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毕 业 论 文(2015届)题 目:A Study on Public Relations in Intercultural Communication 学 院:外国语学院 专 业:商务英语 班 级:2012级4班 学 号:2012200099 姓 名: 指导教师: 完成日期:2015年4月30日 毕业论文诚信声明书本人声明:我将提交的毕业论文 A Study on Public Relations in Intercultural Communication 是我在指导教师指导下独立研究、写作的成果,论文中所引用他人的无论以何种方式发布的文字、研究成果,均在论文中加以说明;有关教师、同学和其他人员对本文的写作、修订提出过并为我在论文中加以采纳的意见、建议,均已在我的致谢辞中加以说明并深致谢意。论文写作完成时间,与封皮一致,下同论文作者: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日指导教师: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日毕业论文版权使用授权书本毕业论文 A Study on Public Relations in Intercultural Communication 是本人在校期间所完成学业的组成部分,是在辽宁对外经贸学院教师的指导下完成的,因此,本人特授权对辽宁对外经贸学院可将本毕业论文的全部或部分内容编入有关书籍、数据库保存,可采用复制、印刷、网页制作等方式将论文文本和经过编辑、批注等处理的论文文本提供给读者查阅、参考,可向有关学术部门和国家有关教育主管部门呈送复印件和电子文档。本毕业论文无论做何种处理,必须尊重本人的著作权,署明本人姓名。论文作者: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日指导教师: (签字) 时间: 年 月 日A Study on Public Relations in Intercultural Communication A Thesis Submitted In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements of the Degree ofBACHELOR OF ARTSDepartment of EnglishLIAONING UNIVERSITY OF INTERNATIONALBUSINESS AND ECONOMICSApril 2015AbstractPublic relations can meet the demand of our complex,pluralistic society.Groups and institutions will benefit from it,for it can establish mutual understanding among groups and institutions.It serves to bring private and public policies into harmony.And intercultural communication is also an extremely complex process.It serves a wide variety of institutions in society such as businesses,trade unions,government,agencies,voluntary,associations,foundations,hospitals,schools,colleges and religious institutions,To achieve their goals,these institutions must develop effective relationships with many different audiences or publics such as employees,members,customers,local communities,shareholders and other institutions,and with society at large.The managements of institutions need to understand the attitudes and values of their publics in order to achieve institutional goals.The goals themselves are shaped by the external environment.The public relations practitioner acts as a counselor to management and as a mediator,helping to translate private aims into reasonable,publicly acceptable policy and action.As a management function,public relations encompasses the following:anticipating,analyzing and interpreting public opinion,attitude and issues that might impact,for good or ill,the operations and plans of the organization.Counseling management at all levels in the organization with regards to policy decisions.Considering of action and communication and taking into account their public ramifications and the organizations social or citizenship responsibilities.Researching,conducting and evaluating,on a continuing basis,programs of action and communication to achieve the informed public understanding necessary to the success of an organizations aims.These may include marketing,financial,fund raising,munity or government relations and other programs.Planning and implementing the organizations efforts to influence or change public policy.Setting objectives,planning,budgets,recruiting and train staff,developing facilities-in short ,manages the resources needed to perform all of the above in intercultural communication.In helping to define and implement policy,the public relations practitioner uses a variety of professional communication skills and plays an integrative role in the organization and the external environment.Keywords:intercultural communications;public relations;communication摘 要公共关系有助于我们复杂的,多元化的社会需求,并更有效的使团体和机构之间达到相互理解并为团体和机构做出贡献。它带来私人和公共组织间的和谐状态。同时跨文化交际也是我们在公共传播中不可缺少的重要因素。跨文化交际影响下的公共传播服务于企业,工会,政府等多种社会机构以及志愿团体,基金会或者医院,学校,学院和宗教机构。为了实现企业或组织的目标,这些机构必须与不同的社会组织,受众群体以及当地社区,公司股东和其他机构制定有效的合作规则并 与社会机构的管理人员达到深层认识,了解他们的公众态度和价值观,以实现受外界环境的塑造影响的机构目标。公关作为一个辅导管理调解的工作人员,在帮助执行企业或组织的合理目的,并策划为公众所接受的政策和行动时,时刻需要进行跨越地域文化的交流传播,而公共关系包括:公众的意见,态度和问题,可能会产生的结果和预测,分析和处理或危机公关,以及传播执行和传播策划。在各级组织中的辅导管理与决策方面,执行和沟通时必须同时考虑到其跨文化交际下的公共后果和组织的社会责任,在研究和评估的基础上,制定传播方案和手段实现公关关系优化以达到公众理解组织机构。这些可能包括市场营销,财务,集资,雇员,社会关系或政府关系和其他程序。在跨文化焦急的影响下通过设定目标,规划,预算编制,招聘和培训员工,发展设施规划来实施该组织的传播内容并努力来影响或改变公共政策。总之,在帮助定义和实施政策时,公关人员需要使用各种专业和沟通技巧结合跨文化交际在组织间以及外部环境中达到整合作用。