外研版八年级上册Module 2 My home town and my country综合素质评价(word版含答案)

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外研版八年级上册Module 2 My home town and my country综合素质评价(word版含答案)_第1页
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外研版八年级上册Module 2 My home town and my country综合素质评价(word版含答案)_第3页
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Module 2 综合素质评价限时: 90分钟 满分: 100分一、单项选择(15 分) 1. The river in my home town is _. A. four-metre-wide B. four metres wide C. four-metres-wide D. four metre wide 2. Tom is taller than _ in his class. A. any other boys B. any other boy C. any boys D. any of the other boy 3. Basketball was a very popular game in America _. A. in the 1890 B. in 1890s C. in the 1890s D. in 1890s 4. _ is the population of Shanghai? About twenty-four million, I think. A. How B. How many C. How much D. What 5. Mike has _ money but _ friends than his brothers. A. more; more B. less; more C. fewer; more D. much; less 6. Its reported that there are more than 300 _ smokers in China. A. million B. millions C. million of D. millions of 7. I dont have as _ money as before, but my life is more _. A. many; useful B. more; nice C. most; good D. much; meaningful 8. I bought _ for my mother on Mothers Day this year. A. special anything B. anything special C. special something D. something special 9. Shanghai is _ the east of China and Japan is _ the east of China. A. in; in B. on; on C. in; to D. in; on 10. Hi, Diana, how was your summer holiday? _! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much. A. Good idea B. Wait a minute C. Thats too bad D. Pretty good 二、完形填空(15 分) Would you like to visit Beijing? Its a beautiful city with many _11 of interest. But when is the best _12 to go there? October is perhaps the best month in Beijing. Beijingers will half-jokingly tell you there are only _13 seasons in the capitalthe smoggy (多雾的), humid (潮湿的) summer and the dry, cold _14. When October arrives, Beijingers still keep the air conditioner (空调) on in their houses. And people wont turn off the air conditioner until the city is covered (覆盖) _15 snow. People wearing their warm clothes hope the _16 will turn warm. October is the best month for Beijingers to be on their bikes and go for a bike _17 up and down the capitals roads. They can also walk in the citys _18 there are many lakes and hills in them. The pleasant temperature makes _19 a joy. So the fine weather in Beijing will make you feel _20 during the trip. 11. A. cities B. villages C. places D. towns 12. A. day B. year C. time D. subject 13. A. three B. two C. a few D. four 14. A. spring B. winter C. autumn D. morning 15. A. with B. of C. about D. around 16. A. mountain B. country C. city D. home 17. A. riding B. driving C. walking D. swimming 18. A. markets B. parks C. beachesD. fields 19. A. running B. walking C. jogging D. climbing 20. A. tired B. bored C. relaxed D. sad 三、阅读理解(20 分) A【2021长沙改编】 When we talk about the UK, what will you think of? Big Ben, Downing Street and Tower Bridge are always our hot topics (话题). But there are many other facts about the UK. Come and see! The most popular museum is the British Museum in London. Over six million people visit it every year. It is open from 10:00 a. m. to 5:00 p. m. But on Friday, the closing time is 8:30 p. m. The River Severn starts in Wales and flows(流)through western England. Its well known for the Severn Borea tall wave(波浪)of water that regularly(定期地)flows up the river from the sea. Hungry? Beef and chicken are tasty, fruit and vegetables are healthy, and sandwiches are simple. Short of money? The cheapest food is fish and chips(炸鱼薯条). And its delicious. 