 强调主观愿望“必须5. concern 1vt. (使)担忧,涉及,关系到 eg. She concerns herself about her sons future. The news concerns your brother. concern 做动词时,更多情况下用过去分词做表语。 搭配: be concerned about/for sth. 为 担忧,关心,关注,挂念 be concerned with sth. 与有关,涉及 as/so far as sb. be concerned 就某人而言 Eg. The family are all concerned about her safety. He was concerned with the matter. As far as I am concerned, I dont agree with you. (2) n. u/c 担忧,挂念,关注,利害关系;关心事 Eg. show/express/feel/have concern about/for 关心 with concern 关心地 At that time, one of his concerns was to go to college.6.get loose 变松 (“get + adj.构成系表构造,意为“变得) Eg. It is getting darker and darker outside. “get + 过去分词构成系表构造: 表示被动。Eg. get burnt被烫伤 get hurt受伤 get killed被杀 get caught被抓 表示自身发出动作。 Eg. get changed换衣服 get dressed穿衣服 get married结婚 get washed洗脸 “get + v-ing 构成系表构造:意为“某人/某物开场做, 表示主动 Eg. get moving/working get sth. done 使某事被做 ( get做使役动词,“使、叫、让后接复合宾语 ) eg. When are you going to get your hair cut I must get my homework finished first before going out to play. He got his foot hurt while playing football. get sb. to do sth. 让某人做某事 eg. I will get him to do the work. get sb./sth. doing使某人或者某物开场起来 eg. Let me try now. I will get the car going. get + n. + adj. 使 成为某种状态 eg. Get everything ready. 联想:have sth. done 使某事被做 have sb. do sth. 让某人做某事 “让某人做某事表达方法 let /make/have sb. do sth. get sb. to do sth. 7. get through 和 go through区别get through 1. (工作)完成 When you get through with your work, lets go out. 你完成工作后,我们出去吧。 2. (测验)合格 Tom got through. 汤姆考试及格了。 3. 接通 I rang you several times but couldnt get through. 我给你打了几次 ,可是没打通。 go through 1. 经历 The country has gone through too many wars. 这个国家经历了太多战争。 2. 被通过 The new law did not go through. 新法案未能通过。 3. 讨论 Lets go through the argument again. 让我们再来讨论一下这一论点。 4. 举行 They went through the marriage service. 他们举行了婚礼。8.set down vt. 记下,写下,登记;放下;让某人下车 eg. You dont have to set down all that your teacher said. Please set yourself down. 请登记。 Set down the heavy bags and take a rest. Please set me down at the next corner.9.a series of (+ 复数名词) 一连串,一系列,一套 eg. a series of questions/books/pictures series n. 单复数一样,作主语时,谓语动词单复数取决于series单复数。 Eg. There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing. Three series of papers are handed out to the students.10.on purpose 成心地反义词组为by chance/by accident偶然地 Eg. Everybody can see that she did it on purpose. with/for the purpose of 为了 目 eg. He does it with the purpose of making money.11. in order to do sth.做目状语,可放在句首或者句中= so as to do sth.只能放在句中 Eg. He started early in order not to be late. In order to get up early, he had to set his clock at six.12. at dusk在黄昏时刻 at dawn在黎明 at night在夜里 at midnight在午夜 at noon在中午 13. in ones power 在某人控制下 eg. His wife has him in her poewr. 她妻子控制着他。14. face to face 面对面地 在句中做状语 eg. The two men stood face to face. face-to-face adj. 面对面 做定语 eg. a face-to-face interview 一次面对面采访 联想 : arm in arm 臂挽臂 hand in hand 手拉手 side by side 肩并肩 shoulder to shoulder肩并肩 heart to heart 心贴心 back to back 背靠背15. no longer = notany longer 不再 Eg. They no longer live here. He is no longer a teacher. I cant wait any longer.16. settle (1). vi. 安家,定居,停留 eg. The family has settled in Canada. The butterfly settled on the flower. (2).vt. 使定居,安排,解决 Eg. The old couple settled themselves in the countryside. The problem has been settled. settle down vi. 定居下来;vt./vi. 使平静下来 eg. When are you going to get married and settle down The teacher tried to settle the students down. I must settle down this morning and finish the term paper论文17. suffer vt./vi. 遭受,忍受,经历(1). vt. 遭受令人不愉快事情其宾语常是:pain, loss, defeat, punishment, disappointment, hardship, damage等 Eg. During the war, he suffered much pain. The country suffered a heavy loss in the flood. Sichuan Province suffered serious damage caused by the earthquake. (2). vi. 常用suffer from构造,意为“遭受之苦,患某种疾病Eg. The old man suffers from loss of memory. He is suffering from a bad cold. 18. lonely adj. (定语或者表语) 孤独,寂寞指感情上;荒凉指地方 alone adj./adv. 单独地,单独地 19. recover vt/vi. 