山东省七年级英语下册 Module 6 Around town复习课件(新版)外研版.ppt

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module6,module6单词 1银行 2博物馆 3沿着 4穿过 5在。对面 6游客7原谅 8街道 9换方向,拐弯 10第三 11导游手册 12书店 13好了,是的,好 14可以,能(过去时)15地铁 16搭乘,把(某人)带往 17(短期的)参观,游览,旅行 18广场 19中间中等的 20著名的 21油画 22从。出发,自从,来自 23米 24 在。上方,在。之上 25河 26(天气)晴朗的 27桥 28铁路 29路过(某物或某地)越过 30教堂 31 结束,完成32高的 33沿着。而去,向上 34沿着,向下 35车站,停止 36 马 短语 1劳驾 对不起 2为什么不。呢? 3邮政局,excuse me,why not?,post office,module6词形变换 1across(动词)- 2 tour(名词)- 3 three(序数词)- 4right(反义词)- 5paint(名词,动名词)- 6clear(副词)- 7church(复数)- 8finish(单三)- 9 high(同义词)- 10 up(反义词)-,cross,tourist,third,wrong/left,paniting,clearly,churches,finishes,tall,down,unit1短语 1怎样做某事 2到达。 3在。前边 4请原谅,打扰了,劳驾 5去。的路 6穿过,横过。 7沿着。 8向左/右转 9在第三条街道 10在左边/右边 11一本关于北京的导游手册 12在银行对面 13不确定 14为什么不? 15为什么不做。? 16在那边 17-非常感谢,-不客气 18一个地铁站 19乘地铁 20乘。去。 21 祝你一天愉快,how to +动词原形,get to,in front of /in the front of,excuse me,the way to.,go across,go along,turn left/right,at the third street,on the left/on the right,a guidebook about Beijing,opposite the bank,be not sure,why not,why not +动词原形 / why dont you +动词原形,over there,-Thanks a lot. -Youre welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right.,an underground station,by underground /take the underground,take .to.,have a nice day,22National Stadium 23Tiananmen Square 24Wangfujing Dajie 25Dong Changan Jie 26Xi Changan Jie 27Olympic Sports Centre,国家体育馆,天安门广场,王府井大街,东长安街,西长安街,奥体中心,语法:方位的表达方式:问路与指路 一、问路(问路时通常先说Excuse me) 1.Excuse me,is there .near here? 2.Excuse me,where is .? 3.Excuse me,how can I get to .? 4.Excuse me.Can/Could you tell me the way to .? 5.Excuse me,which is the way to.? 6.Excuse me,can/could you tell me how to get to.? 二、指路: 1.指明走那条路:(1)Go along(down/across.) the road (street.) 顺着 沿着.走。(2)Go straight.一直走。 2告诉转弯处: (1)Turn left/right 向左(右)拐 (2) on the right/left.在右(左)边。 3选好参照物: (1) Its next to. (2) Its between.and. (3)Its opposite. (4)Its near. (5)Its on the right/left of. 三、问完了路要表示感谢:-Thank you./Thanks a lot (very much).You are welcome./Thats OK./Thats all right. 如果人家问你路,你不知道,就说:Im sorry,Im new here ,too.如果你问人家路,人家说不知道,你要说:Thank you all the same.(仍然谢谢你。),unit1对话翻译你能告诉我怎样到国家体育馆吗? (1贝蒂和玲玲正站在天安门广场前面) 游客:打扰了(劳驾)!2你能告诉我去王府井大街的路吗? 贝蒂:当然。3横过(穿过)东长安街,沿着街道一直走,然后在左边的第三条街往左拐。它离这儿很近,4所以你可以步行去那里。 游客:太好了,我想买一张关于北京的旅行指南。这附近有书店吗? 玲玲:是的,那边有一个大的书店。就在西长安街上,在右边,银行对面。 游客:好的,行!我也想参观国家体育馆。5怎么能到那里呢? 玲玲:对不起,我不确定。6为什么不去问问那边那个警察呢? 游客:谢谢你。 贝蒂和玲玲:不客气。 游客:7你能告诉我怎样去国家体育馆吗? 警察:当然!沿着这条街走你将看到一个地铁站。8乘地铁到奥体中心,或者你可以乘公共汽车或者出租车。 游客:非常感谢。 警察:不客气。9祝您玩得愉快!,Unit1知识点 1 in front of 与in the front of 的区别;前者表示在外面的前面;后者表示在里面的前面。Eg:There is a tree in front of my house. / The driver sits in the front of the car. 2 walk to.=goon foot eg;I always walk to work.=I always go to work on foot. 3 why not “为什么不呢?”表示征求对方的意见。后面跟动词原形。该结构等于why dont you+动词原形。Eg:Why not go shopping, Tom?=Why dont you go shopping, Tom? 4 回答Thank you的答语:Thats OK./Thats all right./Youre welcome. 5 how to +动词原形 表示“怎样做某事”,常放在一个完整的句子后面。 