21. The British Museum in London is _. A. the biggest B. the most popular C. the most famous D. the smallest 22. _ people visit the British Museum every year. A. Over six million B. Six million C. Over sixteen million D. Sixteen million 23. We visit the British Museum _. A. at 9:00 a. m. , Monday B. at 10:30 a. m. , Tuesday C. at 9:30 p. m. , Friday D. at 9:00 p. m. , Tuesday 24. _ is famous for its tall wave of water. A. The British Museum B. The River Severn C. London D. England 25. The reading material (材料) above is most probably _. A. a business plan B. a travel guide C. a science report D. an English magazine B【2021武汉】 When I was very young, people in our village lived by planting fruit trees. My grandmother always took me to the orchard (果园) on the hill. At that time, they had to carry water from the river at the foot of the hill to halfway up the hill. Even though we worked so hard, the production level of fruit was still low because it was short of water there. One day, two young men led a group of workers to our village. They learned about the difficulties we faced, and later, canals (渠) and other projects began to be built in my village. “Who are they?” I asked. “They are good men from our government, ” my grandma replied. Shortly afterwards, I moved to another city for my junior high school. The only reason I ever came back to my hometown was my grandmother. One day, my family and I made time to return. We were surprised because everything had changed. The canal ran past every orchard so villagers didnt have to go up and down the hill anymore. The river was now so clean that fish swam happily in it. When we arrived home, my grandma took out some fresh pears and apples. She told us that after the water conservation project (水利工程) was completed, a policy (政策) was made to encourage (鼓励) more people to increase (增加) the fruit production with clean water in the river. Thank those good men who have devoted themselves to the development of our countryside. Nowadays, people work hard to live in a big city. However, we should not forget our hometowns where we are from. 26. What troubled the villagers most was that _. A. they had too much work B. it was not convenient to go up the hill C. they could only grow fruit trees D. there wasnt enough water in the orchard 27. The good men came and offered help probably because of _. A. the villagers suggestions B. the governments support C. a schools practical activity D. a companys engineering plan 28. We can infer from the passage that _. A. the grandmother doesnt like to live in the city B. the village is a place of interest for tourists now C. there will be more fruit production in the village D. more people like to work in the countryside nowadays 29. The underlined phrase “devoted themselves to” is closest in meaning to _. A. prepared much for B. donated money to C. drawn public attention to D. put much effort into 30. What can be the best title for the passage? A. How is a village improved? B. Who are the good men? C. Why do people come back? D. What does a hometown mean? 四、词汇运用(20 分) A) 根据句意及汉语提示填空。31. I like sports, _ (尤其) table tennis and basketball. 32. They want to spend their summer holiday in the_ (乡村). 33. 