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结果:有2项随机对照研究和4项非随机对照研究共1602例病人符合入选标准。Results two randomized controlled trials and four non-randomized controlled studies on 1 602 patients qualified for the meta-analysis according to our criteria.方法按入选标准筛选合适病人进行溶栓,以相同时期非溶栓治疗的具有相同条件的患者为对照组。Methods intravenous thrombolytic therapy was performed on 35 patients as a thrombolysis-treated group who are up to the admission standards, and meanwhile 29 patients as a control group with the similar conditions to the thrombolysis-treated group were managed without intravenous thrombolysis. 方法符合入选标准的病人分别给予降纤酶(降纤酶组)、尿激酶(尿激酶组)、生理盐水(对照组)治疗。Methods the patients were divided into three groups ( defibrase group, urokinase group and control group), and defibrase, urokinase, and normal saline were given separately.方法:将所有符合入选标准的病人根据病情给予控制感染、脱水及降压降糖等对症处理,在基础治疗上给予静脉滴注注射用灯盏细辛酚,通过比较治疗前后神经功能缺损评分变化现察疗效。Methods: all patients who meet the criteria for inclusion under the condition to control infections, dehydration and other symptomatic hypotension hypoglycemic, in the basic treatment given intravenous injection erigeron phenol, by comparing before and after treatment neurologic impairment score changes of efficacy. 方法回顾性分析中国广州中山大学第一和第三附属医院从1996年5月至2005年4月收治的454例肝移植患者的临床资料,病例组入选标准:(1)行尸肝供体原位肝移植病人;(2)术后出现脑出血;(3)所有病例均经头颅ct或mri检查明确诊断;(4)术前有过脑出血病史者不能入选。Method the clinical data of 454 patients who underwent liver transplantation in the first and third affiliated hospital of sun-yat sen university of guangzhou, china, from May 1996 to April 2005, were retrospectively analyzed. The criteria for the selection of patients were as follow: ( 1) the patients after orthotropic liver transplantation of dead donor; ( 2) intracerebral hemorrhage after liver transplantation; ( 3) all patients diagnosed by head CT or MRI; ( 4) patients with intracerebral hemorrhage before liver transplantation were excluded.本文阐述了在泌尿外科学教学中应用标准化病人的优势,并总结了培训泌尿外科学标准化病人的经验,从招募、入选标准及训练目标、具体培训方案等方面,较为详细地描述了泌尿外科学标准化病人的培训方法。In this article, the advantages of urology sp were summarized. And the training experience of urology sp was reviewed, including the recruitment way, adoption standard, training objective and the program details, etc.结果36例患者经右侧进胸,3例经左侧进胸;胸腔镜下完成手术者38例,1例术中发生食管黏膜破裂,予以开胸行食管黏膜修补术。Results video-assisted thoracoscopic leiomyoma enucleations were performed in 38 patients, and one patient was converted to thoracotomy to repair the esophageal mucosa because of mucosa rupture during the operation. Thirty-six patients were treated through the right chest and the other 3 cases through the left.2.我们提出一位66岁男性病人,因为接受亚全胃和迷走神经切断切除手术后,引起左侧乳糜胸,先给予保守性治疗无效后,经由右侧胸腔镜辅助下,予以手术金属夹夹住胸管后,病人乳糜胸未见改善。We described a 66-year-old man who developed left chylothorax resulting from subtotal gastrectomy and vagotomy. Conservative treatment was tried first. Then, surgical intervention through right-sided videoassisted thoracoscopic surgery with clipping of the right thoracic duct was performed, but failed.3.目的探讨电视胸腔镜手术(vats)右侧进胸,经后纵隔顶部入左胸腔,同期治疗双侧肺大疱的可行性及疗效。Objective to evaluate the feasibility, efficacy of the right-sided video-assisted thoracic surgery ( vats) apico-posterior transmediastinal approach for large blebs at the apes of both lungs in single-stage.纳入标准:具备正常的认知能力,无慢性精神疾病史。排除标准:胸腔镜辅助下搭桥、小切口微创搭桥及伴随其他手术如换瓣的患者。Those with normal cognitive ability without history of mental disorder were included, and those subjected to video-assisted coronary artery bypass, minimally invasive direct coronary artery bypass or other surgery such as heart valve replacement were eliminated.1.记录术前血氧饱和度、血红蛋白水平和心率。Preoperative oxygen saturation, hemoglobin levels and heart rate were recorded.2.