eg:I dont know how to study English well. 6 乘某种交通工具到某地:take +the/a+交通工具+to+地点 =go (to)+地点+by +交通工具.eg:I often take a/the bus(car, taxi,underground.) to school.=I often go to school by bus( car,taxi,underground.). 注意:骑自行车与步行:ride a/the bike to .=by blike. walk to.=on foot.eg:Tom usually rides a bike to school.=Tom usually goes to school by bike. /Tom usually walks to school.=Tom usually goes to school on foot. 7cross(动词) 与across(介词)的区别:cross=go across eg:You can cross the street.=You can go across the street.注意:两者都指通过表面,而不是内部,常用语过街,横过马路,过桥,过沙漠等。,unit2短语 1在某人的左边/右边 2.之游 3伦敦短程游 4欢迎来到。 5在。中间/中心 6在。对面 7一个著名的。 8以。而著名 9带有许多著名的油画 10向左/右拐 11在泰晤士河以上135米处 12大多数。 13在一个晴朗的天气里 14最好的方式 15做。的做好的方式 16上车(船.) 17下车(船.) 18挨着,在.旁边 19超过900年的历史 20做。之后 21经过 22经过车站 23向左拐进入。 24完成做 25在广场 26停止做。 27邮局,on ones left/right,tour of.,the short tour of London,welcome to.,in the middle of.,opposite sth,a famous.,be famous for,with lots of famous paintings,turn left/right,135 metres above the River Thames,most of.,on a clear day,the best way,the best way of doing/the best way to do,get on the bus(ship.),get off the bus(ship.),next to,over 900 years old,after doing.,go past,go past the station,turn left into.,finish doing,at the square,stop doing sth,post office,本单元中英国著名景点 1 the London Eye 2 Trafalgar Square 3 the National Gallery 4 Buckingham Palace 5 House of Parliament 6 Big Ben 7 the River Thames 8 Tower Bridge 9 the Tower of London 10 Kings Street,伦敦眼,特拉法尔加广场,国家美术馆,白金汉宫,议会大厦,大本钟,泰晤士河,塔桥,伦敦塔,国王大街,Unit2课文 伦敦眼在你的右面 伦敦之旅(伦敦游) 欢迎来参加这次伦敦短程游。这个广场是特拉法尔加广场,它是伦敦的中心。我们正站在国家美术馆的对面,带有许多著名油画的一个著名的博物馆。从这里,我们将沿着红色大街去白金汉宫,王后就住在那里。 左转去议会大厦和大本钟。在对面,你能看到伦敦眼。它将带你到泰晤士河以上135米的高处。在晴朗的天气里,你能看到伦敦的大部分。 当你累的时候,看伦敦的最好的方式就是坐船。你可以在大本钟附近乘船。当你沿着河走的时候,伦敦眼就在你的右面。 在塔桥下船,塔桥旁边是伦敦塔。它有九百多年的历史。 参观了伦敦塔之后,乘船沿河回到火车站。当你下了船之后,经过车站,沿着街道走。左转进入国王大街,经过一个教堂。你现在回到了广场。这里就是我们要结束旅程的地方。,Unit2知识点 1 the way of doing=the way to do. eg: The best way of seeing London is by boat.=The best way to see London is by boat. 2 数+years old即是年龄,也指某物的历史。Eg: The Tower of London is over 900 years old.伦敦塔有900多年的历史。 3 after 后跟动词时,用动名词。Eg: After running ,I feel very tired.跑步后我感到很累。该句中的after running=after I run. 4 跟动名词的动词:like ( finish, spend,enjoy, stop, look forward to, be busy ) doing. 所有介词后都跟动名词。 5 above/over/on(在上)的区别:above,在某物的上方,不与面接触,不一定垂直于面。over,在某物上方,不与面接触,垂直与面。On 在某物上方,与面接触。 eg: There is a book on the desk./There is a bridge over the river/ There is a plane above our head. 6 stop的用法:(1)车站。(2)停止 stop doing sth停止做某事。(3)阻止 stop sb doing sth阻止某人做某事。 Please stop talking!/ The teacher stops us going out alone. 7 through与across的区别:前者强调内部,后者强调表面 eg: There is a river through the village./ There is a river across the desert,本模块训练题 一、据首字母及汉语提示完成单词 1 There is a _(银行)and a _(博物馆)in the city. 2 Dont walk a_ the street when the light red. 3 Go a_ the road and at the end of it you will find an u_ station. 4 The shop is o_ the park. 5 There are many _(游客)in Weifang in spring. 6 E_ me, Where is the bookshop? 7 I want to buy a _ (导游手册)。 