Unit 4 Numbers1

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教 学 设 计Instructions and statements about numbers(Oxford English 8A Module 2 Unit 4 Numbers) 上海市金川中学 叶凌莹Learning objectives By the end of the lesson, students are expected tol calculate addition, subtraction, multiplication and division in Englishl express both instructions and statements about numbersl raise the awareness of managing money and doing charityLanguage focusInstructions: Addand; Subtract from; Multiplyby; DividebyStatements: plusequals/is minusequals/is; multiplied byequals/is divided byequals/isLeaning ProceduresStagesStudents activitiesPurposesLead - inThe students are going to sell some items to raise money for charity. to warm up and lead in the topicInputLanguage presentationQuiz 1 Match the calculating signs with the words. to present the target language in a particular contextQuiz 2 Look at a table which shows the donation of the teacher from 2014-2017 and answer four questions.Guided discoveryQuiz 3 Complete the instructions and statements with the help of the numbers.to clarify the target language and solve any anticipated problemsOutputPracticeSolve the math problems at the bazaar by calculating.to further practice the target language CompetitionHave a “24 points” competition.to consolidate and compete among groupsSummaryMake a summary and call on the students to do more charity.to sublimate the emotional objects of the lessonHomeworkWritten work Design several groups of numbers for your partner and write down the instructions and statements.Oral work (*optional) Please continue to have the “24 points competition” in groups with the poker cards.Blackboard DesignUnit 4 NumbersInstructions Statements 24 pointsAddand plusequals/is .Subtract B from A A minus B equals/is .Multiplyby multiplied byequals/is .Divideby divided byequals/is .教材分析本课时是初二牛津英语教材上学期Unit4 Numbers的语法,重点教授加减乘除在英语中的表述方式。鉴于二期课改提出教师在教授的过程中要引导学生关注生活,注意培养学生的知识应用能力, 也鉴于体现社会主义核心价值观,我将本次课的内容和学校的慈善义卖活动紧密结合,从他们感兴趣的活动出发,在策划活动的过程中有效学习数学问题在英语中的表达方式,从而也激发学生对于数字在实际生活运用中的广泛性和重要性的认识。学情分析本次所执教的是初二(1)班的学生,总共21人。该班学生大多个性开朗,思维活跃,愿意表达自己的思想,但英语基础一般,口语表达能力也较弱,有一部分学生的学习能力较低。因此在本课的设计中基于这些学情因素,通过小组活动等合作与竞争的形式让他们得到同伴的辅助,从而提高他们的课堂参与度与自信感。教学设计思路在教学目标的引导下,我构思了举行爱心义卖活动来资助贫困生为大背景,在爱心义卖前,先以3个小测验考考学生的数学运算能力,涉及计算符号的认知、教师的捐赠情况和语法表达的巩固填表。通过了测验,学生进入了义卖活动中,他们用英语表达解决遇到的数学问题,最后通过24点运算的竞争活动以及假币的奖励机制告诉学生通过竞争可以为慈善义卖赢得更多的奖金。初二的学生在校园活动中多次经历爱心义卖的活动,每次都兴致高昂,加上他们是最富爱心、天真烂漫的年纪,因此这一情境能激发学生参与的积极性,在学生主动参与任务的同时合理渗透教学内容,从而达到学以致用的目的。l Homework Oral work(*optional)Please continue to have the “24 points competition” in groups with the poker cards.Written work Design several groups of numbers for your partner and write down the instructions and statements.e.g. How can you get the answer in the circle by using the other numbers in the boxes? 8 instructions statements3 11 _ _55 _ _ instructions statements _ _ _ _ instructions statements _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


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