整个手术过程动脉血氧饱和度维持在100%。The arterial o2 saturation was well maintained at 100% throughout the whole course of surgery.3.结果牵引中5、10、20min与牵引前血氧饱和度分别经t检验,p均Results there were significant differences between the oxygen saturation of blood at the 5th, 1.4.结果:bas后动脉血氧饱和度(sao2)由0.530.14上升至0.740.11。It was found that bas resulted in a significant increase in arterial oxygen saturation ( sao 2) from 0 53 0 14 to 0 74 0 11 ( p5.观察两组术后肠鸣音出现及肛门排气时间、末梢动脉血氧饱和度及胃泌素测定。Then observe the time when the patients emerging bowel sounds regular and passage of gas by anus, assay the saturation of peripheral arterial blood and the concentration of gastrin.6.气管切开后94.6%呼吸改善,78.4%动脉血氧饱和度(sao2)完全纠正,18.9%sao2改善。After tracheotomy, the respirations were improved in 35 cases ( 94.6%) and sao2 turned normal in 29 cases ( 78.4%).7.观察2组患者脉搏、呼吸、动脉血氧饱和度的变化,比较2组患者穿刺时舒适度和满意度。Pulses, breath, the artery blood oxygen saturation degree were compared between two groups, at the same time, patient comfort levels and degree of satisfaction were also compared.8.结果:受试者正常对照组动脉血氧饱和度为86.50%,经体外通氧后,上升到99.87%。Result: the arterial bos of normal subjects was 86.9.用动脉血氧饱和度下降指数(3%odi)来评价sdb的程度,血氧饱和度的评价采用简易sdb测定仪。Oxygen desaturation index ( 3% odi) was used to evaluate sdb extent. Blood oxygen saturation was evaluated by a simple sdb determinator. Results sdb positively associated with diastolic blood pressure.10.hg(p0.05),血氧饱和度、动脉血气及其它血流动力学指标无明显变化。Hg. Arterial oxygen saturation, blood gas analyses and other hemodynamic parameters remained unchanged.11.结论血氧饱和度仪对动脉血管损伤诊断、术后监测有较好效果。 Conclusion blood oxygen degree of saturation instrument has good effect on diagnosis and post-operation supervision for artery vessel injury.12.目的探讨血氧饱和度仪在动脉血管损伤治疗中的效果监测。 Objective make effective supervision of blood oxygen degree of saturation instrument in treating injury of artery vessel.13.穿刺取股动脉血液测定动脉血氧饱和度(sao2)。Femoral artery blood was sampled for blood oxygen saturation ( sao2).14.介绍了动脉血氧和肌氧饱和度的概念。The concept of arterial blood oxygen and muscle oxygen saturation is introduced.15.整个试验过程中监测并记录受试者的心率、平均动脉压和脉搏血氧饱和度。Pictures were shown to them at the same time. Heart rate, mean blood pressure, and spo2 were monitored throughout the infusion.16.监测各组患者血压、平均动脉压、最低血氧饱和度、睡眠呼吸紊乱指数。We determined blood pressure, mean blood pressure, the lowest oxygen saturation and apnea-hypopnea index.17.全程监测血氧饱和度及吸痰前后动脉血气分析。Saq2 and the results of blood gas were observed before and after sputum suction.18.结果:主动脉气囊反搏植入术后,患者平均动脉压,心率血氧饱和度,中心静脉压,心脏指数均有明显改善(pResults: the sbp, dbp and heart rate, morbidity of organ dysfunction in those pa.19.比较术前、术后动脉血氧分压(pao2)、二氧化碳分压(paco2)均有统计学意义。Paco2 and acidosis preoperatively, and some even had hypoxemia and hypercapnia.20.静脉麻醉后气管插管,持续监测平均动脉压、心率、脉搏血氧饱和度及直肠温度。The rabbits were endotracheally intubated and ventilated after intravenous anesthesia. The arterial pressure, electrocardiogram, percutaneous oxygen saturation, and rectal temperature were continuously monitored.The detailed installation method of chronic portal, hepatic, mesenteric vein and femoral artery multi-catheters was introduced in this paper.本文详细介绍了门、肝、肠系膜静脉和股动脉慢性多血管瘘管的手术安装方法。2.Reexamination of vascular ultrasound showed that there were no thrombus appeared in the kidney artery and vein, or the iliac vein and femoral vein.复查血管超声,未出现肾动、静脉血栓或髂、股静脉血栓等并发症。3.Methods extracorporeal circulation is established through right subclavian artery or femoral artery and right atrium.方法经右锁骨下动脉或升主动脉插灌注管,右心房插引流管建立体外循环。4.The cardiopulmonary bypass ( cpb) was, set up through the right femoral artery and femoral vein with bipolar femoral venous cannulae. The asd was repaired through the thoracoscope.