PEP五年级英语下册Unit 3 Btalk教案

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PEP Book 6 Unit3 My school calendar Lesson 4课题Unit 3 My school calendar B. lets try&lets talk 课型对话课主备人内容分析本课时学习的核心句型是When is the trip this year Its in October. Well go to the Great Wall。教材通过Oliver和Chen Jie讨论秋游的情景,介绍了秋游的时间以及秋游将要去的地方。教师在情景中,让学生通过听录音、回答问题、口头复述对话、重构文本和改编对话等学习活动掌握本课的内容教学目标1.能力目标:(1)能听录音回答问题,并能在图片的帮助下理解本本课对话。(2)能根据正确的语音、语调及意群朗读对话,并能够进行角色扮演。(3)能在情景中运用句型WhenIts句型来进行有关活动在哪个时间的询问与回答和用Well描述将要做的事情。(4)能借助表格进行复述、记忆本对话内容。能结合自身和朋友的实际情况以及本课学习内容设计情景对话并进行展示。2.知识目标: (1)能听、说、认、读单词October, school trip及句子Well go to the Great Wall. (2)能听、说、读、写核心句型:When is Its in 等有关节假日或活动安排的问答句。3.学习策略 (1)认知策略:根据所给信息做情境猜测。 (2)调控策略:通过扫读、细读等方式,利用表格,在文本阅读任务中快速捕捉信息,再通过理解、对比、分析、归纳来处理信息的策略。(3)交际策略:在观看视频、听录音、回答问题、角色扮演、小组合作等活动中掌握本课核心语言知识,并能运用到现实的交际中。4.情感态度:感知母亲节与父亲节,学会感恩。5.文化意识:了解母亲节、父亲节、国庆节等节日及活动。教学重点1.能听、说、读、写并在情景中交流关于时间安排的问答句:When is Its in . 2.能够熟悉交际用语“What will you do I will”等的用法。3.内化并表演lets talk的交际内容。教学难点1.能够结合所学内容和实际情况重构对话内容。2.能理解will在句中的具体含义并能正确运用。教学方法情景法、多媒体教学法、交际法、任务法教具准备PPT课件、音频、视频教学流程示意图1.Review2.Free talk复习旧知激活课堂Warm up1. Learn the new word October and the sentence.2. Lets try3. Discuss.创设情境呈现句型Lead in1. Look and guess2. Listen, watch and choose.3. Read and choose4. Listen and check层层递进理解文本Presentation& practice1. Listen and imitate2. Role play对话表演Role play1. Find out the answers. 2. Retell.3. Exercise. 4. Emotional education.重构文本展开讨论Production1.Make a new dialogue. 2. Report.运用语言真实交流Communication教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step 1Warm-up 1.Look at the school calendar. Ask and answer. Review the months and festivals. 2. Free talk.T: Whats your favourite season WhyWhat month is it nowIs your birthday is AprilWhen is your birthday看校历,进行简单问答。与教师进行轻松的对话通过Free talk,复习有关月份的词语和句型,让学生在老师的引导下一步一步地引入本课Lets try内容,为下文做好铺垫。Step 2Presentation 1、 Lead in.(1)T: Can you guess when is my birthday My birthday is in October. Look, Chinas National Day is in October.Teach the word October.T:In October, we have a seven-day holiday. We call it “golden week.”2. Watch the vedio and teach the sentence I really like the colours.T:My birthday is in October, so my favourite season is autumn. Because I really like the colours. The leaves are colourful in autumn. I really like the colours. Lets enjoy the leaves in autumn.3. Lets try.(1)T: What do you often do on your birthday S:I usually have a birthday party/T:Look at the picture. There is a big birthday cake. Oh, its Olivers birthday. What will he have Listen and choose.4.Talk about something you can do for Oliver.T:Olivers birthday is coming. He will have a birthday party. He invites us to his party. What will you do for him 鼓励学生根据预学案说出句子。利用思维导图,出示并归纳。5. Lets talk: T:Look at the picture. What are they talking about (呈现课文主图)6 .Listen and answer:Whats Olivers favourite season Why What will they do7.Watch and answer .When is the school trip this yearWhere will they go8.Introduce some famous places in Beijing.T: Where is the Great Wall S:Its in Beijing.T: What will you do on the Great WallT: There are many famous places in Beijing, too. (介绍四个北京著名的地点) T:If you have a plan to Beijing, where will you goT: From our school calendar, we have a school trip in May. There are some good places in Foshan. Where do you want to go (介绍佛山四个景点)9. Reading:(1)Read and choose.(2)Listen and imitate.(听录音,标出升降调)(3) Listen and repeat.(4)Role play.让学生猜一猜老师的生日在什么时候,引出October。让学生直观感知October是十月。感受秋天色彩的美丽,学会说句子。学生做听力选择题。学生发散思维,说说生日为他做的事,为后面的母亲节活动做好铺垫。学生初步感知情景图,猜猜Oliver和Chen Jie 谈论什么。学生带着问题做听力学生回答问题,根据图片猜测单词the Great Wall 的意思。