【2021宜宾改编】 A group of wild Asian elephants are still moving _ (北方) for no reason. 34. Shanghai has a larger _ (人口) than Tianjin. 35. David is much older _ (比) me. B) 用方框内所给单词或短语的适当形式填空。be famous for, such as, low, wide, area36. The price of this shirt is _ than that one. Ill buy it. 37. The new street in my village is very _. 38. He wants to use the money to help the students in poor _. 39. At the supermarket, Mrs. Black bought some fruit, _ bananas and apples. 40. He _ singing pop songs. 五、情景交际(10 分) 从方框中选出适当的句子, 使对话意思完整、通顺(有两项是多余的)。Peter: Hi, Julia! _41 Julia: Hi, Peter. Yes, I was not in our city. Peter: _42 Julia: I went to my home town. It is a beautiful and quiet village. Peter: Wow! _43 Julia: I did a lot of relaxing things there, such as riding a horse and feeding chickens. Peter: _44 Every day is quite full for me. I dont have enough time to have a trip. Julia: Then, what do you do to relax yourself? Peter: I only walk. I love it! Julia: How often do you do that? Peter: _45 Julia: I think walking is good for your health. Peter: In fact, I hope I can go somewhere interesting like you. Julia: That will be fun. be famous for, such as, low, wide, area A. Thank you very much. B. Sounds great. C. Every week. D. Long time no see. E. No, you cant. F. Where did you go? G. What did you do there?六、短文填空(10 分) My home town, Jinan, is a very beautiful place! Jinan _46 (lie) in the east of China. The Yellow River _47(go) past the city. It is the provincial capital of Shandong Province. Jinan is a city _48 a long history. There are many old _49 (build) in and around the city, which always attract a lot of artists _50(visit) them. And it is also the home town of many famous people. The scenery is very beautiful here. Its called “the City of Spring”. There you can _51(travel) to many places of interest and take _52(many) beautiful photos. You can also have lots of delicious food in Jinan. People in Jinan are pretty kind and _53(friend) . If you have some problems in Jinan, you may turn to the people near you, and people are willing to help you _54 (solve) the problems. I hope you will visit Jinan soon. _55 (welcome) to Jinan and Im sure you will have a good time. 七、书面表达(10 分) 济南是山东的省会城市, 青岛则是世界闻名的海滨城市, 请根据下面表格所给的信息, 写一篇不少于80 词的短文, 比较一下这两座城市的异同。CityJinanQingdaoPosition (位置)In the east of ChinaOn the south coast of the Shandong Peninsula (半岛)Area (面积)About 10, 244square kilometresAbout 11, 293 squarekilometresPopulationAbout 9, 336, 000About 10, 400, 000WeatherHot in summer, cold in winterHot in summer, not very cold in winter_Module 2 综合素质评价一、1. B 点拨: 句意为“我的家乡的河流四米宽”。four metres wide“四米宽”, 在句中作表语。 2. B 3. C 点拨: in the 1890s 表示“在19 世纪90 年代”。故选C。4. D 点拨: “What is the population of.?”为固定用法。故选D。5. B 点拨: 考查形容词比较级。句意为“迈克有比他的兄弟更少的钱, 但拥有更多的朋友”。more 更多的; less 更少的(修饰不可数名词) ; fewer 更少的(修饰可数名词复数) ; much 许多。根据句中“than”可知, 本句应使用比较级。结合句意可知, 迈克钱虽少但朋友多。money 为不可数名词, 应使用little 修饰, 表示“少” 的含义, 其比较级为less; friends 为可数名词复数, 可使用many 修饰, 表示“多”的含义, many 的比较级为more。故选B。6. A 7. D 点拨: 考查形容词辨析。句意为“我没有以前那么有钱了, 但我的生活更有意义了”。many 很多, 修饰复数名词; useful 有用的; more 更多的; nice 好 的; most 最多的; good 好的; much 很多, 修饰不可数名词; meaningful 有意义的。根据“as.money as”可知, 此处应用形容词的原级, 修饰不可数名词“money”应用much; 结合句意可知, 第二空指的是“生活更有意义”, 故选D。8. D 点拨: 本题主要考查复合不定代词的用法。something 某事或物, 常用于肯定句中; anything 任何事物, 常用于否定句或疑问句中。在英语中形容词修饰复合不定代词的时候要位于复合不定代词之后。又根据题干为肯定句, 可知答案选D。9. C 点拨: 上海是中国的一个城市, 表示在中国的东部用in; 日本在中国的东方, 不接壤, 用to。故选C。10. D 二、【主旨大意】北京是一座美丽的城市, 去北京旅行最好的时间是10 月, 作者在文章中主要介绍了其中的原因。