山东省七年级英语下册 Module 11 Body language复习课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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module11,Module11 单词 1鞠躬 弯腰2亲吻 3 摇晃 4 微笑 5 英国的 6 德国的,德国人 德语 7 日本的 日本人,日语8俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人,俄语 9 俄罗斯 10 游客,参观者 11 什么 12 点头 13 头 14 拥抱 15 各个,每一16 印度17 一起,共同 18毛利人的19 触摸,接触 20 鼻子21 手指22 脚 23 膝盖24腿 25 口,嘴 26身体 27 外国的 28 个人的 私人的 29 手臂 30 握着 31 移动 32 英国,不列颠 33 礼貌的34 某个地方35 挥手 36事实 37粗鲁的38 带来。 短语 1互相 2北美人 3南美人 4臂挽臂地 5一点也不 6事实上 7握手,each other,North America,South America,arm in arm,not at all,in fact,shake hands,Module11词形变换 按要求变词形 1shake(过去式)- 2visit(名词)- 3hug(过去式)- 4foot 5foreign(名词)- 6body(复数)- 7 personal(名词)- 8 hold(过去式)- 9polite(副词)- 10 rude(反义词)- 11bring(过去式)- 12bring(反义词)- 11polite(反义词)-,shook,visitor,hugged,feet,foreigner,bodies,person(人),held,politely,polite,brought,take,rude/impolite,Unit1短语 1肢体语言 2摸(碰)鼻子 3握手 4在俄罗斯 5三次 6点头 7在不同的国家做不同的事情 8在美国 9互相 10互相亲吻或拥抱 11把手叠放(合拢)在一起 12欢迎游客 13美国的人们 14那是因为。 15朝着。微笑 16对某人礼貌 17喜欢某人做某事,body language,touch noses,shake hands,in Russia,three times,nod heads,do different things in different countries,in the USA/in America,kiss or hug each other,each other,put the hands together,welcome visitors,pepole in the USA,Thats because,smile at sb,polite to sb,like sb to do,Unit1对话 他们碰鼻子 玲玲:1明天将有一些俄国的老师在我们学校里,2并且我要去迎接这些游客们,我该怎么做呢? 贝蒂:玲玲,你知道,3在俄国,人们通常亲吻三次(在面颊上),左边,右边,左边。 玲玲:什么!不,我不知道。4我们中国人经常握手和微笑当我们见到来访者时,有时我们点头示意。但是我们从来不亲吻。只是父母和孩子才亲吻。 贝蒂:5那是因为不同国家的人们做法不同。 玲玲:6那么美国的人们在见面时通常做什么? 贝蒂:在美国,有些人握手,有些人亲吻或拥抱。7在印度,人们把手合拢在一起并点头行礼。你知道新西兰的毛利人见面时做什么吗? 玲玲:不知道,他们做什么? 贝蒂: 8他们碰鼻子。,Unit2短语 1一些做的方式 2欢迎某人的一些方式 3外国新生 4不久 ,很快 5跟某人交谈 6靠近/离很近 7私人空间 8做怎么样? 25在中东 9臂挽臂(手挽手) 10挽着(抓着)某人的手臂 11移开 12在大不列颠 26南美人 13根本不 14在一些地方 15做是礼貌的 16在其它国家 17看别处 18相互看着对方(对视) 19向道别 20挥手道别 21小心 22实际上,事实上 23粗鲁的 24礼貌的,some ways to do,some ways to welcome sb,new foreign students,very soon,talk to/with sb,close to,personal space,how/what about doing,arm in arm,hold ones arm,move away,in Britain,not at all,in some places,Its polite to do,in other countries,look somewhere else,look at each other,say goodbye to sb,wave to say goodbye,be careful,in fact,be rude,be polite,in the Middle East,South Americans,Unit2课文翻译 这里是一些欢迎他们的方式 世界上的肢体语言 王玲玲 我们的外国新生很快就要到了,这儿是一些欢迎他们的方式。 当你跟朋友谈话时站得有多近呢?在中东你可以站得离人们很近,但不要站得离北美人太近,给他们更多的私人空间。 那么关于身体接触呢?中国女孩经常跟朋友手挽手(臂挽臂)一起走。南美人跟你交谈时有时抓着你的胳膊,所以你就走不开了!但是在英国许多人一点也不喜欢别人碰他们。 当你跟人交谈时你看着对方吗?当你交谈时看着对方是不礼貌的,但在另外一些国家,交谈时看着别处是不礼貌的。在英国和美国人们在交谈时通常会看着对方。 你怎样道别呢?那很简单,挥手告别。但是你要小心了,在希腊,那绝对是不礼貌的!事实上,那是很粗鲁的。,本模块知识点 1 祈使句:用于表达命令,请求,劝告,警告,禁止等的句子。 特点是:(1)祈使句的主语都是第二人称,并且都被省略,所以也就是无主句。如果给一个祈使句加主语,就加you (must/should). eg:stand up.You should stand up.(2)祈使句以动词原形开头,包括be动词。Eg:Be quiet,please!(3) 有时有单词please,它可以放在开头,也可放在句末。Eg: Please come in .=Come in ,please.(4)祈使句的否定句是在动词原形的前面加dont. 如果please在前面,当变为否定句时可以把它放在后面,也可以去掉。Eg:Come in ,please.-Dont come in,please. Please come in.Please dont come in.(5)对祈使句的回答用:Yes,I will./ No,I wont 2 because与because of. 前者跟句子,后者跟名词、代词或短语。Eg: He didnt go to Beijing because it was raining last week.=He didnt go to Beijing because of the rain. 3else与other。(1)else放在特殊疑问词和不定代词之后:what else/ somewhere else(2)other修饰名词,并放在名词前面。Eg:in other countries, 4 Its+adj.+(for sb) + to do. (对某人来说)做。是怎么样的。 Eg:Its polite for us to smile when we meet the teacher 5(1)Not at all回答感谢时是“不客气”之意,相当于You are welcome/Thats all right. (2) notat all。一点也不。:I cant speak Japanese at all.,I. 用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。 1. Its an important meeting. _ (not, be )late. 2. _ (not,make) any nise! Your mother is sleeping. 3. _ (not, speak) with your mouth full of food and _ (be) polite. 4. _ ( not, talk) and _ (read) aloud. 5. _ (not,leave) your homework for tomorrow, Larry. 6. _ (look) out! A car is coming. 7. _ (give) us ten years and just see what our country will be like. 8. _ (not, let) the baby cry. 9. Wear more clothes or you _ (catch) a cold. II. 