腋中线第四、六肋间作胸壁小切口,以全胸腔镜经股动脉。股静脉双极插管建立体外循环,完全在胸腔镜下行房间隔修补。5.Method forty sprague-dawley rats were canulated with catheters into the left ventricle, femoral artery and femoral vein, respectively.方法sd大鼠40只,左股动、静脉及左心室插管。6.Main outcome measures: the anatomical relationship between the branches of external iliac artery and vein, femoral artery and vein and acetabulum.主要观察指标:髂外动、静脉及股动、静脉分支与髋臼的解剖关系。7.Method intravenous anesthesia with 3% pentobarbital sodium was performed to dissociate the femoral vein and femoral artery so as to insert the vein and artery cannulae to measure blood pressure.方法用3%戊巴比妥纳静脉麻醉分离股静脉插入静脉插管、分离股功脉插入动脉插管,以测量动脉血压。8.There was no difference in cold ischemic time. With hepatic artery thrombosis and/ or stenosis> 50%, five patien ts were re-transplanted; without hepatic artery thrombosis and/ or stenosis冷缺血时间无显著性差异.5例有肝动脉血栓和/或狭窄>50%行再移植,另3例无肝动脉血栓和/或狭窄9.By arteriography, the actual anatomic distributions of occlusive disease included infrarenal aorta-bicommon iliac arteries, abdominal aorta-bicommon iliac arteries, iliac artery, and femoral artery or femoropopliteal artery.动脉闭塞分别位于近肾腹主动脉-双髂动脉,腹主动脉-双髂动脉,髂动脉,股动脉或股-月国动脉。10.Method: three patients diagnosed atrial septal defect were set up micro-invasive cardiopulmonary bypass by right femoral vein, femoral artery and superior vena cava with thoracoscopy for closing the atrial septal defect.方法:3例先天性心脏病房间隔缺损患者采用股动脉、股静脉插管和经第四肋间插入上腔静脉插管建立的微创体外循环,借助电视胸腔镜修补房间隔缺损。11.Conclusion: setting up micro-invasive cardiopulmo nary bypass by femoral vein, femoral artery and superior vena cava was feasibilit y and safety for thoracoscopy used in closing the atrial septal defect.结论:经股动脉、股静脉和上腔静脉插管建立微创体外循环可以满足电视胸腔镜心脏手术操作过程中的灌注要求,其方法安全可行。12.Objective to investigate the value of contrast-enhanced ultrasonography in the disease of portal vein, cervical artery and thrombosis in the deep vein of lower extremity.目的探讨超声造影在门静脉、颈动脉及下肢深静脉疾病中的应用价值。13.Objective to explore the cause and prevention measure of femoral artery thrombosis during interventional therapy for congenital heart disease ( chd) in children.目的探讨小儿先天性心脏病(chd)介入治疗并发股动脉血栓形成的原因及防治措施。14.Meth-ods: vascularized heterotopic fibula was transplanted to the anterior-lateral part of the femoral neck. The fibula artery and vein were anastomosised with lateral circumflex artery and vein.方法:带血管腓骨移植到股骨颈的前外侧,腓动静脉与旋股外动静脉吻合。15.Conclusion fibrinolytic therapy with urokinase is a safe and useful medality for children with femoral artery thrombosis after left cardiac catheterization.结论采用尿激酶对左心导管术后股动脉血栓形成患儿进行溶栓治疗安全有效,当经外周静脉途径溶栓无效时,应尽早采用经对侧股动脉插管途径进行溶栓。16.We observed the effect of r sak on thrombolysis by three experimental models of thrombosis of artery vein circulation in rabbits and blocking in lung artery in rabbits and thrombosis of rats in vitro.采用家兔动静脉旁路血栓形成法、家兔肺栓塞法及大鼠体外血栓形成法模型,以观察重组葡激酶的溶栓作用。17.Objective to explore the diagnosis and treatment for patients with portal vein thrombosis or tumor embolus in perioperative period of liver transplantation.目的探讨肝移植围手术期合并门静脉血栓或癌栓的诊断及处理。18.Methods 30 cases of lower extremity arterial thrombosis received built-in thrombosis through percutaneous femoral artery and had the micro-pumps reserved.方法对30例下肢动脉血栓患者经皮穿刺股动脉行内置管溶栓并保留导管接微量泵继续溶栓,观察其临床效果。19.Objective to compare the advantages and disadvantages of coronary angiography via radial or femoral artery.目的比较经桡动脉和经股动脉行冠状动脉造影的优缺点。方法:室缺患者90例,其中膜部(膜周)86例,嵴内及肌型各2例。Methods: ninety patients with vsd were occluded, including 86 patients with perimembranous vsd, 2 patients with intracristal vsd and 2 patients with muscular vsd.2.目的探讨经导管采用新型amp latzer膜部室缺堵闭器关闭儿童膜周室缺的安全性及可行性。