关键词:公关传播;跨文化交际;传播Table of ContentsLITERATURE REVIEWChapter One AN OVERVIEW ON PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION1.1 The Definition of Public Relations in Intercultural Communication1.2 The Importance of Public Relations in Intercultural Communication1.3 The Development of Public Relations in Intercultural Communication Chapter Two THE PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION2.1 Less Efficiency of Public Relations in Intercultural Communication 2.2 Misunderstanding of Public Relations in Intercultural CommunicationChapter Three THE CAUSES OF PUBLIC RELATIONS DISPUTES IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION3.1 Different Linguistic Background3.2 Different Historical BackgroundChapter Four THE METHODS FOR IMPROVEMENT OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION 4.1 Improving Their Own Self-cultivation 4.2 Expanding The Scope of KnowledgeChapter Five THE SIGNIFICANCE OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATION5.1 Reducing the Restrictions in Public5.2 Promoting Communications in Different CountriesCONCLUSIONWORKS CITEDACKNOWLEDGEMENTS LITERATURE REVIEWPublic relations(PR)are the practice of managing the spread of information between an individual or an organization and the public.Public relations may include an organization or individual gaining exposure to their audiences using topics of public interest and news items that do not require direct payment.The aim of public relations by a company often is to persuade the public,investors,partners,employees,and other stakeholders to maintain a certain point of view about it,its leadership,products,or of political decisions.Public relations provide the means to communicate your ideas and get them accepted-a skill vitally necessary when dealing with ideas.Generally considered a method to gain publicity,public relations has previously been subjected to severe limitations.Now,because of some important discoveries in Scientology,advances have made the entire activity significantly more useful and effective.Speaking is just one mode of communication ,and there are many other ways.Non-verbal communication is one of the most important channels for human communication .Once a great rhetorician was asked what the first part of oratory was,he asked,”action”;and what the second was:he replied,”action”;and the third,he still answered,”action”.So from such a reply,we can see that people tend to believe actions more than words!There is a proverb in English:”Actions speak louder than words,”meaning that if we want people to believe our words,we should “speak”with our “actions”,what we do,communicate more clearly than our words,what we say.Today,many researchers are concerned with the information sent by communication that is independent of and different from verbal information,namely,the nonverbal communication.Verbal communication is organized by language;but nonverbal communication is not.Clearly,we cannot neglect this aspect of communication at our peril in intercultural business communication.Nowadays,owing to the quick information system,especially the popularity of computer technology in our daily life,the earth has become a global village.In the process of globalization,people from different cultures meet for economical,political and cultural purposes more and more frequently.We benefit from intercultural communication and meanwhile we have to confront with the conflict.To solve this problem,the concept of Intercultural Communication Competence (ICC) has been proposed by many language experts. Chapter One AN OVERVIEW ON PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONIn this chapter we will learn what is public relations in intercultural communication,the history of public relations,and how it develop.We will also imagine the charm of public relations.1.1 The Definition of Public Relations in Intercultural CommunicationL.Ron Hubbard s refinement of public relations in intercultural communication not only makes it essential for any group and any individual,but removes the previously inherent limitations (L.Ron Hubbard 82).Although the full technology is extensive,the basic principles covered here will be of immense value to anyone with worthwhile purpose.When one is dealing with others to gain their agreement cooperation or support for something,he has entered the field of public relations,or PR for short.Doing good works is not enough,one has to actually publicize it to gain cooperation or agreement.In public relations one is essentially reaching people with an idea of some kind and gaining their agreement.Ones success in dealing with others,then,is effective to the degree that he can reach them with the idea he intends them to have.Public relations is an indispensable tool to help one get his ideas across and any person who is making the world a better place would benefit greatly from its use.No matter what you do-from taking actions to improve education in an area,to help people get off drugs-by using the tools of public relations you can reach others with the correct message and gain their agreement.Thus it opens the door to acceptance of the activity you want to do.Public relations existed as a formal subject in Roman times.When it was employed for the purpose of electing senators,Even then,political campaign slogans were written on the walls of the Coliseum for people to see.Through the centuries,public