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ancient=belonging to a period of history that is thousands of years in the past; =very old, having existed for a very long time ancient history/ civilization 古代历史、文明 the ancients 古代人,predictprediction-predictive或者predictable adj. 可预言的 可预知的-unpredictable,pete=try to be more successful or better than sb else who is trying to do the same as you =to take part in a contest or a game compete with / against sb for sth eg. Small companies cannot compete in the face of cheap foreign imports. compete in sth 参加比赛 competition =a situation where people or organizations compete with each other for sth that not everyone can have be in competition with 与.竞争 enter / win/ lose a competition competitor competitive adj.有竞争力的,take part in =join in=participate in =be involved in stand for= be a symbol of= mean The sign X stands for an unknown number. stand by 站在.一边 、 支持、准备着. 、旁观者 stand-by,3. magic magical= containing magic=wonderful=very enjoyable His words had a magical effect on us . a truly magical feeling magical power,4. volunteer= a person who does a job without being paid for it =a person who offers to do sth without being forced to do it volunteer to do sth,refuse to do sth share sth with sb practise doing sth be angry with sb be angry about sth to ones anger,5.regular=following a pattern, especially with the same time and space in between each thing and the next a regular pulse / heartbeat 有规律的脉搏/心跳 regular meetings / visits regularly =done or happening often The equipment is checked on a regular basis. Regular exercises can do us lots of good. (Opposite) irregular illegal irresponsible,6.base-basic adj. 基础的,根本的 1) His research formed the basis of his new book. 2) The basis of a good marriage is trust. 3) We judge a worker on the basis of his performance. 辨析:basis 行动敏捷的;活跃的 a school sports meeting= a school athletic meeting energetic 精力充沛的,1.as well 放在句尾= too 2. not only .but also =not only .butas well He is not only an athlete but also a singer. Not only is he an athlete but a singer as well. 3. He designed as well as Lily. 和. 一样好 4.He as well as I is a teacher. 和。 连接两个主语时,其谓语动词的形式应根据前一个主语确定。此外,还有together with , along with, besides, but, except, including, rather than 等也属此种情况。,用作介词。此时,相当于besides,意为“除之外”,后常接名词、动名词。如: As well as eating five dishes, they drank three bottles of wine. 除了五道菜外,他们还喝了三瓶酒。 As well as visiting the old man, he helped to clean the room. 除看望老人外,他还帮助打扫房间。,as well, also, too, either as well : 用于肯定句,只用于句尾。 He plays the piano as well. also: 用于肯定句,用在句中。He also plays the piano. too: 用于肯定句,用在句尾,一般用逗号与其他部分分开。 He plays the piano, too. either: 用于否定句中。He doesnt play the piano, either.,Women are not only allowed to join in but play a very important role, especially in 1.allow vt. 允许=permit permitted-permission 2.allow + n./pron. 允许 3.allow + sb + to do 允许干 4.allow + doing 允许干 The law doesnt allow such an action. My parents wont allow me to stay out late. The police dont allow parking in the street. The servant wouldnt allow him into the house.,host (1) Vt. 1) He is willing to host the visitors. 招待 2) London will host the 30th Olympic Games in 2012. 主办 (2)n. eg: 1) He acted as host to his fathers friends. 2) China is the host country of the 29th Olympic Games. 辨析:host 与 guest 相对应。hostess 女主人 主人-客人 master与 servant 相对应 mistress 女主人 主人-佣人,9.responsible= sensible and able to make good judgments, so that you can be trusted =reliable 反义-irresponsible 1).be responsible for 对 负责任的 responsibility=duty 2)responsibility for doing sth 做某事的责任 3)Its ones responsibility/ duty to do sth. 承担责任 1)undertake the responsibility; 2)bear the responsibility; 3)shoulder the responsibility;,10.repalce = take the place of =substitute =to start doing something instead of another person, or start being used instead of another thing: (1) replace sth / sb Can anything replace a mothers love? (2)replace A with/ by B 用B代替A We replaced coal with oil. 我们用油代替了煤。 (3)If he cant manage hell have to be replaced. 