痊愈,恢复,重新获得 eg. He is seriously ill and unlikely to recover. The patient recovered his health quickly after the operation. (recover ones health恢复安康) He is still recovering from his operation. (recover from 从中恢复) She seemed upset but quickly recovered herself.(recover oneself 恢复过来,清醒过来) I recovered my lost bike.20. get/be tired of 对厌烦 be tired with/from 因而疲倦 be tired out 疲惫不堪 eg. Though I am often tired from my job, I am never tired of it. In fact, I like it. We were tired out after a long walk.21. pack vt./vi. 困扎,包装,打行李 eg. He packed his clothes into a suitcase. = He packed a suitcase with his clothes. ( pack A into B = pack B with A 把 装入) pack (sth.) up 将东西装箱打包 eg. Do you need me to help you pack up He packed his things up and left.22. get along/on with sb./sth. 与某人相处;进展 eg. - How are you getting along with your English study - Very well/nicely/badly. Do you get along well with your aunt23. fall in love with 相爱,爱上表示动作,不延续,不能与时间段状语连用 be in love with 与相爱 表示状态 eg. They fell in love with each other at first sight. She fell in love with music when she was a child. They have been in love with each other for ten years.24. disagree vi. 不同意 (1). disagree with sb. about/on/over sth. 在某方面与某人意见不同 Eg. I disagree with you about this matter. (2). disagree with 指事物与不一致,不符合 Eg. His story disagrees with the facts. (3). disagree with 食物,气候不适合某人 Eg. The climate here disagrees with me. 25. 复习agree一词用法:agree vt./vi. 同意,赞同 (1). agree to do sth. Eg. We all agreed to start at once. (2). agree + that 从句 Eg. We agreed that the plan was a good one.(3). agree to sth. 同意某事 Eg. He agreed to our plan. (4). agree on sth. 指双方就某事取得一致意见或者达成协议 Eg. The two sides have agreed on the date for the next meeting. (5). agree with 赞同后接sb.或者what从句或者表示“意见,看法,观点词,eg. opinion,view,idea Eg. I agree with you. I agree with what you say. I agree with your idea. 事物与一致 eg. His story agrees with the facts. 食物、气候适合某人 Eg. I love strawberries, but they dont agree with me.26. be grateful/thankful to sb. for sth. eg. Im grateful to all the teachers for their help.27. 辨析:join, join in, join sb. in (doing) sth., take part in, attend join sth. 指参加某个组织或团体,并成为其中一员。Eg. join the party/army join in sth. 指参加某项活动。也可不带宾语 Eg. May I join in your conversation join sb. in (doing) sth. 参加某人一起做某事 Eg. May I join you in (playing) the game take part in 指参加群体性活动,并在其中发挥一定作用。 Eg. Do you always take an active part in school activities attend vt. 出席,参加正式用语,指参加会议、仪式、婚礼、典礼、葬礼以及上课、上学、听报告等 Eg. He will attend an important meeting tomorrow. attend classes 上课 attend school 上学 attend a lecture 听报告课堂练习:一单项选择:1. Peasants are living a comfortable life because of _ good harvests A. a series ofB. a pair ofC. a set ofD. a piece of 2. We are living a_life in the country.A. still B. quiet C. calm D. silent3. The village is _what it looked like when they settled their homes there 20 years ago. A. not any longer B. no longer C. no more D. not any more4. Iraq has _ too many wars since 1990, making his people _ a lot.A. got through; payB. looked through; faceC. gone through; sufferD. passed through; destroy5. It is not a serious illness. I guess she will _ soon. A. remove B. recover C. replace D. reduce 6.Have you finished your experiment report, JaneOh, my God. Ive _ forgotten all about that. A. stronglyB. extremelyC. entirelyD. freely7.Father, you promised! Well,_.But it was you who didnt keep your words first. (2005年,湖北) A.so was IB.so did IC.so I wasD.so I did 8. There is no _ swimming-pool in this school and the students often go to swim _. A. indoors; outdoors B. indoor; outdoor C. indoor; outdoors D. indoor; indoors 9. While_the dog,you should take care not to_.Otherwise,it may be dangerous to strangers.A. walking; get loose B. walk; be loose C. walking for; get it loose D. training; get it run10. She _ the vase on the table and went out.A. set outB. set upC. set downD. set on二根据所给单词首字母, 完成以下句子 5分11.The boy felt u_ because he didnt do well in the exam. 12.Its _ ( 正好,确切) twelve oclock. 