Fantasy Literature教案

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Keys:The First Period Words1 series n series (pl.)判断划线部分的含义:There has been a series of car accidents at the crossing. ( 一连串)I have read a series of articles about pollution. ( 一系列 )选择:There _ on this channel at this time every night. A are television series B is a television series C is television series D are television series ( B) in series 连续,成一系列地2 behave v. 表现,举动He has behaved shamefully towards his friend. 他对朋友的表现很可耻。If you behave like that, youll get yourself disliked. 如果你那样做,你会让人厌恶的。n. behavior ones behavior to/towards 某人对的行为他们对待我的行为说明他们不喜欢我。Their behavior towards me shows that they dont like me.短语归纳:behave (well, badly) towards 对态度好(坏)behave oneself 规矩点behave like (as) 举止像练一练:Tom, _ yourself. Dont you forget the school rules?A behave B believe C perform D conduct (A)Its bad _ for a man to smoke in the public places where smoking is not allowed. A behavior B action C manner D movement (A)3 hesitate v. 犹豫,迟疑She hesitated to hurt the childs feelings. 她不想伤害孩子的感情。I hesitate about taking his side until I knew the whole story. 我在完全了解了事实真相后才支持他的。短语归纳:hesitate to to sth 迟疑于做hesitate about +n/doing 做犹豫不决hesitate in speaking 说话吞吞吐吐hesitate at nothing 对什么事都毫不迟疑n. hesitation without hesitation 毫不迟疑翻译:1 我不大想告诉你真相。 I hesitate to tell you the truth.2 去哪里度假,我们很少有拿不定主意的时候。We seldom hesitate about where to spend our holidays.3 我毫不迟疑地说出实情。(hesitation)I had no hesitation in telling the truth./ I told the truth without hesitation.4 doubt n. v. 怀疑There is no doubt _ we will be successful. (that)I doubt _ our team will win the match this evening. (whether/ if)I dont doubt _ he can recite the whole passage. (that) 短语归纳:beyond/ out of doubt 毫无疑问地,确实地no doubt 无疑地without doubt 无疑,必定There is no doubt that 毫无疑问典型例句:Beyond doubt, he will recover. He is clever, no doubt, but he is cold, too.Ill be back on Friday without doubt.5 bend v. bent (过去式) bent (过去分词)翻译句子,体会bend的意思。He bent forward to listen to the child. 他弯下身来听那孩子说话。The mast was bent during the storm. 桅杆在风暴中变弯了。He couldnt bend his mind to his studies.他不能专心于他的学习。It is impossible to force others to bend to your will. 强迫别人顺从你的意志是不可能的。She bent (over) to pick up a book from the floor. 她弯腰捡起地板上的书。Touch your toes without bending your knees. 不弯曲膝盖触摸一下你的脚趾。常用短语:bend down /over 弯腰、俯身 bend oneself to 专心于,致力于 bend ones mind to 专心致志地从事6 marry v. 结婚,嫁,娶 n. marriage (结婚,婚姻) married adj. 已婚的,婚姻的判断句中marry 的意思:Jane is going to marry John. (和结婚)She married young/ late in her life. 她早婚(晚婚)。He married his daughter to a doctor. (把嫁给)Father Brown married them. (主持婚礼)判断正误:She married with a doctor.( )She was married with a doctor. ()She married a doctor. ()She was married to a doctor. ()短语归纳:marry sb 嫁给(娶)某人 get married (to sb) 和某人结婚be married (to sb) 和某人结婚 marry sb to sb 把某人嫁给某人练一练:My uncle _ until he was forty-five. A married B didnt marry C was not marrying D would marry (B)7 appeal n. 1)吸引力,魅力The new fashion soon lost its appeal.那种新式样不久就失去了吸引力。n. 2)请求,呼吁,上诉She made an appeal to him for help. 她请求他帮忙。v. 恳求;诉诸(武力,舆论等); 投合所好,吸引We appealed to him for help. 我们恳求他帮助。 She appealed to us to go with her. 她恳请我们和她一起去。appeal to arms (public opinion) 诉诸武力( 公众舆论)The film appeals to young people.这部电影投年轻人所好。8 gifted adj. 有天才的,有天赋的The gifted young scientist was much in the public eye. 那位有才华的青年科学家很为人们所注意。Man is the only creature that is gifted with speech. 人类是唯一被赋予语言能力的动物。 gift n. 1) 礼物,赠品 2) 天赋 a boy of many gifts 多才多艺的少年 have a gift for music (painting) 有音乐(绘画)天赋9 adjustment n. 调整Ive made a few minor adjustments to the seating plan.我对座次表作了小小的调整。 adjust v. 调整,使适应adjust (oneself) to 使自己适应He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.他很快使自己适应了这个国家炎热的天气。This kind of desk can be adjusted to the height you need.这种书桌可以按照你需要的高度调节。区别填空:adapt/ adjust/ fit/ suit/ match I have to learn to adapt to my disability.You cant see through the telescope until it is adjusted to your eyes.The shoes fit me well.No dish suits all tastes.A red jacket doesnt match green trousers.10 distribute v. (书报的)发行The teacher distributed the handouts (讲义)to the students. (分发)The mother distributed candy among children. (分发)This species of butterfly is widely distributed over our country. (分布)用法归纳:distribute sth to 把分发给distribute sth among把分发给distributeover 使分布(于).11 possess v. 