外研版英语八年级下册Module 8 Time off Unit 2 教案

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外研版英语八年级下册Module 8 Time off Unit 2 教案_第1页
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外研版英语八年级下册Module 8 Time off Unit 2 教案_第2页
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Unit 2 We thought somebody was moving about.一学习目标1知识目标:通过自主探究,掌握本单元的词:shape,human.eake.somebody,pull及短语 move about,look for,find out,pull.off2能力目标:taking about travelling,谈论旅游景点和旅游经历3情感目标:保护自然风光,文明出游。二知识结构图Key vocabulary &phrasesTo understand the email about travelling in ZhangjiajieKey grammar:that 引导的宾语从句Students can write a passage about Zhangjiajie 三任务单Task1:英汉互译下列单词和短语,检测学生自主预习结果。1. move about_ 2.a magic land_3. square kilometers_ 4. the strange shape of_5. by a small lake_ 6.walk down the path_7. 答应做某事_ 7.玩得开心_ 8. 唤醒某人_ 9.从.扯下_ Task2:导入新课,创设语言情境Watch a vedio about Zhangjiajie.What do you think of Zhangjiajie?(Activity1&2)Task3:课文处理,运用阅读策略提取文章的信息(activity3)(一)Fast reading (快速阅读课文,重在理解课文大意,把握课文结构,连线)Paragraph 1 The story of their climbing Mount TianziParagraph 2 Descriptions of Zhangjiajie Paragraph 3 A special experience at night during the holidayParagraph 4 Plans for next day(二) careful reading (阅读课文,重在细节把握,按要求完成相应题目)1.Read para 1 and answer the questionsWhat can they see in Zhangjiajie?2.Read para 2 Choose the best answer3.Read para 3 say true or false(1)They saw wonderful sights of the lakes and forests.(2)This morning they walked up the Mount Tianzi.(3)Its wrong and dangerous to pull leaves .4.Read para 4 and answer the question.Where are they going?5.Number the sentences in the correct order.(Activity4)Task4:要点点拨,使学生对含有that的宾语从句和文章内容有进一步了解。(1) 教师复习宾语从句概念及用法 学生读课文,在课文中找出含有that的宾语从句,进一步理解其使用。(2) 课文重点点拨Task5:语言输出,使学生根据课文介绍张家界Choose the most important or interesting facts about Zhangjiajie and write a passage about it.(activity8)


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