relations has remained only partially developed as a subject,suppressed in its development by the ill-intentioned who were only interested in using it to serve their ulterior motives.It wasnt until Scientology,with its discoveries about communication and the true nature of man,that public relations actually became a complete subject of benefit to the society and to the individual.To begin to learn the techniques of public relations,you must start with an understanding of the basic factors or ingredients which make up the subject.1.2 The Importance of Public Relations in Intercultural CommunicationPublic relations professionals do more than draft press releases and build relationships with key media representatives. They must also be familiar with the attitudes and concerns of consumers, employees, public interest groups, and the community in order to establish and maintain cooperative working relationships.In addition to fulfilling their traditional role of getting a companys message out to its audience, those who have completed their studies in communications and public relations may also be responsible for developing and running programs designed to keep the lines of communication open between company and organization representatives and their various audiences. This might include such activities as scheduling speaking engagements for key company staff and speech writing.At its core, public relations revolves around this universal truth: people act based upon their perception of facts. By managing, controlling, or influencing peoples perceptions, public relations professionals hope to initiate a sequence of behaviors that will lead to the achievement of an organizations objectives. When those in public relations successfully create, change, or reinforce opinion through persuasion, their primary objective is accomplished.Public relations professionals follow a set of principles in order to achieve success. Most campaigns begin with the identification of the problem or challenge, then move on to setting the public relations goal. In order to achieve the goal, the public relations specialist crafts persuasive messages and implements key communication tactics while monitoring progress and fine tuning as necessary.1.3 The Development of Public Relations in Intercultural CommunicationSome believe the history of public influence and communication management dates back to ancient civilizations.According to Edward Bernays,one of the pioneers of public relations,”The three main elements of public relations is practically as old as society:informing people,persuading people,or integrating people with people (Edward 66).Stone Tablets used by the Babylonians to educate farmers on how to sow and harvest crops in 1800 BC is sometimes considered the first known example of public relations,In Egypt,Scribes were elected by the pharaoh and other officials to document their deeds (何伟祥 53). In Athens,towns criers were available for hire to proclaim new laws to the community or to advertise for artisans and traders.Aesclyptoe,an Athenian cosmetics vendor,created what is considered the precursor to the modern day jingle,when he sang,”.for prices in reason,the woman who knows,will buy her cosmetics at Aesclyptoe.”(何伟祥 55)Ancient India had a team that monitored public opinion.The first theories of rhetoric were founded in Ancient Greece.Writers critiqued unethical practices of oratory as dangerous to democracy,while Plato and Aristotle devised academic distinctions to limit persuasion or maintain standards for judgment and action.Poetry was a common form of persuasion in Greece.Julius Caesar and others wrote biographies on their military successes to persuade the Roman public to support their political candidacies.Others in Rome and Greece wrote books and taught classes on persuasive speaking and rhetoric.The ancient Rome Empire created symbols and propaganda to demonstrate its economic prosperity and stability,so that it could entice unconquered regions to submit willingly.In medieval Europe,craftsmen guilds coveted their reputation and Lord Chancellors acted as mediators in England between rulers and subjects.Public relations were also used to spread Christianity.Pope Urban II is said to have used public relations to recruit for the crusades and Jesus could be considered an early practitioner of ethics in communication.He told his apostles “Say Yes when you mean Yes and No when you mean No.”Early gospel writers practiced audience segmentation by creating four different versions of their gospels for different audiences.Pope Gregory XV is considered the founder of the term “propaganda” for his work persuading people to join the church through trained missionaries.The promotion of the New World by explorers is sometimes cited as an example of public