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2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,1,The Last Leaf O Henry,Lead-in,Life is but once to everyone,so it is precious. Everyone should love his life. Some people take great care of other peoples life, even at the expense of his own life. This kind of people can better display the brilliance of humanity.,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,2,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,3,A novel is a form of literature that takes character sketch as its center, and reflect social life through complete plots of a story and concrete environmental description. Three key elements of a novel: character, plot and setting. Of them, the major means a novel takes to reflect social life is molding characters.,novel/fiction/novella/short story,Summary,In November, A woman nicknamed Johnsy (Joanna in modern English) has come down with pneumonia, and is now close to death. Whats worse, she completely loses her confidence in life. Her good friend Sue tells it to Behrman. In order to cheer her up, the old Behrman draws a leaf of the ivy vine on the blank wall during a stormy night. It is this ever-green leaf that gives Johnsy hope to life, but Behrman loses his life for drawing this leaf.,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,4,Structure of the essay,Start: (Paras.1-11) Poor Johnsy catches Pneumonia, and is almost dying. Development: (Paras12-34)Johnsy wont listen to Sues persuasion, and insists on waiting for death watching the fallen leaves. Climax: (Paras.35-50) The lasting leaf rearouses Johnsys hope for life. Ending:(Paras. 51-52) Johnsy is saved while Behrman died, and the secret of the leave is revealed.,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,5,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,6,人,Gohnsy,Sue,Behrman,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,7,appearance ugly, strange-looking career an unsuccessful artist disposition unchecked alcoholic bad-tempered queer character kind-hearted Personality full of sympathy, love, and self-sacrificing spirit,Behrmans Image,Questions,1.Why is “the last leaf” called Behrmans masterpiece? 2. Whats the theme of the short story?,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,8,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,9,Artistic features of O Henrys short stories,O Henrys Language Style,采用幽默、风趣、俏皮、夸张、讽刺、比喻的语言,渲染悲剧的喜剧色彩,让读者在俏皮的描写中醒悟内在庄严的思想感情,在生动活泼中给人启迪,被称为“含泪的微笑”。 By using humor, funny and witty words, exaggeration, irony, metaphor, highlight the comedic colors of tragedies, awaken the readers intrinsic solemn thoughts and feelings in his witty descriptions, inspire readers in the liveliness of his works. His language style is known as a tearful smile.,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,10,O-Henry-End,艺术的打击力量要放到最后”,即“卒章显志” 。这样写可以造成悬念,增强故事吸引力,短篇小说的大师们在文章情节结尾时突然让人物的心理情境发生出人意料的变化,或使主人公命运陡然逆转,出现意想不到的结果,但又在情理之中,从而造成独特的艺术魅力,给读者留下想象的空间。 hit/suspense/unexpected result/unique artistic charm,2020/7/8,最后一片叶子,11,


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