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TheMarketing Research IndustryCopyright 2002 South-Western/Thomson LearningCHAPTER twoLearning Objectives1.To appreciate the structure of the marketing research industry.2.To comprehend the nature of corporate marketing research departments.3.To learn the various types of firms and their research functions in the market research industry.4.To understand the impact of the Internet on the marketing research industry.5.To learn who uses marketing research.6.To understand the growing importance of strategic partnering.7.To appreciate the trends in global marketing research.Level 1.Primary Information Users(Corporate Marketing Departments)The ultimate users of marketing researchMarketing research data is needed to:1.Determine how targets will react to alternative marketing mixes.2.Evaluate success of operational marketing strategies.3.Assess changes in the external environment.To learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureCorporate MarketingResearch DepartmentsThe Marketing Research IndustryThe Internet ImpactUsers of Marketing ResearchStrategic PartneringandGlobal ResearchGeneral Categories of Institutions Involved in Marketing ResearchKraft General FoodsInstitutionActivities,Functions,and ServicesLevel 1.Corporate marketing departmentsTable 2.1Level 2.Ad agenciesLevel 3.Syndicated service firms Custom or ad hoc research firmsLevel 4.Field service firmsSpecialized firmsOthersJ.Walter ThompsonAC NeilsonMarket Factssubcontractspecialized support servicesgovernment,universitiesCorporateClient ACorporateClient BCustomResearchFirm ACustomResearchFirm BSyndicatedResearchFirm XSyndicatedResearchFirm YAdAgencyFieldOffice XFieldServiceFirm XFieldOffice YFieldServiceFirm YRRRRRRInterviewerInterviewerInterviewerInterviewerInterviewerLevel 1Level 2Level 3Level 4InformationUsersResearchDesignersandSuppliersDataCollectorsRespondentsFigure 2.1RRRRThe Structure of the Marketing Research Industry4.Identify new target markets.5.Create new marketing mixes for new target markets.Level 2:Information Users(Ad Agencies)serves corporate clients may be ultimate users of research data main business:the development and execution of ad campaigns.To learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureLevel 3:Research Designers and Suppliers sell research services design research studies analyze results make recommendations to client they design research,manage its execution,and buy data collection from other firms To learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureLevel 4:Data Collectors Field service firms collect data for:syndicated research firms custom research firms ad agencies corporationsTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureOnly 15 percent of service companies such as Federal Express and Delta Airlines have marketing departments with more that 10 employees.Companies are conducting less research internally.Our attention will be devoted to marketing departments found in the more sophisticated,larger companies.To learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.Corporate MarketingResearch DepartmentsLevel 3:The Big Marketing Research Companies Four largest firms in the industry:A.C.Nielsen Corporation retail measurement services IMS Health Incorporatedpharmacy and hospital auditsTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Marketing Research Industry Information Resources IncorporatesTracks weekly sales and price for mass merchandisers Nielsen Media ResearchTelevision industryTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Marketing Research IndustryLevel 3:Custom or Ad Hoc Research Firms One-of-a-kind marketing research projectsLevel 3:Syndicated Service FirmsCollect and sell the same marketing research to many firmsLevel 4:Field Service FirmsData collection specialists on a subcontract basis for corporate marketing research departmentsTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Marketing Research IndustryCybermarketing Research FirmsGreenfield Online-claims to have the worlds largest Internet-based marketing research panel.Vividence-evaluates