8 Tiananmen s _ is very big. 9 The teacher is standing in the m_ of our classroom. 10 China is f_ for the Great Wall. 11 The plane is 2000_(米)_(在。上) the land. 12 You can take the _(桥)to cross the river. 13There are two _ (教堂) in the city. 14We take the train at the r_ station. 15How _(高) can you jump(跳)? 16 Go P_the station and turn left i_ the Kings Street.,bank,museum,cross,long,nderground,pposite,xcuse,guidebook,uare,iddle,amous,metres,above,bridge,churches,ailway,high,ast,nto,tourists,二、用所给词的适当形式填空 1Turn right at the _(three) turning. 2Why not_ (play) football? 3Look ,the _(tour) are visiting the Great Wall. 4There are many _(paint) in the museum. 5Please read the words _(clear). 6I finish _(write) the words. 7Stop _(talk) .The teacher is coming. 8My mother stops me _(go) out in the morning. 9Can you tell me how_ (get) to the shop? 10You can go _(cross) the bridge first. 11The best way _(see) London is by boat. 12After _(read) the text. 13I enjoy _(play) football. Im busying_(play) football with my friends now. 14We are _(look) forward to_(have) a good holiday.,third,play,tourists,paintings,clearly,writing,talking,going,to get,across,to see,reading,playing,playing,looking,having,三、句式变换 将下列句子变成同义句 1 Wheres the shop?=_ _ I _ _ the shop?=_ _the _ _the shop.=Can you tell me _ _ _ the shop?=Can you tell me _ _ _ to the shop? 2She goes to school on foot.=She _ _ school. 3 What about going shopping?=_ _ _ shopping?= _ _ you _ shopping? 4You can go there by undergroud.=You can _ _ _ _ go there. 5Go across the street.=_ the street. 6The best way to study English is studying hard.=The best _ _ _ English is studying hard. 7Im very tired after I run.=Im very tired _ _.,How can get to,Which is way to,the way to,how to,get,walks to,Why not go,take the,underground to,Cross,way,of studying,after running,Why dont go,单项选择 1_at the third turning.ATurn left B Turn the left CTurn to left 2Why not_ football?A play B to play C playing D to playing 3I go to school_.A by a bike B by the bike C take a bike Dby bike 4They often_to Beijing.Atake the plane.B take the air.C by plane Don a plane 5Theres a bridge_the river.A on B above C under D over 6I finish_ the book.A read B reading C to read D to reading. 7_the bridge you will find the park.AGo acrossBGo throughCGo cross 8Stop_.Lets write the words.A read B reading C to read 9Can you tell me_to the shop?A how getB how to getCthe wayD BandC 10The blackboard is _the classroom.A in front of B in the front ofC in front. 11-Thank you.-_. A Thats right BThats all right C All right 12China is fanous_ the Great Wall.A of B for C on Dabout. 13Its_zero.Its warm.A on B aboveC over D below 14The best way_Beijing is by train.Aof B to go C of going D B andC 15After_a long time, I have a break.A walkB walkingC to walk 16Now we are at the square,this is_we will finish our tour.A what B where C how D when,A,A,D,A,D,B,A,B,D,B,B,B,B,D,B,B,


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