Objective to evaluate the safety and efficacy of thrascatheter closure of permembranous ventricular septal defect ( pvsd) using asymmetric membranous vsd amplatzer occluder device ( aaod) in children.3.目的探讨单向活瓣式补片在治疗室缺合并肺动脉高压中的作用。Objective to study the effect of unidirectional flap patch on the patients with ventricular septal defect and severe pulmonary hypertension.4.目的探讨室缺合并重度肺动脉高压的围手术期处理方法。Objective to study the perioperative management of ventricular septal defect ( vsd).5.其中行室缺直接缝合3例,单纯补片修补19例,单向活瓣补片修补4例。Surgical procedures were direct closure of vsd in 3 patients, simple patch closure in 19 and one-way valved patch closure in 4.6.结果:超声诊断16例室缺中7例合并其他复杂心血管畸形。Results there were7cases with other complex cardiovascular deformity among 16cases diagnosed vcdby ultrasound examination.7.房、室缺均采用补片修补;动脉导管未闭在并行循环下切开肺动脉缝合。Asd or vsd was repaired with a patch and pda were subjected to suturing closure through pulmonary artery cut.8.目的:评价彩色多普勒超声心动图对室缺的定位及大小测量的准确性。Objective: to evaluate the accuracy of the location and size of ventricular septal defect ( vsd) determined by color doppler echocardiography.9.方法:用彩超对123例室缺进行定位及大小测量,与手术结果进行对比分析。Methods: the location and size of 123 vsd were determined by color doppler echocardiography, all the results were compared with surgical operation.10.目的探讨手术治疗室缺合并重度肺高压的有效方法。Objective to study the effective surgical method for the treatment of ventricular septal defects ( vsd) with severe pulmonary hypertension ( ph).11.其中行二尖瓣置换术8例,行二尖瓣成形术加室缺修补术1例。Totally 8 mitral valvular replacements and 1 mitral valvuloplasty were proformed.12.目的观察心脏不停跳修补室缺后肌钙蛋白t(ctnt)分泌变化。Objective to estimate the myocardial protective effect of the operation.13.目的探讨婴幼儿先天性心脏病合并室缺的肺动脉压测定与连续波多普勒法相关性的临床研究。Objective the purpose of this study was to evaluate the predictive value of doppler echocardiography for assessment of pap in young children with isolated ventricular septal defect.14.结论室缺患儿一旦合并有肺动脉高压应尽早手术治疗,合适的治疗方法是手术成功的关键。Conclusion most children with ventricular septal defect combined with pulmonary hypertension should be cured with early heart surgery, the appropriate surgical treatment is the key to success.15.单纯avr16例、avr二尖瓣成形术或室缺修补术或升主动脉替换术11例,bental手术2例。Avr was performed in 16 patients, combined avr with other procedures, including mitral valvuloplasty or ventricula.16.方法对60例1岁以下婴儿室缺伴肺高压的手术治疗进行总结。Methods 60 infants with vsd+ ph received operations.17.方法:将手术证实的室缺并发畸形与超声检查进行比较,分析超声检测敏感度、特异度及准确度。Methods: compared the anomalies accompanied with vsd detected by echocardiography and confirmed by operation, and analyzed echocardiographic sensitivity, specificity and accurate rate.18.方法:32例手术证实室缺,男22例,女10例。年龄324岁,12岁以下20例。Methods: there were 32 cases of vsd, 20 male and 12 female nanged in age from 3 to 24 years.19.目的:总结室缺合并肺高压患儿心脏术后呼吸道护理的经验。Objective: to present our experience in post-operative respiratory tract management in pediatric patients with ventricular septal defect ( vsd) complicated with pulmonary hypertension ( ph).20.方法麻醉前病情分级asa级,心脏手术患者30例,其中瓣膜置换术18例、室缺修补术12例。Methods 30 patients graded asa were designed in this study, in which 18 patients underwent valve replacement and other 12 patients underwent ventricular septal defect surgery. All cases were anesthetized with combined anesthesia.左心室射血分数50%定义为左心室收缩功能正常。Left ventricular ejection fraction (lvef) greater than 50% was defined as preserved systolic function.2.均用心脏彩色多普勒超声诊断仪测定左心室收缩功能,心力衰竭按纽约分级(nyha)。The severity of heart dysfunction was determined by nyha classification. The left ventricular ejection fraction ( lvef) measured by color doppler ultrasound was used to show the left ventricular systolic function.3.