学生通过图片介绍了解北京著名地点。学生说说在长城上将会做什么,再说说想去北京的哪个景点。学生说说想去的地方。学生读短文,完成情景反应题。学生听录音,标出连读、升降调。检查答案学生跟读,分角色扮演。通过直观的图片,猜出October的意思。通过引入have a birthday party,为下面Lets try 的听力选择题做铺垫。让学生通过感知情景图,猜猜Oliver和Sarah的对话,提高学生提问的能力。让学生通过听对话回答问题,训练学生的听力,同时让学生初步感知本节课要学的词汇和句型。后用表格任务进一步引导学生形成思维导图,引导后面的学习。通过欣赏北京美丽的景色,拓展学生的词汇。问题驱动利用视图,创建语用环境。阅读感知搭建支架,引导分析理解。通过音频和动画搭建支架,调动学生视觉、听觉等多方位的感官,拉近了学生与文本的距离。主要是训练和培养学生良好朗读习惯,提高学生的朗读能力。让学生阅读对话,并找出问题的答案,锻炼学生的阅读理解能力和提取信息的能力Step 3Practice1.Read and complete the form.2. Retell.Oliver likes _,because he likes the _. Chen Jie has a _ _ in _. They will go to the _ _. 3. Introduce Mothers Day.T: Its April now. Next month is May. There are two special days in May. What are theyMay Day is on May the first. When is Mothers Day Talk about Mothers Day and finish the sentences.6. Introduce Fothers Day.T:I love my mother. I love my father, too. We have Mothers Day. Do we have Fathers Day When is it 7.T: Mom and dad is the best of us in the world We should honor our parents.学生根据对话内容,学会提取信息,完成表格填空。学生在表格的帮助下,重构对话内容,形成文本。学生回答老师的问题,引出Mothers Day.采访同伴,完成对话。学生根据预学案回答问题。情感渗透,孝顺父母。进行文本重构,巩固本课时对话的理解,进行语言输出。认识母亲节与父亲节,感受父母之爱。Step 4Consolidation1. Finish the passage.学生根据课文内容和实际情况,完成短文填空。让学生能将教材内容和生活实际结合一起完成填空。Step 5Homework1. Listen to the tape and repeat. 听录音跟读.2. Do the exercise and snow reading Mothers Day.完成雪地阅读。3. Say “Thank you!” “I love you.” to your mother and father. Do something you can do for your parents. 为父母做力所能及的事情。 Step 6Board writing Unit Three. My School Calander B. Lets talkWhen is the school trip Its in October.What will you do Ill/Well go to the Great Wall.PEP Book 6 Unit 3 My favourite season Lesson 4预学案一、Olivers birthday is coming. What will you do for him写出你想为Oliver做的事。I will sing a birthday song for him.Olivers birthdaycook noodles, make a card, say “Happy birthday”to him, write him a letter, tell him a story, play the pipa for him, send him a gift (book, doll)These phrases maybe can help you.二、Do you know Mothers Day and Fathers Day Try to find something about them.FestivalWhenWhat do you usually do for them on that dayMothers DayFathers DayPEP Book 6 Unit 3 My favourite season Lesson 4练习题一、Read P27 Lets talk, complete the form。Favourite seasonWhyWhenWhere 二、Retell the dialogue.Oliver likes_because he likes the _. Chen Jie and Oliver have a _ _ in _. They will go to to _ _ _ this year.三、根据书本P27对话和实际情况完成短文。I have two _. They are Oliver and Chen Jie. They study in the same school. They will have a school trip in _. They will go to _. In my school, we will have a school trip, too. Its in _. We will go to _. I really like the school trip. I cant wait. 课后练习题一、 根据上下文完成对话。A: Hello, Tom.B: Hi! Peter.A: _B: My favourite festival is Childrens Day.A: When is Childrens DayB: _.A: What will you do on Childrens DayB: _.A: Cool! 二 、Read and answer. Chinas National DayChinas National Day is on October 1st. We have a seven- day holiday. We call it “Golden week”. In the holiday, people often go hiking or stay with their family. People are everywhere. Helen is happy for the holiday. She has a plan. First, she will go to Xiqiao with her family. She will visit her grandparents, because they live in Xiqiao. Then she will climb Xiqiao Mountain with her parents. Xiqiao Mountain is a famous mountain in Guangdong. Its tall and beautiful. She will have a picnic there. It will be a wonderful holiday.1. When is Chinas National Day _2. What do people often do on Chinas National Day_3. Will Helen climb mountains _4. Do you like “Golden week” Why_


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