拥有判断划线部分在句中的含义:He possesses his own car. (拥有)The little boy possesses great courage.(具有品质)She was possessed by the desire to be rich. (被控制,被支配)n. possession 拥有,具有 possessions 个人财产,私有物短语归纳:take possession of 拥有in possession of 拥有in the possession of 为拥有练一练:-Does the young man _ the company?-No, the company is _ his father.A in possession of, in possession of B take possession of, in the possession of C take possession of, in possession of D have a possession of, in possession of (B)12 hold out 伸出判断hold out 的其他意思:The water wont hold out much longer. (维持)We must hold out till victory. (坚持)相关短语:阻止,抑制(眼泪等),隐瞒(消息等) hold back 继续,抓住不放(to),(打电话)不挂断 hold on 抬起,举起,阻挡,使停顿,抢劫 hold up 练一练:Wait. Hold on a minute!She just managed to hold back her anger.We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.We thought of selling this old furniture, but weve decided to _ it. It might be valuable. A hold on to B keep up with C turn to D look after (A)The Second Period Introduction + Reading and Vocabulary 1. Will was stupefied with exhaustion, and he might have gone on to the north(1). be stupefied with 因而神志不清译:他病得神志不清。 He was stupefied with illness.(2). modal V +have done a. 表示“或许/大概已经做了某事” may/might have done b. 表示“过去一定已经做了某事” must have done c. 表示“过去本来能够做某事或过去本可以做某事,但却没做。”Can/could have done d. 表示“过去本应该做某事却没做”,含责备之意。 Should have done/ ought to have done e. 表示“过去有必要做某事,却没做” need have done否定式 neednt have done 表示“过去不必要做的事,却做了” Practice: 1). You didnt go to the party yesterday, or I_ you. A. would see B. could meet C. might have done D. might see 2). Look! Tiantian is too sleepy. He _ watching TV. A. mustnt have stayed up B. shouldnt have stayed up C. mustnt stay up D. must stay up 3). I didnt hear the phone. I _ asleep. A. must be B. must have been C. should be D. should have done 4). She is two hours late. What _ to her. A. may happen B. is happening C can have happened D. must have happened 5). That school was only one kilometer away. We _ a taxi and we could walk there. A. should have taken B. neednt take C. couldnt have taken D. neednt have taken3. she leapt backwards, back arched and fur on end, tail held out stiffly. 它向后一跌,脊背拱起,毛发竖立,尾巴僵直地伸着。 三个独立主格结构,分别由“名词+过去分词”、“分词+介词短语” “名词+过去分词”构成,在句中做伴随状语。 独立主格结构的构成:名词(代词)+现在分词/ 过去分词/ 形容词/ 副词/ 不定式/介词短语(实际上去掉with 复合结构中的with,剩下的即为独立主格结构) 功能:充当方式、时间、条件、伴随、原因等状语,不可作定语,而with复合宾语结构,既可作状语,也可作定语。 Practice: 1). 我们正在上课,门敞着。We are having our class, _(with) the door open. 2). 如果天气允许的话, 我们明天将毫不费劲地到达那儿。 Weather permitting, well have no difficulty in getting there. 3). 考试结束了, 我们开始可我们的假期。 The test finished / The test over, we began our holiday. 4). 有很多作业要做,我不能跟你去了。Much homework to do, I cant go with you. 5). 老师走进教室,手里拿着一本书。 The teacher came into the classroom, a book in his hand / book in hand. 6). The boy lay on the ground, his eyes _ and his hands _. A. being closed ; trembling B. closed; trembling C. closed; trembled D. closing; trembled 7). The children went home from school, their lessons _for the day. A. finishing B. finished C. had finished D. were finished4. come up to 朝、走来 come about 发生,产生(vi) come across 偶然遇见(vt)come on 赶快,加油(vi)come out 出来,开花,结果是,被出版come to 共计,达到,苏醒 come true 变为现实(vi)come up 走近,发芽(问题等)被提出(vi)come up with 提出(vt) 完成下列句子: 1). His new book has come out. 2). Yesterday he came across an old friend of his in the street. 3). Li Ning has continued to help young people to make their dreams come true. 4). The pollution problem came up again at the meeting. 5). It was a wonder that he came out first in the 100-metre race. 6). When he came to , he found himself lying in hospital. 7). The seeds have just come up.5. It looked as if some one had cut a patch out of the air. “那儿看上去就像有人在距离路边大约两米的地方将空间切开了一块,它大体是方的,不到一米宽。 as if ( as though) 引导的方式状语从句,可用陈述语气,也可用虚假语气,视情况而定。 1). 天好像要下雨了。(陈述语气) It seems as if it is going to rain. 2). 她对待这男孩就好像她是她的母亲一样。(虚拟语气) She treats the boy as if she were his mother. 选一选: When a pencil is partly in a glass of water, it looks as if it _. A. breaks B. has broken C. were broken D. had been brokenAttention: 如果as if 引导的从句是主系表结构,可省去主语和系动词be.即as if 可以直接跟名词,形容词,介词短语,还可以直接接现在分词和动词不定式。Practice: 1). 他看上去像个女的。He looks as if a lady/ female. 2). Although he slept on the floor, he slept well as if in a comfortable bed. (仿佛在一张舒服的床上)。 