目的利用超声心动图揭示正常妊娠期间母体左心室收缩功能的变化并探讨激素作用机制。Objective to demonstrate the maternal left ventricular systolic function by echocardiography, measuring the plasma renin, ang and serum ald, e 2, pro to explore their effects on the maternal adaptations.4.结论vvi技术应变指标可以准确评价冠心病患者左心室收缩功能异常。Conclusions strain parameter of vvi technique could not only accurately analyze the lv systolic dysfunction but also reflect the stenostic degree of coronary artery.5.但是,有关mbv术后较长时间的左心室收缩功能的报道较少。Several investigators reported the systolic and diastolic function however, the long-term efect ofmbv on left ventricular volume and function was not fully elucidate.6.目的通过经胸超声心动图(tte)评价室间隔缺损(vsd)封堵术后左心室收缩功能近、中斯变化。 Objective to study the immediate and mid-term changes of left ventricular systolic function after percutanous transcatheter closure of ventricular septal defect ( vsd) by transthoracic echocardiography ( tte).7.方法:用三维超声心动图检查了28例冠心病心绞痛(血瘀证)患者服用银蒺胶囊前后左心室收缩功能的变化。Methods: the systolic function of left ventricle ( lv) in cardiac cycle of 28 angina pectoris patients with blood stasis syndrome was examined with three-dimensional echocardiograph ( 3-de) before and after treatment with yjc.8.对5组大鼠左心室收缩功能(fs、ef、sv)、血清心肌酶谱(ldh、ck、ck-mb、-hbd)水平进行监测。Transthoracic echocardiography ( tte) was performed to assess left ventricular systolic function fs, ef and sv with these groups in different period.9.方法80例左心室收缩功能不全的主动脉瓣狭窄患者,其中男32例,女性48例,年龄3885岁,平均年龄42岁。Methods eighty patients with aortic valve stenosis combined left ventricular ejection fraction ( ef) less than 50% cases were diagnosed by echocardiography, mele 32, female 48, aged 38 85 years, mean age 42 years.10.目的应用二维及m-型超声心动图技术评价艾滋病患者左心室收缩功能的变化。Objective to assess left ventricle ( lv) systolic function in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome ( aids) patients with two dimensional and m-mode echocardiography.11.结论调整ddd起搏器pavd不但能够改善左心室收缩功能,也可对舒张功能产生良性影响,植入ddd起搏器患者应加强随访,调整优化pavd使起搏器发挥最佳效应。Conclusion optimizing pavd could be in favorable of both systolic and diastolic function, suggesting the individual and long-term follow-up facilitate the maximal benign effect to those with ddd pacemaker.12.目的探讨经胸冠状动脉血流成像(tcfdi)在急性心肌梗死患者冠状动脉介入术(pci)后早期预测左心室收缩功能恢复的应用价值。Objective to evaluate the value of early-phase transthoracic coronary flow doppler imaging ( tcfdi) after successful percutaneous coronary intervention ( pci) in predicting left ventricular ( lv) systolic function with acute myocardial infarction ( ami).13.目的探讨速度向量成像技术在川崎病冠状动脉瘤患儿左心室收缩功能检测中的应用价值。Objective to explore the value of velocity vector imaging ( vvi) in detecting left ventricular systolic function in kawasaki disease ( kd) with coronary aneurysms.14.目的探讨超声心动图评价骨髓间质干细胞移植对心肌梗死后左心室收缩功能的作用及治疗价值。Objective to investigate the effects of autologous bone marrow stromal stem cells ( msscs) transplantation on cardiac function in acute myocardial infarction ( ami).15.结果与术前比较,左心室收缩功能vs在术后1月显著增加(t=5.91,pResults one month after cabg, the vs, ve, and ve/ va increasd significantly ( t= 5.91-10.91, p16.二尖瓣球囊成形术能否提高二尖瓣狭窄患者的左心室收缩功能,国内外展开了较广泛的讨论。Mitral balloon valvotomy ( mbv) relieved mitral obstruction by a less invasive technique.17.目的:观察卡维地洛和比索洛尔对慢性心力衰竭患者血浆脑钠肽(bnp)水平及左心室收缩功能的变化。Objective: to observe the changes of plasma level of brain natriuretic peptide ( bnp) and left ventricular function in patients with chronic heart failure ( chf).18.目的应用门控心肌显像观察心脏起搏器植入后早期患者左心室收缩功能与结构的变化。Objective the aim of this study was to assess the early functional and structural changes of left ventricle ( lv) after pacemaker implantation by gated spect ( gspect).


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