选择填空 1 .Her doctor said: “_ work so hard” .A Stop B Dont C Cant D No 2. Sindy, _to be here at 8 oclockA is sure B is sure that C will be sure D be sure 3. _him the secret, will you? A Dont tell B Not to tell C Not telling D No telling 4. _in bed. Its bad for your eyes. A Not to read BDont read CDont to read DNot read 5 _ your child. Well look after him. A Not to worry about BDont worry about CNot worry for DDont worry with 6.Please _ look outside. Look at the blackboard. A not B dont C arent D cant 7 Why dont you join us in the game? 替换 A What not B Why not C Why to D How to III.祈使句改写 1 You must finish your homework at once.- 2You shouldnt go to bad now. 3Please be polite. 4Be careful ,please. 5Get up!-,Dontt be,Dontt make,Dontt speak,Be,Dont talk,read,Dont leave,Look,Give,Dont let,catch,B,D,A,B,B,B,B,Finish your homework at once!,Dont go to bed now!,You should be polite.,You should be careful.,You must get up.,本模块习题 一、根据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 1 In Japan people b_ each o_ when they meet. And in R_ they kiss three t_.In China people s_ hands. 2 G_ speak German. 3If you agree,please n_your head. 4They are from_(印度)。They are _(印度人)。They speak I_. 5lets go home t_.I dont want to be alone. 6Some people t_noses when they meet. 7Everyones body has ten f_,two f_, two k_,two e_, two e_,two a_,a m_,two h_,a h_, a n_,a b_and many t_. 8Tom comes from England.He is a_(外国人)。 9Please write down your p_ information. 10The teacher often h_ a book and comes in the classroom. 11They m_to Shanghai last year. 12 I dont like the book at a_. 13Its p_ to_(微笑)。14I want to visit _(某地)。 15In f_,I dont like the story. 16 Its r_to talk to in class. 17How many f_ languages can you speak.,ow,ther,ussia,imes,hake,ermans,od,India,Indians,Indian,ogether,ouch,fingers,eet,nees,yes,ars,rms,outh,ands,ead,eeth,ose,ack,foreigner,ersonal,olds,oved,ll,olite,smile,somewhere,fact,ude,oreign,二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1 He didnt agree with me so he _(shake) his head . 2Look. The baby_(smile). 3They are from_(German).They are_ (German).They speak _(German). 4Japanese speak _(Japan). 5The_(Russia) are visiting the Great Wall. 6The_(visit) are from _(India)。 7Look!,Your_(foot) are very dirty.Clean them at once. 8The teacers come from Australia,They are_(foreign). 9Please give them more_(person) space. 10Tom_(bring) some good food to school last week. 11We should speak to the old_(polite) 三、句式变换 1You must be careful with your word.(祈使句)-_ _ your word! 2You shouldnt come so early.(同上)-_ _ so early. 3Give Tom his pen!(改为陈述句)-_ _ _ Tom his pen. 4Talking in class isnt polite.=_ _polite _ _ in class. 5People usually kiss three times,-_ _ _ _people usually_? 6They shake hands when they meet.=They shake hands_ _.,shook,is smiling,Germany,Germans,German,Japanese,Russians,visitors,India,feet,foreigners,personal,bought,Be careful,Dont come,You should give,It isnt to talk,How many times do kiss,when meeting,politely,四单项选择 1Japanese usually_when they meet.Akiss B bow C shake Dhug 2The Germans come from_.A GermanBGermany CGermansD the Germany 3_go out alone at night. A Not B Dont C Doesnt D Didnt 4We say_our mouth.Awith BinCuseDon 5Dont look _A somewhere elseB else somewhere Canywhere else D else anywhere 6-Thank you! -_.A All right BDont thank me C Not at all DThats right 7Its not polite_ at each other.A look B to look C lookingD looks 8They like walking arm_ arm.Aon B in C of D from 9Look! The child is smiling_ us.A to B at C of Don 10 We should be polite_the old.Ato B at C of Don 11Im_the teachers. Awelcome B welcoming C to welcome 12Chinese often_when they meet.A kiss B bow Cshake hands D touch noses,B,B,B,A,C,C,B,B,B,A,


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