3). He tried to open his mouth as if to say sth (好像要说什么,用不定式) 4). “ No, no,” he whispered, _ talking to himself A. while B. even if C. as if D. when 5. And for that reason alone 仅仅是这一个理由. alone adv. 只,只有,仅仅(用在名词或代词后面)译:1)只有我一个通过了考试。I alone passed the exam.2). 仅有钱不能使你幸福。Money alone cant make you happy.复习:1)他独自一人,但他并不感到孤独。He is alone, but he doesnt feel lonely. (adj作表语) 2)这事是他一个人干的。He did it alone/ by himself /on his own.6. he found himself standing under a row of trees. find + 宾语+宾补(分词,形容词,副词,名词,介短,to be)译:1)几个男孩被发现在河里游泳。 Several boys were found swimming in the river. 2). 当他到家是发现房屋被破门而入。 When he got home, he found his house broken into. 3). 我们发现他是一个不诚实的人。 We have found him (to be) a dishonest person. 4). 当Jim醒来时, 他发现自己已在医院里。 When Jim awoke, he found himself in hospital.7. Analyze the following sentences. 1). P17 But will knew without the slightest doubt that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. 2). P17. Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, as hard to see from 3). P17. with a dawning light-headedness, the feeling that 8. 从课本上找出下列短语P16. 清醒头脑 clear ones head 2). 放下 put down 3). 转身离开 turn away 4). 伸出 reach out, hold out 5). 对来说是看不见的 (be) invisible to 6). 直竖,连续不断地 on end 8). 注视,盯着keep ones eyes on, fix on 9). 想办法寻找 cast about (for sth)P17. 10). 和相同高度的 be level with 11). 深信不疑地 without the slightest doubt12).在另一边 on the other side of 13)使某人头晕目眩make ones head swim14).充满,充溢着(某种味道的) be laden with15).在斜坡上 on the slope 16). 四处寻找 look around for17). 在形状上 in shapeThe Third Period Vocabulary And Reading1. she spent many hours over a single cup of coffeeover prep. During a period of time “在期间” throughout a period of time 贯穿(一时间段) 译:1)他干着活睡着了 He fell asleep over his work.2) 我们一边喝茶一边愉快地聊天。We had a pleasant chat over a cup of tea.3). 在随后的几天里,我们逐渐熟悉了那个城市。 Over the next few days we got to know the city well.2. Analyze the follow sentences 1). (P22 para3) It was only in 1997 that which 2). (p23 para5) what makes theis that, because3. 从文中找出下列短语 1)与相联系 be associated with 2). 用手工 by hand 3). 对标题/书名的调整 an adjustment to the title 4). 吸引某人 appeal to sb 5). 在一个电脑游戏和电视节目时代In an age of computer game and television programmes.6). 对负责 be responsible for7). 使某人非常高兴的是 much to the pleasure of sb8). 受限于 be restricted to 9).被译成 be translated intoThe Fourth Period Revision Phrases:1 be stupefied with 2 put down 3 reach out/ hold out 4 come up to5 all the same 6 turn away 7 be invisible to 8 on end 9 be close to10 sweep over 11 keep ones eyes on/ fix on 12 cast about (for sth.)13 in shape 14 be level with 15 make ones head swim 16 on the other side of17 be laden with 18 on the slope 19 look around for 20 add to21 be associated with22by hand 23pay for the heating 24appeal to readers of all ages25 in an age of computer games and television programmes26 be responsible for 27 much to the pleasure of 28 be restricted to29 be translated into 30 it is estimated that 31 on deposit32 attain the status of33 restore sth to sb 34 look back over ones shoulder 35 catch a glimpse of 36 set out 37leave the door open 38go wrong 39be shaped like 40keepfrom.Sentences:1She leapt backwards, _and _, _.(back arched, fur on end , tail held out stiffly )2But Will knew _ that that patch of grass on the other side was in a different world. (without the slightest doubt) 3 _only in 1997 _she completed the first Harry Potter story,_, because the publishers in the USA_, was also known as Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone.(It was, that, which, requested an adjustment to the title)4 Rowlings style has _some criticism, but_is that, because they_, they_parents _children.(been a target for, what makes the books so important, appeal to readers of all ages, create a special literary bond between, and)5 Their time in Narnia is the great adventure_.(that every child dreams of)6Just beside him was that bare patch in the air, _, but definitely there. (as hard to see from this side as from the other)7 We seldom hesitate about where to spend our holidays.8 He adjusted himself very quickly to the heat of the country.9 We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.10 When he got home, he found his house broken into.Exercises:1-5 ACBCA 6-10 BCAAC 11-15ACABC 16-20 BDCAB 21-25 DDDBC 26-30 DCACD 31-35BAABA


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