relations. Land promoters used exaggerated stories of grandeur to persuade English citizens to migrate to the New World in the 1600s(张践 26).Famous explorers such as Magellan and Columbus are sometimes called “public relations”people,because their appeals to rulers for funding and to colonists for immigration are similar to those used in contemporary practices.American colleges have used public relations in the promotion of higher education.In 1641,Harvard College developed the first fund-raising brochure,New Englands First Fruits,as part of the first fund-raising campaign.Three Harvard preachers on a begging mission to England had asked for a pamphlet to explain its financial needs.When Kings College (now Columbia University),sent ,out an announcement of its 1758 graduation ceremonies,several newspapers printed the information and it become one of the first news releases.Princeton was the first to make it a routine practice to supply newspapers with information about activities at the college.The Boston Tea Party was a staged event to rally protest against the British rule in the American colonies during the late 18th century,and some historians consider it to be an example of a kind of early “public relations event”.After the revolution was won,disagreements broke out regarding the United States Constitution(余明阳 189).Supporters of the constitution sent letters now called the Federalist Papers to major news outlets that persuaded the public to support the constitution.Within the U.S.government,an 1807 address to Congress by former U.S.President Thomas Jefferson may be the first time the term “public relations”was coined.During the 1820s,President Andrew Jackson appointed the first Federal Press Secretary in the US,Amos Kendall.Kendall was one of the first persons whose paid profession centered on media management around a particular organization or party.Westinghouse Corporation created the first in-house public relations department in 1889.Many of the first practitioners of public relations in the US were hired to persuade US consumers to to use the new rail system.Some scholars believe that the first appearance of the term”public relations”appeared in the 1897 Year Book of Railway Literature.Increasingly,companies are utilizing social media channels,such as blogs and Microblogging.Some view two-way communications in social media in two categories:asymmetrical and symmetrical.In an asymmetrical public relations model an organization gets the feedback from the public and uses it as a basis for attempting to persuade the public to change.A symmetrical public relations model means that the organization takes the interests of the public into careful consideration and public relations practitioners seek a balance between the interest of their organization and the interest.Chapter Two THE PROBLEMS OF PUBLIC RELATIONS IN INTERCULTURAL COMMUNICATIONIn a society, public relations is indispensable, the harmonious interpersonal relationship is indispensable to peoples mental health condition, it is also an important way for mental health. In cross-cultural communication, however, due to different regions, different cultures, beliefs, etc., public relations will exist some problems.2.1 Less Efficiency of Public Relations in Intercultural CommunicationWith the publicity of information technology and the opening of the Internet to the society,people are able to stay at home and talk to people all over the world,so people have to face different problems in communication.When you do public relations activities in various cultures,you are facing with intercultural exchanges.It is likely to meet troubles in communication.Nearly half the executives at global companies believe language barriers have spoiled cross-border deals and caused financial losses for companies.To improve communications,many global companies are trying to adopt English as an official language.A multilingual approach is inefficient and can prevent important interactions from taking place and get in the way of achieve key goals.Communication difficulties are becoming increasingly costly as companies seek to expand their operations globally.More than three-quarters of the companies surveyed they expect to have an operational presence in more countries in the next three years,and nine in ten said they expect their overseas client base to grow;but 89% also said language and custom challenges are stifling their international plans.So learn about the cultural backgrounds of the people you are working with which can reduce the less efficiency.In cross-cultural communication,there are many obstacles,such as language problems,mental disorders,history of the formation of prejudice and stereotypes.They may result in less efficiency


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