the effectiveness of websites.Media Metrix-tracks the popularity of websites.Relevant Knowledge,Net RatingsNielson Media ResearchThe Internet ImpactTo understand the impact of the internet on the marketing research industry.Cyber Support FirmsTo provide support in conducting Internet surveys.WebSurveyorCyberdata:The Internet is Changing the Way Old-Line Marketing Research Support Organizations Deliver Their ProductSurvey Sampling Incorporated(SSI)ClaritasTo understand the impact of the internet on the marketing research industryThe Internet ImpactOther Organizations and Individuals Special contributions to marketing research government agencies university bureaus professorsTo understand the impact of the Internet on the marketing research industry.The Internet ImpactTo learn who uses marketing research.External Clients Vendors FranchiseesInternal Clients New product development,pricingTop Managements Use of ResearchOther Users of Marketing ResearchUsers of Marketing ResearchFigure 2.3Marketing Research CustomersLogisticsSalesAdvertisingandPromotionNewProductDev.BrandManagersPricingCommitteeProductEngineersFinanceManufac-turingLegalH.R.Mgmt.OtherDept.SeniorMgmt.MarketingDept.FranchiseesCompanyVendorsExternalUsers or Customersof Marketing ResearchInternalTo learn about the various types of firms and their functions in research.The Evolving StructureCorporate MarketingResearch DepartmentsThe Marketing Research IndustryThe Internet ImpactUsers of Marketing ResearchStrategic ParterningandGlobal ResearchFords Marketing Research on Sample New Technology FeaturesSample features are shown below:Table 2.4Fingerprint Passive EntryNight Vision SystemSun Tracking VisorFront Impact WarningInfinite Door CheckSkin Temperature SensorTo appreciate the trends in global marketing research.Global Marketing Research TrendsIn a strategic partnership,the client and research firm work together.Services provided may include:data collection tracking specialized research activityStrategic PartneringandGlobal ResearchSUMMARY Corporate Marketing Research Departments The Marketing Research Industry Users of Marketing Research Strategic Partnering and Global Research The Evolving StructureThe EndCopyright 2002 South-Western/Thomson Learning9、静夜四无邻,荒居旧业贫。22.8.1222.8.12Friday,August 12,202210、雨中黄叶树,灯下白头人。21:25:1821:25:1821:258/12/2022 9:25:18 PM11、以我独沈久,愧君相见频。22.8.1221:25:1821:25Aug-2212-Aug-2212、故人江海别,几度隔山川。21:25:1821:25:1821:25Friday,August 12,202213、乍见翻疑梦,相悲各问年。22.8.1222.8.1221:25:1821:25:18August 12,202214、他乡生白发,旧国见青山。2022年8月12日星期五下午9时25分18秒21:25:1822.8.1215、比不了得就不比,得不到的就不要。2022年8月下午9时25分22.8.1221:25August 12,202216、行动出成果,工作出财富。2022年8月12日星期五21时25分18秒21:25:1812 August 202217、做前,能够环视四周;做时,你只能或者最好沿着以脚为起点的射线向前。下午9时25分18秒下午9时25分21:25:1822.8.129、没有失败,只有暂时停止成功!。22.8.1222.8.12Friday,August 12,202210、很多事情努力了未必有结果,但是不努力却什么改变也没有。21:25:1821:25:1821:258/12/2022 9:25:18 PM11、成功就是日复一日那一点点小小努力的积累。22.8.1221:25:1821:25Aug-2212-Aug-2212、世间成事,不求其绝对圆满,留一份不足,可得无限完美。21:25:1821:25:1821:25Friday,August 12,202213、不知香积寺,数里入云峰。22.8.1222.8.1221:25:1821:25:18August 12,202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年8月12日星期五下午9时25分18秒21:25:1822.8.1215、楚塞三湘接,荆门九派通。2022年8月下午9时25分22.8.1221:25August 12,202216、少年十五二十时,步行夺得胡马骑。2022年8月12日星期五21时25分18秒21:25:1812 August 202217、空山新雨后,天气晚来秋。下午9时25分18秒下午9时25分21:25:1822.8.129、杨柳散和风,青山澹吾虑。22.8.1222.8.12Friday,August 12,202210、阅读一切好书如同和过去最杰出的人谈话。21:25:1821:25:1821:258/12/2022 9:25:18 PM11、越是没有本领的就越加自命不凡。22.8.1221:25:1821:25Aug-2212-Aug-2212、越是无能的人,越喜欢挑剔别人的错儿。21:25:1821:25:1821:25Friday,August 12,202213、知人者智,自知者明。胜人者有力,自胜者强。22.8.1222.8.1221:25:1821:25:18August 12,202214、意志坚强的人能把世界放在手中像泥块一样任意揉捏。2022年8月12日星期五下午9时25分18秒21:25:1822.8.1215、最具挑战性的挑战莫过于提升自我。2022年8月下午9时25分22.8.1221:25August 12,202216、业余生活要有意义,不要越轨。2022年8月12日星期五21时25分18秒21:25:1812 August 202217、一个人即使已登上顶峰,也仍要自强不息。下午9时25分18秒下午9时25分21:25:1822.8.12MOMODA POWERPOINTLorem ipsum dolor sit amet,consectetur adipiscing elit.Fusce id urna blandit,eleifend nulla ac,fringilla purus.Nulla iaculis tempor felis ut cursus.感 谢 您 的 下 载 观 看感 谢 您 的 下 载 观 看专家告诉


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