取代位置 4) He replaced the book on the shelf. (把放回原处),3) 拓展: take the place of sb/ sth = replace sb / sth take ones place = take ones seat 就坐,就位 in place of 替代 instead of 代替,而不是,11.similar=almost the same=alike- 反义different unlike We have similar tastes in music. All big cities are quite similar. 所有的大城市差不多大同小异 in a similar way 以相同的方式 look the same=look alike=look similar be similar to 与一样、相似 My new dress is similar to the one you have. 我的新衣服和你的那件相似。 similarity=difference=likeness 名词,similarity n. 搭配: similarity between A and B A 与B 之间的相似性 similarity to sb / sth 与某人/ 某物有相似性 similarity in sth 在.方面有相似性 eg: 1) The report highlights (强调)the similarity between the two groups. 2) She bears a striking similarity to her mother. 3) This game has many similarities to a boxing match. 4) There is some similarity in the way they sing. 牢记:be similar to sb / sth 与.相似 be similar in sth 在 方面相似,charge n.= the amount of money you have to pay for goods or services 费用 Gas charges will rise in June. 1.Sb be in charge of sth.某人负责/掌管某物 = Sth be in the charge of sb. 某物在某人的掌管下 He is in charge of the factory. =The factory is in the charge of him. 2.in charge He is the man in charge. 3.the charge for.的费用 4.free of charge 免费 5.take the charge of 负责 ;掌管 6.charge sb with sth 控告某人某事,13.physicsphysical-physically mentalmentally 身体健康的physically healthy 精神健康的mentally healthy physical health mental health physical education chemistry-chemical politics-political medicine-medical physicsphysicist 物理学家 chemistrychemist artartist science-scientist,14.advertise=to tell the public about a product or service in order to persuade them to buy it advertise sth in a newspaper/ on TV put an advertisement in advertisement 广告 advertising 做广告,15.bargain= to discuss the condition of a sale ,agreement, for example , to try and get a lower price 讲价钱 = sth you buy cheaper or for less than its usual price 便宜货 bargain with sb over sth for sth make a bargain with sb bargainer,17.pain have a pain in your stomach/ leg/ side severe / terrible pain painful painless growing pains 成长的烦恼 No pains, no gains.,18.deserve deserve +n.-应受到. deserve a reward/ punishment/ a rest/ break/ holiday How dare you do this to me? You deserve a kick! 1.deserve doing sth值得做 He deserves punishing. 主动表示被动=He deserves to be punished. 2.deserve to do sth/ to be done Your suggestion deserves to be considered . We didnt deserve to win. 3.a deserved victory / success adj. 应得的,拓展词汇 deserve consideration/attention值得考虑/关注 deserve to be done=deserve doing值得做某事 deserve a rest/break/holiday应该休息 联想:need,require,want,be worth后的动词ing表被动意义。 The machine needs repairing. The machine requires repairing. The bike wants to be repaired. The film is worth seeing.=The film is worthy of being seen.=The film is worthy to be seen.,4.deserve doing = deserve to be done They deserved rewarding. 他们应该被奖赏。 = They deserved to be rewarded. Get what you deserve = Deserve all / everything you get 罪有应得,admit- admitted-admitted 承认=to agree unwillingly that something is true or that someone else is right: Okay, so maybe I was a little bit scared, Jenny admitted. 1.admit (that) You may not like her, but you have to admit that shes good at her job.,2.admit to somebody (that) 向某人承认 Paul admitted to me that he sometimes feels jealous of Mary. 3.admit doing sth= admit have done sth 承认做了某事 She admitted having read the letter. 她承认读过这封信。 I admit breaking the window. 我承认打破了窗子。 remember doing=remember having done forget doing=forget having done,4.admit sb to be 承认某人是. They admitted him to be mad. 他们承认他疯了。 5.be admitted into 被. 录取 To our joy, he was admitted into the Peaking University.,6.be admitted / recognized/ as. 被认可为 He was admitted as our best partner in business. -be remembered as 被记得是. Lu Xun is remembered as one of the greatest writers in China. 7.-(n. )admission No admission without tickets. 无票不准进入。 He made an admission that he was a thief. 他供认他是小偷。,


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