13.Her husband has gone abroad on business. She is quite _(牵挂) about him.14.The hotline helps many t_who are growing up. 15. Parts of the city had p_cuts yesterday because of the big fire from the restaurant. 三选用列词组正确形式填空。 on purpose; no longer; hide away; set down; in order to; face to face 1. I dont know why they had to _ for such a long time. 2. You make it sound as if I did it _! 3. I think it is _ a secret. It is being talked everywhere in the town. 4. Why dare you not speak to Harry _? 5. You neednt _ everything that the teacher says in class. 6. _ earn enough money, he often works late into the night.四根据所给汉语,用题后括号中英语提示完成句子。 15分16. (你愿意参加我们)the discussion and show your opinion (join )17. You will know the result when you (把所有数加起来).(add)18. Even friends sometimes 意见不一when we took a trip. disagree19. Since Li Ming settled here, he his neighbors(相处得很好).(get,along)20. (以便不迟到)for school he gets up early.(order)21. If you dont want to stay with me, you (收拾东西)and go.(pack)22. Its getting dark. (不得不走). It is nice meeting you all. Keep in touch.(get)23. I 无法忍受他粗鲁any longer. (ignore)24. The Titanic told us a story about a young man called Jack (相爱with a nice young lady named Rose. It was this love that caused Rose to survive the accident.(love)25. The family (已定居加拿大). (settle)五完形填空。30分Making friends is a skill. Like most skills, it 31 with practice. If you want to meet people and make friends, you must be willing to 32 some actions. You must first go where there are people. You wont make friends staying home 33 .Join a club or group, talk with those who like the same things 34 you do is much easier. Or join someone 35 some activity.Many people are nervous when talking to new people. 36 all,meeting strangers means 37 the unknown.And its human nature to 38 a bit uncomfortable(不舒服)about the unknown. 39 our fears about dealing with new people comes from doubts(疑心)about 40 . We imagine other people are judging us, finding us too tall 41 too short, too this or too that, but dont forget that they must be feeling the same way. Try to accept yourself 42 you are, and try to put the other person at ease(不拘束).Youll both feel more comfortable.Try to 43 self-confident(自信)even if you dont feel that way when you 44 a room full of strangers, such as a new classroom, walk tall and straight, look directly 45 other people and smile. If you see someone, youd like to 46 , say something. Dont wait for 47 person to start a conversation(谈话).Just meeting someone new does not mean that you will 48 friends with that person. Friendship is based on mutual(相互)liking and “give and take. It 49 time and effort to develop. And there are things that keep a new friendship from 50 .26. A. produces B. improves C. grows D. raises27. A. take B. make C. do D. carry28. A. lonely B. yourself C. alone D. with yourself29. A. as B. that C. which D. more30. A. with B. in C. on D. to31. A. For B. Above C. In D. After32. A. touching B. facing C. meeting D. seeing33. A. see B. touch C. feel D. do34. A. Many B. Some C. Some of D. Most of35. A. yourself B. oneself C. yourselves D. ourselves36. A. and B. but C. or D. as37. A. like B. as C. what D. that38. A. make B. act as C. like D. express39. A. come to B. go to C. enter D. step to40. A. for B. to C. at D. about41. A. speak to B. talk to C. say to D. call up42. A. other B. the other C. another D. others43. A. make B. do C. turn D. put44. A. costs B. takes C. spends D. uses45. A. growing B. living C. increasing D. happening完形:31. 选B。 技能需要通过实践提高;improve这里作不及物动词,意为“改良,提高。32. 选A。 固定搭配:take actions采取行动。33. 选C。 alone既能作表语形容词又能作副词用,这里是副词修饰stay home,意为“单独地;lonely只能作形容词用,意为“孤独,含感情色彩。34. 选A。固定搭配:the same as35. 选B。 固定搭配:join sb in sth参加到某人一起做某事。36. 选D。 根据上下文,选after all“毕竟;above all“首先,最终要是;in all“总共。37. 选B。 遇见陌生人就意味着面对未知事物。38. 选C。 feel联系动词,意为“感觉到,后面可直接跟形容词。39. 选D。 fear前有our,故排除A、B;根据上下文应该是“大局部。40. 选D。 前后照应,ourselves照应our。41. 选C。 太高或太矮。42. 选B。 