11. C 点拨: 句意为“它是一个有许多名胜古迹的美丽的城市”。city 意为“ 城市”;village 意为“ 乡村”; place 意为“地方”;town 意为“小镇”;places of interest 意为“名胜古迹”。因此, 正确答案是C。12. C 13. B 14. B 15. A 点拨: 句意为“人们不会关掉空调直到这个城市被大雪覆盖”。be covered with. 意为“被覆盖”。因此, 正确答案是A。16. C 点拨: 句意为“人们穿着暖和的衣服, 希望这个城市变暖”。mountain 意为“山”;country 意为“国家”; city 意为“城市”; home 意为“家”。因此, 正确答案是C。17. A 点拨: 句意为“十月对北京人来说是他们骑自行车最佳的一个月, 在首都的路上骑着自行车上上下下”。ride 意为“骑”; drive 意为“驾驶”; walk 意为“步行”; swim 意为“游泳”。由bike 可知要用ride。因此, 正确答案是A。18. B 点拨: 句意为“他们也可以在城市的公园里散步, 那里有很多湖和山”。market 意为“市场”; park 意为“公园”; beach 意为“海滩”; field 意为“田野”。因此, 正确答案是B。19. B 20. C 点拨: 句意为“因此北京的好天气会让你在旅程中感到很放松”。tired 意为“疲惫的”; bored 意为“烦闷的”; relaxed 意为“放松的”; sad 意为“伤心的”。因此, 正确答案是C。三、A【主旨大意】本文是一篇说明文, 介绍了英国三个热门话题大英博物馆、塞汶河和美食。21. B 点拨: 根据第二段中“The most popular museum is the British Museum in London”知选B。22. A 点拨: 根据第二段中“Over six million people visit it every year.”知选A。23. B 点拨: 根据第二段中的“It is open from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. But on Friday, the closing time is 8:30 p.m.” 营业时间是早上10 点到下午5 点, 但是周五关门时间是晚上8 点半。可知B 选项周二早上10 点半符合要求, 故选B。24. B 点拨: 根据第三段中的“Its well known for the Severn Borea tall wave (波浪) of water that regularly (定期地) flows up the river from the sea” 塞汶河因赛汶潮(一种有规律从海上向河上游流动的高浪) 而著名。故选B。25. B 点拨: a business plan 商业计划; a travel guide 旅行指南; a science report 科学报告; an English magazine 英文杂志。从内容可知本文主要讲述大英博物馆、塞汶河和美食, 最可能是一篇旅游指南。故选B。B【主旨大意】本文是一篇记叙文, 主要讲述了在党和政府的富民政策的支持下, 作者的家乡发生了巨大变化的情况。26. D 点拨: 由第一段最后1 句“Even though we worked so hard, the production level of fruit was still low because it was short of water there”可知, 果园缺水是村民们所面临的最大的问题。A 项: 他们有太多的工作; B 项: 上山很不便; C 项: 他们只能种植水果树; D 项: 果园里没有足够的水。故选D。27. B 点拨: 由第二段最后2 句“Who are they? I asked. They are good men from our government, my grandma replied.”可知, 为村民们修建水渠的那些人来自政府部门, 可见正是有了政府的支持, 水渠才得以修建。A 项: 村民们的建议; B 项: 政府的支持; C 项: 一所学校的实践活动; D 项: 一家公司的工程计划。故选B。28. C 点拨: 由第四段最后1 句“She told us that after the water conservation project (水利工程) was completed, a policy (政策) was made to encourage more people to increase (增加) the fruit production with clean water in the river.”可知, 政策鼓励村民们提高水果生产能力, 可以预见, 村子里将会出现越来越多的水果生产。A 项: 祖母不喜欢在城里生活; B 项: 现在这个村子对旅游者来说是一个名胜; C 项: 村子里将会有更多的水果生产; D 项: 现在更多的人喜欢在乡下工作。故选C。29. D 点拨: 由前面内容可知, 正是由于政府的支持, 工作人员将大量精力用于村子里的水渠修建, 才使得村民们的水果收入大增, 故have devoted themselves to the development of our countryside 应是“将精力投入到乡村发展之中”。A 项: 为大量准备; B 项: 给捐钱; C 项: 吸引公众的注意力; D 项: 将大部分精力投入。故选D。30. A 点拨: 通读全文内容, 本文主要介绍了在党和政府的富民政策支持下, 作者家乡发生巨大变化的情况, 故A 项“村子是如何得到改善的?”最符合文章主题。故选A。四、A) 31. especially 32. countryside 33. north 34. population 35. than B) 36. lower 37. wide 38. areas 39. such as 40. is famous for 五、4145 DFGBC 六、46. lies 47. goes 48. with 49. buildings 50. to visit 51. travel 52. many 53. friendly 54. (to) solve 55. Welcome 七、范文: Jinan is the capital city of Shandong. Its in the east of China. Its about 10, 244 square kilometres. It has a population of about 9, 336, 000. Its famous for springs. Qingdao is on the south coast of the Shandong Peninsula. Its bigger than Jinan. Its about 11, 293 square kilometres. It has a population of about 10, 400, 000. The two cities are both hot in summer, but Qingdao is warmer than Jinan in winter. The two cities are beautiful. Welcome to the two cities. 作文点评: 本文是一篇比较城市的文章, 文字简练, 语言通顺, 结构清晰。主要包含三个方面: 描述济南(第1 句 第5 句) ; 描述青岛(第6 句 第9 句) ; 总结概括(第10 句 第12 句) 。添彩点: 准确使用了比较级, 如: bigger 与warmer。短语也运用自如, 如in the east of.; be famous for.; have a population of. 等。11


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