as sb / sth be意为“正如某人/某事物现在样子;照现状。43. 选B。 act as表现得象一样;like作“象一样时是介词。44. 选C。 enter 等于come into / go into。45. 选C。 look directly at sb“直接看着别人,以表现自信。46. 选A。 speak to sb与某人讲话;talk to sb与某人交谈讲一段话;say 及物动词,要用say sth to sb;call up唤起,使人想起。47. 选B。 the other person指是前面你见到someone;三者以上另一个才用another。48. 选A。 固定搭配:make friends with sb与某人交朋友。49. 选B。 固定搭配:It takes sb some time to do sth.某人花多少时间做某事。50. 选A。 keep sb from doing sth阻止某人做某事;grow这里指友谊开展。完成句子76. Will you join us in 77. add up all the numbers78. disagreed with each other79. has got along well with 80. In order not to be late81. can pack up82. Ive got to go 83. cant ignore his rudeness84. who fell in love85. has settled in CanadaUnit 1 Friendship 复习 二知识点整理:1. 介词不同,含义有别: be good to sb./sth. 对 好 be good for sb./sth. 对 有好处 be good at (doing) sth. 擅长,精通 be good with sb./sth. 善于应付 eg. She was very good to me when I was ill. Doing morning exercises is good for health. Tim is good at speaking English. Mary is good with her hands. 玛丽手很巧。 He is very good with children. 他对孩子很有一套。2. until / not.until之间区别: until“直到,表示某一种行为一直持续到某一时间。用在肯定句中,句子谓语动词必须是可延续性。 not.until“直到.才表示直到某一时间,某一行为才发生,之前该行为并没有发生. 用在否认句中,主句中谓语可以是延续性也可以是短暂性动词。 . I studied Englis until 9 oclock last night. 我咋晚学英语一直学到9点钟.(表示9点前一直在学) . I did not study Englis until 9 oclock last night. 我咋晚直到9点钟才学英语.(表示9点才开场学) . I didnt go to sleep until 11 oclock 3. finish doing sth. help sb. (to) do sth.4. While walking the dog, you were careless and it got loose (1). While walking the dog = While you were walking the dog 是一个由while引导省略时间状语从句。 【点拨】 :在when/while引导时间状语从句,where引导地点状语从句,if/unless/once引导条件状语从句,as/as if引导方式状语从句,though/although/even if引导让步状语从句中,假设主从句主语一样,且从句谓语动词含有be动词某种形式,那么从句主语和be动词可以省略;或者当从句主语为it,且从句谓语动词含有be动词某种形式,这时省略it和be动词。 Eg. While reading a book, I heard a knock on the door. When taken into a warm house, a piece of ice becomes smaller and smaller until in the end it disappears completely. Fill the blanks with a proper word where necessary. Once seen, it will never be forgotten. The workers just carried out the order as told. Even if invited, I wont go to the party. Mr Green, though old, did the job very well. We should speak English whenever possible. 请同学们试着把以上省略状语从句补充完整。 5. end-of-term exam.期末考试 6. cheat vi. 作弊,欺诈 eg. cheat in/on an exam 考试作弊 cheat at cards 打牌作弊 cheat vt. 欺骗,骗取 cheat sb.(out) of sth. 骗取某人某物 cheat sb. into doing sth. 骗某人做某事 eg. They are cheating her out of money. He cheated her into buying the fake diamond. 他骗她买了那颗假钻石。7. should have done = ought to have done 表示“过去本来应该做某事而实际上没有做,含有责备意味。 Eg. You should have come here five minutes ago. The plant is dead. I should have given it more water. shouldnt have done = oughtnt to have done 表示“过去本来不应该做某事而实际上做了。 Eg. They shouldnt have left without saying goodbye. You shouldnt have made such foolish mistakes. 8. make a list of 列表,列单子 They made a list of candidates 候选人after discussion. 9hide away vi. 躲藏起来 eg. The thief hid away in a friends house for several weeks after the robbery(抢劫). vt. 把 隐藏起来 eg. Why do you hide your thoughts away from me10. 总结conj. before 用法: 在之前 Youd better think it over before you make a decision. 之后才 We walked for nearly three hours before we arrived at the village. 这时,常用句型为: It will (not) be + 时间段 + before从句从句用一般现在时态 It was (not) + 时间段 + before从句从句用一般过去时态 肯定形式译为“之后才;否认形式译为“没过多长时间就 Eg. It will be ten years before we meet again. It wasnt long before he told me about it. 11. as most people do. (1). conj. as 此处引导方式状语从句,表示“象一样,按照 Eg. The workers just carried out the order as they were told. (2). 此处do为代动词,代替前面set down a series of facts, 以免重复。 【点拨】 :代动词do/does/did用来代替前面所出现过动词或者动词短语,以免重复。Eg. Please pronounce the word as I do. Tom can cook as well as Mary does. -Who broke the cup - I did. 12. I wonder if its because I havent been able to be outdoors for so long that Ive grown so crazy about everything to do with nature. 这是一个复杂长难句。 (1). 句型I wonder if/whether“我不知道是否常用


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